ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N.37      27.09.99

          28.0 βιομοηιρ   
    2721. Forster C. Biochemische und molekularbiologische 
Charakterisierung des Riboflavintransports in Ashbya gossypii.  - 
Julich, 1999.-  131 p.:il.  - (JUL 3626).   
    2722. Peters B.O. Multi-Channel EEG Time Series Analysis.  - 
Julich, 1999.-  63 p.  - (JUL 3608).   
          σ 131 χωσϋαρ αμηεβςα   
    2723. Agricola I. Invariante Differentialoperatoren und die 
Frobenius-Zerlegung einer G-Varietat.  - Berlin, 1999.-  21 p.:il.  
- (Sfb 288 391).   
          σ 133 διζζεςεξγιαμψξωε ι ιξτεηςαμψξωε υςαχξεξιρ   
    2724. Belich H. a.o.   Surfaces of Constant Negative Scalar 
Curvature and the Correspondence between the Liouville and the 
Sine-Gordon Equations.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  28 p.  - (CBPF-NF 
    2725. Duzaar F., Grotowski J.F. Partial Regularity for Nonlinear 
Elliptic Systems.  - Berlin, 1999.-  24 p.  - (Sfb 288 389).   
    2726. Volchenkov D., Lima R. Instantons in the Burgers Equation 
in a Bounded Domain. A Comment on the Pole Decomposition Method.  - 
Marseille, 1999.-  13 p.;1p.il.  - (CNRS CPT ).   
          σ 135 ζυξλγιοξαμψξωκ αξαμιϊ   
    2727. Botelho L.C.L. A Simple Proof of the Banach-Stone Theorem. 
 - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  3 p.  - (CBPF-NF 044/99).   
          σ 137 τεοςιρ ζυξλγικ λονπμελσξοηο πεςενεξξοηο.τεοςιρ 
ζυξλγικ ξεσλομψλιθ πεςενεξξωθ   
    2728. Botelho L.C.L. A Theorem of Muntz-Szasz Type for Intervals 
[1,a].  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  2 p.  - (CBPF-NF 043/99).   
          σ 17 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ νατενατιλα.   
    2729. Peraire S. Transient Quasi-Static Thermal Stresses in a 
Bar Subject to Transverse 2D-Gaussian Heating and to Lateral 
Cooling.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-99-038 BT).   
          σ 3 ζιϊιλα   
    2730. Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Jahresbericht 1997/98 und 1. 
Halbjahr 1999. Abteilung Kommunikation und Datenverarbeitung.  - 
Dresden, 1999.-  68 p.:il.  - (FZR 274).   
    2731. International Atomic Energy Agency. Technical Co-Operation 
Report for 1998. Report by the Director General.  - Vienna, 1999.-  
65 p.:il.  - (IAEA GC(43)/INF/3).   
    2732. International Atomic Energy Agency. The Agency's Accounts 
for 1998.  - Vienna, 1999.-  90 p.:il.  - (IAEA GC(43)/5).   
    2733. International Atomic Energy Agency. The Agency's Budget 
for 2000.  - Vienna, 1999.-  128 p.:il.  - (IAEA GC(43)/6).   
    2734. Research Center for Nuclear Physics Osaka University. 
Annual Report 1998 : April 1, 1998 - March 31, 1999.  - Osaka, 
1999.-  223 p.:il.  - (RCNP ).   
          σ 321 λμασσιώεσλαρ νεθαξιλα   
    2735. Elze H.-T. a.o.   Variational Principle for Relativistic 
Fluid Dynamics.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  36 p.  - (CBPF-NF 
    2736. Wolfli W., Baltensperger W. A Possible Explanation for 
Earth's Climatic Changes in the Past Few Million Years.  - Rio de 
Janeiro, 1999.-  19 p.  - (CBPF-NF 031/99).   
          σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι   
    2737. Botelho L.C.L. Einstein Quantum Gravity and Yang-Mills 
Quantum Fields from a Stringy Space-Time.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  
7 p.  - (CBPF-NF 041/99).   
          σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα   
    2738. Bartels J. a.o.   Factorization of Twist-Four Gluon 
Operator Contributions.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  25 p.  - (DESY 
99-118,MZ-TH 99-33).   
    2739. Blumlein J. Relations between Polarized Structure 
Functions.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  5 p.  - (DESY 99-103).   
    2740. Harris B.W. a.o.   Heavy Quark Production in 
Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA.  - Argonne, 1999.-  10 p.  - 
(ANL-HEP-CP 99-35).   
    2741. Klippert R. EPR Paradox Revisited.  - Rio de Janeiro, 
1999.-  3 p.:il.  - (CBPF-NF 038/99).   
    2742. Korotyaev E. Inverse Problem for Periodic "Weighted" 
Operators.  - Berlin, 1999.-  23 p.  - (Sfb 288 392).   
          σ 323.6 οπεςατοςω ϋςεδιξηεςα.σπελτς.μολαμιϊαγιρ.   
    2743. Korotyaev E. Periodic "Weighted" Operators.  - Berlin, 
1999.-  27 p.  - (Sfb 288 388).   
          σ 324.1Β σιμψξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    2744. Schat C.L., Scoccola N.N. Multibaryons with Heavy Flavors 
in the Skyrme Model.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  14 p.  - (CBPF-NF 
          σ 324.1Η1 λαμιβςοχοώξωε πομρ ξα ςεϋετλε   
    2745. Aglietti F. a.o.   Proposal for a Multi-Tflops LGT 
Computing Project.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  18 p.  - (DESY 99-105,ROME 
1255/99,IFUP-TH 34/99,Bicocca-FT 99-17).   
    2746. Capitani S. a.o.   Higher-Twist Corrections to Nucleon 
Structure Functions from Lattice QCD.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  
- (DESY 99-069,HUB-EP 99/25,HLRZ 1999-21).   
    2747. Capitani S. a.o.   Towards a Lattice Calculation of *Dq 
and *dq.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  - (DESY 99-064,HUB-EP 
99/24,FUB HEP 1-99).   
    2748. Gockeler M. a.o.   A Lattice Determination of Light Quark 
Masses.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  25 p.:il.  - (DESY 99-097,HLRZ 
99-30,HUB-EP 99/31,TPR 99-09).   
          σ 324.1Η2 λοσνομοηιώεσλιε ασπελτω λαμιβςοχοώξωθ πομεκ   
    2749. Fujisaki H. Thermodynamical Aspect of Charged Black Holes 
in Anti-de Sitter Space.  - Tokyo, 1999.-  10 p.  - (RUP 99-5).   
          σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα   
    2750. Chliapnikov P.V. Hyperfine Splitting in Light-Flavour 
Hadron Production at LEP.  - Geneva, 1999.-  13 p.;5p.il.  - 
(CERN-EP 99-87).   
    2751. Levin E. Screening Effects on F&sub(2) at Low x and Q*2.  
- Hamburg, 1999.-  12 p.:il.  - (DESY 99-113,TAUP 2594-99).   
    2752. Levin E., Tuchin K. Solution to the Evolution Equation for 
High Parton Density QCD.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  21 p.:il.  - (DESY 
99-108,TAUP 2592-99).   
          σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. 
    2753. Chalmers G. The Intermediate Coupling Regime in the 
AdS/CFT Correspondence.  - Argonne, 1999.-  10 p.  - (ANL-HEP-PR 
          σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ   
    2754. Botelho L.C.L., Botelho R.C.L. Quantum Geometry of Bosonic 
Strings - Revisited.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  6 p.  - (CBPF-NF 
    2755. Goes-Negrao M.S. a.o.   (2,0)-Super-Yang-Mills Coupled to 
Non-Linear *s-Model.  - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.-  13 p.  - (CBPF-NF 
          σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ   
    2756. Schroer B. Modular Theory and Eyvind Wichmann's 
Contributions to Modern Particle Physics Theory.  - Berlin, 1999.-  
21 p.  - (Sfb 288 394).   
    2757. Smirnov V.A., Veretin O.L. Analytical Results for 
Dimensionally Regularized Massless On-Shell Double Boxes with 
Arbitrary Indices and Numerators.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  16 p.  - (DESY 
          σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα   
    2758. Bohle U. Phanomenologische Modellierung und 
Finite-Elemente-Simulationen von nichtlinearen elektromechanischen 
Vorgangen in ferroelektrischen Materialien: Dissertation.  - 
Karlsruhe, 1999.-  121 p.:il.  - (FZKA 6347).   
    2759. Eynard B., Bonnet G. The Potts-q Random Matrix Model: Loop 
Equations, Critical Exponents, and Rational Case.  - Gif-sur-Yvette, 
1999.-  7 p.  - (Saclay-T 99/060).   
          σ 326 λχαξτοχαρ τεοςιρ σιστεν ιϊ νξοηιθ ώαστιγ.λχαξτοχαρ 
    2760. Martin T. Wave Packets for Mesoscopic Transport with 
Interactions.  - Marseille, 1997.-  19 p.  - (CNRS CPT ).   
    2761. Richter Th., Seiler R. Geometric Properties of Transport 
in Quantum Hall Systems.  - Berlin, 1999.-  36 p.  - (Sfb 
288 390).   
          σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    2762. Abbiendi G. a.o.   Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in 
e*+e*- Collisions at *%s*~189 GeV.  - Geneva, 1999.-  23 p.;15p.il.  
- (CERN-EP 99-096).   
    2763. Abbiendi G. a.o.   Tests of the Standard Model and 
Constraints on New Physics from Measurements of Fermion-Pair 
Production at 189 GeV LEP.  - Geneva, 1999.-  27 p.;14p.il.  - 
(CERN-EP 99-097).   
    2764. Chekelian(Shekelyan) V. Neutral and Charged Currents at 
High Q*2 in ep Interactions.  - Munchen, 1999.-  2 p.;3p.il.  - 
(MPI-PhE 99-07).   
    2765. Diehl M. Hard Exclusive and Semi-Exclusive Meson 
Production.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  12 p.:il.  - (DESY 99-093).   
    2766. Gehrmann-De Ridder A. a.o.   Photon Fragmentation in 
Large-Q*2 ep Collisions at Next-to-Leading Order QCD.  - Hamburg, 
1999.-  15 p.:il.  - (DESY 99-084,MZ-TH 99-25,TTP 99-32).   
    2767. Long K.R. Future ep Physics: the Outlook for HERA.  - 
London, 1999.-  13 p.:il.  - (IC/HEP 99-3).   
          σ 341 ατονξωε ρδςα   
    2768. Ayik S. a.o.   Fragmentation and Damping of Collective 
Response in Extended RPA.  - Caen, 1999.-  12 p.;2p.il.  - (GANIL 
P 99 23).   
    2769. Van-Isacker P. Symmetries in the Structure of Nuclei.  - 
Caen, 1999.-  70 p.:il.  - (GANIL P 99 22).   
          σ 343 ρδεςξωε ςεαλγιι   
    2770. Cleymans J., Redlich K. Chemical and Thermal Freeze-Out 
Parameters from 1 to 200 A x GeV.  - Darmstadt, 1999.-  19 p.:il.  - 
(GSI 99-25).   
    2771. Cleymans J., Redlich K. Particle Ratios at CERN, BNL and 
GSI: Unified Description of Freeze-Out Parameters.  - Darmstadt, 
1999.-  4 p.:il.  - (GSI 99-24).   
          σ 344 όλσπεςινεξταμψξαρ ρδεςξαρ ζιϊιλα   
    2772. Aleksa M. a.o.   Rate Effects in High-Resolution Drift 
Chambers.  - Geneva, 1999.-  12 p.:il.  - (CERN-EP 99-101).   
    2773. Andres E. a.o.   The AMANDA Neutrino Telescope: Principle 
of Operation and First Results.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  36 p.:il.  - 
(DESY 99-073).   
    2774. Borer K. a.o.   Charge Collection Efficiency and 
Resolution of an Irradiated Double Sided Silicon Microstrip Detector 
Operated at Cryogenic Temperatures.  - Geneva, 1999.-  33 p.:il.  - 
(CERN-EP 99-98).   
    2775. Riegler W. a.o.   Resolution Limits of Drift Tubes.  - 
Geneva, 1999.-  11 p.:il.  - (CERN-EP 99-99).   
          σ 344.3 ρδεςξαρ όμελτςοξιλα   
    2776. Riegler W. a.o.   Front-End Electronics for Drift Tubes in 
a High-Rate Environment.  - Geneva, 1999.-  6 p.:il.  - (CERN-EP 
          σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ   
    2777. Baldy R. a.o.   The CERN Neutrino Beam to Gran Sasso 
(NGS).  - Geneva, 1999.-  31 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-99-034 DI,INFN/AE 
    2778. Hasse R.W. Theoretical Verification of Coulomb Order of 
Ions in a Storage Ring.  - Darmstadt, 1999.-  7 p.:il.  - (GSI 
    2779. Kaltchev D.I. a.o.   Initial Error Analysis for the 
Collimation Insertion of LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  3 p.  - (CERN LHC 
Project Report 304).   
    2780. Kaltchev D.I. a.o.   Optics Solutions for the Collimation 
Insertion of LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project 
Report 305).   
    2781. Linnecar T. Impedance Issues in the CERN SPS.  - Geneva, 
1999.-  10 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-99-041 HRF).   
    2782. Shaposhnikova E. Analysis of Coupled Bunch Instability 
Spectra.  - Geneva, 1999.-  8p.:il.  - (CERN SL-99-040 HRF).   
          σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω   
    2783. Baillon P. Do the Kamiokande Results Need Neutrino 
Oscillations?  - Geneva, 1999.-  4 p.  - (CERN-EP 99-109).   
    2784. Barrientos-Bendezu A.A., Kniehl B.A. H*+H*- Pair 
Production at the Large Hadron Collider.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  11 
p.;4p.il.  - (DESY 99-112,MPI-PhT 99-33).   
    2785. Breitweg J. a.o.   Measurement of D* &sup(*() Production 
and the Charm Contribution to F&sub(2) in Deep Inelastic Scattering 
at HERA.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  18 p.;9p.il.  - (DESY 99-101).   
    2786. Breitweg J. a.o.   Measurement of the Spin-Density Matrix 
Elements in Exclusive Electroproduction of *r*0 Mesons at HERA.  - 
Hamburg, 1999.-  25 p.;8p.il.  - (DESY 99-102).   
    2787. Capitani S. a.o.   Higher-Twist Contribution to Pion 
Structure Function: 4-Fermi Operators.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  17 p.:il. 
 - (DESY 99-098,HLRZ 99-31,HUB-EP 99/33,TPR 99-14).   
    2788. Carena M. a.o.   Neutrino Masses, Mixing Angles and the 
Unification of Couplings in the MSSM.  - Geneva, 1999.-  29 p.  - 
(CERN-TH 99-173,ANL-HEP-PR 99-76).   
    2789. Carena M. a.o.   The Complementarity of LEP, the Tevatron 
and the LHC in the Search for a Light MSSM Higgs Boson.  - Argonne, 
1999.-  25 p.;11p.il.  - (ANL-HEP-PR 99-79,CERN-TH 99-203).   
    2790. Collins J.C., Diehl M. Transversity Distribution Does Not 
Contribute to Hard Exclusive Electroproduction of Mesons.  - 
Hamburg, 1999.-  5 p.  - (DESY 99-092,PSU/TH 210).   
    2791. Dutsch M., Schroer B. Massive Vectormesons and Gauge 
Theory.  - Berlin, 1999.-  53 p.  - (Sfb 288 393).   
    2792. Harris B.W. a.o.   Detailed Comparison of Next-to-Leading 
Order Predictions for Jet Photoproduction at HERA.  - Argonne, 
1999.-  10 p.  - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-43,NIKHEF 99-012).   
    2793. Klasen M. Photon Structure and the Production of Jets, 
Hadrons, and Prompt Photons.  - Argonne, 1999.-  12 p.  - 
(ANL-HEP-CP 99-73).   
    2794. Kniehl B.A., Penin A.A. Ultrasoft Effects in 
Heavy-Quarkonium Physics.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  11 p.;3p.il.  - (DESY 
99-099,MPI-PhT 99-029).   
          σ 349 δοϊινετςιρ ι ζιϊιλα ϊαύιτω   
    2795. Poinssot C. a.o.   Experimental Studies of Cs, Sr, Ni, and 
Eu Sorption on Na-illite and the Modelling of Cs Sorption.  - 
Villigen, 1999.-  61 p.:il.  - (PSI Bericht 99-06).   
          σ 393 ζιϊιλα ξιϊλιθ τενπεςατυς   
    2796. Buchl K., Sandmann W. Launching of Cryogenic Pellets 
Through Guide Tubes.  - Garching, 1999.-  21 p.:il.  - (IPP 5/83 
          σ 393 Ι χωσολοτενπεςατυςξαρ σχεςθπςοχοδινοστψ   
    2797. Hojczyk R. Untersuchung von oxidischen 
Isolationsmaterialien in heteroepitaktischen Bauelementen auf der 
Basis von Hochtemperatursupraleitern.  - Julich, 1999.-  157 p.:il.  
- (JUL 3645).   
