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Results and Perspectives (I)/ V.P.Perelygin, S.G.Stetsenko et al. //
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V.P. On Search and Identification of Short-Lived Super Heavy Cosmic-Ray
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Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, July 8-12, 2002/ Ed.: Kubono S.
et al.- Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier Science, 2003.-p.422-424 .-
Bibliogr.:6. Reprinted from Nuclear Physics A, Vol.718 |
V.P. On Search and Identification of Short-Lived Super Heavy Cosmic-Ray
Nuclei (Z*}110) by Fossil Track Study of the Extraterrestrial Crystals:
Results and Perspectives (II)/ V.P.Perelygin, I.G.Abdullaev ,
Yu.T.Chuburkov, G.P.Knyazeva, L.I.Kravets, S.G.Stetsenko et al. //
Nuclear Physics A.-2003.-Vol.718.-p.422c-424c .- Bibliogr.: 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9474(03)00820-0. |