179.Aaltonen, T. Measurement of the Top-Quark Mass with Dilepton Events Selected Using Neuroevolution at CDF/ T.Aaltonen, A.M.Artikov, J.Budagov, D.Chokheli, V.Glagolev, O.Poukhov, F.Prakoshyn, A.Semenov, A.Sisakyan, I.Suslov [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2009.-Vol.102, No.15.-p.152001 .- Bibliogr.:31.

180.Aaron, F.D. Inelastic Production of J/*q Mesons in Photoproduction and Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 36 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-225) .- Bibliogr.:57.

181.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of Leading Neutron Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, L.Lytkin, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, D.Nikitin, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 29 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-185) .- Bibliogr.:49.

182.Aaron, F.D. Observation of the Hadronic Final State Charge Asymmetry in High Q*2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA/ F.D.Aaron, M.Kapichine, A.Makankine, A.Morozov, V.Palichik, V.Spaskov, V.Tchoulakov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 17p.: il.- (DESY; 09-084) .- Bibliogr.:22.

183.Abelev, B.I. Longitudinal Double-Spin Asymmetry and Cross Section for Inclusive Neutral Pion Production at Midrapidity in Polarized Proton Collisions at *%s=200 GeV/ B.I.Abelev, A.V.Alakhverdyants, G.S.Averichev, I.Bunzarov, T.G.Dedovich, L.G.Efimov, J.Fedorisin, P.Filip, A.Kechechyan, R.Lednicky, Y.Panebratsev, O.V.Rogachevskiy, E.Shahaliev, M.Tokarev, S.Vokal, R.Zoulkarneev, Y.Zoulkarneeva [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2009.-Vol.80, No.11.-p.111108(R) .- Bibliogr.:35.

184.Airapetian, A. Observation of the Naive-T-Odd Sivers Effect in Deep-Inelastic Scattering/ A.Airapetian, V.Shutov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 6p.: il.- (DESY; 09-089) .- Bibliogr.:36.

185.Airapetian, A. Search for a Two-Photon Exchange Contribution to Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering/ A.Airapetian, V.Shutov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 6p.: il.- (DESY; 09-117) .- Bibliogr.:10.

186.Airapetian, A. Transverse Momentum Broadening of Hadrons Produced in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering on Nuclei/ A.Airapetian, V.Shutov [et al.].- Hamburg, 2009.- 6p.: il.- (DESY; 09-082) .- Bibliogr.:24.

187.Altaisky, M.V. Causality Implications for Quantum Kinetic Equation/ M.V.Altaisky // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.190 .- Bibliogr.:4.

188.Amelin, N.S. Development and Application of the Numerical Model Components for Nuclear Collisions/ N.S.Amelin, K.V.Tretyak // Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 7-13 Sept. 2002/ International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD XXXII)(32; 2002; Alushta); Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, Kozlov G., E.Kolganova.- Singapore [etc.]: World Scientific, 2003.-p.149-153 .- Bibliogr.:6.

189.Amirkhanov, I.V. Formulation of Scattering Problem for the Fourth Order Differential Equation with Small Parameter at Higher Derivative/ I.V.Amirkhanov, D.Z.Muzafarov, N.R.Sarker, I.Sarhadov, Z.A.Sharipov // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.205-206 .- Bibliogr.:3.

190.Anselmino, M. Sivers Effect for Pion and Kaon Production in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering/ M.Anselmino, A.Kotzinian [et al.] // The European Physical Journal A.-2009.-Vol.39, No.1.-p.89-100 .- Bibliogr.:35.

191.Artru, X. Spin Observables and Spin Structure Functions: Inequalities and Dynamics/ X.Artru, O.V.Teryaev [et al.] // Physics Reports.-2009.-Vol.470, No.1/2.-p.1-92 .- Bibliogr.:291.

192.Bartos, E. Photoproduction of Scalar and Pseudoscalar Mesons on a Lepton within the Local Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model/ E.Bartos, M.Secansky, Yu.M.Bystritskiy, E.A.Kuraev, M.K.Volkov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.6.-p.738-744 .- Bibliogr.:9.

193.Bubelev, E.G. Lobachevsky Fundamental Spin Special Eigen Subgroup and its Two New Invariants in Spin Physics/ E.G.Bubelev // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.7-8.

194.Bubelev, E.G. Symmetries and Spin for Fundamental Inverse Scattering Problem in the Lobachevsky Velocity Space/ E.G.Bubelev // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.8-9.

195.Budagov, J. On Correlators for High Multiplicity Events/ J.Budagov, Y.Kulchitsky, J.Manjavidze, N.Russakovich, A.Sissakian // Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 7-13 Sept. 2002/ International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD XXXII)(32; 2002; Alushta); Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, Kozlov G., E.Kolganova.- Singapore [etc.]: World Scientific, 2003.-p.362-365 .- Bibliogr.:9.

196.Cerkaski, M. Ellipsoids of U(3) Model/ M.Cerkaski // Journal of Mathematical Physics.-2009.-Vol.50, No.10.-p.102703 .- Bibliogr.:11.
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197.Chavleishvili, M.P. Structure of Helicity Amplitudes and Some Results/ M.P.Chavleishvili // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.10.

198.Chizhov, A.V. Stokes-Anti-Stokes Entanglement in Stimulated Raman Scattering/ A.V.Chizhov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.6.-p.814-819 .- Bibliogr.:7.

199.Chou, K.C. The Relativistic Theory of Reactions Involving Polarized Particles: [Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.34 (1958) 1230]/ K.C.Chou, M.I.Shirokov // Selected Papers of K.C.Chou/ K.C.Chou; Ed.: Y.-L.Wu.- New Jersey [etc.]: World Scientific, 2009.-p.24-30 .- Bibliogr.:13.

200.Chuluunbaatar, O. Multilayer Evolution Schemes for the Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems in External Fields/ O.Chuluunbaatar, V.P.Gerdt, A.A.Gusev, M.S.Kaschiev, V.A.Rostovtsev, Y.Uwano, S.I.Vinitsky // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.7.-p.70-76 .- Bibliogr.:14.

201.Chuluunbaatar, O. Variational-Iteration and Evolution Methods for Investigations of Few-Body Quantum Systems/ O.Chuluunbaatar // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.80-81 .- Bibliogr.:6.

202.Cirilo-Lombardo, D.J. Coherent States for a Quantum Particle on a Mobius Strip/ D.J.Cirilo-Lombardo // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.5.-p.591-594 .- Bibliogr.:3.

203.Cudell, J.-R. How Precisely Will the Total Cross Section Be Measured at the Large Hadron Collider?/ J.-R.Cudell, O.V.Selyugin // Physical Review Letters.-2009.-Vol.102, No.3.-p.032003 .- Bibliogr.:23.

204.Cudell, J.-R. New Analytic Unitarization Schemes/ J.-R.Cudell, E.Predazzi, O.V.Selyugin // Physical Review D.-2009.-Vol.79, No.3.-p.034033 .- Bibliogr.:20.

205.Cvetic, G. Small-x Behavior of the Structure Function F&sub(2) and its Slope dln F&sub(2)/dln(1/x) for "Frozen" and Analytic Strong-Coupling Constants/ G.Cvetic, A.Yu.Illarionov, B.A.Kniehl, A.V.Kotikov.- Hamburg, 2009.- 15 p.: il.- (DESY; 09-086) .- Bibliogr.:57.

206.Cvetic, G. Small-x Behavior of the Structure Function F&sub(2) and Its Slope dlnF&sub(2)/dln(1/x) for "Frozen" and Analytic Strong-Coupling Constants/ G.Cvetic, A.Yu.Illarionov, B.A.Kniehl, A.V.Kotikov // Physics Letters B.-2009.-Vol.679, No.4.-p.350-354 .- Bibliogr.:58.

207.Dineykhan, M. Mass Spectrum Bound State Systems with Relativistic Corrections/ M.Dineykhan, S.A.Zhaugasheva, N.Sh.Toinbaeva, A.Jakhanshir // Journal of Physics B.-2009.-Vol.42, No.14.-p.145001 .- Bibliogr.:16.

208.Dorokhov, A.E. Single Spin Asymmetries in High Energy Reactions and Nonperturbative QCD Effects/ A.E.Dorokhov, N.I.Kochelev, W.-D.Nowak // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.6.-p.728-737 .- Bibliogr.:30.

209.Efremov, A.V. Transverse Momentum Dependent Distribution Functions in a Covariant Parton Model Approach with Quark Orbital Motion/ A.V.Efremov, P.Schweitzer, O.V.Teryaev, P.Zavada // Physical Review D.-2009.-Vol.80, No.1.-p.014021 .- Bibliogr.:102.

210.Ellis, J. Sivers Asymmetries for Inclusive Pion and Kaon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering/ J.Ellis, D.S.Hwang, A.Kotzinian // Physical Review D.-2009.-Vol.80, No.7.-p.074033 .- Bibliogr.:34.

211.Eyyubova, G. Jets and Decays of Resonances: Two Mechanisms Responsible for Reduction of Elliptic Flow at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Restoration of Constituent Quark Scaling/ G.Eyyubova, L.V.Bravina, L.V.Malinina [et al.] // Physical Review C.-2009.-Vol.80, No.6.-p.064907 .- Bibliogr.:27.

212.Filinov, V.S. Equation of State of Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma - Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations/ V.S.Filinov, Y.B.Ivanov, V.V.Skokov [a.o.] // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.34 .- Bibliogr.:2.

213.Gerdt, V.P. On the Integrity Basis for Polynomial Invariants of Mixed Two q-Bit Systems/ V.P.Gerdt, A.M.Khvedelidze, Y.G.Palii // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.191.

214.Gerlach, B. Frohlich Polaron Dispersion Law in Different Numbers of Space Dimensions/ B.Gerlach, M.A.Smondyrev // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.255 .- Bibliogr.:1.

215.Gusev, A.A. Calculation of Asymptotic Expansions of Solutions of Quantum Well with Hydrogen-Like Impurity/ A.A.Gusev // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.76 .- Bibliogr.:1.

216.Illarionov, A.Yu. Q*2 Evolutuion of Parton Distributions at Small-x Values/ A.Yu.Illarionov, A.V.Kotikov // Nuclear and Particle Physics. Theoretical Physics= Физика атомного ядра и элементарных частиц. Теоретическая физика: Proceedings of the XLIII Winter School of PNPI, Repino, near St.Petersburg, Feb. 24 - March 1, 2009.- Saint-Petersburg: PNPI, 2009.-p.186-198 .- Bibliogr.:38.

217.Isaev, A. Spectral Extension of the Quantum Group Cotangent Bundle/ A.Isaev, P.Pyatov // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.88.

218.Isaev, A.P. Spectral Extension of the Quantum Group Cotangent Bundle / A.P.Isaev, P.Pyatov // Communications in Mathematical Physics.-2009.-Vol.288, No.3.-p.1137-1179 .- Bibliogr.:p.1177-1179.

219.Ivanov, V.V. Preface of the Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop "Quantum Physics and Communication", Dubna, Oct.15-19, 2007/ V.V.Ivanov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.7.-p.11.

220.Kaptari, L.P. Di-Electrons from Resonances in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions/ L.P.Kaptari, B.Kampfer // Physical Review C.-2009.-Vol.80, No.6.-p.064003 .- Bibliogr.:50.

221.Karpov, A.V. Analysis of Low-Energy Deep-Inelastic Collisions by Unified Dynamical Approach/ A.V.Karpov // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2009), Sochi, Russia, Sept. 28 - Oct.2, 2009= Международный симпозиум по экзотическим ядрам: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.108 .- Bibliogr.:2.

222.Kochelev, N.I. Role of Nonperturbative Quark-Gluon Chromomagnetic Interaction in High Energy Reactions/ N.I.Kochelev // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.141.

223.Kolganova, E.A. Helium Trimer in the Framework of Faddeev Approach/ E.A.Kolganova, A.K.Motovilov, W.Sandhas // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.274.

224.Kopeliovich, B.Z. Unitarity Bound for Gluon Shadowing/ B.Z.Kopeliovich, E.Levin, I.K.Potashnikova, I.Schmidt // Physical Review C.-2009.-Vol.79, No.6.-p.064906 .- Bibliogr.:30.

225.Korobov, V.I. Relativistic Corrections of m*a*6(m/M) Order to the Hyperfine Structure of the H*+&sub(2) Molecular Ion/ V.I.Korobov, L.Hilico, J.-Ph.Karr // Physical Review A.-2009.-Vol.79, No.1, Pt.A.-p.012501 .- Bibliogr.:22.

226.Kosmachev, O. The Lepton Sector as an Axiomatic-Like Construction/ O.Kosmachev // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.142.

227.Kostenko, B.F. Quantum Elastic Net and the Traveling Salesman Problem/ B.F.Kostenko, J.Pribis, M.Z.Yuriev // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.7.-p.141-149 .- Bibliogr.:17.

228.Kozlov, G.A. Bose-Einstein Correlations of Light Hadrons and the Stochastic Scale of Particle Emitter Source / G.A.Kozlov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.2.-p.162-176 .- Bibliogr.:23.

229.Kozlov, G.A. Bose-Einstein Correlations of Neutral Gauge Bosons in pp Collisions / G.A.Kozlov // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.2.-p.177-189 .- Bibliogr.:21.

230.Kuraev, E.A. Measuring the Deviation from the Rutherford Formula/ E.A.Kuraev, M.Shatnev, E.Tomasi-Gustafsson // Physical Review C.-2009.-Vol.80, No.1.-p.018201 .- Bibliogr.:8.

231.Kuzemsky, A.L. Symmetry Breaking, Quantum Protectorate and Quasiaverages in Condensed Matter Physics/ A.L.Kuzemsky // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.225-226 .- Bibliogr.:8.

232.Leader, E. Some Remarks on Methods of QCD Analysis of Polarized DIS Data/ E.Leader, A.V.Sidorov, D.B.Stamenov // Physical Review D.-2009.-Vol.80, No.5.-p.054026 .- Bibliogr.:24.

233.Lednicky, R. Progress in Correlation Femtoscopy/ R.Lednicky // Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 7-13 Sept. 2002/ International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD XXXII)(32; 2002; Alushta); Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, Kozlov G., E.Kolganova.- Singapore [etc.]: World Scientific, 2003.-p.21-26 .- Bibliogr.:26.

234.Lyuboshitz, V.L. Correlations of Polarizations and Entangled States in the Two-Photon System / V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.7.-p.134-140 .- Bibliogr.:9.

235.Lyuboshitz, V.L. Entangled States in Two-Particle Quantum Systems and Violation of the Bell-Type Incoherence Inequalities for Correlation Tensor Components/ V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP'2009)= Математическое моделирование и вычислительная физика (MMCP'2009): Book of Abstracts of the International Conference, Dubna, July 7-11, 2009.- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.186-187 .- Bibliogr.:3.

236.Manjavidze, J. "Low-x" Physics / J.Manjavidze // Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 7-13 Sept. 2002/ International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD XXXII)(32; 2002; Alushta); Ed.: A.N.Sissakian, Kozlov G., E.Kolganova.- Singapore [etc.]: World Scientific, 2003.-p.321-328 .- Bibliogr.:12.

237.Matveenko, A.V. Definition of Free Hyperradial Dynamics/ A.V.Matveenko, H.Fukuda, E.O.Alt // International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov's birth, Aug.21-27, 2009, Moscow - Dubna, Russian Federation: Book of Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.277-278 .- Bibliogr.:3.

238.Matveenko, A.V. Elementary Hyper-Trigonometry of the Particle Triangle / A.V.Matveenko, E.O.Alt // Few-Body Systems.-2009.-Vol.46, No.1.-p.45-54 .- Bibliogr.:23.

239.Matveenko, A.V. Spheroidal and Hyperspheroidal Coordinates in the Adiabatic Representation of Scattering States for the Coulomb Three-Body Problem/ A.V.Matveenko, E.O.Alt, H.Fukuda // Journal of Physics B.-2009.-Vol.42, No.16.-p.165003 .- Bibliogr.:23.

240.Nadderd, L. New Proposals for Zeno Effect Study/ L.Nadderd, A.N.Polyakov, K.Subotic, Yu.S.Tsyganov, V.B.Zlokazov // XXII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics & Computing (NEC'2009), Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 7-14, 2009= XXII Международный симпозиум по ядерной электронике и компьютингу: Book of Abstracts/ International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics & Computing (22; 2009; Varna).- Дубна: ОИЯИ, 2009.-p.46.

241.Obukhov, Yu.N. Classical and Quantum Equations of Motion of Spin for Particles in Nonstatic Spacetimes/ Yu.N.Obukhov, A.J.Silenko, O.V.Teryaev // XIII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908 - 1979), Dubna, June 23-27, 2008= XIII Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Д.И.Блохинцева (1908-1979): Proceedings of the Conference/ International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (13; 2008; Dubna); Ed.: B.M.Barbashov, S.M.Eliseev.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.168-170 .- Bibliogr.:12.

242.Pestov, A.B. New Concept of Time and Spin/ A.B.Pestov // XIII International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908 - 1979), Dubna, June 23-27, 2008= XIII Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Д.И.Блохинцева (1908-1979): Proceedings of the Conference/ International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (13; 2008; Dubna); Ed.: B.M.Barbashov, S.M.Eliseev.- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.390-392 .- Bibliogr.:3.

243.Pestov, I. Spindynamics/ I.Pestov // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.27-28.

244.Plis, Yu.A. The Study of the Polarized Metastable Helium-3 Atomic Beam Production/ Yu.A.Plis, Yu.V.Prokofichev // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.28.

245.Pupyshev, V.V. Asymptotics of Raynal-Revai Coefficients at Large Hypermomentum/ V.V.Pupyshev // Ядерная физика.-2009.-Т.72, No.5.-p.887-890 .- Bibliogr.:25.

246.Rapatskiy, V.L. *L and *L^- Longitudinal Spin Transfer in Polarized DIS at COMPASS/ V.L.Rapatskiy // XIII Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-09), Dubna, Sept. 1-5, 2009= XIII Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts/ Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (13; 2009; Dubna).- Dubna: JINR, 2009.-p.30.

247.Richard, J.-M. Constraints on Spin Observables/ J.-M.Richard, X.Artru, O.Teryaev [et al.] // QCD 08: Proc. of the QCD 08, 14th High-Energy Physics International Conference on Quantum ChromoDynamics, Montpellier, France, July 7-12, 2008/ Ed.: Narison S.- Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V., 2009.-p.78-81 .- Bibliogr.:1.

248.Rusov, V.D. The Schrodinger-Chetaev Equation in Bohmian Mechanics and Diffusion Mechanism of Alpha Decay, Cluster Radioactivity and Spontaneous Fission/ V.D.Rusov, S.Cht.Mavrodiev [et al.].- Dubna, 2009.- 27 p.: il.- (JINR; E4-2009-83) .- Bibliogr.:47.

249.Schulze-Halberg, A. Explicit Darboux Transformations of Arbitrary Order for Generalized Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equations/ A.Schulze-Halberg, E.Pozdeeva, A.Suzko // Journal of Physics A.-2009.-Vol.42, No.11.-p.115211 .- Bibliogr.:10.

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251.Simkovic, F. Mixing of Neutral Atoms and Lepton Number Oscillations/ F.Simkovic, M.I.Krivoruchenko // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2009.-Т.6, No.4.-p.485-495 .- Bibliogr.:29.                              http://www1.jinr.ru/Pepan_letters/panl_4_2009/03_shi.pdf

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