éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N.39 11.10.99 ó 131 ÷ùóûáñ áìçåâòá 2867. Gouthier D. Solvable Complex Structure on a Real Lie-Algebra. - Trieste, 1999.- 23 p. - (SISSA 86/99/GEO). ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ 2868. Guzzetti D. Connection Problem and Monodromy Data for a Class of Solutions the Sixth Painleve Equation. - Trieste, 1999.- 30 p. - (SISSA 79/99/FM). ó 138 çåïíåôòéñ. òéíáîï÷á çåïíåôòéñ. çåïíåôòéñ ìïâáþå÷óëïçï 2869. Arsie A. Special Lagrangian Geometry in Irreducible Symplectic 4-Folds. - Trieste, 1999.- 9 p. - (SISSA 75/99/FM/GEO). 2870. Meng Chen The Relative Pluricanonical Stability for 3-Folds of General Type. - Trieste, 1999.- 12 p. - (IC 99/63). ó 139 ôïðïìïçéñ 2871. Bertola M., Gouthier D. Rigidification of Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds by an Elliptic Equation. - Trieste, 1999.- 23 p.:il. - (SISSA 72/99/GEO). ó 15 ôåïòéñ ÷åòïñôîïóôåê é íáôåíáôéþåóëáñ óôáôéóôéëá 2872. Andersen J.V., Sornette D. Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: Increasing Returns while Lowering Large Risks! - Copenhagen, 1999.- 11 p.;5p.il. - (NORDITA 99/53 CM). ó 3 æéúéëá 2873. Manne Siegbahn Laboratory Stockholm University. Annual Report 1998. - Stockholm, 1999.- 122 p.:il. - (Manne Siegbahn Lab. ). 2874. Tandem Accelerator Center University of Tsukuba. Annual Report 1998. - Ibaraki, 1999.- 132 p.:il. - (UTTAC 67). ó 321 ëìáóóéþåóëáñ íåèáîéëá 2875. El-Sayed A. a.o. The Destructive Seismic Activity of 1303 in the Eastern Mediterranean: a Possible Interpretation Based on Realistic Synthetic Waveforms. - Trieste, 1999.- 22 p.;10p.il. - (IC 98/227). ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé 2876. Aguirre A., Haiman Z. Cosmological Constant or Intergalactic Dust? Constraints from the Cosmic Far Infrared Background. - Batavia, 1999.- 8 p.;4p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/195-A). 2877. Carbone G. Turaev-Viro Invariant and 3N-J Symbols. - Trieste, 1999.- 32 p. - (SISSA 53/99/FM). 2878. Haiman Z., Knox L. Correlations in the Far Infrared Background. - Batavia, 1999.- 6 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/189-A). 2879. Sornborger A., Parry M. Pattern Formation in the Early Universe. - Batavia, 1999.- 7 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/231-A). 2880. Vlad V.I., Ionescu-Pallas N. The Discrete Planck Spectrum of a Spherical Cavity. - Trieste, 1999.- 18 p. - (IC 99/27). ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá 2881. Brodsky S.J. Hard Exclusive and Diffractive Processes in QCD. - Stanford, 1999.- 16 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8235). 2882. Gieres F. Dirac's Formalism and Mathematical Surprises in Quantum Mechanics. - Villeurbanne, 1999.- 39 p. - (LYCEN 9960a). ó 324.1Á ë÷áîôï÷áñ üìåëôòïäéîáíéëá 2883. òÏÞÅ× ÷.å. ï ÎÅÐÅÒÔÕÒÂÁÔÉ×ÎÙÈ ×ÙÞÉÓÌÅÎÉÑÈ × Ë×ÁÎÔÏ×ÏÊ ÜÌÅËÔÒÏÄÉÎÁÍÉËÅ. - ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.- 31 Ó. - (éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-40). ó 324.1× óìáâùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ 2884. Burdman G. a.o. Precision Bounds on Flavor Gauge Bosons. - Madison, 1999.- 28 p. - (MADPH 99-1120,BUHEP 99-12,SHEP 99-05). 2885. Dobrescu B.A. Minimal Composite Higgs Model with Light Bosons. - Batavia, 1999.- 29 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/234-T). ó 324.1Ç1 ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ðïìñ îá òåûåôëå 2886. Bietenholz W., Hip I. Improved Overlap Fermions. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NORDITA 99/48 HE). 2887. Bodeker D. a.o. Hard Thermal Loops and the Sphaleron Rate on the Lattice. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NORDITA 99/56 HE). 2888. Damgaard P.H. a.o. Looking for Effects of Topology in the Dirac Spectrum of Staggered Fermions. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NORDITA 99/55 HE). 2889. Green A.M. a.o. Can Lattice Data for Two Heavy-Light Mesons be Understood in Terms of Simply Two-Quark Potentials? - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p. - (NORDITA 99/44 HE). 2890. Laine M., Rummukainen K. Spontaneous CP Violation on the Lattice. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NORDITA 99/51 HE,CERN-TH 99-262). ó 324.1Ç2 ëïóíïìïçéþåóëéå áóðåëôù ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùè ðïìåê 2891. Ryan S. Lattice Determination of the Strange Quark Mass. - Batavia, 1999.- 7 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/222-T). ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá 2892. Hoyer P. Soft Perturbative QCD. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 7 p. - (NORDITA 99/52 HE). ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. óõðåòóôòõîù 2893. Barger V. a.o. Measuring CP Violating Phases at a Future Linear Collider. - Madison, 1999.- 6 p.;3p.il. - (MADPH 99-1128). 2894. Bertola M. a.o. Ads/CFT Correspondence for n-Point Functions. - Trieste, 1999.- 26 p. - (SISSA 101/99/FM). 2895. Bertolini M. a.o. The Generating Solution of Regular N=8 BPS Black Holes. - Trieste, 1999.- 21 p. - (SISSA 55/99/EP,SWAT 227). 2896. Choi S.Y. a.o. CP Phases in Correlated Production and Decay of Neutralinos in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. - Madison, 1999.- 31 p.;6p.il. - (MADPH 99-1130,KIAS-P 99057,SNUTP 99-035). 2897. David J.R. a.o. Point Mass Geometries, Spectral Flow and AdS&sub(3)-CFT&sub(2) Correspondence. - Trieste, 1999.- 14 p. - (IC 99/64,TIFR/TH 99-23). 2898. Davidson S. a.o. Dark Matter Abundance and Electroweak Baryogenesis in the CMSSM. - Geneva, 1999.- 14 p.:il. - (CERN-TH 99-170,MADPH 99-1124). 2899. Demir D.A. Additional Phases Induced by the Supersymmetric CP Phases. - Trieste, 1999.- 14 p.;8p.il. - (IC 99/62). 2900. Ellis J. a.o. Calculations of Neutralino-Stau Coannihilation Channels and the Cosmologically Relevant Region of MSSM Parameter Space. - Geneva, 1999.- 38 p. - (CERN-TH 99-146,MADPH 99-1117,TPI-MINN 99/28,UMN TH-1801/99). 2901. Falk T. a.o. MSSM Predictions for the Electric Dipole Moment of the *1*9*9Hg Atom. - Madison, 1999.- 22 p.:il. - (MADPH 99-1113,TPI-MINN 99/23,UMN TH-1757/99). 2902. Falk T. a.o. Variations of the Neutralino Elastic Cross-Section with CP Violating Phases. - Minneapolis, 1999.- 15 p.;10p.il. - (UMN TH-1811/99,TPI-MINN 99/36,MADPH 99-1125). 2903. Feng J. a.o. Multi-TeV Scalars are Natural in Minimal Supergravity. - Batavia, 1999.- 10 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/226-T,IASSNS-HEP 99-78). 2904. Han T. a.o. A Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Model with an Extra Singlet Higgs Field. - Madison, 1999.- 19 p. - (MADPH 99-1123). 2905. Han T. a.o. Drell-Yan Plus Missing Energy as a Signal for Extra Dimensions. - Madison, 1999.- 5 p.:il. - (MADPH 99-1115). 2906. Martin S.P. Dimensionless Supersymmetry Breaking Couplings, Flat Directions, and the Origin of Intermediate Mass Scales. - Batavia, 1999.- 28 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/198-T). 2907. Schwarz J.H. Remarks on Non-BPS D-Branes. - Pasadena, 1999.- 6 p. - (CALT 68-2234). 2908. Schwarz J.H. TASI Lectures on Non-BPS D-Brane Systems. - Pasadena, 1999.- 39 p. - (CALT 68-2237). 2909. Tomasiello A. Projective Resolutions of Coherent Sheaves and Descent Relations between Branes. - Trieste, 1999.- 8 p. - (SISSA 92/99/FM). ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ 2910. Bertola M. a.o. Correspondence between Minkowski and de Sitter Quantum Field Theory. - Trieste, 1999.- 9 p. - (SISSA 59/99/FM). ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ 2911. Han T. a.o. e*+e*-*>tt^-H with Non-Standard Higgs Boson Couplings. - Madison, 1999.- 12 p.;9p.il. - (MADPH 99-1121,NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/221-T). 2912. Molders N. a.o. Spatially-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy at CAMD. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 96 p.:il. - (FZKA 6314). ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé 2913. Wisshak K. a.o. Neutron Capture Cross Section of *2*3*2Th. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 25 p. - (FZKA 6275). ó 344.1 íåôïäù é áððáòáôõòá äìñ òåçéóôòáãéé üìåíåîôáòîùè þáóôéã 2914. ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin. Volume 18. Spring 1999 Issue. - Stanford, 1999.- 30 p.:il. - (SLAC J-ICFA-18). ó 344.4 ìáâïòáôïòîáñ ôåèîéëá 2915. Krippner P., Mohr J. Hochempfindliche LIGA-Mikrospektrometersysteme fur den Infrarotbereich. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 111 p.:il. - (FZKA 6346). ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã 2916. é×ÁÎÏ× ó.÷., ìÅÂÅÄÅ× ï.ð. ðÏÄÁ×ÌÅÎÉÅ ÓÁÍÏÇÒÕÐÐÉÒÏ×ËÉ ÐÕÞËÁ × ÕÓËÏÒÉÔÅÌÅ õ-70. - ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.- 13 Ó.:ÉÌ. - (éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-39). 2917. Ahn S. a.o. Muon Colliders: a Scenario for the Evolution of the Fermilab Accelerator Complex. - Batavia, 1999.- 45 p.:il. - (NAL-FN 677). 2918. Ben-Menahem S., Chen P. Electron Trajectories in Intense Laser Pulses. - Stanford, 1999.- 18 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8220). 2919. Cai Y. Beam Based Solenoid Compensation for the PEP-II. - Stanford, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8236). 2920. Fasso A. a.o. Induced Activity Calculations in View of the Large Electron Positron Collider Decommissioning. - Stanford, 1999.- 5 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8214). 2921. Fasso A. a.o. Predicting Induced Radioactivity at High Energy Accelerators. - Stanford, 1999.- 8 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8215). 2922. Nakamura T. a.o. Coulomb Dissociation of *1*9C and its Halo Structure. - Wako, 1999.- 10 p.;3p.il. - (RIKEN AF-NP-321). ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù 2923. Abbott B. a.o. Measurement of the Inclusive Differential Cross Section for Z Bosons as a Function of Transverse Momentum in p^-p Collisions at *%s=1.8 TeV. - Batavia, 1999.- 23 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/197-E). 2924. Abbott B. a.o. Neural Networks for Analysis of Top Quark Production. - Batavia, 1999.- 9 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/206-E). 2925. Abbott B. a.o. Search for R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry in the Dielectron Channel. - Batavia, 1999.- 11 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/200-E). 2926. Barger V. a.o. Neutrino Decay and Atmospheric Neutrinos. - Madison, 1999.- 8 p.:il. - (MADPH 99-1127,UH 511-931-99). 2927. Burdman G. a.o. Anomalous Couplings of the Third Generation in Rare B Decays. - Madison, 1999.- 17 p.:il. - (MADPH 99-1119,IFIC 99-38,IFT P.047/99). 2928. Burdman G. Scalars from Top-Condensation Models at Hadron Colliders. - Madison, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (MADPH 99-1116). 2929. Fleming S. a.o. The NN Scattering *3S&sub(1) - *3D&sub(1) Mixing Angle at NNLO. - Pasadena, 1999.- 17 p.:il. - (CALT 68-2227,UTPT 99-10). 2930. Genik II R.J. A Search for Di-Lepton Signatures from Minimal Low Energy Supergravity in p^-p Collisions at *%s=1.8 TeV. - Batavia, 1999.- 7 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/211-E). 2931. Ioannisian A., Pilaftsis A. Cumulative Non-Decoupling Effects of Kaluza-Klein Neutrinos in Electroweak Processes. - Batavia, 1999.- 31 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/215-T,CERN-TH 99-230,MPI Th/99-30,THES TP/99-09). 2932. Pennanen P. a.o. Interactions of Heavy-Light Mesons. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (NORDITA 99/50 HE). 2933. Quigg C. Questions of Identity. - Batavia, 1999.- 15 p. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/233-T). 2934. Vaitaitis A. a.o. Search for Neutral Heavy Leptons in a High-Energy Neutrino Beam. - Batavia, 1999.- 4 p.;1p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/223-E). 2935. Valls J.A., Vilar R. Run II Extrapolation of CDF Results on a Search for Higgs Bosons Produced in Association with a Vector Boson Through pp^-*>V+H*0(V=W,Z). - Batavia, 1999.- 4 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/163-E). 2936. Wang M.J. Is there Only Top Quark? - Review of Top Results. - Batavia, 1999.- 10 p.;3p.il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/190-E). ó 347 ëïóíéþåóëéå ìõþé 2937. Fasso A., Poirier J. A Monte Carlo Calculation of Muon Flux at Ground Level from Primary Cosmic Gamma Rays. - Stanford, 1999.- 3 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8148). 2938. Giller M., Pytlos T. A Model Independent Method for Determination of Muon Density Fluctuations in EAS. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 20 p. - (FZKA 6352). ó 348 ñäåòîùå òåáëôïòù. òåáëôïòïóôòïåîéå 2939. Struwe D. a.o. Consequence Evaluation of In-Vessel Fuel Coolant Interactions in the European Pressurized Water Reactor. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 170 p. - (FZKA 6316). ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù 2940. Cupini E. PREMAR-2 a Monte Carlo Code for Radiative Transport Simulation in Atmospheric Environments. - Roma, 1999.- 82 p.:il. - (ENEA RT/INN 98/20). 2941. Gaillard C. a.o. Thermal Diffusion of Molybdenum in Apatite. - Villeurbanne, 1999.- 7 p.;3p.il. - (LYCEN 9967). 2942. Grossman N.L. a.o. Production and Release of Airborne Radionuclides Due to the Operation of NuMI. - Batavia, 1999.- 24 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-TM 2089). 2943. Poulard K. a.o. Use of RBS to Validate Europium Surface Implantation as a Marker for the Corrosion Study of Zirconia. - Villeurbanne, 1999.- 6 p.:il. - (LYCEN 9968). 2944. Zhukovskii K. a.o. Comparative Analysis of Different Approaches to the Computation of Long-Wave Radiation Balance of Water Air Systems. - Roma, 1999.- 30 p.:il. - (ENEA RT/ERG 98/12). ó 393 æéúéëá îéúëéè ôåíðåòáôõò 2945. Maurer W. a.o. Characteristic Current Degradation of Commercial NbTi-Multifilamentary Superconductors due to Annealing. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 47 p.:il. - (FZKA 6320). ó 393 É ÷ùóïëïôåíðåòáôõòîáñ ó÷åòèðòï÷ïäéíïóôø 2946. Schneider R. a.o. Supraleitende Mikrowellenresonatoren. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 12 p.;9p.il. - (FZKA 6343). 2947. Varshney D., Tosi M.P. Plasmon-Phonon Pairing Mechanism and Superconducting State Parameters in Layered Mercury Cuprates. - Trieste, 1999.- 18 p.;1p.il. - (IC 99/67). ó 413 òáäéïèéíéñ 2948. David F. La radiochimie, une science pluridisciplinaire pour le 21&sup(e) siecle. - Orsay, 1999.- 18 p. - (IPNO-DR 99-14). ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá 2949. Barger V. a.o. Astrophysical Constraints on Large Extra Dimensions. - Madison, 1999.- 12 p. - (MADPH 99-1118). 2950. Borgani S. a.o. Correlation Analysis of SFI Peculiar Velocities. - Batavia, 1999.- 26 p.:il. - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/133-A).![]()