ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.47 06.12.99 Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3422. Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation. Annual Report 1998 - 1999. - Sydney, 1999.- 126 p.:il. - (ANSTO ). 3423. Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Project-Group ESRF-Beamline (ROBL-CRG). Report January 1998 - June 1999. - Dresden, 1999.- 78 p.:il. - (FZR 275). 3424. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Environment, Safety, and Health Division. Annual Site Environmental Report January - December 1998. - Stanford, 1999.- 120 p.:il. - (SLAC-R 535). 3425. University of Helsinki. Department of Physics. Annual Report 1998. - Helsinki, 1999.- 56 p.:il. - (HU ). 3426. University of Helsinki. Department of Physics. Annual Report 1998 Supplement. - Helsinki, 1999.- 112 p.:il. - (HU ). Ñ 322 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÎÒÍÎÑÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ 3427. Astone P., D'Agostini G. Inferring the Intensity of Poisson Processes at the Limit of the Detector Sensitivity (with a Case Study on Gravitational Wave Burst Search). - Geneva, 1999.- 36 p. - (CERN-EP 99-126). 3428. Mele S., Sanchez E. Study of Extra Space Dimensions in Vector Boson Pair Production at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 6p.;1p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-118). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 3429. Bartels J., Ryskin M.G. The Small-x Behavior of the Nonsinglet Polarized Structure Function g&sub(2) in the Double Logarithmic Approximation. - Hamburg, 1999.- 22p.: il. - (DESY 99-139). 3430. Kowalski H. Inclusive Diffraction at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 20p.: il. - (DESY 99-141). 3431. Shimbori T., Kobayashi T. Complex Eigenvalues of the Parabolic Potential Barrier and Gel'fand Triplet. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 18 p. - (UTHEP 412). Ñ 324.1ã ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß. ÑÏÎÍÒÀÍÍÎ- ÍÀÐÓØÅÍÍÛÅ ÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈÈ 3432. Banerjee R. a.o. Hamiltonian Approach to Lagrangian Gauge Symmetries. - Heidelberg, 1999.- 8p. - (HD-THEP 99-17). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 3433. Bar O., Campos I. Global Anomalies in Chiral Lattice Gauge Theory. - Hamburg, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (DESY 99-137). 3434. Bornyakov V. a.o. On the Eta-Invariant in the Four Dimensional Chiral U(1) Theory. - Hamburg, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (DESY 99-140,HLRZ 1999-42). 3435. Feo A. a.o. Low-Energy Features of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory with Light Gluinos. - Hamburg, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (DESY 99-135). 3436. Feo A. a.o. Numerical Simulations of Dynamical Gluinos in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory: First Results. - Hamburg, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (DESY 99-138). 3437. Garden J. a.o. Low Energy Physics from the QCD Schrodinger Functional. - Hamburg, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (DESY 99-134,OUTP 99-43P). 3438. Kobayashi T. Physical Equivalence on Non-Standard Spaces and Symmetries of Infinitesimal-Lattice Spaces. - Tsukuba, 1999.- 34 p. - (Tsukuba College of Technology ). Ñ 324.1ä ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÕÐÎÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 3439. Godbole R.M. a.o. Models for Photon-Photon Total Cross-Sections. - Frascati, 1999.- 11 p. - (LNF 99/024(P),IISc-CTS 7/99,UG-FT 102/99). 3440. Wetterich C. Gluon-Meson Duality. - Heidelberg, 1999.- 7p. - (HD-THEP 99-16). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 3441. Buras A.J. a.o. Connections between *e'/*e and Rare Kaon Decays in Supersymmetry. - Frascati, 1999.- 35 p. - (LNF 99/021(P),TUM HEP-353/99,ZU-TH 19/99,OUTP 99-38P). 3442. Colangelo G. a.o. Supersymmetric Contributions to Direct CP Violation in K*>*p*p*g Decays. - Frascati, 1999.- 11 p. - (LNF 99/023(P),FTUV 99-53,IFIC 99-55,ZU-TH 21/99). 3443. Heinemeyer S. a.o. Constraints on tan*b in the MSSM from the Upper Bound on the Mass of the Lightest Higgs Boson. - Hamburg, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (DESY 99-120,KA-TP 12-1999). 3444. Spence B. Topological Born-Infeld Actions and D-Branes. - London, 1999.- 14 p. - (QMW PH-99-09). Ñ 324.2 ÍÅËÎÊÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÍÅËÈÍÅÉÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß 3445. Todorova-Nova S. About the Helix Structure of the Lund String. - Geneva, 1999.- 14p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-108). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3446. Acciarri M. a.o. Search for Extra Dimensions in Boson and Fermion Pair Production in e*+e*- Interactions at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.;4p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-146). 3447. Barate R. a.o. Searches for Sleptons and Squarks in e*+e*- Collisions at 189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 9p.;3p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-140). 3448. Mnich J. Tests of the Standard Model. - Geneva, 1999.- 31p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-143). 3449. Schumm B.A. Precise Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant *a&sub(S) at the Linear Collider. - Santa Cruz, 1999.- 2 p.;1p.il. - (SCIPP 99/36). 3450. Wu Z. a.o. Order-disorder in Olivine Minerals by Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy at the Mg, Fe and Ca K Edges. - Frascati, 1999.- 24p.: il. - (LNF 99/019 (P)). Ñ 343 ßÄÅÐÍÛÅ ÐÅÀÊÖÈÈ 3451. Abreu M.C. a.o. Low Mass Dimuon Production in Proton and Ion Induced Interactions at the SPS. - Geneva, 1999.- 12 p.;7p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-112). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3452. Adam I. a.o. The DIRC Detector at BaBar. - Berkeley, 1999.- 8p.;5p.il. - (LBNL 42969 ABS,SLAC-PUB 8080). 3453. Alemi M. a.o. First Operation of a Hybrid Photon Detector Prototype with Electrostatic Cross-Focussing and Integrated Silicon Pixel Readout. - Geneva, 1999.- 39 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 99-110). 3454. Alemi M. a.o. Performance of a Hybrid Photon Detector Prototype with Electrostatic Cross-Focussing and Integrated Silicon Pixel Readout for Cherenkov Ring Detection. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-111). 3455. Chevalier L. a.o. Physics- and Detector-Related Design Requirements for the ATLAS Toroid Magnet System. - Geneva, 1996.- 28 p.;18p.il. - (CERN MUON-NO-159). 3456. Fonte P. a.o. High Resolution RPC's for Large TOF Systems. - Geneva, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 99-115,LIP 1/99 rev.). 3457. Schumm B.A. A Silicon Microstrip Central Trasker for the Linear Collider Detector. - Santa Cruz, 1999.- 8 p. - (SCIPP 99/37). 3458. Varanda M. a.o. Uniformity of the 1996 Barrel Module 0 Response to Muons and Pions: Test Beam Data and MC Simulation. - Geneva, 1999.- 23 p.:il. - (CERN ATL-TILECAL-99-006). Ñ 344.1 ÌÅÒÎÄÛ È ÀÏÏÀÐÀÒÓÐÀ ÄËß ÐÅÃÈÑÒÐÀÖÈÈ ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 3459. Schumm B.A. Tracking and Vertexing at a High Energy Linear Collider. - Santa Cruz, 1999.- 20 p. - (SCIPP 99/38). Ñ 345 ÓÑÊÎÐÈÒÅËÈ ÇÀÐßÆÅÍÍÛÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ 3460. Êàö Ì.Ì., Êîøêàðåâ Ä.Ã. Êàíàë äëÿ êîíå÷íîé ôîêóñèðîâêè èîííîãî ïó÷êà íà ìèøåíü ÒÂÀÊ, îñíîâàííûé íà èñïîëüçîâàíèè òîëüêî òåïëûõ êâàäðóïîëüíûõ ëèíç. - Ìîñêâà, 1999.- 11ñ.: èë. - (ÈÒÝÔ 32-99). 3461. Øâåäîâ Î.Â. è äð. Âûñîêîìîùíûé ëèíåéíûé óñêîðèòåëü ïðîòîíîâ - äðàéâåð ýëåêòðîÿäåðíûõ ñèñòåì. - Ìîñêâà, 1999.- 8 ñ. - (ÈÒÝÔ 35-99). 3462. Anashin V.V. a.o. Experimental Investigations of the Electron Cloud Key Parameters. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 313). 3463. Bordry F. a.o. High Precision and High Frequency Four-Quadrant Power Converter [*(600A, *(12V]. - Geneva, 1999.- 11 p.:il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 311). 3464. Bordry F. a.o. Novel Topology for Four-Quadrant Converter. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 310). 3465. Camas J. a.o. Preliminary Test of a Luminescence Profile Monitor in the CERN SPS. - Geneva, 1999.- 5p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-051 BI). 3466. Chou W. a.o. Design and Test of a Beam Transformer as a Chopper. - Batavia, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/102). 3467. Collins I.R. a.o. Vacuum Stability for Ion Induced Gas Desorption. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 312). 3468. Fujiwara Y. a.o. Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of an Acceleration Grid for the ITER-NBI System. - Tokyo, 1999.- 10 p.;42p.il. - (JAERI-Tech 99-052). 3469. Jones R. a.o. Real Time Display of the Vertical Beam Sizes in LEP Using the BEXE X-Ray Detector and Fast VME Based Computers. - Geneva, 1999.- 2p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-056 BI). 3470. Mulhollan G. a.o. Increasing Photocathode Charge Output. - Stanford, 1999.- 4 p.;6p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8277). 3471. Ng K.Y. Intensity Dependent Instability Issues for Electron Rings. - Batavia, 1999.- 38p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-TM 2090). 3472. Variale V. Simulation Result Comparison on Halo Formation between Particle-Core Model and a Multiparticle Code. - Frascati, 1999.- 10 p.:il. - (INFN/TC 99/13). 3473. Vismara G. The Comparison of Signal Processing Systems for Beam Position Monitors. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-052 BI). 3474. Watanabe S.-I. a.o. Beam Emittance Measurements Using Alumina Screen at KCCH-MC50 Cyclotron. - Tanashi, 1999.- 11 p.;8p.il. - (CNS-REP 24). Ñ 345 ì ÂÑÒÐÅ×ÍÛÅ ÏÓ×ÊÈ. ÍÀÊÎÏÈÒÅËÜÍÛÅ ÊÎËÜÖÀ. 3475. Baishev I. a.o. Radiation Heating of Primary Collimators at Ramping. - Geneva, 1999.- 12 p.;3p.il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 309). 3476. Burkhardt H. Background in Future Linear e*+e*- Colliders. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p. - (CERN SL-99-057 AP). 3477. Caspers F. a.o. Surface Resistance Measurements and Estimate of the Beam-Induced Resistive Wall Heating of the LHC Dipole Beam Screen. - Geneva, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 307). 3478. Fartoukh S. Second Order Chromaticity Correction of LHC V6.0 at Collision. - Geneva, 1999.- 26p.: il. - (CERN LHC Project Report 308). 3479. Limborg C., Sebek J. Relaxation Oscillations of the Synchrotron Motion Caused by Narrow-Band Impedances. - Stanford, 1999.- 34p.;14p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8268). 3480. Napoly O. CLIC 3 TeV Interaction Region and Final Focus Studies. - Geneva, 1999.- 11 p.;3p.il. - (CERN SL-99-054 AP,DAPNIA SEA-99-08). 3481. Thompson K.A. a.o. Optimization of NLC Machine Parameters for Specific Physics Processes. - Stanford, 1999.- 6p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 8229). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 3482. Abreu M.C. a.o. J/*Q and *Q' Production in p, O and S Induced Reactions at SPS Energies. - Geneva, 1999.- 9p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-113). 3483. Acciarri M. a.o. Measurement of R&sub(b) and Br(b*>l*nX) at LEP Using Double-Tag Methods. - Geneva, 1999.- 26 p.;6p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-121). 3484. Acciarri M. a.o. Measurement of Triple-Gauge-Boson Couplings of the W Boson at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.;9p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-131). 3485. Acciarri M. a.o. Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-120). 3486. Acciarri M. a.o. Search for Excited Leptons at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 9p.;5p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-138). 3487. Acciarri M. a.o. Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in e*+e*- Interactions at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 14 p.;5p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-145). 3488. Acciarri M. a.o. Search for Scalar Leptons in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.;8p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-128). 3489. Acciarri M. a.o. Searches for Scalar Quarks in e*+e*- Interactions at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 14 p.;7p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-137). 3490. Acciarri M. a.o. Study of Z Boson Pair Production in e*+e*- Collisions at LEP at *%s=189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 12 p.;4p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-119). 3491. Barrientos-Bendezu A.A., Kniehl B.A. Quark-Loop Amplitudes for W&sup(*()H*) Associated Hadroproduction. - Hamburg, 1999.- 6 p. - (DESY 99-121,KEK-TH 638). 3492. Blumlein J. QCD Evolution of Structure Functions at Small x. - Hamburg, 1999.- 16p.: il. - (DESY 99-143). 3493. Boix G., Abbaneo D. The B&sub(s) Oscillation Amplitude Analysis. - Geneva, 1999.- 27 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 99-103). 3494. Bueno A. a.o. Direct Detection of Earth Matter Effects (MSW) in Flavor Oscillations at Neutrino Beams from Stored Muon Decays. - Geneva, 1999.- 10p.;3p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-74). 3495. Chliapnikov P.V. Relative Production of Vector and Pseudoscalar States for Light- and Heavy-Flavour Mesons. - Geneva, 1999.- 5p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-142). 3496. Isidori G. Standard Model vs New Physics in Rare Kaon Decays. - Frascati, 1999.- 12p. - (LNF 99/022(P)). 3497. Kniehl B.A., Zwirner L. Massive-Evolution Effects on Charmonium Hadroproduction. - Hamburg, 1999.- 7 p.;1p.il. - (DESY 99-124,KEK-TH 640). 3498. Ringwald A., Schrempp F. Theory and Phenomenology of Instantons at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 17p.: il. - (DESY 99-136). 3499. Schumm B.A. Precise Electroweak Measurements at the Z*0 Pole. - Santa Cruz, 1999.- 16 p.:il. - (SCIPP 99/39). 3500. Stech B. Are the Neutrino Masses and Mixings Closely Related to the Masses and Mixings of Quarks? - Heidelberg, 1999.- 8p. - (HD-THEP 99-35). Ñ 349 ÄÎÇÈÌÅÒÐÈß È ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÇÀÙÈÒÛ 3501. Balzhauser P.M. Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Halbleiterdetektorsystemen zur Personendosimetrie in gemischten Neutronen-Gamma-Feldern. - Julich, 1999.- 126 p.:il. - (JUL 3671). 3502. Noll T. Entwicklung einer Fliessbettechnik zur Bewertung von Radiopharmaka an Zellkulturen. - Julich, 1999.- 143p.: il. - (JUL 3658). Ñ 393 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÍÈÇÊÈÕ ÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐ 3503. Barbeau H. a.o. New Long-Term Historical Data Recording and Failure Analysis System for the CERN Cryoplants. - Geneva, 1999.- 7 p.:il. - (CERN LHC 99-5 (ECR)). Ö 840 ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÈÐÎÂÀÍÈÅ. ÎÁÙÈÅ ÂÎÏÐÎÑÛ 3504. Carboni M. Allocate a Device in Unix Environment, V1.O. - Frascati, 1999.- 10p. - (LNF 99/020 (NT)).![]()