ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÉ ÁÞËËÅÒÅÍÜ "ÏÐÅÏÐÈÍÒÛ" N.45 22.11.99 Ñ 17 ÂÛ×ÈÑËÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ÌÀÒÅÌÀÒÈÊÀ. 3250. Celino M. Porting of a Serial Molecular Dynamics Code on MIMD Platforms. - Roma, 1999.- 50p.: il. - (ENEA RT/GEN 99/1). 3251. Hausler O. Anisotropes plastisches Fliessen bei grossen Deformationen: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 143 p. - (FZKA 6351). 3252. Riesch-Oppermann H. FZK Contribution to the ESIS TC8 Numerical Round Robin on Micromechanical Models.Phase II Task B1. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 61p.: il. - (FZKA 6338). Ñ 3 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3253. Tompson S. Physics History Books in the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) Library, 1999. - Batavia, 1999.- 18 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-TM 2091). Ñ 3 ì Ó×ÐÅÆÄÅÍÈß È ÎÐÃÀÍÈÇÀÖÈÈ.ÍÀÓ×ÍÎ-ÈÑÑËÅÄÎÂÀÒÅËÜÑÊÈÅ ÈÍÑÒÈÒÓÒÛ. 3254. Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research. Report January 1998 - June 1999. - Dresden, 1999.- 150 p.:il. - (FZR 269). 3255. Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Institute of Safety Research. Report January 1998 - June 1999. - Dresden, 1999.- 215 p.:il. - (FZR 273). 3256. Hahn-Meitner-Institut. Bereich Festkorperphysik. Annual Report 1998. - Berlin, 1999.- 152 p. - (HMI B 563). 3257. Hahn-Meitner-Institut. Ergebnisbericht. Forschung und Entwicklung 1998. - Berlin, 1999.- 247 p.:il. - (HMI B 561). 3258. Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999. - Julich, 1999.- 51 p. - (NEA/NSC/DOC (99)10,INDC(Ger) 045,JUL 3660). 3259. The International Atomic Energy Agency's. Laboratories Seibersdorf and Vienna. - Vienna, 1999.- 54 p.:il. - (IAEA PI/A67E 99-02059). 3260. Verein fur Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V. Jahresbericht 1998. - Rossendorf, 1999.- 106 p.:il. - (VKTA 61). Ñ 322 ÒÅÎÐÈß ÎÒÍÎÑÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ 3261. Gomero G.I. a.o. Spikes in Cosmic Crystallography II: Topological Signature of Compact Flat Universes. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 18 p.:il. - (CBPF-NF 048/99). Ñ 323 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÌÅÕÀÍÈÊÀ 3262. Graudenz D. Jet Production in DIS. - Villigen, 1999.- 14 p.:il. - (PSI PR-99-25). Ñ 324.1á ÑÈËÜÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3263. Lagae J.-F., Sinclair D.K. High Temperature Meson Propagators with Domain-Wall Quarks. - Argonne, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-91). Ñ 324.1â ÑËÀÁÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3264. Fadin V.S. a.o. Resummation of Double Logarithms in Electroweak High Energy Processes. - Villigen, 1999.- 25p. - (PSI PR-99-24,DTP 99/94). Ñ 324.1ã1 ÊÀËÈÁÐÎÂÎ×ÍÛÅ ÏÎËß ÍÀ ÐÅØÅÒÊÅ 3265. Rummukainen K. Magnetic Field on Lattice U(1)-Higgs and SU(2) x U(1)-Higgs Theories. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 6p.: il. - (NORDITA 99/38 HE). Ñ 324.1å ÑÓÏÅÐÑÈÌÌÅÒÐÈ×ÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ. ÑÓÏÅÐÃÐÀÂÈÒÀÖÈß. ÑÓÏÅÐÑÒÐÓÍÛ 3266. David J.R. a.o. D1/D5 Moduli in SCFT and Gauge Theory, and Hawking Radiation. - Trieste, 1999.- 25p. - (IC 99/79,TIFR/TH 99-34). 3267. Demir D.A. Higgs Pair Production in the MSSM with Explicit CP Violation. - Trieste, 1999.- 9p.: il. - (IC 99/78). 3268. Feng J.L. a.o. Focus Points and Naturalness in Supersymmetry. - Batavia, 1999.- 30 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/248-T,IASSNS-HEP 99-81). 3269. Harmark T., Obers N.A. Thermodynamics of Spinning Branes and Their Dual Field Theories. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 59 p. - (NORDITA 99/61 HE,NBI HE-99-37). 3270. Kandus A. a.o. Cosmological Magnetic Fields from Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry-Breaking Models. - Geneva, 1999.- 12 p. - (CERN-TH 99-261,ANL-HEP-PR 99-86). 3271. Matchev K.T., Thomas S. Higgs and Z-Boson Signatures of Supersymmetry. - Batavia, 1999.- 11 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/140-T,SU-ITP 99-35). Ñ 324.2 ÍÅËÎÊÀËÜÍÛÅ È ÍÅËÈÍÅÉÍÛÅ ÒÅÎÐÈÈ ÏÎËß 3272. Fosco C.D., Svaiter N.F. Finite Size Effects in the Anisotropic *l/4!(*f*4&sub(1)+*f*4&sub(2))&sub(d) Model. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 26 p. - (CBPF-NF 052/99). 3273. Malbouisson A.P.C. a.o. A Non-Perturbative Solution of the Zero-Dimensional *l*f*4 Field Theory. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 10 p.;2p.il. - (CBPF-NF 049/99). 3274. Svaiter N.F. The Thermal Gap Equation in the Massless *l*f*4&sub(D) Model. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 9 p. - (CBPF-NF 021/99). Ñ 324.3 ÀÊÑÈÎÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÏÎËß 3275. Malbouisson A.P.C. On the Critical Behaviour of the 2-Point Function in Scalar Field Theories. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 16p. - (CBPF-NF 053/99). Ñ 325 ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ È ÒÅÐÌÎÄÈÍÀÌÈÊÀ 3276. Feng X. The Motion of the Solidification Front of a Binary Alloy with Quenched Disorder. - Julich, 1999.- 127p.: il. - (JUL 3613). Ñ 326 ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÒÅÎÐÈß ÑÈÑÒÅÌ ÈÇ ÌÍÎÃÈÕ ×ÀÑÒÈÖ.ÊÂÀÍÒÎÂÀß ÑÒÀÒÈÑÒÈÊÀ 3277. Al-Khawaja U. a.o. The Surface of a Bose-Einstein Condensed Atomic Cloud. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 8p. - (NORDITA 99/9 CM). 3278. Fjaerestad J.O. a.o. Correlation Functions for a Two-Dimensional Electron System with Bosonic Interactions and a Square Fermi Surface. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 12p. - (NORDITA 99/64 CM). 3279. Joyce M. a.o. Quantum Boltzmann Equations for Mixing Scalar Fields. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 6p. - (NORDITA 99/39 HE). Ñ 332 ÝËÅÊÒÐÎÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÛÅ ÂÇÀÈÌÎÄÅÉÑÒÂÈß 3280. Abbiendi G. a.o. Search for Anomalous Production of Acoplanar Di-Lepton Events in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=183 and 189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 25 p.;16p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-122). 3281. Abbiendi G. a.o. Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s*~ 189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 23p.;15p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-095). 3282. Abbiendi G. a.o. Search for Pair-Produced Leptoquarks in e*+e*- Interactions at *%s*=183 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 18 p.;7p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-091). 3283. Barate R. a.o. Search for R-Parity Violating Decays of Supersymmetric Particles in e*+e*- Collisions at Centre-of-Mass Energies near 183 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 18p.;11p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-093). Ñ 344 ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ßÄÅÐÍÀß ÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3284. Green D. Jet Calorimetric Trigger. - Batavia, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-TM 2088). 3285. Lehner F. The Status of the D0 Silicon Tracker Upgrade Project. - Batavia, 1999.- 10 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/247-E). Ñ 346 ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀÐÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ 3286. Abbiendi G. a.o. Search for Chargino and Neutralino Production at *%s=189 GeV at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 17p.;5p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-123). 3287. Abbott B. a.o. Evidence of Color Coherence Effects in W+Jets Events from pp^- Collisions at *%s=1.8 TeV. - Batavia, 1999.- 13p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/224-E). 3288. Abbott B. a.o. Subjet Multiplicity in Quark and Gluon Jets at D0. - Batavia, 1999.- 9 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/208-E). 3289. Barate R. a.o. Search for an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson in e*+e*- Collisions at 189 GeV. - Geneva, 1999.- 9p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-125). 3290. Berger E.L. a.o. Spin Dependence of Massive Lepton Pair Production in Proton-Proton Collisions. - Argonne, 1999.- 19 p.;17p.il. - (ANL-HEP-PR 99-97,JLAB-THY 99-27). 3291. Cheung K., Landsberg G. Drell-Yan and Diphoton Production at Hadron Colliders and Low Scale Gravity Model. - Batavia, 1999.- 7p.;3p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/245-T). 3292. Elvira V.D. Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in p^-p Collisions at *%s=630 and 1800 GeV. - Batavia, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/167-E). 3293. Enqvist K. a.o. On Chaoticity of the Amplification of the Neutrino Asymmetry in the Early Universe. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 12 p. - (NORDITA 99/40 HE,HIP 1999-39/TH). 3294. Geer S. a.o. Search for Antiproton Decay at the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator. - Batavia, 1999.- 11p.;9p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/218-E). 3295. Goussiou A. New Showering Correction for the Jet Energy Scale at D0. - Batavia, 1999.- 94 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/264-E). 3296. Green D. Jets and Associated Missing Energy. - Batavia, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (NAL-FN 682). 3297. Green D. Minimum Bias Pileup and Missing Et at CMS. - Batavia, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (NAL-FN 683). Ñ 346.6ä1 Î×ÀÐÎÂÀÍÍÛÅ ×ÀÑÒÈÖÛ.×ÀÐÌÎÍÈÉ, ÁÎÒÒÎÌÎÍÈÉ È ÄÐÓÃÈÅ ÐÅÇÎÍÀÍÑÛ ÈÇ ÒßÆÅËÛÕ ÊÂÀÐÊÎÂ. 3298. Bauer G. CDF B Spectroscopy Results: B** and B*+&sub(c). - Batavia, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/227-E). 3299. Bauer G. Measurement of the CP Violation Parameter sin(2*b) in B*0 *> J/*qK*0&sub(s) Decays. - Batavia, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/228-E). 3300. Demortier L. a.o. Combining the Top Quark Mass Results for Run 1 from CDF and D0. - Batavia, 1999.- 11 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-TM 2084). 3301. Jun S.Y. a.o. Observation of the Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay *Y*+&sub(c)*>pK*-*p*+. - Batavia, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/217-E). 3302. Kroll I.J. CP Violation in B Decays at the Tevatron. - Batavia, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/239-E,UPR 0239-E). 3303. Kronfeld A.S. Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Corrections to B*>D&sup((* ))l*n*. - Batavia, 1999.- 4 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/251-T). 3304. Ligeti Z. |V&sub(cb)| and |V&sub(ub)| from B Decays: Recent Progress and Limitations. - Batavia, 1999.- 10 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/213-T). Ñ 346.6å2 ÏÐÎÌÅÆÓÒÎ×ÍÛÅ ÁÎÇÎÍÛ. 3305. Abbiendi G. a.o. Measurement of the W*+W*-*g Cross-Section and First Direct Limits on Anomalous Electroweak Quartic Gauge Couplings. - Geneva, 1999.- 18 p.;5p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-130). 3306. Abbott B. a.o. A Measurement of the W Boson Mass Using Large Rapidity Electrons. - Batavia, 1999.- 72p.: il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/237-E). 3307. Barate R. a.o. A Direct Measurement of |V&sub(cs)| in Hadronic W Decays Using a Charm Tag. - Geneva, 1999.- 14 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 99-124). 3308. Barate R. a.o. Inclusive Production of *p*0, *h, *h'(958), K*0&sub(S) and *L in Two- and Three-Jet Events from Hadronic Z Decays. - Geneva, 1999.- 26 p.;9p.il. - (CERN-EP 99-105). 3309. Barate R. a.o. Measurement of the Z Resonance Parameters at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 91p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-104). 3310. Barate R. a.o. Study of Charm Production in Z Decays. - Geneva, 1999.- 25p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-094). Ñ 347 ÊÎÑÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ËÓ×È 3311. Weber J.H. Untersuchung der elektromagnetischen und myonischen Komponente ausgedehnter Luftschauer und Bestimmung der Elementzusammensetzung der kosmischen Strahlung: Dissertation. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 104 p.:il. - (FZKA 6339). Ñ 353 ÔÈÇÈÊÀ ÏËÀÇÌÛ 3312. Kim Y-M. Retention and Reemission Behaviour of Neon, Argon and Xenon on Graphite Exposed to TEXTOR-94 Plasmas and Ion Beams. - Julich, 1999.- 109 p.:il. - (JUL 3670). Ñ 393 è ÂÛÑÎÊÎÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐÍÀß ÑÂÅÐÕÏÐÎÂÎÄÈÌÎÑÒÜ 3313. Varshney D., Tosi M.P. Pairing Mechanism and Superconducting State Parameters of Cubic Perovskite Ba&sub(0.6)K&sub(0.4)BiO&sub(3). - Trieste, 1999.- 14 p.;1p.il. - (IC 99/84). Ñ 413 ÐÀÄÈÎÕÈÌÈß 3314. Seekamp S. Entwicklung und Anwendung von RP-HPLC-Methoden zur Analyse von Ubergangsmetallen und deren radioaktiven Isotopen aus radioaktiven Abfallen. - Julich, 1999.- 146p.: il. - (JUL 3674). Ñ 63 ÀÑÒÐÎÔÈÇÈÊÀ 3315. Grenacher L. a.o. Microlensing Towards Different Galactic Targets. - Villigen, 1999.- 13 p.:il. - (PSI PR-99-26,ZU-TH 23/99). 3316. Heiselberg H., Hjorth-Jensen M. Phases of Dense Matter in Neutron Stars. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 115 p. - (NORDITA 99/62 AP). Ö 840 ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÈÐÎÂÀÍÈÅ. ÎÁÙÈÅ ÂÎÏÐÎÑÛ 3317. Castro A.C. Integration of a Force Feedback Joystick with a VR System. - Roma, 1999.- 31 p.:il. - (ENEA RT/INN 99/3).![]()