ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "СТАТЬИ" N.26 12.07.99 С 133 ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЕ И ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫЕ УРАВНЕНИЯ 1. Macek W.M. Testing for an Attractor in the Solar Wind Flow. //Physica D. - 1998.- v.122, N.1,2,3,4. - p.254-264. - Bibliogr.:30. 2. Zharnitsky V. A Note on Adiabatic Invariance in Hamiltonian Systems Depending Singularly on the Slow Time. //Physica D. - 1998.- v.122, N.1,2,3,4. - p.62-72. - Bibliogr.:14. С 133.2а НЕЛИНЕЙНЫЕ УРАВНЕНИЯ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ФИЗИКИ, СОЛИТОНЫ. 3. Babujian H. a.o. Exact Form Factors in Integrable Quantum Field Theories: The Sine-Gordon Model. //Nucl. Phys.B. - 1999.- v.538, N.3. - p.535-586. - Bibliogr.:80. 4. Baltanas J.P., Casado J.M. Bursting Behaviour of the FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuron Model Subject to Quasi-Monochromatic Noise. //Physica D. - 1998.- v.122, N.1,2,3,4. - p.231-240. - Bibliogr.:12. 5. Bambusi D., Nekhoroshev N.N. 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