éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N.33      30.08.99

          28.0 âéïìïçéñ   
    2333. Bhattacherjee A.B., Dudeja S. Transmembrane Electric Field 
Dependent Poole-Frenkle Effect in Mitochondrial Membrane: Possible 
Electret Effect.  - Trieste, 1998.-  36p.;8p.il.  - (IC 98/68).   
          ó 131 ÷ùóûáñ áìçåâòá   
    2334. Bedoulev E. On the Shafarevich Conjecture for Surfaces of 
General Type.  - Trieste, 1999.-  8 p.  - (IC 99/23).   
    2335. Dzhumadil'daev A. Cohomologies and Deformations of 
Right-Symmetric Algebras.  - Trieste, 1998.-  39 p.  - (IC 98/80).   
    2336. Dzhumadil'daev A. Left Polynomial Identities of 
Right-Symmetric Algebras.  - Trieste, 1998.-  16 p.  - (IC 98/84).   
    2337. Gnedbaye A.V. Third Homology Groups of Universal Central 
Extensions of a Lie Algebra.  - Trieste, 1998.-  16 p.  - (IC 
    2338. Hazewinkel M. Lectures on Interactions of Control Theory 
and K-Theory.  - Trieste, 1999.-  32 p.  - (IC 99/30).   
    2339. Hazewinkel M. The Algebra of Quasi-Symmetric Functions is 
Free Over the Integers.  - Trieste, 1999.-  12 p.  - (IC 99/29).   
    2340. Issa A.N. A Classification of Two-Dimensional 
Hyporeductive Triple Algebras.  - Trieste, 1998.-  8p.: il.  - (IC 
    2341. Parshin A.N. The Bruhat-Tits Building for PGL(3,K), Where 
K is a Two-Dimensional Local Field.  - Trieste, 1998.-  15p.: il.  - 
(IC 98/38).   
    2342. Qin H. Tame Kernels and Tate Kernels of Quadratic Number 
Fields.  - Trieste, 1998.-  27p.: il.  - (IC 98/57).   
    2343. Rossetti J.P., Tirao P. Five-Dimensional Bieberbach 
Groups with Holonomy Group Z&sub(2)*@Z&sub(2).  - Trieste, 1998.-  
20 p.  - (IC 98/79).   
    2344. Tirao P. A Refinement of the Toral Rank Conjecture for 
2-Step Nilpotent Lie Algebras.  - Trieste, 1998.-  5 p.  - (IC 
    2345. Tirao P. On the Homology of Graded Lie Algebras.  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  9 p.  - (IC 98/60).   
          ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ   
    2346. Mamun A.A., Hassan M.H.A. Effects of Dust Grain Charge 
Fluctuation on Obliquely Propagating Dust-Acoustic Potential in 
Magnetized Dusty Plasmas.  - Trieste, 1999.-  10p.;1p.il.  - (IC 
    2347. Vekslerchik V.E. 'Universality' of the Ablowitz-Ladik 
Hierarchy.  - Trieste, 1998.-  19 p.  - (IC 98/52).   
          ó 138 çåïíåôòéñ. òéíáîï÷á çåïíåôòéñ. çåïíåôòéñ 
    2348. Chen M. On Generic Finiteness of Pluricanonical Maps of 
3-Folds of General Type.  - Trieste, 1998.-  15p.  - (IC 98/76).   
    2349. Ellingsrud G. a.o.   On the Cobordism Class of the Hilbert 
Scheme of a Surface.  - Trieste, 1999.-  19p.  - (IC 99/60).   
    2350. Gottsche L. A Conjectural Generating Function for Numbers 
of Curves on Surfaces.  - Trieste, 1998.-  14p.  - (IC 98/4).   
    2351. Gottsche L. Theta Functions and Hodge Numbers of Moduli 
Spaces of Sheaves on Rational Surfaces.  - Trieste, 1999.-  30p.  - 
(IC 99/59).   
    2352. Thompson G. A Geometric Interpretation of the *c&sub(y) 
Genus on Hyper-Kahler Manifolds.  - Trieste, 1999.-  4 p.  - (IC 
          ó 139 ôïðïìïçéñ   
    2353. Dong Z.X. The C&sup(r) Connecting Lemma on the 
2-Dimensional Orientable Manifolds.  - Trieste, 1998.-  10 p.  - (IC 
          ó 15 ôåïòéñ ÷åòïñôîïóôåê é íáôåíáôéþåóëáñ óôáôéóôéëá   
    2354. Zekri L. a.o.   Localization and Absorption of Light in 2D 
Composite Metal-Dielectric Films at the Percolation Threshold.  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  11p.;3p.il.  - (IC 98/36).   
          ó 17 ÷ùþéóìéôåìøîáñ íáôåíáôéëá.   
    2355. Nguyen Van Kinh  On the Stable Method of Computing Values 
of Unbounded Operators.  - Trieste, 1998.-  9 p.  - (IC 98/45).   
          ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé   
    2356. Abdalla E., Mohayaee R. Gravitational Clustering to All 
Perturbative Orders.  - Trieste, 1999.-  6 p.  - (IC 99/31).   
    2357. Issa A.N. Gyrogroups and Homogeneous Loops.  - Trieste, 
1998.-  13p.  - (IC 98/51).   
    2358. Jeannerot R., Lesgourgues J. Supersymmetry Breaking and 
Loop Corrections at the End of Inflation.  - Trieste, 1998.-  8p.: 
il.  - (IC 99/43).   
    2359. Kirilova D.P., Chizhov M.V. Is There a Cosmological 
Evidence for Additional Particles.  - Trieste, 1998.-  6p.  - (IC 
    2360. Senjanovic G. Rochelle Salt: a Prototype of Particle 
Physics.  - Trieste, 1998.-  9 p.  - (IC 98/48).   
    2361. Uryu K., Eriguchi Y. Newtonian Models for Black 
Hole-Gaseous Close Binary Systems.  - Trieste, 1998.-  22p.;12p.il.  
- (IC 98/70).   
          ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá   
    2362. Noyes H.P., Jones E.D. Solution of a Relativistic Three 
Body Problem.  - Stanford, 1999.-  23 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 7609(rev 
    2363. Phung Ho Hai  On Structure of Quantum Super Groups 
GL&sub(q)(m|n).  - Trieste, 1998.-  19 p.  - (IC 98/8).   
    2364. Phung Ho Hai  Quantum Symmetric Functions and Characters 
of Hecke Algebras.  - Trieste, 1998.-  14 p.  - (IC 98/67).   
    2365. Vlad V.I., Ionescu-Pallas N. Discrete Phonon Spectrum and 
the Phonon Thermodynamic Functions in the Quantum Box at Low 
Temperatures.  - Trieste, 1998.-  14p.;1p.il.  - (IC 98/24).   
          ó 323.1 òåìñôé÷éóôóëéå ÷ïìîï÷ùå õòá÷îåîéñ. õò-îéñ ôéðá 
    2366. Salesi G., Recami E. Effects of Spin on the Cyclotron 
Frequency for a Dirac Electron.  - Trieste, 1998.-  8 p.  - (IC 
          ó 323.5 ôåïòéñ ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ þáóôéã ðòé ÷ùóïëéè 
    2367. Frankfurt L., Strikman M. Future Small x Physics with ep 
and eA Colliders.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  17 p.  - (DESY 99-087).   
          ó 324.1× óìáâùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    2368. Nyffeler A., Schenk A. The Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian 
Reanalyzed.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  67p.  - (DESY 99-088).   
          ó 324.1Ç ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ. óðïîôáîîï- îáòõûåîîùå 
    2369. Bajc B. a.o.   R-Charge and a Solution to the Monopole 
Problem.  - Trieste, 1998.-  9 p.  - (IC 98/33,IJS TP-98-4,CERN-TH 
    2370. Srivastava P.P., Brodsky S.J. Light-Front-Quantized QCD in 
Covariant Gauge.  - Stanford, 1999.-  15p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8168).   
          ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá   
    2371. Brodsky S.J. a.o.   Measuring the QCD Gell Mann-Low 
*Q-Function.  - Stanford, 1999.-  15p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8033).   
    2372. Brodsky S.J. a.o.   The Two-Loop Scale Dependence of the 
Static QCD Potential Including Quark Masses.  - Stanford, 1999.-  
27p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8019,DTP 98/94).   
    2373. Rasin A. Hierarchical Quark Mass Matrices.  - Trieste, 
1998.-  16p.  - (IC 98/12).   
          ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. 
    2374. Ali A., London D. Precision Flavour Physics and 
Supersymmetry.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  35 p.  - (DESY 99-083,UdeM 
    2375. Antoniadis I. a.o.   New Dimensions at a Millimeter to a 
Fermi and Superstrings at A TeV.  - Trieste, 1998.-  11 p.  - (IC 
98/39,SLAC-PUB 7801,SU-ITP 98/28,CPTH S608.0498).   
    2376. Chou C.-L. Supersymmetric Grand Unified Models without 
Adjoint Higgs Fields.  - Stanford, 1999.-  20p.;3p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    2377. Demir D.A. Distinguishing the Higgs Scalars of NMSSM and 
Z' Models for Large Higgs Trilinear Couplings.  - Trieste, 1999.-  
16 p.;3p.il.  - (IC 99/13).   
    2378. Gaida I. a.o.   Black Holes and Flop Transitions in 
M-Theory on Calabi-Yau Threefolds.  - Trieste, 1998.-  16 p.  - (IC 
98/66,DAMTP 98-76,QMW PH-98-29).   
    2379. Gava E. a.o.   Bound States of Type I D-Strings.  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  18 p.  - (IC 98/1).   
    2380. Hassan S.F., Wadia S.R. Gauge Theory Description of 
D-Brane Black Holes: Emergence of the Effective SCFT and Hawking 
Radiation.  - Trieste, 1998.-  26 p.  - (IC 98/15,CERN-TH 97-344).   
    2381. Masip M., Rasin A. Minimal Supersymmetric Scenarios for 
Spontaneous CP Violation.  - Trieste, 1998.-  14 p.;4p.il.  - (IC 
98/13,UG-FT 85/97).   
    2382. Nair V.P., Randjbar-Daemi S. On Brane Solutions in 
M(atrix) Theory.  - Trieste, 1998.-  16 p.  - (IC 98/17).   
    2383. Shmakova M. One-Loop Corrections to the D3 Brane Action.  
- Stanford, 1999.-  21 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 8184,SU-ITP 99/32).   
          ó 325 óôáôéóôéþåóëáñ æéúéëá é ôåòíïäéîáíéëá   
    2384. Bhuiyan G.M. a.o.   Liquid State Properties of Certain 
Noble and Transition Metals.  - Trieste, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - (IC 
    2385. Cassia-Moura R., Popescu A. Kinetics Properties of Voltage 
Induced Colicin Ia Channels into a Lipid Bilayer.  - Trieste, 1998.- 
 6p.;2p.il.  - (IC 98/63).   
    2386. De-Martino A., Moriconi M. Tricritical Ising Model with a 
Boundary.  - Trieste, 1998.-  21 p.  - (IC 98/28,SISSA EP/98/28).   
    2387. Gelin M.F. To the Derivation of Kinetic Equations in the 
Case of Non-Poissonian Statistics and a Finite Duration of 
Collisions.  - Trieste, 1998.-  7p.  - (IC 98/58).   
    2388. Khaleque M.A. a.o.   Investigation of Thermodynamic and 
Transport Properties of Liquid Transition Metals Using 
Wills-Harrison Potentials.  - Trieste, 1998.-  12p.;3p.il.  - (IC 
    2389. Marchetti P.A. a.o.   U(1) x SU(2) Chern-Simons Gauge 
Theory of Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors.  - Trieste, 1998.-  24 
p.  - (IC 98/50).   
    2390. Monasson R., Zecchina R. Tricritical Point in the Random 
2+p-Sat Problem.  - Trieste, 1998.-  6 p.;1p.il.  - (IC 98/11).   
    2391. Nkoma J.S. Theory of Raman Scattering by Surface 
Polaritons of a Composite Medium.  - Trieste, 1998.-  12p.;6p.il.  - 
(IC 98/72).   
    2392. Rasulova M.Yu. The Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann's 
Equation for Self-Consistent Potential of Infinite, Random, 
Nonlinear and Non-Uniform System.  - Trieste, 1998.-  14p.;1p.il.  - 
(IC 98/5).   
    2393. Zhongbing Huang , Shiping Feng  Optical Conductivity in 
the Copper Oxide Materials.  - Trieste, 1998.-  8p.;2p.il.  - (IC 
          ó 326 ë÷áîôï÷áñ ôåïòéñ óéóôåí éú íîïçéè þáóôéã.ë÷áîôï÷áñ 
    2394. Bhattacherjee A.B. Quantum Noise Reduction in Self 
Modulated Laser Beam.  - Trieste, 1998.-  6p.;5p.il.  - (IC 
    2395. Cabo A. On the Magneto-Roton Gap and the Laughlin State 
Stability.  - Trieste, 1998.-  6p.;1p.il.  - (IC 98/83).   
    2396. Garcia-Sucerquia J. a.o.   Spatial Coherence and 
Young-Michelson Interferometry.  - Trieste, 1999.-  11p.: il.  - (IC 
    2397. Moroni S. a.o.   Deep-Inelastic Response of Liquid Helium. 
 - Trieste, 1998.-  9p.;4p.il.  - (IC 98/46).   
          ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    2398. Benayoun M. a.o.   Radiative Decays, Nonet Symmetry and 
SU(3) Breaking.  - Lexington, 1999.-  36 p.  - (UK/TP 99-01,LPNHE 
99-01,SLAC-PUB 8048).   
    2399. Breitweg J. a.o.   Measurement of High-Q*2 Charged-Current 
e*+p Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections at HERA.  - Hamburg, 
1999.-  21 p.;10p.il.  - (DESY 99-059).   
    2400. Kato T., Asano E. Comparison of Recombination Rate 
Coefficients Given by Empirical Formulas for Ions from Hydrogen 
through Nickel.  - Nagoya, 1999.-  124p.: il.  - (NIFS-DATA 54).   
    2401. Nkoma J.S., Ekosse G. X-Ray Diffraction Study of 
Chalcopyrite CuFeS&sub(2), Pentlandite (Fe,Ni)&sub(9)S&sub(8) and 
Pyrrhotite Fe&sub(1-x)S Obtained from Cu-Ni Orebodies.  - Trieste, 
1998.-  7 p.;5p.il.  - (IC 98/41).   
    2402. Pankov A.A., Paver N. Model-Independent Limits on 
Four-Fermion Contact Interactions at LC with Polarization.  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  12p.  - (IC 98/40).   
    2403. Tawara H., Kato M. Electron Impact Ionization Data for 
Atoms and Ions -up-dated in 1998 -  - Nagoya, 1999.-  256p.: il.  - 
(NIFS-DATA 51).   
    2404. Wang J.G. a.o.   Dielectronic Recombination Rate 
Coefficients to Excited States of He from He*+.  - Nagoya, 1999.-  5 
p.;7p.il.  - (NIFS-DATA 53).   
    2405. Wang J.G. a.o.   Validity of n&sup(-3) Scaling Law in 
Dielectronic Recombination Processes.  - Nagoya, 1999.-  6 p.;6p.il. 
 - (NIFS-DATA 52).   
          ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã   
íÏÓË×Á, 1998.-  20Ó.: ÉÌ.  - (îééüæá ð-0959).   
    2407. Assmann R. a.o.   Progress Toward E-157: A 1 GeV Plasma 
Wakefield Accelerator.  - Stanford, 1999.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    2408. Barber D.P., Ripken G. Radiative Polarization, Computer 
Algorithms and Spin Matching in Electron Storage Rings.  - Hamburg, 
1999.-  23p.  - (DESY 99-095).   
    2409. Chao A. Workshop Summary - Accelerator Issues.  - 
Stanford, 1999.-  15p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8180).   
    2410. Claus R. a.o.   Development of a Data Acquisition System 
for the BaBar CP Violation Experiment.  - Stanford, 1999.-  6p.: il. 
 - (SLAC-PUB 8134).   
    2411. Whittum D.H. Electron-Hose Instability in an Annular 
Plasma Sheath.  - Stanford, 1998.-  24p.;3p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
          ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù   
    2412. Abe K. a.o.   Direct Measurement of A&sub(b) and A&sub(c) 
at the Z*0 Pole Using a Lepton Tag.  - Stanford, 1999.-  11 p.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7798).   
    2413. Abe K. a.o.   Direct Measurement of A&sub(b) in Z*0 Decays 
Using Charged Kaon Tagging.  - Stanford, 1998.-  8p.;2p.il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7959).   
    2414. Breitweg J. a.o.   W Production and the Search for Events 
with an Isolated High-Energy Lepton and Missing Transverse Momentum 
at HERA.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  20 p.  - (DESY 99-054).   
          ó 346.1Å îåêôòéîï ÷ ëïóíïçïîéé é áóôòïæéúéëå.   
    2415. Akhmedov E.Kh. a.o.   Baryogenesis Via Neutrino 
Oscillations.  - Trieste, 1998.-  10 p.  - (IC 98/22,INR/Moscow/ 
    2416. Akhmedov E.Kh. Parametric Resonance of Neutrino 
Oscillations and Passage of Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos Through 
the Earth.  - Trieste, 1998.-  23p.;8p.il.  - (IC 98/43).   
    2417. Dvali G., Smirnov A.Yu. Probing Large Extra Dimensions 
with Neutrinos.  - Trieste, 1999.-  17 p.  - (IC 99/32,NYU 
    2418. Kirilova D.P., Chizhov M.V. Cosmological Nucleosynthesis 
and Active-Sterile Neutrino Oscillations with Small Mass 
Differences: the Nonresonant Case.  - Trieste, 1998.-  18 p.;10p.il. 
 - (IC 98/54,TAC 1997-019).   
    2419. Kirilova D.P., Chizhov M.V. Neutrino Degeneracy Effect on 
Neutrino Oscillations and Primordial Helium Yield.  - Trieste, 
1998.-  12p.;5p.il.  - (IC 98/61).   
    2420. Liu Q.Y., Smirnov A.Yu. Neutrino Mass Spectrum with 
*n&sub(*m) *> *n&sub(s) Oscillations of Atmospheric Neutrinos.  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  19p.;5p.il.  - (IC 98/14).   
    2421. Liu Q.Y. a.o.   Parametric Resonance in Oscillations of 
Atmospheric Neutrinos?  - Trieste, 1998.-  11p.;6p.il.  - (IC 
          ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù   
    2422. Vilela E. a.o.   Characterizing a Thermal Neutron 
Calibration Assembly by Solid State, Nuclear Track Dosemeters and 
Monte Carlo Technique.  - Roma, 1998.-  17 p.;4p.il.  - (ENEA RT/AMB 
          ó 353 æéúéëá ðìáúíù   
    2423. Cardenas M., Tosi M.P. Statistics of Structural Holes in 
the One-Component Classical Plasma Near Freezing.  - Trieste, 1998.- 
 8p.;8p.il.  - (IC 98/32).   
          ó 36 æéúéëá ô÷åòäïçï ôåìá   
    2424. Ambrajei A.N. a.o.   Spin-Polarized Electron Transport and 
Emission from Strained Superlattices.  - Stanford, 1999.-  11 p.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 8183,PPRC-TN 99-02).   
          ó 393 æéúéëá îéúëéè ôåíðåòáôõò   
    2425. Moroni S. a.o.   Variational Theory of Bulk *4He with 
Shadow Wave Function: Ground State and the Phonon-Maxon-Roton 
Spectrum.  - Trieste, 1998.-  33 p.  - (IC 98/23).   
    2426. Persson B.N.J., Tosatti E. The Puzzling Collapse of 
Electronic Sliding Friction on a Superconductor Surface.  - Trieste, 
1998.-  6 p.  - (IC 98/42).   
          ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá   
    2427. Gvaramadze V. The Nature of the Vela X-Ray "Jet".  - 
Trieste, 1998.-  19 p.  - (IC 98/27).   
    2428. Kennedy D.C., Bludman S.A. Analytic Models for the 
Mechanical Structure of the Solar Core.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  16 
p.;14p.il.  - (DESY 99-090,UFIFT-HEP 98-4,UPR 799T,NSF-ITP
    2429. Moiseev A. a.o.   Detection of Galactic Dark Matter by 
GLAST.  - Stanford, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8193).   
    2430. Uryu K., Eriguchi Y. Stationary Structures of Irrotational 
Binary Systems - Models for Close Binary Systems of Compact Stars.  
- Trieste, 1998.-  34p.;25p.il.  - (IC 98/47).   
          ã 84 ÷ùþéóìéôåìøîáñ ôåèîéëá é ðòïçòáííéòï÷áîéå   
    2431. Paolucci P. a.o.   The IFR Online Detector Control System 
at the BaBar Experiment.  - Stanford, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
          ã 840 ðòïçòáííéòï÷áîéå. ïâýéå ÷ïðòïóù   
    2432. Addis L. a.o.   The Virtual Library in Action.  - 
Stanford, 1999.-  20p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8185).   
