С 323 Квантовая механика/ Quantum Mechanics


93.Alekseev, I.G. ITEP-PNPI Spin Rotation Parameters Measurements and Their Influence on Partial Wave Analyses/ I.G.Alekseev, N.A.Bazhanov, E.I.Bunyatova et al. // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.416-420 .- Bibliogr.:5.

94.Alexakhin, V.Yu. Longitudinal Polarization of *L and *L^- Hyperons in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at COMPASS/ V.Yu.Alexakhin // SPIN 2004: Proc. of the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources Polarimeters, Trieste, Italy, Oct.10-16, 2004/ Ed.: Aulenbacher  K. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.393-395 .- Bibliogr.:15.

95.Anikin, I.V. On BLM Scale Fixing in Exclusive Processes/ I.V.Anikin, B.Pire, L.Szymanowski, O.V.Teryaev, S.Wallon // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.42, No.2.-p.163-168 .- Bibliogr.:13.

96.Atakishiyev, N.M. Finite Models of the Oscillator/ N.M.Atakishiyev, G.S.Pogosyan, K.B.Wolf // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра.-2005.-Т.36, No.3.-p.473-508 .- Bibliogr.:57.

97.Bellucci, S. Two-Dimensional N=8 Supersymmetric Mechanics in Superspace/ S.Bellucci, S.Krivonos, A.Shcherbakov // Physics Letters B.-2005.-Vol.612, No.3/4.-p.283-292 .- Bibliogr.:19.

98.Belyaev, V.B. The Continuum Spectrum Wave Function of the System of Two Heavy and One Light Charged Particles/ V.B.Belyaev, S.B.Levin, S.L.Yakovlev // Few-Body Problems in Physics: The 19th European Conference on Few-Body ...(EFB 19), Groningen, The Netherlands, Aug.23-27, 2004/ Ed.: Kalantar-Nayestanaki  N. et al.- Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2005.-p.427-429 .- Bibliogr.:7.

99.Bondarenko, S.G. Bethe-Salpeter Approach with the Separable Interaction for the Deuteron/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, H.Toki // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.20 .- Bibliogr.:1.

100.Bondarenko, S.G. Elastic eD Scattering in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach for the Deuteron with the Positive- and Negative-Energy States/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, N.Hamamoto, A.Hosaka, Y.Manabe, H.Toki // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.5.-p.17-24 .- Bibliogr.:14.

101.Bondarenko, S.G. Electro-Disintegration of the Deuteron in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, A.A.Goy, E.P.Rogochaya // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.51.

102.Bondarenko, S.G. Exclusive Electrodisintegration of the Deuteron in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, A.A.Goy, E.P.Rogochaya // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.5.-p.97-104 .- Bibliogr.:15.

103.Bondarenko, S.G. Final-State Interaction Contribution to the Deuteron Photodisintegration in the Bethe-Salpeter Formalism/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, Kazakov K.Yu., Shulga D.V. // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.52.

104.Bondarenko, S.G. One-and Two-Rank Separable Kernels of the Two-Nucleon System in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach/ S.G.Bondarenko, V.V.Burov, N.Hamamoto, A.Hosaka, Y.Manabe, H.Toki // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.5.-p.9-16 .- Bibliogr.:5.

105.Bubelev, E. On a Fundamental Inverse Scattering Problem in High Energy Spin Physics/ E.Bubelev // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.7.

106.Cudell, J.R. Interactions at Large Distances and Spin Effects in Nucleon-Nucleon and Nucleon-Nuclei Scattering/ J.R.Cudell, E.Predazzi, O.V.Selyugin // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.174-179 .- Bibliogr.:8.

107.Danilin, B.V. RNBT (Russian-Nordic-British Theory) Collaboration/ B.V.Danilin, J.S.Vaagen, M.V.Zhukov, S.N.Ershov, I.J.Thompson // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.18 .- Bibliogr.:2.

108.Dzhioev, A. Symmetry Conserving 1/N Expansion and Extended Holstein-Primakoff Mapping for Anharmonic O(N+1) Oscillator Model/ A.Dzhioev, J.Wambach, A.Vdovin, Z.Aouissat // Nuclear Physics A.-2005.-Vol.748, No.3/4.-p.551-572 .- Bibliogr.:22.

109.Ebert, D. Pion,*s Meson, and Diquarks in the Two-Flavor Color-Superconducting Phase of Dense Cold Quark Matter/ D.Ebert, K.G.Klimenko, V.L.Yudichev // Physical Review C.-2005.-Vol.72, No.1.-p.015201 .- Bibliogr.:37.

110.Efremov, A. Collins Analyzing Power and Azimuthal Asymmetries in SIDIS/ A.Efremov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.10.

111.Efremov, A.V. Collins Effect and Predictions SSA for HERMES and COMPASS/ A.V.Efremov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.41-45 .- Bibliogr.:16.

112.Efremov, A.V. Sivers Effect in Semi-Inclusive DIS and in the Drell-Yan Process/ A.V.Efremov, K.Goeke, S.Menzel a.o. // Physics Letters B.-2005.-Vol.612, No.3/4.-p.233-244 .- Bibliogr.:65.

113.Efremov, A.V. Summary of the X Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW Dubna-SPIN-03)/ A.V.Efremov, O.V.Teryaev // SPIN 2004: Proc. of the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources Polarimeters, Trieste, Italy, Oct.10-16, 2004/ Ed.: Aulenbacher  K. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.205-208.

114.Eliseev, S.M. Production of Cumulative Protons in DIS of Nuclei, the Role of Fluctons,LPM Effect and All That/ S.M.Eliseev // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.30.

115.Eliseev, S.M. Production of Cumulative Protons in DIS of Nuclei, the Role of Fluctons,LPM Effect and All That/ S.M.Eliseev // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Proc. of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP XVII), Dubna, Sept. 27 - Oct.2, 2004/ Ed.: Sissakian  A.N., Burov  V.V., Malakhov  A.I.- Dubna: JINR.- (JINR; E1,2-2005-103) . - Vol.1 .- 2005.-p.84-88 .- Bibliogr.:21.

116.Gauron, P. A New Method for the Determination of the Real Part of the Hadron Elastic Scattering Amplitude at Small Angles and High Energies / P.Gauron, B.Nicolescu, O.V.Selyugin // Physics Letters B.-2005.-Vol.629, No.2/4.-p.83-92 .- Bibliogr.:15.
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117.Gerasimov, S.B. Towards Hadron Spectroscopy Based on Relativistic Schrodinger - Like Wave Equations. The Case of Vector Mesons/ S.B.Gerasimov // Proceedings of the International Workshop on e*+e*- Collisions from *f to J/*Q, Novosibirsk, March 1-5, 1999/ International Workshop on e*+e*- Collisions from *f to J/*Q (1999; Novosibirsk); Ed.: Fedotovich  G.V., Redin  S.I.- Novosibirsk: BUDKERINP, 2000.-p.118-121 .- Bibliogr.:10.

118.Hakobyan, Ye.M. Quantum Oscillator as 1D Anyon/ Ye.M.Hakobyan, V.M.Ter-Antonyan // Ядерная физика.-2005.-Т.68, No.10.-p.1772-75 .- Bibliogr.:34.

119.Ignatovich, V.K. Contradictions in Scattering Theory/ V.K.Ignatovich // The Concepts of Physics.-2004.-Vol.1, No.1/2.-p.51-103 .- Bibliogr.:7.

120.Illarionov, A. Small x Behaviour of Parton Distributions.A Study of Higher Twist Effects/ A.Illarionov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.11.

121.Illarionov, A.Yu. Higher Twist Effects in the Unpolarized Parton Distributions at Small x/ A.Yu.Illarionov, A.V.Kotikov, G.Parente // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.73-78 .- Bibliogr.:10.

122.Kapishin, M. Measurements of Inclusive Diffraction at HERA/ M.Kapishin // ICHEP 2004: Proc. of the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, Beijing, China, Aug.16-22, 2004/ Ed.: Chen  H. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific Publ. . - Vol.2 .- 2005.-p.724-727 .- Bibliogr.:10.

123.Karachuk, J. Spin as an Additional Tool for QGP Investigations / J.Karachuk, S.S.Shimanskiy // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Proc. of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP XVII), Dubna, Sept. 27 - Oct.2, 2004/ Ed.: Sissakian  A.N., Burov  V.V., Malakhov  A.I.- Dubna: JINR.- (JINR; E1,2-2005-103) . - Vol.1 .- 2005.-p.375-378 .- Bibliogr.:14.

124.Karachuk, Yu. Spin as an Additional Tool for QGP Investigations/ Yu.Karachuk, S.Shimanskiy.- Dubna, 2005.- 5 p.- (JINR; E1-2005-109) .- Bibliogr.:14.

125.Kolganova, E.A. Recent Scattering Results for Helium Three-Atom Systems/ E.A.Kolganova, A.K.Motovilov, W.Sandhas // Few-Body Problems in Physics: The 19th European Conference on Few-Body ...(EFB 19), Groningen, The Netherlands, Aug.23-27, 2004/ Ed.: Kalantar-Nayestanaki  N. et al.- Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2005.-p.347 .- Bibliogr.:7.

126.Korobov, V. Mass-Symmetry Breaking in Three-Body Ions/ V.Korobov, J.-M.Richard // Physical Review A.-2005.-Vol.71, No.2.-p.024502 .- Bibliogr.:13.

127.Kotzinian, A. Hadronization in Polarized Semi-Inclusive DIS: the Question of Independent Fragmentation/ A.Kotzinian // The European Physical Journal C.-2005.-Vol.44, No.2.-p.211-217 .- Bibliorg.:12.

128.Kotzinian, A. LEPTO and Polarized SIDIS/ A.Kotzinian // SPIN 2004: Proc. of the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources Polarimeters, Trieste, Italy, Oct.10-16, 2004/ Ed.: Aulenbacher  K. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.404-408 .- Bibliogr.:2.

129.Leader, E. The Role of Higher Twist in Determining Polarized Parton Densities from DIS Data/ E.Leader, A.V.Sidorov, D.B.Stamenov // SPIN 2004: Proc. of the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources Polarimeters, Trieste, Italy, Oct.10-16, 2004/ Ed.: Aulenbacher  K. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.306-309 .- Bibliogr.:10.

130.Leader, E. The Role of Higher Twists in Determining Polarized Parton Densities in the Nucleon/ E.Leader, A.V.Sidorov, D.B.Stamenov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.186-194 .- Bibliogr.:24.

131.Lednicky, R. Effect of the Relativistic Spin Rotation for One- and Two-Particle Spin States/ R.Lednicky, V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Физика атомного ядра и элементарных частиц= Nuclear and Particle Physics: Материалы XXXVII и XXXVIII Зимних школ, Санкт-Петербург, 24 февр.- 2 марта 2003, 23-29 февр. 2004.- СПб.: ПИЯФ, 2004.-p.366-389 .- Bibliogr.:25.

132.Lednicky, R. Effect of the Relativistic Spin Rotation on Two-Particle Spin Composition/ R.Lednicky, V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.17-18.

133.Lednicky, R. Effect of the Relativistic Spin Rotation on Two-Particle Spin Composition/ R.Lednicky, V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.119-124 .- Bibliogr.:13.

134.Lyuboshitz, V.L. Pair Correlations at Small Relative Momenta in Nuclear and Particle Physics/ V.L.Lyuboshitz, V.V.Lyuboshitz // Физика атомного ядра и элементарных частиц= Nuclear and Particle Physics: Материалы XXXVII и XXXVIII Зимних школ, Санкт-Петербург, 24 февр.- 2 марта 2003, 23-29 февр. 2004.- СПб.: ПИЯФ, 2004.-p.390-430 .- Bibliogr.:44.

135.Machavariani, A.I. Three Dimensional Field-Theoretic Equations for the Three-Body Systems with the Electromagnetic Interactions and the *D-Resonance Degrees of Freedom/ A.I.Machavariani // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.38 .- Bibliogr.:3.

136.Manjavidze, J. Reduced Phase Space of Quantum System: Example of Coulomb Potential / J.Manjavidze, A.N.Sissakian // International Conference on Theoretical Physics (2005; Moscow): Abstracts ..., Moscow, Lebedev Inst., Apr.11-16, 2005.- Moscow: PhIAN, 2005.-p.8.

137.Mardoyan, L.G. Two Exactly-Solvable Problems in One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics on Circle/ L.G.Mardoyan, G.S.Pogosyan, A.N.Sissakian // Superintegrability in Classical and Quantum Systems: [Proc.of the Workshop on ...], Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 16-21, 2002/ Ed.: Tempesta  P. et al.- Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2004.-p.155-160 .- Bibliogr.:9.

138.Matveenko, A.V. Bessel Functions as the Basis for Coulomb Three-Body Problem/ A.V.Matveenko, H.Fukuda, E.O.Alt // Few-Body Problems in Physics: The 19th European Conference on Few-Body ...(EFB 19), Groningen, The Netherlands, Aug.23-27, 2004/ Ed.: Kalantar-Nayestanaki  N. et al.- Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2005.-p.454 .- Bibliogr.:3.

139.Miller, W. Infinite-Order Symmetries for Quantum Separable Systems/ W.Miller, E.G.Kalnins, J.M.Kress, G.S.Pogosyan // Ядерная физика.-2005.-Т.68, No.10.-p.1817-24 .- Bibliogr.:9.

140.Mochalov, V.V. Recent Results from Protvino Polarized Experiment PROZA-M/ V.V.Mochalov, N.S.Borisov, A.N.Fedorov, V.N.Matafonov, A.B.Neganov, Yu.A.Plis, Yu.A.Usov et al. // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.351-356 .- Bibliogr.:13.

141.Pervushin, V. Conformal Relativity: Theory & Observations/ V.Pervushin, V.Zinchuk , A.Zorin // Hadron Structure 2004 : Proc. of the International Conference, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 30 Aug. - 3 Sept. 2004/ Ed.: Dubnicka  S. et al.- Kosice: P.J. Safarik University Kosice, 2005.-p.49-58 .- Bibliogr.:26.

142.Pestov, I. Spin and New Physical Field/ I.Pestov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Abstracts, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.24.

143.Pestov, I.B. Spin and New Physical Field/ I.B.Pestov // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.478-485 .- Bibliogr.:12.

144.Sapozhnikov, M.G. Longitudinal Polarization of *L and *L^- in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at COMPASS/ M.G.Sapozhnikov // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Proc. of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP XVII), Dubna, Sept. 27 - Oct.2, 2004/ Ed.: Sissakian  A.N., Burov  V.V., Malakhov  A.I.- Dubna: JINR.- (JINR; E1,2-2005-103) . - Vol.2 .- 2005.-p.208-213 .- Bibliogr.:22.

145.Savin, I. Recent Results on Polarized Quark and Gluon Distributions at COMPASS/ I.Savin // ICHEP 2004: Proc. of the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, Beijing, China, Aug.16-22, 2004/ Ed.: Chen  H. et al.- Singapore : World Scientific Publ. . - Vol.1 .- 2005.-p.600-692 .- Bibliogr.:2.

146.Semikh, S.S. Solving the Inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter Equation/ S.S.Semikh, S.M.Dorkin, M.Beyer, L.P.Kaptari // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Proc. of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP XVII), Dubna, Sept. 27 - Oct.2, 2004/ Ed.: Sissakian  A.N., Burov  V.V., Malakhov  A.I.- Dubna: JINR.- (JINR; E1,2-2005-103) . - Vol.2 .- 2005.-p.75-81 .- Bibliogr.:11.

147.Semikh, S.S. Solving the Non-Homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter Equation/ S.S.Semikh, S.M.Dorkin, M.Beyer, L.P.Kaptari // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.97.

148.Sharov, V.I. Measurements of Energy Behaviours of Spin-Dependent np Observables Over a GeV Region/ V.I.Sharov, N.G.Anischenko, S.A.Averichev, L.S.Azhgirey, V.D.Bartenev, N.A.Bazhanov, N.A.Blinov, N.S.Borisov, S.B.Borzakov, Yu.T.Borzunov, Yu.P.Bushuev, L.P.Chernenko, E.V.Chernykh, V.F.Chumakov, S.A.Dolgii, A.N.Fedorov, V.V.Fimushkin, M.Finger, M. Jr.Finger, L.B.Golovanov, A.Janata, A.D.Kirillov, V.G.Kolomiets, E.V.Komogorov, A.D.Kovalenko, V.A.Krasnov, P.Krstonoshich, N.A.Kuzmin, V.P.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, M.Yu.Liburg, A.N.Livanov, P.K.Maniakov, V.N.Matafonov, E.A.Matyushevsky, V.D.Moroz, A.A.Morozov, A.B.Neganov, G.P.Nikolaevsky, A.A.Nomofilov, Tz.Panteleev, Yu.K.Pilipenko, I.L.Pisarev, Yu.A.Plis, V.Yu.Prytkov, P.A.Rukoyatkin, O.N.Schevelev, S.N.Shilov, R.A.Shindin, M.Slunecka, V.Sluneckova, A.Yu.Starikov, G.D.Stoletov, L.N.Strunov, A.L.Svetov, Yu.A.Usov, T.Vasiliev, V.I.Volkov, E.I.Vorobiev, I.P.Yudin, I.V.Zaitsev, V.N.Zhmyrov et al. // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.406-410 .- Bibliogr.:14.

149.Shirokov, M.I. Evolution in Time of Moving Unstable Systems/ M.I.Shirokov.- Dubna, 2005.- 9 p: il.- (JINR; E2-2005-71) .- Bibliogr.:12.

150.Silenko, A.J. Semiclassical Limit for Dirac Particles Interacting with a Gravitational Field/ A.J.Silenko, O.V.Teryaev // Physical Review D.-2005.-Vol.71, No.6.-p.064016 .- Bibliogr.:33.

151.Sissakian, A. Welcome Address/ A.Sissakian // Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (NATO ARW DUBNA-SPIN-03) (10; 2003; Dubna)= Рабочее совещание по физике спина при высоких энергиях: Proceedings, Dubna, Sept. 16-20, 2003/ Ed.: Efremov  A.V., Teryaev  O.V.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.9-10.

152.Sissakian, A.N. Direct Extraction of Transversity and its Accompanying T-odd Distribution from the Unpolarized and Single-Polarized Drell-Yan Processes/ A.N.Sissakian, O.Yu.Shevchenko, A.P.Nagaytsev, O.N.Ivanov // Physical Review D.-2005.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.054027 .- Bibliogr.:19.

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