С 4 Химия / Chemistry


1607.Aksenova, N.G. Neutron Activation Analysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent/ N.G.Aksenova, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.I.Kirkesali, L.M.Mosulishvili // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.233.

1608.Aksenova, N.G. Neutron Activation Anaysis of Mercury in Spirulina Platensis Used as a Sorbent/ N.G.Aksenova, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.I.Kirkesali, L.M.Mosulishvili, A.I.Belokobylsky // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.62-63 .- Bibliogr.:3.

1609.Balasoiu, M. Structural Studies of Ferrofluids by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering/ M.Balasoiu, M.V.Avdeev, V.L.Aksenov a.o. // Romanian Reports in Physics.-2004.-Vol.56, No.4.-p.601-606 .- Bibliogr.:19.

1610.Barandovski, L. Air Pollution Studies in R.Macedonia Using Moss Biomonitoring Technique,Neutron Activation Analysis and Gis Technology/ L.Barandovski, M.V.Frontasyeva, S.S.Pavlov, A.S.Sazonov, E.A.Povtoreiko et al. // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.142 .- Bibliogr.:1.

1611.Blaszczak, Z. Study of Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metals Using Active Biomonitoring with Neutron Activation Analysis/ Z.Blaszczak, I.Ciszewska, M.V.Frontasyeva // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.168.

1612.Bozhikov, G.A. Application of the Electromigration Method for Investigation on the Chemical Behavior of Radiopharmaceutical Isotopes/ G.A.Bozhikov, P.I.Ivanov, G.D.Bontchev, O.D.Maslov, M.V.Milanov, S.N.Dmitriev // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.54.

1613.Cucu-Man, S. Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements in Romania Studied by the Moss Biomonitoring Technique Using NAA and AAS/ S.Cucu-Man, O.Culicov, M.V.Frontasyeva, C.D.Oprea et al. // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.143.

1614.Cucu-Man, S. Pasive Moss Biomonitoring Technique,NAA and AAS Applied to Atmospheric Pollution Studies in Romania/ S.Cucu-Man, O.Culicov, M.V.Frontasyeva, A.Lucaciu, R.Mocanu, C.D.Oprea, E.Steinnes // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.46.

1615.Culicov, O. Active Moss Biomonitoring Applied to an Industrial Area in Romania: Transplant Efficiency/ O.Culicov, M.V.Frontasyeva, R.Mocanu, L.Yurukova // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.47.

1616.Dutov, A.G. Spontaneous Crystallization of Diamonds in a Melt of Metals Studied by Neutron-Activation Analysis and EPR/ A.G.Dutov, M.V.Frontasyeva et al. // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.139.

1617.Dyomkina, S.V. Source Evaluation of Metals in Minneapolis/St.Paul Metropolitan Area Road Surface Soils Using Principle Component Analysis/ S.V.Dyomkina, M.V.Frontasyeva, A.Sazonov, D.Belluck, S.M.Lyaunov // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.141.

1618.Ermakova, E. Air Pollution Studies in Central Russia (Tver',Yaroslavl' Regions), Using Moss Biomonitors and Neutron Activation Analysis/ E.Ermakova, M.Frontasyeva, E.Steinnes, S.Pavlov // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.140.

1619.Frontasyeva, M.V. FLNP JINR Contribution to the European Programme "Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition"/ M.V.Frontasyeva // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.43.

1620.Frontasyeva, M.V. JINR Contribution to the European Programme "Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition"/ M.V.Frontasyeva // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.37-39 .- Bibliogr.:15.

1621.Frontasyeva, M.V. Monitoring of Trace Elements and Radionuclides Air Pollution in the South Ural Mountains Using Mosses and Surface Soils/ M.V.Frontasyeva, L.I.Smirnov et al. // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.144.

1622.Frontasyeva, M.V. Regata Experimental Setup for Air Pollution Studies/ M.V.Frontasyeva, S.S.Pavlov // Romanian Journal of Physics.-2003.-Vol.48, No.1/4.-p.275-282 .- Bibliogr.:12.

1623.Ion, I. Structural Analyses of Composite Materials with Nanocarbon as Filler/ I.Ion, M.V.Avdeev, A.Kuklin, M.Balasoiu, Y.Kovalev et al. // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.184 .- Bibliogr.:3.

1624.Pantelica, A. INAA on Tree Leaves in the Vicinity of a Fertilizer Plant in Romania/ A.Pantelica, C.Oprea, M.V.Frontasyeva et al. // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.50 .- Bibliogr.:2.

1625.Popov, Yu.P. Interdisciplinary Approach to Tutoring Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Students at Nuclear Centers/ Yu.P.Popov // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.35.

1626.Schumann, D. Chemical Procedure Applied for the Identification of Rf/Db Produced in the *4*8Ca+*2*4*3Am Reaction/ D.Schumann, S.N.Dmitriev, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, V.K.Utyonkov, S.V.Shishkin, A.V.Yeremin, Yu.V.Lobanov, Y.S.Tsyganov, V.I.Chepygin, E.A.Sokol, G.K.Vostokin, N.V.Aksenov, M.Hussonnois, M.G.Itkis et al. // Radiochimica Acta.-2005.-Vol.93, No.12.-p.727-732 .- Bibliogr.:21.

1627.Smirnov, L.I. The Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in the South Urals/ L.I.Smirnov, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.Steinnes, S.M.Lyapunov et al. // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.45.

1628.Soverna, S. Thermochromatographic Studies of Mercury and Radon on Transition Metal Surfaces/ S.Soverna, R.Dressler, A.B.Yakushev a.o. // Radiochimica Acta.-2005.-Vol.93, No.1.-p.1-8 .- Bibliogr.:45.

1629.Tsibakhashvili, N.Ya. Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis of CR(VI)-Reducer Basalt-Inhabiting Bacteria/ N.Ya.Tsibakhashvili, M.V.Frontasyeva, E.I.Kirkesali, N.G.Aksenova, T.L.Kalabegishvili, I.G.Murusidze, L.M.Mosulishvili, H.-Y.N.Holman.- Dubna, 2005.- 12 p: il.- (JINR; E14-2005-53) .- Bibliogr.:34.

1630.Westmeier, W. Transmutation Experiments on *1*2*9I,*1*3*9La and *2*3*7Np using the Nuclotron Accelerator/ W.Westmeier, J.Adam, V.Bradnova, V.M.Golovatyuk, V.A.Krasnov, M.I.Krivopustov, V.S.Pronskikh, A.N.Sosnin, V.M.Tsoupko-Sitnikov, N.M.Vladimirova a.o. // Radiochimica Acta.-2005.-Vol.93, No.2.-p.65-73 .- Bibliogr.:19.

1631.Zlokazov, V.B. Software for Neutron Activation Analysis at Reactor IBR-2, FLNP, JINR/ V.B.Zlokazov, E.A.Povtoreyko // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.175.

1632.Zlokazov, V.B. Software for Neutron Activation Analysis at Reactor IBR-2, FLNP, JINR/ V.B.Zlokazov, E.A.Povtoreyko // International Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Physics (12;2003;Dubna). Sec.2. Physical Investigations at Pulsed Reactors= Международная конференция по избранным проблемам современной физики: XII Intern. Conf. on ..., Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev(1908-1979), Dubna, Russia, 8-11 June 2003: Programme and Abstracts .- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.175.

1633.Zvara, I. Chemistry of SHE: What Allows us to Judge the Bulk Properties of Compounds from the Behavior of Single Molecules?/ I.Zvara // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.295-300 .- Bibliogr.:13.

1634.Воскресенская, О.О. Константы устойчивости и константы скорости внутримолекулярного редокс-распада комплексов церия(IV) с некоторыми многоатомными спиртами/ О.О.Воскресенская, Н.А.Скорик // Журнал неорганической химии.-2005.-Т.50, No.7.-с.1178-86 .- Библиогр.:37.

1635.Кузнецова, М.Я. Борис Васильевич Курчатов в Дубне/ М.Я.Кузнецова // Неповторимые черты таланта. Борис Васильевич Курчатов: документы, воспоминания, избранные научные труды/ Авт.-сост.: Кузнецова  Р.В.; Российский научный центр "Курчатовский институт".- М.: ИздАТ, 2005.-с.243-247.

1636.Маслов, О.Д. Получение &sup(225)Ac в фотоядерной реакции &sup(226)Ra(*g,n) на ускорителе электронов - микротроне МТ-25 / О.Д.Маслов, А.В.Сабельников, С.Н.Дмитриев.- Дубна, 2004.- 6 с.- (ОИЯИ ; Р12-2004-209) .- Библиогр.:12.

1637.Орлова, А.И. Цезий и его аналоги рубидийалий в ромбоэдрических [тип NaZr&sub(2)(PO&sub(4))&sub(3)] и кубических (тип лангбейнита) фосфата.2.Свойства: поведение при нагревании, в водных растворах и расплавах солей/ А.И.Орлова, В.А.Орлова, А.В.Бучирин, К.К.Корченкин, А.И.Бескровный, В.Т.Демарин // Радиохимия.-2005.-Т.47, No.3.-с.213-218 .- Библиогр.:20.

1638.Сабельников, А.В. Получение &sup(237)U в фотоядерной реакции &sup(238)U(*g,n) на ускорителе электронов - микротроне МТ-25 / А.В.Сабельников, О.Д.Маслов, М.В.Густова, А.Г.Белов, С.Н.Дмитриев.- Дубна, 2004.- 8 с.: ил.- (ОИЯИ ; Р12-2004-193) .- Библиогр.:16.

1639.Сабельников, А.В. Получение &sup(99)Mo и &sup(99m)Tc в фотоядерной реакции &sup(100)Mo(*g,n) на ускорителе электронов - микротроне МТ-25/ А.В.Сабельников, О.Д.Маслов, Л.Г.Молоканова, М.В.Густова, С.Н.Дмитриев.- Дубна, 2004.- 8 с.: ил.- (ОИЯИ ; Р12-2004-210) .- Библиогр.:18.