éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N.32      23.08.99

          28.0 âéïìïçéñ   
    2240. Kullmann M. Regulation des T-Zellwachstums durch 
Glukokortikoide: Rolle des Zellzyklusinhibitors p27&sup(Kip1) und 
des antiapoptotischen Faktors RAP46: Dissertation.  - Karlsruhe, 
1999.-  109 p.:il.  - (FZKA 6296).   
          ó 131 ÷ùóûáñ áìçåâòá   
    2241. Baumgartel H. Actions of Finite Abelian Groups on Abelian 
C* -Algebras Z: Second Cohomology and Description by C* -Extensions 
F  Z.  - Berlin, 1999.-  9 p.  - (Sfb 288 383).   
    2242. Baumgartel H. Group Actions on C* -Algebras and Their 
Description by Hilbert C* -Extensions.  - Berlin, 1999.-  20 p.  - 
(Sfb 288 385).   
    2243. Kastler D., Mebkhout M. Linear Endomorphisms of Clifford 
Algebras.  - Marseille, 1996.-  3p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3329).   
    2244. Lazzarini S. Flat Complex Vector Bundles, the Beltrami 
Differential and W-Algebras.  - Marseille, 1996.-  15 p.  - (CNRS 
CPT 96/P.3311).   
    2245. Marcel P. Generalizations of the Virasoro Algebra and 
Matrix Sturm-Liouville Operators.  - Marseille, 1998.-  23p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 98/P.3625).   
          ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ   
    2246. Dudok-de Wit T. Data Analysis Techniques for Resolving 
Nonlinear Processes in Plasmas: A Review.  - Marseille, 1996.-  14p. 
 - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3369).   
    2247. Hoffmann T. On the Equivalence of the Discrete Nonlinear 
Schrodinger Equation and the Discrete Isotropic Heisenberg Magnet.  
- Berlin, 1999.-  9p.  - (Sfb 288 381).   
          ó 135 æõîëãéïîáìøîùê áîáìéú   
    2248. Bacry H. The Poincare Group and the Notion of Elementary 
Particle.  - Marseille, 1996.-  17 p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3326).   
    2249. Cachia V., Zagrebnov V.A. Operator-Norm Convergence of the 
Trotter Product Formula for Holomorphic Semigroups.  - Marseille, 
1999.-  12p.  - (CNRS CPT 99/P.3752).   
    2250. Holschneider M. Wavelet Analysis of Transfer Operators 
Acting on n-Dimensional Holder Besov Zygmund Triebel Spaces.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  41p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3337).   
    2251. Toda M. Representation of Finite Groups and the First 
Betti Number of Branched Coverings of a Universal Borromean 
Orbifold.  - Berlin, 1999.-  56p.  - (Sfb 288 386).   
          ó 138 çåïíåôòéñ. òéíáîï÷á çåïíåôòéñ. çåïíåôòéñ 
    2252. Burdet G., Nencka H. Equation of Self-Parallel Curve 
Deviation on Statistical Manifolds.  - Marseille, 1996.-  5p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3346).   
    2253. De-Coninck J. a.o.   Is There an Optimal Substrate 
Geometry for Wetting?  - Marseille, 1999.-  30p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2254. Duval C., Guieu L. The Virasoro Group and the Fourth 
Geometry of Poincare.  - Marseille, 1998.-  27p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2255. Guieu L. Les points extactiques d'une courbe plane,selon 
V.I. Arnol'd.  - Marseille, 1996.-  27p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2256. Kastler D. a.o.   Connections on Bimodules in 
Non-Commutative Geometry.  - Marseille, 1996.-  9 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2257. Ovsienko V.Yu. Coadjoint Representation of Virasoro-Type 
Lie Algebras and Differential Operators on Tensor-Densities.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  28 p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3375).   
          ó 139 ôïðïìïçéñ   
    2258. Nencka H. Cantorian Braid Groups.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
12p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3381).   
    2259. Stavracou T. Theory of Connections on Graded Principal 
Bundles.  - Marseille, 1996.-  43p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3331).   
          ó 3 æéúéëá   
    2260. ìÏÇÕÎÏ× á.á., èÒÕÓÔÁÌÅ× ï.á. ë 90-ÌÅÔÉÀ ÓÏ ÄÎÑ ÒÏÖÄÅÎÉÑ 
ÁËÁÄÅÍÉËÁ î.î.âÏÇÏÌÀÂÏ×Á.  - ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.-  7Ó.  - 
(éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-41).   
    2261. Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut. Annual Report 1998.  - 
Groningen, 1999.-  134 p.  - (KVI ).   
    2262. University of Oxford. Department of Physics. Particle and 
Nuclear Physics. Nuclear Physics Theoretical Group Report N.64 May 
1998 to May 1999.  - Oxford, 1999.-  7 p.  - (OUNP 99-09).   
          ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé   
    2263. Damour T., Esposito-Farese G. Tensor-Scalar Gravity and 
Binary-Pulsar Experiments.  - Marseille, 1996.-  29 p.;6p.il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 95/PE.3279,IHES/P 96/13,IASSNS-HEP 96/14,BRX TH 391).   
    2264. Esposito-Farese G., Damour T. Gravitational-Wave Versus 
Binary-Pulsar Tests of Strong-Field Gravity.  - Marseille, 1998.-  
18 p.;3p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3626,IHES/P 98/13).   
    2265. Innocent J.-M., Torresani B. A Multiresolution Strategy 
for Detecting Gravitational Waves Generated by Binary Coalescence.  
- Marseille, 1996.-  13p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3379).   
    2266. Innocent J.-M., Torresani B. Wavelet Transform and Binary 
Collapse Detection.  - Marseille, 1996.-  32p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2267. Kim E.C., Friedrich T. The Einstein-Dirac Equation on 
Riemannian Spin Manifolds.  - Berlin, 1999.-  47 p.  - (Sfb 
288 384).   
    2268. Sicotte H. Large-Scale Magnetic Field in Textures Seeded 
Models.  - Marseille, 1996.-  10p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3341).   
          ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá   
    2269. Bourrely C. a.o.   Quarks and Gluons in Nucleon Polarized 
Structure Functions.  - Marseille, 1996.-  13 p.;10p.il.  - (CNRS 
CPT 96/PE.3327,DSF-T 96/17).   
    2270. Coquereaux R. a.o.   Finite Dimensional Quantum Group 
Covariant Differential Calculus on a Complex Matrix Algebra.  - 
Marseille, 1998.-  10 p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3630,IT-CNEA-CAB 
    2271. Duval C. a.o.   Conformally Equivariant Quantization: 
Existence and Uniqueness.  - Marseille, 1998.-  32 p.  - (CNRS 
CPT ).   
    2272. Hagedorn G.A., Joye A. Molecular Propagation through Small 
Avoided Crossings of Electron Energy Levels.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
55p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3372).   
    2273. Rouleux M. Feshbach Resonances in the Semi-Classical 
Limit.  - Marseille, 1995.-  108p.  - (CNRS CPT 95/P.3230).   
    2274. Rouleux M. Resonances de feshbach en limite 
semi-classique.  - Marseille, 1996.-  13p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3359). 
    2275. Taxil P., Virey J.M. Discovery Limits for a New Contact 
Interaction at Future Hadronic Colliders with Polarized Beams.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  7p.;1p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3364).   
    2276. Taxil P., Virey J.M. Spin Asymmetries in One-Jet 
Production at RHIC with Polarized Proton Beams: the Effects of a 
Hadrophilic Z'.  - Marseille, 1996.-  9 p.;2p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2277. Virey J.M. Search for Quark Compositeness with Polarized 
Beams at RHIC.  - Marseille, 1996.-  4 p.;1p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
          ó 323.2 úáëïîù óïèòáîåîéñ é ïâýéå ôåïòéé òåáëãéê. 
ðïìñòéúáãéïîîùå üææåëôù. éî÷áòéáîôîïå òáúìïöåîéå áíðìéôõä   
    2278. Joye A., Pfister C.-E. Complex WKB Method for 3-Level 
Scattering Systems.  - Marseille, 1996.-  18 p.:il.  - (CNRS CPT 
          ó 323.6 ïðåòáôïòù ûòåäéîçåòá.óðåëôò.ìïëáìéúáãéñ.   
    2279. Barbaroux J.M. a.o.   Localization Near Band Edges for 
Random Schrodinger Operators.  - Marseille, 1996.-  34 p.  - (CNRS 
CPT 96/P.3322).   
    2280. Friedrich T. A Geometric Estimate for a Periodic 
Schrodinger Operator whose Potential is the Curvature of a Spherical 
Curve.  - Berlin, 1999.-  8 p.  - (Sfb 288 382).   
    2281. Neidhardt H., Zagrebnov V.A. Does Each Symmetric Operator 
Have a Stability Domain?  - Marseille, 1996.-  22 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2282. Safronov O.L. The Discrete Spectrum of Perturbed 
Selfadjoint Operators under Non-Signdefinite Perturbations with a 
Large Coupling Constant.  - Berlin, 1999.-  20p.  - (Sfb 288 387).   
          ó 324.1 óéìøîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
× ÍÏÄÅÌÉ îÁÍÂÕ - êÏÎÁ-ìÁÚÉÎÉÏ.  - ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.-  8Ó.  - 
(éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-34).   
          ó 324.1Ç ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ. óðïîôáîîï- îáòõûåîîùå 
    2284. Iochum B. a.o.   Spectral Model and Fuzzy Mass Relations.  
- Marseille, 1995.-  16 p.  - (CNRS CPT 95/P.3271).   
    2285. Peris S., de Rafael E. On Renormalons and Landau Poles in 
Gauge Field Theories.  - Marseille, 1996.-  8 p.;2p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
96/P.3324,UAB-FT 368).   
    2286. Pris I., Schucker T. Non-Commutative Geometry Beyond the 
Standard Model.  - Marseille, 1996.-  12 p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3335). 
    2287. Wulkenhaar R. SO(10)-Unification in Noncommutative 
Geometry Revisited.  - Marseille, 1998.-  31 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
          ó 324.1Ç1 ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ðïìñ îá òåûåôëå   
    2288. Bowler K.C. a.o.   Heavy Baryon Spectroscopy from the 
Lattice.  - Marseille, 1996.-  22 p.;5p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
95/PE.3244,EDINBURGH 95/555,UG-DFM 3/96,SHEP 95/31).   
    2289. Lellouch L. Lattice-Constrained Dispersive Bounds for 
B^-*0*>*p*+l*-*n^- Decays.  - Marseille, 1996.-  4 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2290. Lellouch L. Lattice-Constrained Unitarity Bounds for 
B^-*0*>*p*+l*-*n^-&sub(l) Decays.  - Marseille, 1996.-  33 p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 95/P.3236 Rev.).   
          ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá   
    2291. Watson N.J. The Gauge-Independent QCD Effective Charge.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  49p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3347).   
          ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. 
    2292. Baguis P., Stavracou T. Marsden-Weinstein Reduction on 
Graded Symplectic Manifolds.  - Marseille, 1996.-  26p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2293. Binetruy P. a.o.   The 3-Form Multiplet in Supergravity.  
- Marseille, 1996.-  33 p.  - (CNRS CPT 95/P.3258,LPTHE Orsay 
95/64,ENSLAPP A-553/95).   
    2294. Hasler M.F. The Three-Form Multiplet in N=2 Superspace.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  11p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3349).   
          ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ   
    2295. Bandelloni G., Lazzarini S. Kodaira-Spencer Deformation of 
Complex Structures and Lagrangian Field Theory.  - Marseille, 1998.- 
 29p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3622).   
    2296. Bauer M. a.o.   Comments on the Links between su(3) 
Modular Invariants, Simple Factors in the Jacobian of Fermat Curves, 
and Rational Triangular Billiards.  - Marseille, 1996.-  55 p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3332,SPhT 96-031,UCL-IPT 96-04).   
          ó 324.3 áëóéïíáôéþåóëáñ ôåïòéñ ðïìñ   
    2297. Stoll G. Light-Cone Wave Functions of Mesons.  - 
Marseille, 1998.-  41p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3735).   
    2298. Stoll G. Light-Cone Wave Functions of the Photon: 
Classification up to Twist Four.  - Marseille, 1999.-  8p.: il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 99/P.3805).   
    2299. Volchenkov D., Lima R. Critical Behavior of the Water 
Coupled to a Local External Perturbation.  - Marseille, 1998.-  
29p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3712).   
          ó 325 óôáôéóôéþåóëáñ æéúéëá é ôåòíïäéîáíéëá   
    2300. Angelescu N. a.o.   The Lower Spectral Branch of the 
Generator of the Stochastic Dynamics for the Classical Heisenberg 
Model.  - Marseille, 1998.-  12p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3737).   
    2301. Bleher P.M. a.o.   On the Phase Diagram of the Random 
Field Ising Model on the Bethe Lattice.  - Marseille, 1998.-  60 
p.;8p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3624).   
    2302. Bovier A., Gayrard V. Hopfield Models as Generalized 
Random Mean Field Models.  - Marseille, 1996.-  76p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2303. Brini F. a.o.   Decay of Correlations for the Automorphism 
of the Torus T*2.  - Marseille, 1996.-  31 p.;5p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2304. Gandolfo D. a.o.   Memory Capacity in Neural Networks with 
Spatial Correlations between Attractors: I.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
18p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3358).   
    2305. Rodriguez R., Tuckwell H.C. Statistical Properties of 
Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Models of Single Neurons and Neural 
Networks.  - Marseille, 1996.-  13p.;3p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3343). 
    2306. Tuckwell H.C., Rodriguez R. Analytical and Simulation 
Resutls for Stochastic Fitzhugh-Nagumo Neurons and Neural Networks.  
- Marseille, 1996.-  27p.;11p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3370).   
    2307. Ugalde E. Self-Similarity and Finite Time Intermittent 
Effects in Turbulent Sequences.  - Marseille, 1996.-  33 p.:il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3321).   
    2308. Volchenkov D., Lima R. A Phase Transition in the Water 
Coupled to a Local External Perturbation.  - Marseille, 1998.-  
23p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3733).   
          ó 325.4 îåìéîåêîùå óéóôåíù. èáïó é óéîåòçåôéëá.   
    2309. Chazottes J.-R. L'entropie relative: un outil en dynamique 
non-lineaire.  - Marseille, 1999.-  6p.  - (CNRS CPT 99/P.3804).   
    2310. Coutinho R., Fernandez B. Extended Symbolic Dynamics in 
Bistable CML: Existence and Stability of Fronts.  - Marseille, 
1996.-  24p.;2p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P/3351).   
    2311. Dudok-de Wit T., Krasnosel'skikh V.V. Non-Gaussian 
Statistics in Space Plasma Turbulence: Fractal Properties and 
pitfalls.  - Marseille, 1996.-  12p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3368).   
    2312. Guerin C.-A., Holschneider M. Scattering on Fractal 
Measures.  - Marseille, 1996.-  17p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3328).   
    2313. Peterman A., Zichichi A. Renormalization Structure of the 
Transition to Chaos.  - Marseille, 1996.-  19 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
96/P.3320,CERN LAA/96-03).   
    2314. Volchenkov D., Lima R. Renormalization Group Approach to 
the Problem of Flow Through Irregular Packed Beds.  - Marseille, 
1998.-  20 p.;3p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3711).   
          ó 326 ë÷áîôï÷áñ ôåïòéñ óéóôåí éú íîïçéè þáóôéã.ë÷áîôï÷áñ 
    2315. Barbaroux J.-M. a.o.   Landau Hamiltonians with Unbounded 
Random Potentials.  - Marseille, 1996.-  17p.  - (CNRS CPT 
          ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    2316. Chiappetta P. a.o.   Anomalous Z' Effects in the WW 
Channel at LC2000.  - Marseille, 1996.-  8 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
96/P.3317,PM 96-10).   
    2317. Chiappetta P. Theoretical Overview on Diboson Production.  
- Marseille, 1996.-  7p.;3p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3365).   
          ó 341 áôïíîùå ñäòá   
    2318. Van-Isacker P. Dynamical Symmetry and Higher-Order 
Interactions.  - Caen, 1999.-  9p.; 3p.il.  - (GANIL 99 19).   
          ó 342 ðòïèïöäåîéå þáóôéã é çáííá-ë÷áîôï÷ þåòåú ÷åýåóô÷ï   
    2319. Combes J.-M. Spectral Problems in the Theory of Photonic 
Crystals.  - Marseille, 1998.-  14 p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3725).   
          ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé   
    2320. Allgower C. a.o.   Measurement of Single-Spin Asymmetries 
of *p*+,*p*-, and Protons Inclusively Produced on a Carbon Target 
with a 21.6 GeV/c Incident Polarized Proton Beam (BNL E925 
Experiment).  - Protvino, 1999.-  32p.: il.  - (IHEP/Protvino/ 
          ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã   
ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.-  16 Ó.  - (éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-28).   
          ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù   
    2322. Chiappetta P., Virey J.-M. HERA Prospects on Compositeness 
and New Vector Bosons.  - Marseille, 1996.-  6p.;1p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2323. Chiappetta P. Hadrophilic Z': an Explanation of LEP1 SLC 
and CDF Anomalies?  - Marseille, 1996.-  4 p.:il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2324. Deandrea A. a.o.   A Constituent Quark-Meson Model for 
Heavy-Meson Processes.  - Marseille, 1998.-  17 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
98/P.3620,UGVA-DPT 1998/02-999).   
    2325. Golovkin S.V. a.o.   New Data on the p+N*>[*S*0K*+]+N 
Reaction at E&sub(p)=70 GeV and the Search for Exotic Baryons.  - 
Protvino, 1999.-  14 p.  - (IHEP/Protvino/ 99-30).   
    2326. Landsberg L.G. Search for Exotic Baryons with Hidden 
Strangeness in the Experiments of the Sphinx Collaboration in 
Diffractive and Coulomb Production Processes.  - Protvino, 1999.-  
23p.: il.  - (IHEP/Protvino/ 99-29).   
    2327. Lellouch L. Semileptonic B*>*r and B*>*p Decays: Lattice 
and Dispersive Constraints.  - Marseille, 1996.-  6 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2328. Mitchell G.S. A Precision Measurement of the Spin 
Structure Function g&sub(1)(x,Q*2) for the Proton and Deuteron.  - 
Stanford, 1999.-  155 p.  - (SLAC-R 540).   
          ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù   
- ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ, 1999.-  13Ó.: ÉÌ.  - (éæ÷ü/ðÒÏÔ×ÉÎÏ/ 99-25).   
    2330. Basu A.S. a.o.   Quarterly Radiation Monitoring Results 
for the Period 1988-1996 in RAPS Region Using TLDs and Summarised 
Analysis for the Period 1982-1996.  - Bombay, 1998.-  15 p.;6p.il.  
- (BARC 1998/E/021).   
          ó 353 æéúéëá ðìáúíù   
    2331. Madon A., Klinger T. A Model for the Bifurcations in 
Plasma Drift-Waves.  - Marseille, 1996.-  32 p.:il.  - (CNRS CPT 
          ó 393 æéúéëá îéúëéè ôåíðåòáôõò   
    2332. Lesovik G.B. a.o.   Josephson Frequency Singularity in the 
Noise of Normal Metal Superconductor Junctions.  - Marseille, 1998.- 
 4 p.  - (CNRS CPT 98/P.3731).   
