С 341 Атомные ядра / Atomic Nuclei


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404.Arnold, R. First Results of the Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the NEMO 3 Detector/ R.Arnold, V.Brudanin, V.Egorov, O.Kochetov, V.Kovalenko, Yu.Shitov, A.Smolnikov, V.Timkin, V.Tretyak, Ts.Vylov et al. // Physical Review Letters.-2005.-Vol.95, No.18.-p.182302 .- Bibliogr.:24.

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407.Bednyakov, V.A. Nuclear Spin Structure in Dark-Matter Search: the Zero Momentum Transfer Limit/ V.A.Bednyakov, F.Simkovic // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра.-2005.-Т.36, No.2.-p.257-290 .- Bibliogr.:43.

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412.Bouchat, V. Search for Tetraneutrons in the Breakup of *8He/ V.Bouchat, F.M.Marques, E.V.Prokhorova et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.58.

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416.Danilin, B.V. Charge and Matter Radii of Borromean Halo Nuclei: the *6He Nucleus/ B.V.Danilin, S.N.Ershov, J.S.Vaagen // Physical Review C.-2005.-Vol.71, No.5.-p.057301 .- Bibliogr.:11.

417.Daugas, J.M. Nuclear Moment Measurements of Spin-Aligned Isomeric Fragments/ J.M.Daugas, R.Astabatyan, S.Lukyanov, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.524-529 .- Bibliogr.:11.

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420.Ershov, S.N. Breakup Reactions of Halo Nuclei/ S.N.Ershov // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.31.

421.Evlanov, M.V. Exotic Nuclei Study by means of the Zero Degree Triple Differential Cross-Sections Measurements/ M.V.Evlanov, V.Z.Maidikov, A.M.Sokolov, V.K.Tartakovsky // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.76 .- Bibliogr.:5.

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423.Fedotov, S.I. Effective Three-Body Interactions in the *a-Cluster Model for the *1*2C Nucleus/ S.I.Fedotov, O.I.Kartavtsev, A.V.Malykh // The European Physical Journal A.-2005.-Vol.26, No.2.-p.201-208 .- Bibliogr.:25.

424.Filosofov, D.V. Determination of Radioactive Isotopes Using NS-Scale Lifetime Spectroscopy of Isomer Levels/ D.V.Filosofov, N.A.Korolev, A.F.Novgorodov // Perspectives of Life Sciences Research at Nuclear Centres, Coordination Meeting (1; 2003; Riviera)= Первое координационное совещание по перспективам развития наук о жизни в ядерных центрах: First Coordination Meeting, Riviera, Zlatny Piasatsi (Golden Sands), Bulgaria, Sept.21-27, 2003: Programme. Abstracts. List Participants.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.51-52 .- Bibliogr.: 1.

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427.Gangrsky, Yu.P. Laser Spectroscopy of Transuranium Elements/ Yu.P.Gangrsky, D.V.Karaivanov, K.P.Marinova, B.N.Markov, Yu.E.Penionshkevich, S.G.Zemlyanoi // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.553-558 .- Bibliogr.:13.

428.Gangrsky, Yu.P. Production of Photofission Fragments and Study of Their Nuclear structure by Laser Spectroscopy/ Yu.P.Gangrsky, S.G.Zemlyanoi, D.V.Karaivanov, K.P.Marinova, B.N.Markov, L.M.Melnikova, G.V.Mishinsky, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, V.I.Zhemenik // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма.-2005.-Т.2, No.2.-p.50-59 .- Bibliogr.:23.

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430.Gaudefroy, L. Beta-Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich Sc-Cr Nuclei/ L.Gaudefroy, S.M.Lukyanov, Yu.E.Penionzkevich a.o. // The European Physical Journal A.-2005.-Vol.23, No.1.-p.41-48 .- Bibliogr.:33.

431.Geithner, W. Nuclear Moments of Neon Isotopes in the Range from *1*7Ne at the Proton Drip Line to Neutron-Rich *2*5Ne/ W.Geithner, B.A.Brown, K.Marinova et al. // Physical Review C.-2005.-Vol.71, No.6.-p.064319 .- Bibliogr.:40.

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433.Goldberg, V.Z. Resonance Reactions with Rare Isotope Beams and Nuclear Structure Beyond the Drip Line/ V.Z.Goldberg, A.Fomichev, M.S.Golovkov, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, A.Rodin, R.S.Slepnev, G.Ter-Akopian, R.Wolski et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.57 .- Bibliogr.:6.

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435.Gornov, M.G. Spectroscopy of the Superheavy Hydrogen Isotopes/ M.G.Gornov, V.G.Sandukovsky et al. // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.38.

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437.Grevy, S. Spectroscopy at N=28 New Evidences of Deformation/ S.Grevy, Y.Penionzhkevich, S.Lukianov et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.559-564 .- Bibliogr.:10.

438.Gridnev, K.A. Nuclear Model of Binding Alpha-Particles/ K.A.Gridnev, V.G.Kartavenko et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.485-488 .- Bibliogr.:3.

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442.Hamilton, J.H. Shape Coexistence, Superdeformation, Triaxiality and Chiral Bands in Neutron-Rich Nuclei/ J.H.Hamilton, G.M.Ter-Akopian, A.V.Daniel, Yu.Oganessian et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.106.

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444.Hassan, A.A. Study of the Fusion-Fission Reactions Indused by Weakly Bound Nuclei/ A.A.Hassan, R.Astabatyan, I.Vinsour, T.K.Zholdybaev, Z.Dlouhy, S.P.Lobastov, S.M.Lukyanov, V.A.Maslov, E.Markaryan, J.Mrazek, Yu.A.Muzychka, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, N.K.Skobelev, Yu.G.Sobolev, V.Yu.Ugryumov // Научная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов ОИЯИ (8; 2004; Дубна): Тезисы докл. ..., Дубна, 2-6 февр. 2004 г.- М., Дубна: Б.и., (ВНИИгеосистем).-p.140-143.

445.Ignatovich, V.K. Neutron Stars Without Gravity/ V.K.Ignatovich // Физика атомного ядра и элементарных частиц= Nuclear and Particle Physics: Материалы XXXVII и XXXVIII Зимних школ, Санкт-Петербург, 24 февр.- 2 марта 2003, 23-29 февр. 2004.- СПб.: ПИЯФ, 2004.-p.446-466 .- Bibliogr.:12.

446.Itkis , I. Neutron Emission in Fission and Quasi-Fission/ I.Itkis , A.A.Bogatchev, A.Yu.Chizhov, M.G.Itkis, J.Kliman, G.N.Knyazheva, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, I.V.Korzyukov, L.Krupa, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, I.V.Pokrovski, E.V.Prokhorova, R.N.Sagaidak, V.M.Voskressenski et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.317-324 .- Bibliogr.:13.

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449.Izosimov, I.N. Applications of the Total Absorption *g-Rays Spectroscopy for Nuclei Decays Study/ I.N.Izosimov, V.G.Kalinnikov, A.A.Solnyshkin et al. // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.43 .- Bibliogr.:5.

450.Jandel, M. Angular Momenta of Fission Fragments in the *a-Accompanied Fission of *2*5*2Cf/ M.Jandel, J.Kliman, L.Krupa, M.Morhac, G.M.Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, A.M.Rodin, A.S.Fomichev, G.S.Popeko, A.V.Daniel a.o. // The European Physical Journal A.-2005.-Vol.24, No.3.-p.373-378 .- Bibliogr.:21.

451.Jesinger, P. New Experimental Studies on the Quaternary Fission of &sup(233,235)U(n&sub(th),f) and *2*5*2Cf(sf)/ P.Jesinger, Yu.N.Kopatch a.o. // The European Physical Journal A.-2005.-Vol.24, No.3.-p.379-388 .- Bibliogr.:24.

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455.Jones, E.F. Unexpected Rapid Variations in Odd-Even Level Staggering in Gamma-Vibrational Bands/ E.F.Jones, A.V.Daniel, G.M.Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts.Oganessian et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.530-535 .- Bibliogr.:6.

456.Kamanin, D.V. Experimental Study of Multi-Cluster Decays at the Modified FOBOS and mini-FOBOS Setups/ D.V.Kamanin, Yu.V.Pyatkov, A.A.Alexandrov, I.A.Alexandrova, S.V.Denisov, E.A.Kuznetsova, S.V.Mitrofanov, V.G.Tishchenko, A.N.Tjukavkin, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, E.A.Sokol, S.R.Yamaletdinov et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.112 .- Bibliogr.:6.

457.Karamian, S.A. Comparative Analysis of the &sup(178m2)Hf Isomer Yield in Reactions with Different Projectiles/ S.A.Karamian // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.451-464 .- Bibliogr.:20.

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459.Khouaja, A. Reaction Cross Sections and Reduced Strong Absorption Radii of Nuclei in the Vicinity of Closed Shells N=20 and N=28/ A.Khouaja, Y.Penionzhkevich a.o.- Caen, 2005.- 4 p: il.- (GANIL P; 05-02) .- Bibliogr.:23.

460.Kniajeva, G.N. Fission and Quasifission Processes in the Reactions *4*4Ca+*2*0*6Pb and *6*4Ni+*1*8*6W,Leading to the Formation of Compound Nucleus *2*5*0No/ G.N.Kniajeva, A.Yu.Chizhov, M.Itkis , E.Kozulin , V.M.Voskressenski et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.96.

461.Knyazheva, G.N. The Influence of Entrance Channel Properties on Quasifission/ G.N.Knyazheva, A.Yu.Chizhov, M.G.Itkis, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, R.N.Sagaidak, V.M.Voskressensky et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.333-338 .- Bibliogr.:13.

462.Korneev, S.V. On Solution of the Nuclear Problems Reduced to a System of First Order Integral Fredholm Equations/ S.V.Korneev, M.I.Krivopustov, A.N.Sosnin et al. // Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics= Релятивистская ядерная физика и квантовая хромодинамика: Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, Russia, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.114 .- Bibliogr.:4.

463.Krupa, L. Neutron and Prompt Gamma Ray Emission in the Proton Induced Fission of *2*3*9Np and *2*4*3Am and Spontaneous Fission of *2*5*2Cf/ L.Krupa, G.N.Kniajeva, A.A.Bogatchev, I.M.Itkis, M.G.Itkis, J.Kliman, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, I.V.Pokrovsky, V.M.Voskressensky et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.116.

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477.Oganessian, Yu.Ts. Synthesis and Decay Properties of Superheavy Nuclei/ Yu.Ts.Oganessian, V.K.Utyonkov, Yu.V.Lobanov, F.Sh.Abdullin, A.N.Polyakov, I.V.Shirokovsky, Yu.S.Tsyganov, G.G.Gulbekian, S.L.Bogomolov, B.N.Gikal, A.N.Mezentsev, S.Iliev, V.G.Subbotin, A.M.Sukhov, A.A.Voinov, G.V.Buklanov, K.Subotic, V.I.Zagrebaev, M.G.Itkis et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.75 .- Bibliogr.:3.

478.Oganessian, Yu.Ts. Synthesis and Decay Properties of Superheavy Nuclei/ Yu.Ts.Oganessian, V.K.Utyonkov, Yu.V.Lobanov, F.Sh.Abdullin, A.N.Polyakov, I.V.Shirokovsky, Yu.S.Tsyganov, G.G.Gulbekian, S.L.Bogomolov, B.N.Gikal, A.N.Mezentsev, S.Iliev, V.G.Subbotin, A.M.Sukhov, A.A.Voinov, G.V.Buklanov, K.Subotic, V.I.Zagrebaev, M.G.Itkis et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.168-179 .- Bibliogr.:18.

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487.Perelygin, V.P. On Search and Identification of Relatively Short-Lived Superheavy Nuclei (Z*}110) by Fossil Track Studies of Meteoritic and Lunar Olivine Crystals/ V.P.Perelygin, Yu.V.Bondar, R.Brandt, R.L.Fleischer, L.I.Kravets et al. // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.34 .-

488.Pikul, V.P. Analysis of Fragment Mass Distribution in Asymmetric Area at Fission of *2*3*5U Induced by Thermal Neutrons/ V.P.Pikul, U.Yu.Jovliev, A.K.Nasirov a.o. // Ядерная физика.-2005.-Т.68, No.2.-p.201-208 .- Bibliogr.:16.

489.Pokrovski, I.V. Influence of the Reaction Entrance Channel on the Formation and Decay of Ra Compound-Nuclei/ I.V.Pokrovski, S.Beghini, A.Yu.Chizhov, L.Corradi, O.Dorvaux, M.G.Itkis, I.M.Itkis, G.N.Knyazheva, E.M.Kozulin, N.A.Kondratiev, R.N.Sagaidak, V.M.Voskressenski, A.V.Yeremin et al. // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.39 .-

490.Pokrovsky, I.V. Multimodal Fission in Heavy Ions Induced Reactions/ I.V.Pokrovsky, A.A.Bogachev, J.M.Itkis, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, E.V.Prokhorova, V.S.Salamatin et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.98.

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494.Prokhorova, E.V. Shell Effect Manifestation in Mass-Energy Distributions of Fission and Quasi-Fission Fragments of Nuclei with Z=102-122/ E.V.Prokhorova, A.A.Bogachev, I.M.Itkis, M.G.Itkis, M.Jandel, J.Kliman, G.N.Knyazheva, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, L.Krupa, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, I.V.Pokrovsky, A.Ya.Rusanov, V.M.Voskresenski et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.325-332 .- Bibliogr.:15.

495.Prokhorova, E.V. Shell Effect Manifestation in Mass-Energy Distributions of Fission Fragments of Nuclei with Z=102-116/ E.V.Prokhorova, A.A.Bogatchev, I.M.Itkis, M.G.Itkis, M.Jandel, J.Kliman, G.N.Kniajeva, N.A.Kondratiev, E.M.Kozulin, L.Krupa, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, I.V.Pokrovsky, V.M.Voskresenskiy et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.97.

496.Pyatkov, Yu.V. Cluster-Molecule Scenario of Fission of Heavy Nuclei at Low and Middle Excitations/ Yu.V.Pyatkov, V.V.Pashkevich, W.H.Trzaska, G.G.Adamian, N.V.Antonenko, V.A.Maslov, V.G.Tishchenko, A.V.Unzhakova // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.59 .- Bibliogr.:3.

497.Pyatkov, Yu.V. Experimental Confirmation of the Collinear Cluster Tripartition of the *2*5*2Cf Nucleus/ Yu.V.Pyatkov, D.V.Kamanin, A.A.Alexandrov, I.A.Alexandrova, E.A.Kuznetsova, S.V.Mitrofanov, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, E.A.Sokol, V.G.Tishchenko, A.N.Tjukavkin, B.V.Florko et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.351-356 .- Bibliogr.:7.

498.Pyatkov, Yu.V. Island of the High Yields of *2*5*2Cf(sf) Collinear Tripartition in the Fragment Mass Space/ Yu.V.Pyatkov, D.V.Kamanin, W.H.Trzaska, W.von Oertzen, S.R.Yamaletdinov, V.G.Tishchenko, A.N.Tjukavkin, V.G.Lyapin, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, A.A.Alexandrov, S.V.Khlebnikov.- Dubna, 2005.- 12 p: il.- (JINR; E15-2005-99) .- Bibliogr.:19.

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500.Rubchenya, V.A. Dynamics of Superheavy System in *8*6Kr+*2*0*8Pb Reaction/ V.A.Rubchenya, A.A.Alexandrov, V.A.Maslov, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, Yu.V.Pyatkov, Yu.G.Sobolev et al. // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.70 .- Bibliogr.:4.

501.Sagaidak, R.N. Production of the Heaviest Nuclei in Complete Fusion Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions/ R.N.Sagaidak, A.V.Belozerov, V.I.Chepigin, M.G.Itkis, A.P.Kabachenko, O.N.Malyshev, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, A.G.Popeko, A.I.Svirikhin, A.V.Yeremin // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.69 .-

502.Schiller, S. Tests of Time Independence of the Electron and Nuclear Masses with ultracold Molecules/ S.Schiller, V.Korobov // Physical Review A.-2005.-Vol.71, No.3, Pt.A.-p.032505 .- Bibliogr.:48.

503.Severyukhin, A.P. Low-Lying States and Separabelized Skyrme Interactions/ A.P.Severyukhin, V.V.Voronov, Ch.Stoyanov, Nguyen Van Giai // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.64 .- Bibliogr.:3.

504.Shneidman, T.M. Cluster Interpretation of Parity Doublet Rotational Bands in Odd-Mass Actinides/ T.M.Shneidman, G.G.Adamian, N.V.Antonenko, R.V.Jolos // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.105 .- Bibliogr.:3.

505.Sidorchuk, S.I. Experimental Study of the Hydrogen Isotopes Beyond the Drip-Line &sup(4,5)H/ S.I.Sidorchuk, M.S.Golovkov, L.V.Grigorenko, A.S.Fomichev, Yu.Ts.Oganessian, A.M.Rodin, R.S.Slepnev, S.V.Stepantsov, G.M.Ter-Akopian, R.Wolski et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.45-51 .- Bibliogr.:14.

506.Skobelev, N.K. Delayed Fission of Heavy Nuclei/ N.K.Skobelev // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Russia, July 5-12, 2004: [Proceedings]/ Ed.: Penionzhkevich  Yu.E., Cherepanov  E.A.- Singapore : World Scientific, 2005.-p.369-373 .- Bibliogr.:8.

507.Solnyshkin, A.A. Analysis of New Experimental Data on the *1*6*0Dy Spectrum with the Symplectic Interacting Vector Boson Model/ A.A.Solnyshkin, V.P.Garistov, A.Georgieva, H.Ganev, V.V.Burov // Physical Review C.-2005.-Vol.72, No.6.-p.064321 .- Bibliogr.:15.

508.Stanoiu, M. In Beam *g-Ray Spectroscopy of Light Neutron Rich Nuclei/ M.Stanoiu, F.Azaiez, Y.E.Penionzhkevich, S.Lukyanov et al. // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.52.

509.Storozhenko, A.N. Pairing Model at Finite Temperature: Self-Consistent RPA Approach/ A.N.Storozhenko, P.Schuck, A.I.Vdovin // Nuclear Structure and Related Topics= Структура ядра и связанные с ней проблемы: Contributions of the Intern. Conf., Dubna, Sept. 2-6, 2003. Supported by Heisenberg-Landau Program.- Dubna: JINR, 2003.-p.67.

510.Tarantin, N.I. Analytical Treatment of Nucleon Shell Closure in Nuclei/ N.I.Tarantin // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.56 .- Bibliogr.:56.

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512.Tarasov, O.B. LISE++ Development: Application to Low-Energy Fission of Projectiles at Relativistic Energies/ O.B.Tarasov, D.Bazin // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.165 .- Bibliogr.:5.

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514.Ter-Akopian, G.M. Resonance States of Hydrogen Nuclei *4H and *5H Obtained in Transfer Reactions with Exotic Beams/ G.M.Ter-Akopian // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.87 .- Bibliogr.:2.

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520.Turler, A. Chemistry of Hassium (Z=108) and Decay Properties of *2*6*9Hs and *2*7*0Hs/ A.Turler, A.B.Yakushev et al. // Heavy-Ion Physics= Физика тяжелых ионов: VII International School-Seminar (HIPH'02), Dubna, Russia, 27 May-1 June 2002: Abstracts.- Dubna: JINR, 2002.-p.32 .- Bibliogr.:3.

521.Tyukavkin, A.N. Data Processing in Cluster Tripartition Experiments/ A.N.Tyukavkin, Yu.V.Pyatkov, S.R.Yamaletdinov, D.V.Kamanin, W.Trzaska, E.A.Sokol, E.A.Kuznetsova // International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON-2004) (2004; Peterhof): Contributions..., Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004.- Dubna: JINR, 2004.-p.113 .- Bibliogr.:4.

522.Vdovin, A.I. Temperature Dependence of Giant Dipole Resonance Width/ A.I.Vdovin, A.N.Storozhenko // Збiрник наукових праць iнституту ядерних дослiджень=Scientific Papers of the Institute for Nuclear Research.-2005.-No.2(15).-p.37-45 .- Bibliogr.:29.

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