ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.48 13.12.99 28.0 ÁÈÎËÎÃÈß 3505. Chela-Flores J. Testing the Drake Equation in the Solar System. - Trieste, 1999.- 9p.: il. - (IC 99/117). Ñ 131 ÂÛÑØÀß ÀËÃÅÁÐÀ 3506. Daoui A. a.o. Sur les algebres S-regulieres et la S-decomposabilite des operateurs de multiplications. - Trieste, 1999.- 8p. - (IC 99/126). Ñ 133 ÄÈÔÔÅÐÅÍÖÈÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀËÜÍÛÅ ÓÐÀÂÍÅÍÈß 3507. Mensah S.Y. a.o. Excitation of Breather (Bion) in Superlattice. - Trieste, 1999.- 16p.;1p.il. - (IC 99/116). 3508. Mensah S.Y. a.o. Interaction of Kink-Lattice Solitons with Small-Amplitude Waves in Finite-Size Superlattices. - Trieste, 1999.- 12p.;2p.il. - (IC 99/138). Ñ 135 ÔÓÍÊÖÈÎÍÀËÜÍÛÉ ÀÍÀËÈÇ 3509. El-Fallah O., Zerouali E.H. Calcul fonctionnel de wermer et spectre local. - Trieste, 1999.- 10p. - (IC 99/122). Ñ 138 ÃÅÎÌÅÒÐÈß. ÐÈÌÀÍÎÂÀ ÃÅÎÌÅÒÐÈß. ÃÅÎÌÅÒÐÈß ËÎÁÀ×ÅÂÑÊÎÃÎ 3510. Chen M. The Relative Pluricanonical Stability for 3-Folds of General Type, II. - Trieste, 1999.- 25p. - (IC 99/109). Ñ 17 ÂÛ×ÈÑËÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ÌÀÒÅÌÀÒÈÊÀ. 3511. Di-Piazza I., Buhler L. Numerical Simulations of Buoyant Magnetohydrodynamic Flows Using the CFX Code. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 21p.: il. - (FZKA 6354). 3512. Kaumanns W., Ehrhard P. Numerische Berechnung der Stromung in einem Spaltbeschichter. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 67p.: il. - (FZKA 6259). Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3513. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt. Projekt Nukleare Sicherheitsforschung. Jahresbericht 1998. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 704 p.:il. - (FZKA 6300). Ñ 322 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÎÒÍÎÑÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ 3514. Ashtekar A., Corichi A. Laws Governing Isolated Horizons: Inclusion of Dilaton Couplings. - University Park, 1999.- 18p.: il. - (CGPG 99/10-2). 3515. Beilby M.A. a.o. Development of a Double Pendulum for Gravitational Wave Detectors. - University Park, 1999.- 1p.;1p.il. - (CGPG 99/11-5). 3516. Cartin D. Linearized General Relativity and the Lanczos Potential. - University Park, 1999.- 5p. - (CGPG 99/10-4). 3517. Finn L.S. a.o. Toward Gravitational Wave Detection. - University Park, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CGPG 99/11-3). 3518. Kidder L.E., Finn L.S. Spectral Methods for Numerical Relativity. The Initial Data Problem. - University Park, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (CGPG 99/11-4). 3519. Mohanty S.D. A Robust Test for Detecting Non-Stationarity. - University Park, 1999.- 2p.: il. - (CGPG 99/11-7). 3520. Mukherjee S., Mohanty S.D. A Likelihood Based Scheme for Coincidence Analysis. - University Park, 1999.- 2p.: il. - (CGPG 99/11-6). 3521. Wobig H., Pfirsch D. Guiding Center Orbits of Passing Particles in Toroidal Systems. - Garching, 1999.- 26 p.:il. - (IPP III/245 Report). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 3522. Aurenche P. a.o. Large-p&sub(T) Inclusive *p*0 Cross Sections and Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Predictions. - Hamburg, 1999.- 12 p.;9p.il. - (DESY 99-153,LAPTH 751/99,LPT-Orsay 99/78). 3523. El Falaki M., Tahri E.H. Quantum Supergroup Structure of 1+1-Dimensional Quantum Super-Plane, Its Dual and Its Differential Calculus. - Trieste, 1999.- 12 p. - (IC 99/82). Ñ 323.5ã ÏÀÐÒÎÍÍÀß ÌÎÄÅËÜ. 3524. Ji X. Quark Orbital Angular Momentum and Off-Forward Parton Distribution. - College Park, 1999.- 8 p. - (UMDPP 00-018). Ñ 324.1à ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 3525. Bagan E. a.o. Charges from Dressed Matter: Construction. - Upton, 1999.- 28 p. - (BNL HET-99/18,PLY-MS 99-23). 3526. Bagan E. a.o. Charges from Dressed Matter: Physics and Renormalisation. - Upton, 1999.- 34 p. - (BNL HET-99/19,PLY-MS 99-24). 3527. Horan R. a.o. Asymptotic Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory. - Plymouth, 1999.- 18p. - (PLY-MS 99-9). Ñ 324.1á ÑÈËÜÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3528. Cohen T.D., Hansen J.M. The Predictive Power of Effective Field Theory in NN Scattering: *3S&sub(1) - *3D&sub(1) Mixing at Next-to Next-to Leading Order. - College Park, 1999.- 14 p. - (DOE/ER/40762 191,UMDPP 00-012). 3529. Machleidt R., Banerjee M.K. Charge-Dependence of the *pNN Coupling Constant and Charge-Dependence of the NN Interaction. - College Park, 1999.- 9 p. - (DOE/ER/40762 192,UMDPP 00-015). Ñ 324.1ã ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß. ÑÏÎÍÒÀÍÍÎ- ÍÀÐÓØÅÍÍÛÅ ÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈÈ 3530. Knechtli F. String Breaking and Lines of Constant Physics in the SU(2) Higgs Model. - Hamburg, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (DESY 99-152). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 3531. Guagnelli M., Heitger J. SSOR Preconditioning in Simulations of the QCD Schrodinger Functional. - Hamburg, 1999.- 15 p.:il. - (DESY 99-155,ROM2F 99-37). Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 3532. Hoodbhoy P., Ji X. Does the Gluon Spin Contribute in a Gauge-Invariant Way to Nucleon Spin? - College Park, 1999.- 7 p. - (DOE/ER/40762 190,UMDPP 00-008). 3533. Schroder Y. The Two-Loop Static Potential. - Hamburg, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (DESY 99-147). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 3534. Heinemeyer S. a.o. Precise Calculations for the Neutral Higgs-Boson Masses in the MSSM. - Hamburg, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (DESY 99-148,KA-TP 16-1999). 3535. Polyakov D. D=4 Yang-Mills Correlators from NSR Strings on AdS&sub(5) x S*5. - Trieste, 1999.- 13 p. - (IC 99/74). 3536. Westerberg A., Wyllard N. Super-p-Brane Actions from Interpolating Dualisations. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 8 p. - (NORDITA 99/68 HE,DAMTP 1999-156). Ñ 324.2 ÍÅËÎÊÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÍÅËÈÍÅÉÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß 3537. Namsrai Kh. The Square-Root Nonlocal Quantum Electrodynamics. - Trieste, 1999.- 17p. - (IC 99-98). Ñ 324.3 ÀÊÑÈÎÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÏÎËß 3538. Kurth M., Sommer R. Renormalization of the State-Light Axial Current. - Hamburg, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (DESY 99-145). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 3539. Akdeniz Z. a.o. A Theoretical Study of the Stabilization of the (AlF&sub(5))*2*- Complex Anion by Alkali Counterions. - Trieste, 1999.- 9 p. - (IC 99/104). 3540. Akdeniz Z. a.o. Ionic Interactions in Alkali - Aluminium Tetrafluoride Clusters. - Trieste, 1999.- 9p.;2p.il. - (IC 99/105). 3541. Azakov S. a.o. The Low-Temperature Phase of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet in a Fermionic Representation. - Trieste, 1999.- 14p.;2p.il. - (IC 99/137). 3542. Korutcheva E., de-la Rubia J. Effect of Colored Noise on the Critical Dynamics of the Time-Dependent Landau-Ginzburg Model A. - Trieste, 1999.- 6p. - (IC 99/101). 3543. Lele H.G., Gupta S.K. 'D20PROP' - Computer Code for Determination of Heavy Water Properties. - Bombay, 1999.- 11p.;41p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/012). 3544. Li Z.Z., Xu W. Effects of Pressure on Doped Kondo Insulators. - Trieste, 1999.- 11p.;7p.il. - (IC 99/94). 3545. Nguyen V.L., Canessa E. Finite-Size Scaling in Two-Dimensional Continuum Percolation Models. - Trieste, 1999.- 6p.;2p.il. - (IC 99/128). 3546. Perez R., Gonzalez A. Small Excitonic Complexes in a Disk-Shaped Quantum Dot. - Trieste, 1999.- 7p.;5p.il. - (IC 99/119). 3547. Qteish A., Munoz A. AB Initio Study of the Phase Transformations of ZnSe under High Pressure: Stability of the Cinnabar and SC16 Phases. - Trieste, 1999.- 10 p.;6p.il. - (IC 99/110). Ñ 326 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÑÈÑÒÅÌ ÈÇ ÌÍÎÃÈÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ.ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 3548. March N.H. Explicitly Non-Local Relation Between Kinetic and Exchange Energy Densities in the Bardeen Model of a Planar Metal Surface. - Trieste, 1999.- 6p. - (IC 99/95). 3549. March N.H. Square Barrier Model of a One-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Electron Liquid in Relation to Relativistic Density Functional Theory. - Trieste, 1999.- 9p. - (IC 99/108). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3550. Beane S.R. a.o. Compton Scattering on the Deuteron in Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory. - College Park, 1999.- 39 p. - (DOE/ER/40762 164,UMDPP 99-039,NTUW 99-7,KRL MAP 239). 3551. Breitweg J. a.o. Measurement of E*2&sub(T,jet)/Q*2 Dependence of Forward-Jet Production at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 7 p.;3p.il. - (DESY 99-162). 3552. Breitweg J. a.o. Measurement of Inclusive Prompt Photon Photoproduction at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 9p.;5p.il. - (DESY 99-161). 3553. Gupta N.K. Comparison of Numerical Simulations and Published Experimental Results for the Radiation Hydrodynamics in a Wedge Shaped Aluminium and Thin Gold Foils. - Bombay, 1999.- 11 p.;8p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/015). 3554. Kataev A.L. Adler Function from R&sup(e+ e-)(s) Measurements: Experiments vs QCD Theory. - Trieste, 1999.- 13 p. - (IC 99/71). Ñ 341 ÀÒÎÌÍÛÅ ßÄÐÀ 3555. Ansari A. a.o. Hot Giant Dipole Resonance in Static Path Approximation. - Wako, 1999.- 9 p. - (RIKEN AF-NP-326). 3556. Hinde D.J. a.o. Limiting Angular Momentum for Statistical Model Description of Fission. - Canberra, 1999.- 14 p. - (ANU-P 1407). 3557. Maruyama T., Chiba S. Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance State in the Relativistic Approach with the Momentum-Dependent Self-Energies. - Wako, 1999.- 14p.;2p.il. - (RIKEN AF-NP-328). 3558. Morawetz K., Fuhrmann U. General Response Function for Interacting Quantum Liquids. - Caen, 1999.- 9p.: il. - (GANIL P 99 28). Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ 3559. Barna R.C. a.o. Study of Kinematics of A(a, b)B(c)C Sequential Reaction in the First and Second Stage. - Frascati, 1999.- 12 p. - (INFN/BE 99/01). 3560. Baym G., Heiselberg H. Event-by-Event Fluctuations in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 4p. - (NORDITA 99/70 NP). 3561. Hinde D.J. a.o. Interplay of Fusion and Fission Dynamics. - Canberra, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (ANU-P 1408). 3562. Morton C.R. a.o. Coupled-Channels Analysis of the *1*6O+*2*0*8Pb Fusion Barrier Distribution. - Canberra, 1999.- 29 p.;7p.il. - (ANU-P 1402). 3563. Phillips D.R. a.o. Electron-Deuteron Scattering in a Current-Conserving Description of Relativistic Bound States: Including Meson-Exchange-Current Contributions. - College Park, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (DOE/ER/40762 185,UMDPP 99-120). 3564. Xu H.S. a.o. Isospin Fractionation in Nuclear Multifragmentation. - East Lansing, 1999.- 9p.;4p.il. - (MSUCL 1137). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3565. Update of X- and *g-Ray Decay Data Standards for Detector Calibration and Other Applications. Summary Report of the First Research Co-ordination Meeting IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 December 1998. - Vienna, 1999.- 80 p.:il. - (INDC(NDS) 403). Ñ 344.3 ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÍÈÊÀ 3566. Ravindranath S.V.G. a.o. Signal Detection, Data Acquisition System and Temperature Controller for a 7 Channel Direct Reading Spectrometer. - Bombay, 1999.- 18p.;14p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/005). Ñ 344.4á ÌÅÒÎÄÛ ÏÐÈÃÎÒÎÂËÅÍÈß ÒÎÍÊÈÕ ÏËÅÍÎÊ. 3567. Ludwig A. Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Optimierung hochmagnetostriktiver Viellagenschichten. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 155p.: il. - (FZKA 6364). 3568. Sahoo N.K. a.o. Ion Assisted Deposition of Refractory Oxide Thin Film Coatings for Improved Optical and Structural Properties. - Bombay, 1999.- 35p.: il. - (BARC 1999/E/001). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 3569. Hu L. a.o. Power Loading on the Beamline Components and Beam Divergence of the Negative-Ion Based NBI System for JT-60U. - Tokyo, 1999.- 6 p.;10p.il. - (JAERI-Tech 99-057). 3570. Oka K., Tada E. Design of Remote Handling Equipment for the ITER NBI. - Tokyo, 1999.- 138 p.:il. - (JAERI-Tech 99-055). 3571. Strumberger E. a.o. Equilibrium and Stability Properties of a Helias Reactor. - Garching, 1999.- 19 p.:il. - (IPP III/249 Report). 3572. The Joint Project for High-Intensity Proton Accelerators. - Tokyo, 1999.- 78 p.:il. - (JAERI-Tech 99-056,KEK Rep. 99-4,JHF 99-3). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 3573. Heinemeyer S. a.o. Implications of Results from Z- and WW-Threshold Running. - Hamburg, 1999.- 6p.: il. - (DESY 99-117,KA-TP 14-1999,TTP 99-37). 3574. Kao C., Wackeroth D. Parity Violating Asymmetries in Top Pair Production at Hadron Colliders. - Villigen, 1999.- 29 p.:il. - (PSI PR-99-02,MADPH 98-1091). 3575. Kao C.W. The Pion Electroproduction in the *D(1232) Region. - College Park, 1999.- 15 p.:il. - (DOE/ER/40762 199,UMDPP 00-036). 3576. Kao C.W., Cohen T.D. The Pion Photoproduction in the *D(1232) Region. - College Park, 1999.- 24 p. - (DOE/ER/40762 166,UMDPP 99-042). 3577. Lavelle M., McMullan D. Hadrons without Strings. - Plymouth, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (PLY-MS 99-91). 3578. Teubner T. Theory of Elastic Vector Meson Production. - Hamburg, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (DESY 99-154). 3579. Vissani F. Neutrino Spectrum, Oscillation Scenarios and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay. - Trieste, 1999.- 3 p.;1p.il. - (IC 99/36). 3580. Vulpescu B. The Cosmic Ray Muon Charge Ratio. Measurements and Calculations at Energies Relevant for the Atmospheric Neutrino Anomaly. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 101 p.:il. - (FZKA 6368). Ñ 347 ÊÎÑÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ËÓ×È 3581. Contribution to 1st Arctic Workshop on Cosmic Ray Muons (Sodanskyl, Finland, 24-29 April, 1999). - Tanashi, 1999.- 58 p.:il. - (ICRR Report-454-99-12 (b)). 3582. Contribution to 26th ICRC (Utah, USA, 17-25 August, 1999) from Chacaltaya Cosmic Ray Collaboration. - Tanashi, 1999.- 34 p.:il. - (ICRR Report-454-99-12). Ñ 348 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÒÎÐÛ. ÐÅÀÊÒÎÐÎÑÒÐÎÅÍÈÅ 3583. Alsmeyer H., Tromm W. The COMET Concept for Cooling Core Melts: Evaluation of the Experimental Studies and Use in the EPR. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 82p.: il. - (FZKA 6186). 3584. Jagannathan V. a.o. Analysis of Uranium Dioxide and Uranium Metal Lattices Using Different Multi-Group Cross Section Sets in WIMS-D/4 Format. - Bombay, 1999.- 20p.;84p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/002). 3585. Lele H.G. a.o. TFSPTS - A Computer Code for Prediction of Thermal and Flow Stratification for Reactor Pressure Vessel Pressurised Thermal Shock. - Bombay, 1999.- 15p.;66p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/004). 3586. Sengupta A.K. a.o. Some Important Properties of Simulated UO&sub(2) Fuel. - Bombay, 1999.- 10p.;11p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/008). Ñ 349 ÄÎÇÈÌÅÒÐÈß È ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÇÀÙÈÒÛ 3587. Àíàíè÷ Ï.È. è äð. Îáîñíîâàíèå êðèòåðèåâ ÿäåðíîé è ðàäèàöèîííîé áåçîïàñíîñòè ïðè èçâëå÷åíèè òîïëèâîñîäåðæàùèõ ìàòåðèàëîâ è ðàäèîàêòèâíûõ îòõîäîâ ñ ïîìîùüþ äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëÿåìûõ àãðåãàòîâ. - ×åðíîáûëü, 1999.- 43 ñ. - (ÌÍÒÖ "Óêðûòèå" 99-4). 3588. Àòðîøåíêî À.Ô. è äð. Ñèñòåìû êîíòðîëÿ ñîñòîÿíèÿ òîïëèâîñîäåðæàùèõ ìàòåðèàëîâ îáúåêòà "Óêðûòèå". - ×åðíîáûëü, 1999.- 39ñ.: èë. - (ÌÍÒÖ "Óêðûòèå" 99-3). 3589. Ïàíàñþê Í.È. è äð. Îöåíêà ðàäèîàêòèâíîãî çàãðÿçíåíèÿ ãåîëîãè÷åñêîé ñðåäû è ïîäñ÷åò êîëè÷åñòâà ðàäèîàêòèâíûõ îòõîäîâ, ëîêàëèçîâàííûõ â òåõíîãåííûõ ãðóíòàõ íà ïðèëåãàþùåé ê îáúåêòó "Óêðûòèå" òåððèòîðèè. - ×åðíîáûëü, 1999.- 16ñ.: èë. - (ÌÍÒÖ "Óêðûòèå" 99-2). 3590. Ùåðáèí Â.Í. è äð. Îïðåäåëåíèå *2*3*5U â âîäîïîòîêàõ îáúåêòà "Óêðûòèå". - ×åðíîáûëü, 1999.- 7 ñ. - (ÌÍÒÖ "Óêðûòèå" 99-1). 3591. Radioactivity Survey Data in Japan. Part 1.Environmental Materials. - Chiba, 1999.- 39 p.:il. - (NIRS-RSD 118). 3592. Radioactivity Survey Data in Japan. Part 1.Environmental Materials. - Chiba, 1999.- 32 p.:il. - (NIRS-RSD 120). 3593. Radioactivity Survey Data in Japan. Part 2.Dietary Materials. - Chiba, 1999.- 40 p.:il. - (NIRS-RSD 119). 3594. Radioactivity Survey Data in Japan. Part 2.Dietary Materials. - Chiba, 1999.- 46 p.:il. - (NIRS-RSD 121). Ñ 353 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÏËÀÇÌÛ 3595. Maekawa F. a.o. Decay Heat Experiment and Validation of Calculation Code Systems for Fusion Reactor. - Tokyo, 1999.- 55p.;132p.il. - (JAERI-Research 99-055). 3596. Rekalo M.P., Tomasi-Gustafsson E. Nuclear Processes in Magnetic Fusion Reactors with Polarized Fuel. - Seattle, 1999.- 36 p.;4p.il. - (DOE/ER 40561 56). Ñ 393 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÍÈÇÊÈÕ ÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐ 3597. Bhuiyan G.M. a.o. Low Temperature Thermal Conductivity in Metallic Glasses. - Trieste, 1999.- 12p.;4p.il. - (IC 99/92). Ñ 393 è ÂÛÑÎÊÎÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐÍÀß ÑÂÅÐÕÏÐÎÂÎÄÈÌÎÑÒÜ 3598. Schiller H.-P. Ein induktives Verfahren zur Charakterisierung der Stromtragfahigkeit langer Bi-2223 Bandsupraleiter: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 84 p.:il. - (FZKA 6360). Ñ 44 ÀÍÀËÈÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÕÈÌÈß 3599. Khanna P.P. a.o. An Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) Method for the Determination of Barium and Strontium in Water. - Bombay, 1999.- 6p.;5p.il. - (BARC 1999/E011). 3600. Sonawane J.V. a.o. Liquid Anion Exchangers (LAE) as Novel Receptors for Plutonium Pertraction Across Polymer Immobilized Liquid Membranes. - Bombay, 1999.- 17p.;15p.il. - (BARC 1999/E/003). Ñ 63 ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3601. Grenacher L. a.o. Molecular Clouds in Cooling Flow Clusters of Galaxies. - Villigen, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (PSI PR-99-28). Ö 84 ÂÛ×ÈÑËÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ÒÅÕÍÈÊÀ È ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÈÐÎÂÀÍÈÅ 3602. Zaldivar E.D. Cuban National Seismotelemetric Network. - Trieste, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (IC 99/38).![]()