ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N.31      16.08.99

          σ 133 διζζεςεξγιαμψξωε ι ιξτεηςαμψξωε υςαχξεξιρ   
    2161. Dittrich J. a.o.   Stability and Instability of the Wave 
Equation Solutions in a Pulsating Domain.  - Marseille, 1997.-  39p. 
 - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3484).   
          σ 135 ζυξλγιοξαμψξωκ αξαμιϊ   
    2162. Bouarroudj S., Ovsienko V.Yu. Three Cocycles on Diff(S*1) 
Generalizing the Schwarzian Derivative.  - Marseille, 1997.-  18 p.  
- (CNRS CPT 97/P.3548).   
    2163. Neidhardt H., Zagrebnov V.A. On Error Estimates for the 
Trotter-Kato Product Formula.  - Marseille, 1997.-  15p.  - (CNRS 
CPT 97/P.3511).   
    2164. Neidhardt H., Zagrebnov V.A. On Semibounded Restrictions 
of Self-Adjoint Operators.  - Marseille, 1997.-  27p.  - (CNRS CPT 
          σ 136 τεοςιρ ζυξλγικ ι τεοςιρ νξοφεστχ   
    2165. Gilewicz J., Pindor M. Pade Approximants and Noise: a Case 
of Geometric Series.  - Marseille, 1997.-  13 p.;7p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2166. Leopold E. Remarks about Some Theorems on Perturbed 
Chebyshev System.  - Marseille, 1996.-  17 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2167. Liverani C. a.o.   Conformal Measure and Decay of 
Correlation for Covering Weighted Systems.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
21p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3407).   
          σ 137 τεοςιρ ζυξλγικ λονπμελσξοηο πεςενεξξοηο.τεοςιρ 
ζυξλγικ ξεσλομψλιθ πεςενεξξωθ   
    2168. Fernandez B., Pindor M. On the Eigenvalues of Some 
Generalized Transfer Matrices.  - Marseille, 1997.-  4 p.;1p.il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3415).   
          σ 138 ηεονετςιρ. ςιναξοχα ηεονετςιρ. ηεονετςιρ 
    2169. Baguis P. Semidirect Products and the Pukanszky Condition. 
 - Marseille, 1997.-  33 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3475).   
    2170. Coquereaux R. Differentials of Higher Order in Non 
Commutative Differential Geometry.  - Marseille, 1996.-  16 p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3403).   
          σ 15 τεοςιρ χεςορτξοστεκ ι νατενατιώεσλαρ στατιστιλα   
    2171. Erochenkova G., Lima R. On Flows through Irregular Packed 
Beds.  - Marseille, 1997.-  16p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3515).   
          σ 17 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ νατενατιλα.   
    2172. Chiappetta P., Torresani B. Some Approximate Methods for 
Computing Electromagnetic Fields Scattered by Complex Objects.  - 
Marseille, 1997.-  12p.;8p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3490).   
    2173. Farge M. a.o.   Coherent Structure Eduction in 
Wavelet-Forced Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows.  - Marseille, 1997.- 
 14p.;7p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P/3545).   
    2174. Farge M. a.o.   Turbulence Analysis, Modelling and 
Computing Using Wavelets.  - Marseille, 1997.-  81 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2175. Gilewicz J., Pindor M. Pade-Type Approximants and Errors 
of Pade Approximants.  - Marseille, 1997.-  14 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2176. Schneider K. a.o.   Comparison of an Adaptive Wavelet 
Method and Nonlinearly Filtered Pseudo-Spectral Methods for the 
Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations.  - Marseille, 1997.-  27 
p.;7p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3494).   
    2177. Schneider K., Farge M. Wavelet Forcing for Numerical 
Simulation of Two-Dimensional Turbulence.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
11p.;3p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3520).   
    2178. Zakharov V. Nonseparable Multidimensional Littlewood-Paley 
Like Wavelet Bases.  - Marseille, 1996.-  6p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 
          σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι   
    2179. Cheng H.-C. a.o.   Gauge Coupling Unification with Extra 
Dimensions and Gravitational Scale Effects.  - Batavia, 1999.-  
24p.: il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/168-T).   
    2180. Esposito-Farese G. Binary-Pulsar Tests of Strong-Field 
Gravity.  - Marseille, 1996.-  18p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3411).   
    2181. Figueroa H. a.o.   A Nonperturbative Form of the Spectral 
Action Principle in Noncommutative Geometry.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
12p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3453).   
    2182. Garajeu D. Conformally and Projective Covariant 
Differential Operators.  - Marseille, 1997.-  14 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2183. Gavrilov V.R. a.o.   Exact Solutions in Multidimensional 
Cosmology with Shear and Bulk Viscosity.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
24p.;4p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3396).   
    2184. Ivashchuk V.D., Melnikov V.N. Multidimensional Gravity 
with Einstein Internal Spaces.  - Marseille, 1996.-  11p.  - (CNRS 
CPT 96/P.3398).   
          σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα   
    2185. Amelino-Camelia G. a.o.   On the Uncertainty Relations of 
k-Deformed Quantum Phase Space.  - Marseille, 1997.-  12 p.  - (CNRS 
CPT 97/P.3525,OUTP 97-40P).   
    2186. Asch J., Knauf A. Motion in Periodic Potentials.  - 
Marseille, 1997.-  41 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3497).   
    2187. Bourrely C., Soffer J. How to Calibrate the Polarization 
of a High-Energy Proton Beam? A Theoretical Prospect.  - Marseille, 
1996.-  3p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3393).   
    2188. Coquereaux R. On the Finite Dimensional Quantum Group 
M&sub(3)*@(M&sub(2|1)(*L*2))&sub(0).  - Marseille, 1996.-  16 p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 96/P.3388).   
    2189. Joye A., Pfister C.-E. Exponential Estimates in Adiabatic 
Quantum Evolution.  - Marseille, 1997.-  6p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2190. Lecomte P.B.A., Ovsienko V.Yu. Projectively Invariant 
Symbol Map and Cohomology of Vector Fields Lie Algebras Intervening 
in Quantization.  - Marseille, 1996.-  39p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3401). 
    2191. Soffer J., Virey J.M. Testing Various Polarized Parton 
Distributions at RHIC.  - Marseille, 1997.-  11 p.;14p.il.  - (CNRS 
CPT 97/P.3495).   
    2192. Soffer J. The h&sup(q)&sub(1)(x,Q*2) Distributions and the 
Nucleon Tensor Charges.  - Marseille, 1997.-  8 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
    2193. Taxil P., Virey J.-M. Spin Asymmetries from Non Standard 
Physics with Polarized Proton Beams at RHIC.  - Marseille, 1996.-  
3p.;1p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 95/P.3391).   
    2194. Virey J.-M. Polarized Beams at HERA: Analyzing the Chiral 
Structure of Contact Interactions.  - Marseille, 1997.-  6p.: il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 97/P.3542).   
          σ 323.6 οπεςατοςω ϋςεδιξηεςα.σπελτς.μολαμιϊαγιρ.   
    2195. Akemann G. a.o.   Multicritical Microscopic Spectral 
Correlators of Hermitian and Complex Matrices.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
29 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3526,NBI NBI-97-45,NORDITA 97/73,NSF-ITP 
    2196. Asch J. a.o.   Stark-Wannier Hamiltonians with Pure Point 
Spectrum.  - Marseille, 1996.-  13 p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3414).   
    2197. Barbaroux J.M., Joye A. Expectation Values of Observables 
in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics.  - Marseille, 1997.-  20p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 97/P.3479).   
    2198. Combes J.-M. Dynamics of Wave-Packets Associated to 
Unusual Spectra: a Review of Recent Results.  - Marseille, 1996.-  9 
p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3406).   
    2199. Duclos P. a.o.   Perturbation of an Eigen-Value from a 
Dense Point Spectrum: an Example.  - Marseille, 1997.-  23 p.  - 
(CNRS CPT 97/P.3454).   
    2200. Estrada R. a.o.   On Summability of Distributions and 
Spectral Geometry.  - Marseille, 1997.-  37p.  - (CNRS CPT 
          σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    2201. Chiappetta P. a.o.   Manifestation of a Strong Electroweak 
Sector with Decoupling at Hadronic Colliders.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
13p.;13p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3456).   
    2202. Deandrea A. Atomic Parity Violation in Cesium and 
Implications for New Physics.  - Marseille, 1997.-  9p.;3p.il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 97/P.3496).   
    2203. Papavassiliou J. a.o.   Electroweak Effective Charges and 
Their Relation to Physical Cross Sections.  - Marseille, 1997.-  39 
p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3408 Rev.).   
          σ 324.1Η1 λαμιβςοχοώξωε πομρ ξα ςεϋετλε   
    2204. Hashimoto S. a.o.   Lattice QCD Calculation of B^-*>Dl*n^- 
Decay Form Factors at Zero Recoil.  - Batavia, 1999.-  30 p.  - (NAL 
FERMILAB-Pub 99/001-T).   
          σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. 
    2205. Akemann G., Plefka J.C. The Chiral Supereigenvalue Model.  
- Marseille, 1997.-  15 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3483,NIKHEF 97-019).   
    2206. Albright C.H., Barr S.M. Bimaximal Mixing in an SO(10) 
Minimal Higgs Model.  - Batavia, 1999.-  9 p.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 
99/159-T,BA 99-49).   
    2207. Grimm R. a.o.   The N=2 Vector-Tensor Multiplet, Central 
Charge Superspace, and Chern-Simons Couplings.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
10p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3499).   
    2208. Le-Du R. Higher-Derivative Supergravity in U(1) 
Superspace.  - Marseille, 1997.-  13 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3500).   
          σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ   
    2209. Akemann G. Universal Correlators for Multi-Arc Complex 
Matrix Models.  - Marseille, 1997.-  24 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3455). 
          σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα   
    2210. Bentosela F., Briet P. Stark Resonances for Disordered 
Anderson Models.  - Marseille, 1997.-  33p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3465). 
    2211. Gandolfo D. a.o.   Local Instability and Oscillations of 
Trajectories in a Diluted Symmetric Neural Network.  - Marseille, 
1997.-  24 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3488).   
    2212. Liverani C. a.o.   A Probabilistic Approach to 
Intermittency.  - Marseille, 1997.-  16 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3402). 
    2213. Renversez G. Synchronization in Two Neurons: Results for a 
Two-Component Dynamical Model with Time-Delayed Inhibition.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  25 p.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3405).   
    2214. Renversez G. Synchronization with Time-Delayed Inhibition 
in a Globally Connected Network.  - Marseille, 1997.-  7p.: il.  - 
(CNRS CPT 97/P.3458).   
    2215. Romano S., Zagrebnov V.A. Orientational Ordering 
Transition in a Continuous-Spin Ferrofluid.  - Marseille, 1997.-  
19p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3533).   
          σ 326 λχαξτοχαρ τεοςιρ σιστεν ιϊ νξοηιθ ώαστιγ.λχαξτοχαρ 
    2216. Joussot P., Zagrebnov V.A. Description of Quantum Critical 
Fluctuations in a Ferroelectric Model: Quasi-Average Approach.  - 
Marseille, 1996.-  24p.: il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3394).   
          σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    2217. Jha S.N. a.o.   Determination of Nb in ZrO&sub(2) Matrix 
Using Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) Technique.  - 
Bombay, 1998.-  7 p.;1p.il.  - (BARC 1998/E/023).   
    2218. Kapoor S.K. a.o.   Determination of Co in MgO Matrix by 
Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Technique.  - Bombay, 
1998.-  6 p.;1p.il.  - (BARC 1998/E/022).   
          σ 344.4Β νετοδω πςιηοτοχμεξιρ τοξλιθ πμεξολ.   
    2219. Bhattacharyya D., Das N.C. Characterisation of Thin Films 
by Phase Modulated Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.  - Bombay, 1998.-  
33p.: il.  - (BARC 1998/E/018).   
    2220. Das N.C. a.o.   Characterisation of Different Single and 
Multilayer Films Using Phase Modulated Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.  
- Bombay, 1998.-  29p.: il.  - (BARC 1998/E/013).   
          σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω   
    2221. Acciarri M. a.o.   Formation of the *h&sub(c) in 
Two-Photon Collisions at LEP.  - Geneva, 1999.-  13 p.;5p.il.  - 
(CERN-EP 99-072).   
    2222. Acciarri M. a.o.   Measurement of an Elongation of the 
Pion Source in Z Decays.  - Geneva, 1999.-  11p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 
    2223. Acciarri M. a.o.   Search for Heavy Neutral and Charged 
Leptons in e*+e*- Annihilation at *%s=183 and 189 GeV.  - Geneva, 
1999.-  11 p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 99-075).   
    2224. Acciarri M. a.o.   Search for the Standard Model Higgs 
Boson in e*+e*- Interactions at *%s=189 GeV.  - Geneva, 1999.-  12 
p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 99-080).   
    2225. Barger V. a.o.   Long Baseline Neutrino Physics with a 
Muon Storage Ring Neutrino Source.  - Batavia, 1999.-  19 p.;19p.il. 
 - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/187-T,MADPH 99-1122,AMES-HET 99-05).   
    2226. Campbell J.M., Ellis R.K. An Update on Vector Boson Pair 
Production at Hadron Colliders.  - Batavia, 1999.-  18p.: il.  - 
(NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/146-T).   
    2227. Chiappetta P. Discovery Potential for New Physics at LEP2. 
 - Marseille, 1996.-  11 p.;6p.il.  - (CNRS CPT 96/P.3399).   
    2228. Deandrea A. a.o.   Non Leptonic Heavy Hadrons Decays and 
Local Duality.  - Marseille, 1996.-  15 p.  - (CNRS CPT 
96/P.3412,BARI TH 96-256,SISSA 183/96/EP,UGVA-DPT 12/960).   
    2229. Virey J.M. Search for Compositeness and Leptophobic Gauge 
Bosons with Polarized Beams.  - Marseille, 1997.-  7 p.:il.  - (CNRS 
CPT 97/P.3514).   
          σ 347 λοσνιώεσλιε μυώι   
    2230. Dova M.T. a.o.   Constraints to Nucleon Source 
Distributions from the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Spectrum.  - 
Batavia, 1999.-  13p.;4p.il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/184-T).   
          σ 348 ρδεςξωε ςεαλτοςω. ςεαλτοςοστςοεξιε   
    2231. Buckel G. a.o.   A New SIMMER-III Version with Improved 
Neutronics Solution Algorithms.  - Karlsruhe, 1999.-  104 p.:il.  - 
(FZKA 6290).   
    2232. Chawla D.S. a.o.   Fatigue Cycles Evaluation of 500 MWe 
PHWR Coolant Channel Sealdisc.  - Bombay, 1998.-  17 p.;75p.il.  - 
(BARC 1998/E/017).   
    2233. Rastogi R. a.o.   Comparison of Safety Margins for 
Leak-Before-Break Assessment of 500 MWe PHWR Straight Pipes: Using 
Contemporary Techniques.  - Bombay, 1998.-  22 p.  - (BARC 
    2234. Soni R.S. a.o.   Qualification of PHT Integrated Piping 
System of 500 MWe PHWR.  - Bombay, 1998.-  33p.;120p.il.  - (BARC 
          σ 393 ζιϊιλα ξιϊλιθ τενπεςατυς   
    2235. Hermsmeyer S. Losung thermohydraulischer Aufgaben im 
Rahmen strukturmechanischer Analysen.  - Karlsruhe, 1999.-  46p.: 
il.  - (FZKA 6166).   
          σ 44 αξαμιτιώεσλαρ θινιρ   
    2236. Rao A.S. a.o.   An ICP-AES Method for the Estimation of 
Eighteen Trace Impurity Elements in High Purity Copper Metal.  - 
Bombay, 1998.-  12p.: il.  - (BARC 1998/E/020).   
          γ 840 πςοηςαννιςοχαξιε. οβύιε χοπςοσω   
    2237. Jayaswal B., Mazumder S. SIMSAS - a Window Based Software 
Package for Simulation and Analysis of Multiple Small-Angle 
Scattering Data.  - Bombay, 1998.-  70 p.:il.  - (BARC 1998/E/024). 
    2238. Srivastava D.N. a.o.   Multipurpose Identification System 
for Indian Citizens Based on Phonetic Numbers Part-II: Revised 
Formula for On-line Population Management.  - Bombay, 1998.-  38p.: 
il.  - (BARC 1998/E/008).   
          γ 843 ςασποϊξαχαξιε οβςαϊοχ   
    2239. Lauckner K. Entwicklung eines iterativen 3D 
Rekonstruktionsverfahrens fur die Kontrolle der Tumorbehandlung mit 
Schwerionen mittels der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie: 
Dissertation.  - Dresden, 1999.-  99p.: il.  - (FZR 264).   
