ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N.27      19.07.99

          σ 131 χωσϋαρ αμηεβςα   
    1915. Hoppe D. Die Verknupfung von Teilmodellen auf der 
Grundlage der Dimensionsanalyse.  - Dresden, 1999.-  44p.: il.  - 
(FZR 263).   
          σ 133 διζζεςεξγιαμψξωε ι ιξτεηςαμψξωε υςαχξεξιρ   
    1916. Mamun A.A. a.o.   Multi-Dimensional Instability of 
Electrostatic Solitary Structures in Magnetized Nonthermal Dusty 
Plasmas.  - Trieste, 1999.-  13p.;4p.il.  - (IC 99/50).   
    1917. Mamun A.A. Rarefactive Ion-Acoustic Electrostatic Solitary 
Structures in Nonthermal Plasmas.  - Trieste, 1999.-  8p.;6p.il.  - 
(IC 99/49).   
          σ 139 τοπομοηιρ   
    1918. Rainer M. Cones and Causal Structures on Topological and 
Differentiable Manifolds.  - University Park, 1999.-  13p.  - (CGPG 
          σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι   
    1919. Carbone G. a.o.   Invariants of Spin Networks with 
Boundary in Quantum Gravity and TQFT's.  - Pavia, 1999.-  9p.  - 
(DFNT T 9/99,SISSA 48/99/FM).   
    1920. Lesgourgues J. Double D-term Inflation.  - Trieste, 1999.- 
 13p.  - (SISSA 119/98/EP).   
    1921. Rainer M. The Effective *s-Model of Multidimensional 
Gravity.  - University Park, 1999.-  37p.  - (CGPG 99/5-4).   
          σ 323.2 ϊαλοξω σοθςαξεξιρ ι οβύιε τεοςιι ςεαλγικ. 
πομρςιϊαγιοξξωε όζζελτω. ιξχαςιαξτξοε ςαϊμοφεξιε ανπμιτυδ   
    1922. Brhlik M. a.o.   A Resolution to the Supersymmetric CP 
Problem with Large Soft Phases Via D-Branes.  - Batavia, 1999.-  
11p.: il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Pub 99/136-T).   
          σ 324.1 χτοςιώξο-λχαξτοχαξξωε μολαμψξωε τεοςιι 
χϊαινοδεκστχυΰύιθ πομεκ   
    1923. Ashtekar A. a.o.   Osterwalder-Schrader Reconstruction and 
Diffeomorphism Invariance.  - University Park, 1999.-  19p.  - (CGPG 
          σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    1924. Quigg C. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs 
Sector.  - Batavia, 1999.-  50p.: il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 
          σ 324.1Η λαμιβςοχοώξωε τεοςιι πομρ. σποξταξξο- ξαςυϋεξξωε 
    1925. Ashtekar A. a.o.   Isolated Horizons: the Classical Phase 
Space.  - University Park, 1999.-  43p.  - (CGPG 99/5-5,NSF-ITP 
          σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα   
    1926. Kataev A.L., Parente G., Sidorov A.V. Higher Twists and 
*a&sub(s)(M&sub(Z)) Extractions from the NNLO QCD Analysis of the 
CCFR Data for the xF&sub(3) Structure Function.  - Trieste, 1999.-  
26p.  - (IC 99/51).   
          σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. 
    1927. Arsie A. Maslov Class and Minimality in Calabi-Yau 
Manifolds.  - Trieste, 1999.-  15p.  - (SISSA 39/99/FM/GEO).   
          σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ   
    1928. Ferretti G. a.o.   Non-Critical Type O String Theories and 
their Field Theory Duals.  - Trieste, 1999.-  30p.  - (SISSA 
          σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ   
    1929. Brodsky S.J., Rathsman J. Conformal Symmetry as a 
Template: Commensurate Scale Relations and Physical Renormalization 
Schemes.  - Stanford, 1999.-  27p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8176).   
          σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα   
    1930. Challal S., Lyaghfouri A. A Nonlinear Two Phase Fluid Flow 
Through a Porous Medium in Presence of a Well.  - Trieste, 1999.-  
31p.  - (IC 99/45).   
    1931. Raschke M.B. Optical Second-Harmonic Investigations of the 
Kinetics of Elementary Surface Reactions on Si(001) and Si(111).  - 
Garching bei Munchen, 1999.-  170p.: il.  - (MPQ 246).   
          σ 326 λχαξτοχαρ τεοςιρ σιστεν ιϊ νξοηιθ ώαστιγ.λχαξτοχαρ 
    1932. Albeverio S. a.o.   One Dimensional Many-Body Problems 
with Point Interactions.  - Trieste, 1999.-  11p.  - (SISSA 
          σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    1933. Grenier G. Single and Multi-Photon Events with Missing 
Energy in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s = 189 GeV with the L3 Detector at 
LEP.  - Villeurbanne, 1999.-  12p.: il.  - (LYCEN 9947).   
          σ 342 πςοθοφδεξιε ώαστιγ ι ηαννα-λχαξτοχ ώεςεϊ χεύεστχο   
    1934. Broda M. Eigenspannungsanalyse in 
kohlenstoffaserverstarkten SiC-Keramiken: Dissertation.  - Berlin, 
1998.-  125p.: il.  - (HMI ).   
          σ 344 όλσπεςινεξταμψξαρ ρδεςξαρ ζιϊιλα   
    1935. Atwood W.B. a.o.   Beam Test of Gamma-Ray Large Area Space 
Telescope Components.  - Stanford, 1999.-  17p.;21p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    1936. Va'vra J. a.o.   Fast Drift CRID with GEM.  - Stanford, 
1999.-  5p.;5p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8164).   
    1937. Va'vra J. Long-Term Operational Experience with the Barrel 
CRID at SLD.  - Stanford, 1999.-  8p.;8p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8165).   
          σ 344.1 νετοδω ι αππαςατυςα δμρ ςεηιστςαγιι όμενεξταςξωθ 
    1938. Bericht der Fruhjahrstagung der Studiengruppe fur 
Elektronische Instrumentierung vom 22. bis 24.Marz 1999 in der 
Ruhr-Universitat in Bochum.  - Dresden, 1999.-  68p.: il.  - (FZR 
          σ 344.4 μαβοςατοςξαρ τεθξιλα   
    1939. Castaneda R., Garcia-Sucerquia J. Fourier Analysis Applied 
to the Characterisation of Optical Wedges with Small Angles.  - 
Trieste, 1999.-  11p.: il.  - (IC 99/47).   
          σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ   
    1940. Ambrosio G. a.o.   Study of the Stability of the LHC Low 
Beta Inner Triplet for a NB&sub(3)SN Design.  - Frascati, 1999.-  
42p.;16p.il.  - (INFN/TC 99/04).   
    1941. Barklow T. a.o.   Experimental Evidence for Beam-Beam 
Disruption at the SLC.  - Stanford, 1999.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    1942. Barue C. a.o.   Metallic Ion Developments at GANIL.  - 
Caen, 1999.-  5p.: il.  - (GANIL S 99 02).   
    1943. Brouet M. a.o.   The AD Vacuum System: Construction and 
Commissioning.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN LHC/99-4 
    1944. Chao A. Chaos in Accelerators.  - Stanford, 1999.-  12p.: 
il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8144).   
    1945. Davino D. a.o.   Coaxial Wire Technique: A Comparison 
Between Theory and Experiment.  - Frascati, 1999.-  14p.;3p.il.  - 
(INFN/TC 99/06).   
    1946. Evans L.R. LHC Accelerator Physics and Technology 
Challenges.  - Geneva, 1999.-  6p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 
    1947. Leunissen L.H.A. Influence of Vertical Dispersion and 
Crossing Angle on the Performance of the LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  
21p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 298).   
    1948. Masullo M.R. a.o.   Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of an 
Annular Ring.  - Frascati, 1999.-  8p.;8p.il.  - (INFN/TC 99/05).   
    1949. Raimondi P. a.o.   Luminosity Upgrades for the SLC.  - 
Stanford, 1999.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8042).   
    1950. Strubin P.M., Trofimov N.N. First Experience with Control 
and Operational Models for Vacuum Equipment in the AD Decelerator.  
- Geneva, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN LHC/99-3 (VAC)).   
    1951. Tighe R.C. A Sampled Master Oscillator for the PEP-II B 
Factory.  - Stanford, 1999.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8092).   
          σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω   
    1952. Adeva B. a.o.   Spin Asymmetries A&sub(1) of the Proton 
and the Deuteron in the Low x and Low Q*2  Region from Polarized 
High Energy Muon Scattering.  - Geneva, 1999.-  15 p.  - (CERN-EP 
    1953. Belyaev A. a.o.   Supersymmetric Higgs Pair Production at 
Hadron Colliders.  - Stanford, 1999.-  27p.;6p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    1954. Beneke M. a.o.   QCD Factorization for b *> *p*p Decays: 
Strong Phases and CP Violation in the Heavy Quark Limit.  - Geneva, 
1999.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 99-126,SLAC-PUB 8146,SHEP 99/04).   
    1955. De Fazio F., Neubert M. B *> X&sub(u)l*n^-&sub(l) Decay 
Distributions to Order *a&sub(s).  - Bari, 1999.-  24p.: il.  - 
(BARI TH-99-337,SLAC-PUB 8127).   
    1956. Dong D. a.o.   Tests of QCD Using Heavy Flavors at SLD.  - 
Stanford, 1999.-  8p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8150).   
    1957. Fanti V. a.o.   Measurement of the Decay Rate and Form 
Factor Parameter *a&sub(K)* in the Decay K&sub(L)*>e*+e*-*g.  - 
Geneva, 1999.-  10 p.  - (CERN-EP 99-53).   
    1958. Grossman Y., Haber H.E. Neutrino Masses and Sneutrino 
Mixing in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry.  - Stanford, 1999.-  9p. 
 - (SLAC-PUB 8173).   
    1959. Iwasaki M. a.o.   Measurements of Z*0 to Heavy-Quark 
Couplings at SLD.  - Stanford, 1999.-  10p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    1960. Junker K. a.o.   The Sensitivity of Muon Capture to the 
Ratios of Nuclear Matrix Elements.  - Villigen, 1999.-  9p.  - (PSI 
    1961. Lesgourgues J., Pastor S. Cosmological Implications of a 
Relic Neutrino Asymmetry.  - Trieste, 1999.-  14p.;3p.il.  - (SISSA 
    1962. Ligeti Z. Theoretical Developments in Inclusive B Decays.  
- Batavia, 1999.-  11p.: il.  - (NAL FERMILAB-Conf 99/058-T).   
    1963. Wang Y.F. Recent Results and Future Prospects on Neutrino 
Oscillations from Reactors.  - Stanford, 1999.-  5p.: il.  - 
(Stanford-HEP 99-03).   
    1964. Woods M. a.o.   Electroweak Results from the SLD 
Experiment.  - Stanford, 1999.-  9p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8143).   
          σ 349 δοϊινετςιρ ι ζιϊιλα ϊαύιτω   
    1965. Bargar J. a.o.   Spectroscopic Confirmation of Uranium 
(VI)-Carbonato Adsorption Complexes on Hematite.  - Stanford, 1999.- 
 10p.;2p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8141).   
    1966. Brossard F. a.o.   Radioactive Iodine Migration in 
Zirconia and its Affect on Waste Storage Materials.  - Villeurbanne, 
1999.-  10p.:il.  - (LYCEN 9958).   
    1967. Martin Ph. a.o.   Diffusion under Irradiation of Rare 
Earth Elements in Apatite.  - Villeurbanne, 1999.-  10p.;3p.il.  - 
(LYCEN 9957).   
    1968. Mitchell R. a.o.   Simulation of Experimental Background 
Using FLUKA.  - Stanford, 1999.-  7p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 8079).   
          σ 45 ζιϊιώεσλαρ θινιρ   
    1969. Tarafder M.T.H. Some Organoperoxo Complexes of 
Antimony,Niobium and Tantalum and their Oxidation Properties.  - 
Trieste, 1999.-  10p.;2p.il.  - (IC 99/52).   
