СПИСОК CD-ROM, ИМЕЮЩИХСЯ В НТБ ОИЯИ НА 15.04.2003 1. Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems,International Conference (7; 1999; Trieste) : Proc.of the 7th Intern.Conf. on..., Trieste, Italy, 4-8 Oct.1999/ Ed.: D. Bulfone и A. Daneels. -Trieste : Comitato Conferenze ELETTRA, 2000. - Имеется также книга 2. Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR Staff Members. 1956 - 2001 : JINR Archive 2002 Объединенный ин-т ядерных исследований. НТБ . - 2003. - 2 CD 3. Catalogue of Radionuclide Low Energy Electron Spectra (LEES). - Dubna,. 2003. - (JINR ; E6-2003-31 ) / Ts. Vylov, V.M. Gorozhankin, A.Kovalik, E.A. Yakushev, M. Mahmoud, A.F. Novgorodov, N.A. Lebedev, D. Filosofov и et al. 4. CD-CINDA : The Index to Literature and Computer Files on Microscopic Neutron Data - Paris : NEA Data Bank, 1999. 5. CD-CINDA 2000 : The Index to Literature and Computer Files on Microscopic Neutron Data - Paris : NEA Data Bank, 2000. 6. CHUI, C.K.. Wavelet Toolware / C.K. Chui, A.K. Chan и S.J. Liu .- Acad . Press, 1998. 7. Classics of the Progress on CD-ROM : Selected Papers and the General Index of the Progress of Theoretical Physics in 1946-1959 in Celebration of the Publication of its 100th Volume (Dec.,1998) Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics и The Physical Society of Japan. - Kyoto: Kyoto University, 1998. http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ptpwww/ 8.Fizika A+B :Vol.10 - Zagreb : Croatian Physical Society , 2001 - Имеется печатный вариант:Fizika A,Fizika B. 9. NIKHEF: National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics. Annual Report 1999. - Amsterdam. 1999. 10. NIKHEF: National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics. Annual Report 2000. - Amsterdam, 2000. 11. Nobel Lectures. Chemistry. 1901-1995 -Singapore: World Scientific 12. Nobel Lectures. Physiology or Medicine. 1901-1995 -Singapore: World Scientific 13. NSIJ-OP: Nuclear Science Information of Japan - Oral Presentation. Vol.18-30. 1987-2000. - Ibaraki : JAERI, 2001. 14. ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ORNL Physics Division. - Oak Ridge, 1998. - (ORNL Report ; 6957 ) 15. Oxford English Dictionary - 2-nd ed. - Oxford University Press, 1999. - 2 CD . 16. Physics-Uspekhi: Успехи физических наук. Vol.37-44. 1994-2001 - 2003. - http:/www.turpion.org 17. Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and Other Nuclear Installations : Code and Safety Guides Q1-Q14 .- Vienna : IAEA, 2001. - (Safety Series ; No.50-C/SQ-Q). - http//www.iaea.org/worldatom/Books 18. Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements : Collected Papers. 1980-2000 . - Boulder : NIST, 2001. - (NIST Special Publication ; 968) . 19. Vylov Ts. Radioactive Nuclide Radiation Spectra Measured with Semiconductor Detectors. - Dubna. 2001. - (JINR ; E6-2001-35 ) 20. Waves in Random Media : Early Issues CD-ROM .Vol.1-5:1991-1995 -Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1996. http://www.iop.org/EJ/S/3/614/z,prXDTubBJSq0nPu.7mDw/journal/WRM 21. Интернет для библиотечных и информационных работников : Практический курс. Ч.2 / Т.В. Мошковская. - Межрегиональный центр "Образование и информация", 2001. 22. Исследовано в России: Электронный научный журнал :Ver.2 .0: Полный архив журнала по состоянию на 31.12.2000 - М. : Изд-во МФТИ , 2000 http://zhurnal.mipt.rssi.ru/zhurnal
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