ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N 4 01.02.99 σ 131 χωσϋαρ αμηεβςα 197. Bushnell C.J., Henniart G. Local Tame Lifting for GLn II: Wildly Ramified Supercuspidals. - London, 1997.- 84 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-65). 198. Gnedbaye A.V. A Non-Abelian Tensor Product of Leibniz Algebras. - Trieste, 1998.- 21p. - (IC 98/155). 199. Harvey W.J. Drawings, Triangle Groups and Algebraic Curves. - London, 1997.- 24p. - (KCL-MTH 97-12). 200. Hodgkin L. K-Theory of Mapping Class Groups III: Odd Torsion. - London, 1997.- 23 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-03). 201. Watts G.M.T. W-Algebras and their Representations. - London, 1997.- 26 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-50). σ 133 διζζεςεξγιαμψξωε ι ιξτεηςαμψξωε υςαχξεξιρ 202. Barbatis G. On the Approximation of Finsler Metrics on Euclidean Domains. - London, 1997.- 19p. - (KCL-MTH 97-53). 203. Barbatis G. Sharp Heat Kernel Bounds and Finsler-Type Metrics. - London, 1997.- 17p. - (KCL-MTH 97-23). 204. Barbatis G. Stability and Regularity of Higher Order Elliptic Operators with Measurable Coefficients. - London, 1997.- 14p. - (KCL-MTH 97-58). 205. Davies E.B., Parnovski L. Trapped Modes in Acoustic Waveguides. - London, 1997.- 14p.;4p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-34). 206. Howe P.S. a.o. The Self-Dual String Soliton. - London, 1997.- 21 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-63). 207. Howe P.S. a.o. The Threebrane Soliton of the M-Fivebrane. - London, 1997.- 11 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-54). 208. Postnov D. a.o. Synchronization of Diffusively Coupled Oscillators Near the Homoclinic Bifurcation. - Trieste, 1998.- 13 p.;5p.il. - (IC 98/154). 209. Solomon D. The Shintani Cocycle II: Partial *z-Functions, Cohomologous Cocycles and p-Adic Interpolation. - London, 1997.- 44p. - (KCL-MTH 97-16). 210. Streater R.F. A Model of Dense Fluids. - London, 1997.- 16 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-62). 211. Streater R.F. Nonlinear Heat Equations. - London, 1997.- 9 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-27). σ 135 ζυξλγιοξαμψξωκ αξαμιϊ 212. Barbatis G. Spectral Theory of Singular Elliptic Operators with Measurable Coefficients. - London, 1997.- 25p. - (KCL-TH 97-21). 213. Bekolle D. Bergman Spaces with Small Exponents. - Trieste, 1998.- 13 p. - (IC 98/182). 214. Bushnell C.J. a.o. Local Rankin-Selberg Convolutions for GL&sub(n): Explicit Conductor Formula. - London, 1997.- 36p. - (KCL-MTH 97-42). 215. Bushnell C.J., Kutzko P.C. Semisimple Types in GL&sub(n). - London, 1997.- 49 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-24). 216. Bushnell C.J., Kutzko P.C. Smooth Representations of Reductive p-adic Groups: Structure Theory Via Types. - London, 1997.- 59 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-02). 217. Bushnell C.J., Henniart G. Supercuspidal Representations of GLn: Explicit Whittaker Functions. - London, 1997.- 17 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-57). 218. Bushnell C.L., Henniart G. An Upper Bound on Conductors for Pairs. - London, 1997.- 13p. - (KCL-MTH 97-06). 219. Datta M. A Note on Pontrjagin Forms. - Trieste, 1998.- 7p. - (IC 98/160). 220. Davies E.B. Pointwise Lower Bounds on the Heat Kernels of Higher Order Elliptic Operators. - London, 1997.- 9p. - (KCL-MTH 97-19). 221. Erdos J.A. Basis Theory and Operator Algebras. - London, 1997.- 15 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-14). 222. Erdos J.A. a.o. Block Strong M-Bases and Spectral Synthesis. - London, 1997.- 13 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-13). 223. Erdos J.A. a.o. Rank One Subspace of Bimodules Over Maximal Abelian Selfadjoint Algebras. - London, 1997.- 39 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-39). 224. Hacibekiroglu A.K., Bravo V.A. Observability of General Linear Pairs. - Trieste, 1998.- 8 p. - (IC 98/158). 225. Labarca R., Plaza S.S. Bifurcation of Discontinuous Maps of the Interval and Palindromic Numbers. - Trieste, 1998.- 13p.: il. - (IC 98/165). 226. Lbjaoui H., Zerouali E.H. Orthogonalite et Spectre Local. - Trieste, 1998.- 4 p. - (IC 98/167). 227. Long Y. Precise Iteration Formulae of the Maslov-Type Index Theory for Symplectic Paths. - Trieste, 1998.- 15p. - (IC 98/175). 228. Mahzouli H., Zerouali E.H. Classes de shifs decomposables sur les espaces de beurling. - Trieste, 1998.- 7p. - (IC 98/166). 229. Owen M.P. A Riemannian Off-Diagonal Heat Kernel Bound for Uniformly Elliptic Operators. - London, 1997.- 25 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-44). 230. Owen M.P. The Hardy-Rellich Inequality for Polyharmonic Operators. - London, 1997.- 17 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-37). 231. Shargorodsky E. Geometry of Higher Order Relative Spectra and Projection Methods. - London, 1997.- 28p. - (KCL-MTH 97-64). σ 138 ηεονετςιρ. ςιναξοχα ηεονετςιρ. ηεονετςιρ μοβαώεχσλοηο 232. Bushnell C.J. a.o. Correspondance de Langlands locale pour GLn et conducteurs de paires. - London, 1997.- 28p. - (KCL-MTH 97-48). 233. Kelly-Lyth D. Uniform Lattice Point Estimates for Co-Finite Fuchsian Groups. - London, 1997.- 22p. - (KCL-MTH 97-15). 234. Klingenberg W.P.A. Simple Polygons on Surfaces of Genus 0. - Berlin, 1998.- 15 p. - (Sfb 288 355). σ 139 τοπομοηιρ 235. Babenko I.K., Taimanov I.A. On Nonformal Simply Connected Symplectic Manifolds. - Berlin, 1998.- 21 p. - (Sfb 288 358). 236. Gonzalez-Diez G., Harvey W.J. Surface Groups Inside the Mapping Class Group. - London, 1997.- 13p.;1p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-04). 237. Hodgkin L. Topological K-Theory of GL(Z) at the Prime 2. - London, 1997.- 7 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-49). σ 15 τεοςιρ χεςορτξοστεκ ι νατενατιώεσλαρ στατιστιλα 238. Mutihac R., Mutihac L. Cell Membrane Noise. - Trieste, 1998.- 9 p. - (IC 98/150). σ 17 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ νατενατιλα. 239. Qian J.-H. a.o. Regional Stretched Grid Generation and its Application to the NCAR RegCM. - Trieste, 1998.- 16p.;9p.il. - (IC 98/187). σ 3 ζιϊιλα 240. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Advanced Radiation Technology Center. TIARA Annual Report 1997. - Tokyo, 1998.- 288 p.:il. - (JAERI-Review 98-016). 241. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Department of Nuclear Energy System. Reactor Engineering Department Annual Report ( April 1, 1997 - March 31, 1998). - Tokyo, 1998.- 266 p.:il. - (JAERI-Review 98-022). 242. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Department of Materials Science. JAERI TANDEM & V.D.G. Annual Report 1997 (April 1, 1997 - March 31, 1998). - Tokyo, 1998.- 126 p.:il. - (JAERI-Review 98-017). σ 321 λμασσιώεσλαρ νεθαξιλα 243. Akinola A. A Solution of Composite Parallelepiped Deformed into a Cylinder by Anisotropic Expansion. - Trieste, 1998.- 10 p. - (IC 98/172). 244. Akinola A. On Application of Complex Variable Method to Plane Problem of a Transversely Isotropic Body in Finite Elasticity. - Trieste, 1998.- 18 p.;2p.il. - (IC 98/159). 245. Challal S., Lyaghfouri A. A Stationary Flow of Fresh and Salt Groundwater in a Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifer. - Trieste, 1998.- 20p.: il. - (IC 98/179). σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι 246. Alagoa K.D., Sakanaka P.H. Gravitational Stability of the Solar Plasma. - Trieste, 1998.- 14p.: il. - (IC 98/112). 247. Goldberg J.N., Robinson D.C. Null Surface Canonical Formalism. - London, 1997.- 14p. - (KCL-MTH 97-60). 248. McCulloch L., Robinson D.C. Einstein's Equations and Associated Linear Systems. - London, 1997.- 21p. - (KCL-MTH 97-38). 249. Robinson D.C. Chiral Actions and Einstein's Vacuum Equations. - London, 1997.- 13p. - (KCL-MTH 97-61). 250. Rogers A. The Gauge-Fixing Fermion in BRST Quantisation. - London, 1997.- 5p. - (KCL-MTH 97-01). σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα 251. Bordemann M. a.o. On Representations of Star Products Algebras Over Cotangent Spaces on Hermitian Line Bundles. - Berlin, 1998.- 37 p. - (Sfb 288 357,FR-THEP 98/24). 252. Brody D.C., Hughston L.P. The Quantum Canonical Ensemble. - London, 1997.- 8p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 97-59). 253. Chari V., Pressley A. Quantum Affine Algebras at Roots of Unity. - London, 1997.- 37 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-17). 254. Chari V., Pressley A. Twisted Quantum Affine Algebras. - London, 1997.- 14 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-18). 255. Farias R.H.A., Recami E. Introduction of a Quantum of Time ("Chronon") and Its Consequences for Quantum Mechanics. - Trieste, 1998.- 74 p. - (IC 98/74). 256. Long Y., Zhang S. Geometric Characterization for Variational Minimization Solutions of the 3-Body Problem with Fixed Energy. - Trieste, 1998.- 13 p. - (IC 98/176). 257. Majewski W.A., Streater R.F. Detailed Balance and Quantum Dynamical Semigroups. - London, 1997.- 16 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-09). 258. Palev T.D., Stoilova N.I. A Description of the Quantum Superalgebra U&sub(q)[sl(n+1|m)] Via Creation and Annihilation Generators. - Trieste, 1998.- 18 p. - (IC 98/171). 259. Raghavan s. a.o. Quantum Versus Semiclassical Description of Selftrapping: Anharmonic Effects. - Trieste, 1998.- 8p.;6p.il. - (IC 98/151). σ 323.1 ςεμρτιχιστσλιε χομξοχωε υςαχξεξιρ. υς-ξιρ τιπα βετε-σομπιτεςα.λχαϊιποτεξγιαμ. 260. Fang D. About the Existence Time of Solutions for Field Equations in One Space Dimension. - Trieste, 1998.- 19 p. - (IC 98/174). 261. Kath I. Parallel Pure Spinors on Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds. - Berlin, 1998.- 19 p. - (Sfb 288 356). 262. Mohan M. a.o. Collision Strengths from Ground Levels of Ti XIII Using Relativistic-Breit-Pauli Approximation. - Trieste, 1998.- 25 p. - (IC 98/157). σ 323.6 οπεςατοςω ϋςεδιξηεςα.σπελτς.μολαμιϊαγιρ. 263. Davies E.B. Ground State Energy of Almost Periodic Schrodinger Operators. - London, 1997.- 12p.;10p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-52). 264. Davies E.B. Spectral Enclosures and Complex Resonances for General Self-Adjoint Operators. - London, 1997.- 32p.;4p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-20). σ 324.1Α λχαξτοχαρ όμελτςοδιξανιλα 265. Bach V. a.o. Spectral Analysis for Systems of Atoms and Molecules Coupled to the Quantized Radiation Field. - Berlin, 1998.- 47 p. - (Sfb 288 359). σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 266. Zhou B.-R. Nambu-Goldstone Mechanism in Real-Time Thermal Field Theory. - Trieste, 1998.- 12p. - (IC 98/113). σ 324.1Η λαμιβςοχοώξωε τεοςιι πομρ. σποξταξξο- ξαςυϋεξξωε σιννετςιι 267. Howe P.S. a.o. Classical M-Fivebrane Dynamics and Quantum N=2 Yang-Mills. - London, 1997.- 11 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-55). σ 324.1Η2 λοσνομοηιώεσλιε ασπελτω λαμιβςοχοώξωθ πομεκ 268. Demir D.A. Weak-Scale Hidden Sector and Electroweak Q-Balls. - Trieste, 1998.- 11 p. - (IC 98/186). σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. συπεςστςυξω 269. Barwald O. a.o. Missing Modules, the Gnome Lie Algebra, and E&sub(10). - London, 1997.- 31 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-22,IASSNS-HEP 97/20,PSU-TH 178,AEI 029). 270. Hewson S.F., Lambert N.D. Potentials and T-Duality. - London, 1997.- 13 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-25,DAMTP R/97/13). 271. Howe P.S. a.o. A New Massive Type IIA Supergravity from Compactification. - London, 1997.- 13 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-46). 272. Lambert N.D. D-Brane Bound States and the Generalised ADHM Construction. - London, 1997.- 17 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-45). 273. Mathieu P., Watts G. Probing Integrable Perturbations of Conformal Theories Using Singular Vectors II: N=1 Superconformal Theories. - London, 1997.- 30 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-41,LAVAL-PHY 97-23). σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ 274. Pillin M. Polynomial Recursion Equations in Form Factors of ADE-Toda Field Theories. - London, 1997.- 14p. - (KCL-MTH 97-31). 275. Zhou B.-R. Discrete Symmetry Breaking and Restoration at Finite Temperature in 3D Gross-Neveu Model. - Trieste, 1998.- 8p. - (IC 98/114). σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα 276. Bengrine M. a.o. Phase Diagram of a Diluted Surface of a Disordered Ising Film. - Trieste, 1998.- 15p.;9p.il. - (IC 98/156). 277. Coolen A.C.C. A Beginner's Guide to the Mathematics of Neural Networks. - London, 1997.- 61p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 97-10). 278. Gogolin A.O. a.o. Zero Modes and Thermodynamics of Disordered Spin-1/2 Ladders. - Trieste, 1998.- 24p.;1p.il. - (IC 98/149). 279. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. Neural Networks for Predicting Conditional Probability Densities: Improved Training Scheme Combining EM and RVFL. - London, 1997.- 38p.;24p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-47). 280. Jonker H.J.J. a.o. Synaptic Adaptation in Recurrent Inhibitory Modules. - London, 1997.- 33p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 97-35). 281. Lyaghfouri A. A Free Boundary Problem for Flows in Porous Media. - Trieste, 1998.- 35p. - (IC 98/180). 282. Mace C.W.H., Coolen A.C.C. Statistical Mechanical Analysis of the Dynamics of Learning in Perceptrons. - London, 1997.- 58p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 97-36). 283. Monchi O., Taylor J.G. A Hard Wired Model of Coupled Frontal Working Memories for Various Tasks. - London, 1997.- 13p.;4p.il. - (KCL-MTH 97-26). 284. Mutihac R., Cicuttin A. Bayesian Modeling of Neural Networks. - Trieste, 1998.- 16 p. - (IC 98/109). 285. Pathak A.P. a.o. Quantum Models for Dechanneling by Point Defects and Extended Defects. - Trieste, 1998.- 8 p. - (IC 98/170). 286. Sen A.K. Mesoscopic Fluctuations, Two-Parameter Scaling and Concommitant Unusual Level Spacing Distributions in Finite 1D Disordered Systems. - Trieste, 1998.- 9p.;4p.il. - (IC 98/162). 287. Senouci K. a.o. Nonlinearity Effect on 1D Periodic and Disordered Lattices. - Trieste, 1998.- 9p.;6p.il. - (IC 98/116). 288. Siddiqui A.M., Pathak A.P. Catastrophic Dechanneling Resonance Study of In&sub(0.1)Ga&sub(0.9)As/GaAs Multilayers. - Trieste, 1998.- 4p.;1p.il. - (IC 98/168). 289. Siddiqui A.M. a.o. Characterization of OMVPE Grown Strained-Layer Superlattices by Ion Channeling. - Trieste, 1998.- 7p.;2p.il. - (IC 98/169). 290. Streater R.F. A Gas of Brownian Particles in Statistical Dynamics. - London, 1997.- 21 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-08). 291. Streater R.F. Dynamics of Brownian Particles in a Potential. - London, 1997.- 7 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-07). 292. Watts G.M.T. Conserved Charges in the Chiral 3-State Potts Model. - London, 1997.- 9 p. - (KCL-MTH 97-51). 293. Zekri L. a.o. Statistical and Scaling Properties of the ac Conductivity in Thin Metal-Dielectric Composites. - Trieste, 1998.- 8p.;8p.il. - (IC 98/117). σ 326 λχαξτοχαρ τεοςιρ σιστεν ιϊ νξοηιθ ώαστιγ.λχαξτοχαρ στατιστιλα 294. Balachandran A.P. a.o. Current Oscillations, Interacting Hall Discs and Boundary CFTs. - Trieste, 1998.- 25 p. - (IC 98/37,SU 4240-675,DSF 9/98,IMSc 98/03/10). 295. Bekhechi S. a.o. Numerical Study of the Spin-1 Ashkin-Teller Model. - Trieste, 1998.- 13p.;10p.il. - (IC 98/78). 296. Saber A. a.o. The Order Parameters of a Spin-1 Ising Film in a Transverse Field. - Trieste, 1998.- 10p.;12p.il. - (IC 98/115). 297. Zhang G.-M., Yu L. Anomalous Resonance of the Symmetric Single-Impurity Anderson Model in the Presence of Pairing Fluctuations. - Trieste, 1998.- 9p.: il. - (IC 98/178). σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω 298. Christova E. CP Violating Asymmetries of b Quarks and Leptons in e*+e*-*>tt^- and Supersymmetry. - Trieste, 1998.- 21 p.;1p.il. - (IC 98/152,INRNE-TH 98/33). 299. Dighe A., Sen S. Information Content in B *> VV Decays and the Angular Moments Method. - Trieste, 1998.- 17p.;9p.il. - (IC 98/177). 300. Dvali G., Nir Y. Naturally Light Sterile Neutrinos in Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking. - Trieste, 1998.- 11 p. - (IC 98/163,WIS 98/25/Oct-DPP). 301. Smirnov A.Yu. Towards the Solution of the Solar Neutrino Problem. - Trieste, 1998.- 14p.: il. - (IC 98/148). σ 353 ζιϊιλα πμαϊνω 302. Kuroda T. a.o. ITER Breeding Blanket Module Design & Analysis. - Tokyo, 1998.- 71p.: il. - (JAERI-Tech 98-051). 303. Maekawa F. a.o. Compilation of Benchmark Results for Fusion Related Nuclear Data. - Tokyo, 1998.- 174 p.:il. - (JAERI-Data/Code 98-024). 304. Sugie T. a.o. Design of Divertor Impurity Monitoring System for ITER (II). - Tokyo, 1998.- 195p.: il. - (JAERI-Tech 98-047). σ 393 ζιϊιλα ξιϊλιθ τενπεςατυς 305. Ahmedov B.J. General Relativistic Thermoelectric Effects in Superconductors. - Trieste, 1998.- 11p.;1p.il. - (IC 98/183). σ 393 Ι χωσολοτενπεςατυςξαρ σχεςθπςοχοδινοστψ 306. Lou J. a.o. Bond-Versus-Site Doping Models for Off-Chain-Doped Haldane-Gap System Y&sub(2)BaNiO&sub(5). - Trieste, 1998.- 6 p.;3p.il. - (IC 98/153).