éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N.29 02.08.99 ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ 2020. Omana W. Multiplicity Results and Bifurcations from Infinity for a Class of Singular p-Laplacian-Like Operators. - Trieste, 1998.- 22p. - (IC 98/181). 2021. Parshin A.N. On a Ring of Formal Pseudo-Differential Operators. - Trieste, 1999.- 15p. - (IC 98/226). 2022. Pietrzyk M.E. Influence of Nonlinear Coupling of Pulses on Spatio-Temporal Compression. - Trieste, 1999.- 8 p. - (IC 99/14). ó 138 çåïíåôòéñ. òéíáîï÷á çåïíåôòéñ. çåïíåôòéñ ìïâáþå÷óëïçï 2023. Langer A. Adjoint Linear Systems on Normal Log Surfaces. - Trieste, 1999.- 16 p. - (IC 99/24). ó 3 Í õþòåöäåîéñ é ïòçáîéúáãéé.îáõþîï-éóóìåäï÷áôåìøóëéå éîóôéôõôù. 2024. éÎÓÔÉÔÕÔ ÑÄÅÒÎÏÊ ÆÉÚÉËÉ ÉÍ. ç.é. âÕÄËÅÒÁ óï òáî. åÖÅÇÏÄÎÙÊ ÏÔÞÅÔ 1998. - îÏ×ÏÓÉÂÉÒÓË, 1999.- 292 Ó.:ÉÌ. - (éñæ/îÏ×ÏÓÉÂÉÒÓË/ ). 2025. CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Annual Report 1998 Volume I. - Geneva, 1999.- 40 p.:il. - (CERN ). 2026. CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics. List of CERN Publications. Annual Report 1998 Volume III. - Geneva, 1999.- 215 p. - (CERN ). 2027. CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Report of Activities in the Divisions. Annual Report 1998 - Volume II. - Geneva, 1999.- 340 p.:il. - (CERN ). 2028. Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung. High Energy Density in Matter Produced by Heavy Ion Beams. Annual Report 1998. - Darmstadt, 1999.- 98 p.:il. - (GSI-Rep 99-04). 2029. Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung. Scientific Report 1998. - Darmstadt, 1999.- 262 p.:il. - (GSI 99-1). 2030. Hahn-Meitner-Institut. Berlin Neutron Scattering Center. BENSC Experimental Reports 1998. - Berlin, 1999.- 292 p.:il. - (HMI B 559). 2031. Hahn-Meitner-Institut. Scientific Report 1997-1998. Theoretical Physics. - Berlin, 1999.- 68 p.:il. - (HMI B 558). 2032. Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ATOMKI Annual Report 1998. - Debrecen, 1999.- 127 p.:il. - (ATOMKI ). 2033. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Persistent Quest. Research Activities 1998. - Tokyo, 1999.- 66 p.:il. - (JAERI ). 2034. Paul Scherrer Institut. Scientific Report 1998 / Volume III. Condensed Matter Research with Neutrons. - Villigen, 1999.- 116 p.:il. - (PSI ). 2035. TRIUMF Annual Report Scientific Activities 1998. - Vancouver, 1999.- 272 p.:il. - (TRIUMF ). 2036. The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies. Annual Report 1998. - Otwock-Swierk, 1999.- 185 p.:il. - (IPJ ). ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé 2037. Buchert T. On Average Properties of Inhomogeneous Fluids in General Relativity I: Dust Cosmologies. - Geneva, 1999.- 20p. - (CERN-TH 99-165). 2038. Jeannerot R. a.o. Non-Thermal Production of Neutralino Cold Dark Matter from Cosmic String Decays. - Trieste, 1998.- 7p.;1p.il. - (IC 98/236). ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá 2039. Grazzini M. a.o. Target Fragmentation in Semi-Inclusive DIS: Fracture Functions,Cut Vertices & the OPE. - Geneva, 1999.- 22p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-90,ETH-TH 99-07,SWAT 99-223). ó 324.1 óéìøîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ 2040. Close F.E., Schuler G.A. Evidence that the Pomeron Transforms as a Non-Conserved Vector Current. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-131). 2041. Schroder O. a.o. Nucleon Structure Functions in the Three Flavor NJL Soliton Model. - Tubingen, 1999.- 33 p. - (UNITU-THEP/Tubingen/ 2/1999,MIT-CTP 2807). 2042. Schroder O. a.o. Strangeness Contribution to the Polarized Nucleon Structure Function g&sub(1)(x). - Tubingen, 1998.- 12 p.:il. - (UNITU-THEP/Tubingen/ 10/1998). 2043. Weigel H. a.o. Nucleon Structure Functions from a Chiral Soliton. - Tubingen, 1998.- 4 p.:il. - (UNITU-THEP/Tubingen/ 14/1998,OKHEP 98-04). ó 324.1× óìáâùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ 2044. Ellis J. a.o. Theoretical Summary: 1999 Electroweak Session of the Rencontres de Moriond. - Geneva, 1999.- 25p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-162). ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá 2045. Ermolaev B.I. a.o. QCD Running Coupling Effects for the Non-Singlet Structure Function at Small x. - Geneva, 1999.- 18p.;4p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-155). ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. óõðåòóôòõîù 2046. Aharony O. a.o. Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity. - Geneva, 1999.- 261p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-122,HUTP 99/A027,LBNL 43113,RU(Rut.) 99-18). 2047. Beenakker W. a.o. The Production of Charginos/Neutralinos and Sleptons at Hadron Colliders. - Geneva, 1999.- 5 p.;3p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-159,DESY 99-055,DTP 99/44,ANL-HEP-PR 99-71). 2048. Campbell-Smith A. a.o. Gauge Coupling Instability and Dynamical Mass Generation in N=1 Supersymmetric QED&sub(3). - Geneva, 1999.- 14 p. - (CERN-TH 99-141,OUTP 99-24P). 2049. Gregori A., Kounnas C. Four-Dimensional N=2 Superstring Constructions and their (Non-) Perturbative Duality Connections. - Geneva, 1999.- 18p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-108,HUB-EP 99-20,LPTENS 99-16). 2050. de Carlos B., Moreno J.M. Domain Walls in Supersymmetric QCD: from Weak to Strong Coupling. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-150). ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ 2051. De-Martino A., Moriconi M. Boundary S-Matrix for the Gross-Neveu Model. - Trieste, 1998.- 12p. - (IC 98/223). 2052. Kehagias A., Sfetsos K. Deviations from the 1/r*2 Newton Law due to Extra Dimensions and Higher-Derivative Terms. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.;1p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-148). ó 324.3 áëóéïíáôéþåóëáñ ôåïòéñ ðïìñ 2053. Anselmi D. Quantum Irreversibility in Arbitrary Dimension. - Geneva, 1999.- 28 p. - (CERN-TH 99-97). 2054. Hautmann F. a.o. Hard Scattering Factorization and Light Cone Hamiltonian Approach to Diffractive Processes. - Geneva, 1999.- 50p. - (CERN-TH 99-154). ó 325 óôáôéóôéþåóëáñ æéúéëá é ôåòíïäéîáíéëá 2055. Torres J.A. a.o. The Puzzling Stability of Monatomic Gold Wires. - Trieste, 1999.- 8p.;4p.il. - (IC 99/8). ó 326 ë÷áîôï÷áñ ôåïòéñ óéóôåí éú íîïçéè þáóôéã.ë÷áîôï÷áñ óôáôéóôéëá 2056. Pietrzyk M.E., Danailov M.B. Numerical Studies of the Problem of Temporal Instabilities in Intracavity-Doubled Solid-State Lasers. - Trieste, 1998.- 27p.: il. - (IC 98/235). ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ 2057. Adam Gh., Adam S. Signature of Fermi Surface Jumps in Positron Spectroscopy Data. - Trieste, 1998.- 10p.: il. - (IC 98/230). 2058. Ahmed M., Gehrmann T. Azimuthal Asymmetries in Hadronic Final States at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 5p.;3p.il. - (DESY 99-077,TTP 99-29). 2059. Catani S., Seymour M.H. Corrections of O(*a*2&sub(S)) to the Forward-Backward Asymmetry. - Chilton, 1999.- 23 p. - (RAL-TR 1999-038,CERN-TH 99-132). 2060. De-Florian D., Frixione S. Jet Cross Sections in Polarized Photon-Hadron Collisions. - Geneva, 1999.- 10 p. - (CERN-TH 99-91,ETH-TH 99-08). 2061. Man'ko O.V. Quantum Tomography and Classical Propagator for Quadratic Quantum Systems. - Trieste, 1999.- 20p. - (IC 99/16). ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé 2062. Anchishkin D.V. a.o. The Influence of High Multiplicities at RHIC on the Gamov Factor. - Geneva, 1999.- 11p.;7p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-99). 2063. Anchishkin D.V. a.o. Two-Particle Correlations from the q-Boson Viewpoint. - Geneva, 1999.- 19p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-177). 2064. Kolb P.F. a.o. Elliptic and Hexadecupole Flow from AGS to LHC Energies. - Geneva, 1999.- 5p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-161). ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã 2065. Physics of Intense Light Ion Beams, Production of High Energy Density in Matter, and Pulsed Power Applications. Annual Report 1996/97. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 205 p. - (FZKA 6205). ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù 2066. Allanach B. a.o. Searching for R-Parity Violation at Run-II of the Tevatron. - Argonne, 1999.- 39p.: il. - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-74). 2067. Altarelli G., Feruglio F. Neutrino Masses and Mixings: a Theoretical Perspective. - Geneva, 1999.- 29 p. - (CERN-TH 99-129,DFPD 99/TH/21). 2068. Berger E.L., Klasen M. Low Mass Lepton Pair Production in Hadron Collisions. - Argonne, 1999.- 5p.;1p.il. - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-72). 2069. Berger E.L. a.o. R-Parity-Violating Production of Single Top Squarks with R-Parity-Conserving Decays. - Argonne, 1999.- 6 p.:il. - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-42). 2070. Borzumati F. a.o. Higgs- and Slepton-Strahlung at Hadron Colliders. - Geneva, 1999.- 22p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-118,PM 98-38,RU(Rut.) 98-45). 2071. Dugad S.R., Vissani F. Proposal to Look for an Up/Down Asymmetry in Atmospheric Neutrinos Beyond Multi-GeV Region with Existing Experimental Data. - Trieste, 1999.- 9 p.:il. - (IC 99/20). 2072. Garden J. a.o. Precision Computation of the Strange Quark's Mass in Quenched QCD. - Hamburg, 1999.- 23 p. - (DESY 99-075,EDINBURGH 6/99,OUTP 99-27P,UTCCP P-67). 2073. Matias J. Low-Energy Neutrino-Photon Inelastic Interactions. - Geneva, 1999.- 9p. - (CERN-TH 99-134). 2074. Paul T. a.o. Library of Anomalous *t*t*g Couplings for *t*+*t*-(n*g) Monte Carlo Programs. - Geneva, 1999.- 4 p. - (CERN-TH 99-121). 2075. Volya A. a.o. Multiple Pion Production from an Oriented Chiral Condensate. - East Lansing, 1999.- 30p.: il. - (MSUCL 1127). ó 346.6Ä1 ïþáòï÷áîîùå þáóôéãù.þáòíïîéê, âïôôïíïîéê é äòõçéå òåúïîáîóù éú ôñöåìùè ë÷áòëï÷. 2076. Berger E.L. a.o. Single-Top-Squark Production via Baryon-Number-Violating Couplings at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. - Argonne, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (ANL-HEP-CP 99-40). 2077. Ebert D. a.o. Heavy Quark 1/m&sub(Q) Contributions in Semileptonic B Decays to Orbitally Excited D Mesons. - Geneva, 1999.- 14p.;8p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-175). 2078. Fleischer R. A Critical Look at *g Determinations from B *> *pK Decays. - Geneva, 1999.- 5p. - (CERN-TH 99-95). 2079. Hoang A.H., Teubner T. Top Quark Pair Production Close to Threshold: Top Mass, Width and Momentum Distribution. - Hamburg, 1999.- 54 p. - (DESY 99-047,CERN-TH 99-59). 2080. Matias J. B&sub(s) Decays: CP Asymmetries in Left-Right Models with Spontaneous CP Violation. - Geneva, 1999.- 6p. - (CERN-TH 99-127). 2081. Tkabladze A. Bottomonium Polarization in Hadroproduction. - Hamburg, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (DESY 99-082). ó 348 ñäåòîùå òåáëôïòù. òåáëôïòïóôòïåîéå 2082. Krompholz K. a.o. A Preliminary Study of Material Homogeneity for Size Effect Investigations. - Villigen, 1999.- 56 p.:il. - (PSI Bericht 99-03). ó 393 É ÷ùóïëïôåíðåòáôõòîáñ ó÷åòèðòï÷ïäéíïóôø 2083. Dao Vong Duc , Nguyen Toan Thang Exact SO(5) Symmetry Algebra of Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity. - Trieste, 1999.- 6p. - (IC 99/2). ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá 2084. Mofiz U.A., Ahmedov B.J. Plasma Modes Along the Open Field Lines of a Neutron Star. - Trieste, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (IC 98/222).![]()