ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N.24 28.06.99 28.08 όλομοηιρ 1684. Mochizuki Y. A Molecular Orbital Study on the Oxidative Decomposition of HFC-32. - Tokyo, 1999.- 19 p.;2p.il. - (JAERI-Data/Code 99-015). σ 138 ηεονετςιρ. ςιναξοχα ηεονετςιρ. ηεονετςιρ μοβαώεχσλοηο 1685. Leitner F. Twistorial Constructions of Spacelike Surfaces in Lorentzian 4-Manifolds. - Berlin, 1999.- 33 p. - (Sfb 288 370). 1686. Sulanke R. Mobius Invariants for Pairs of Spheres (S&sup(m)&sub(1), S&sup(l)&sub(2)) in the Mobius Space S&sup(n). - Berlin, 1999.- 15 p. - (Sfb 288 373). σ 139 τοπομοηιρ 1687. Huisken G., Klingenberg W. Flow of Real Hypersurfaces by the Trace of the Levi Form. - Berlin, 1999.- 17 p. - (Sfb 288 377). σ 17 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ νατενατιλα. 1688. Jadach S. a.o. The Monte Carlo Program KORALZ, for the Lepton or Quark Pair Production at LEP/SLC Energies - from Version 4.0 to Version 4.04. - Geneva, 1999.- 6 p. - (CERN-TH 99-119). σ 3 ζιϊιλα 1689. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. Report of Activity 1997-1998. - Dubna, 1999.- 200 p. - (JINR 99-143). 1690. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics. Annual Report 1998. - Dubna, 1999.- 146 p.:il. - (JINR E3-99-103). 1691. Jonson B., Richter A. More than Three Decades of ISOLDE Physics. - Geneva, 1999.- 23p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-40). 1692. Nuclear Research Institute Rez. Annual Report 1998. - Rez, 1999.- 45 p.:il. - (Nuclear Research Institute Rez ). 1693. Paul Scherrer Institut. Scientific Report 1998 / Volume I. Particles and Matter. - Villigen, 1999.- 217 p.:il. - (PSI ). σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι 1694. Carrion H.L. a.o. Godel-Type Spacetimes in Induced Matter Gravity Theory. - Rio de Janeiro, 1999.- 19p. - (CBPF-NF 016/99). 1695. Martin J. a.o. Non-Vacuum Initial States for Cosmological Perturbations of Quantum-Mechanical Origin. - Geneva, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-100). 1696. Pizzella G. Do Cosmic Rays Perturb the Operation of a Large Resonant Spherical Detector of Gravitational Waves? - Frascati, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (LNF 99/001(IR)). σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα 1697. Schroer B. Basic Quantum Theory and Measurement from the Viewpoint of Local Quantum Physics. - Berlin, 1999.- 11 p. - (Sfb 288 379). σ 323.2 ϊαλοξω σοθςαξεξιρ ι οβύιε τεοςιι ςεαλγικ. πομρςιϊαγιοξξωε όζζελτω. ιξχαςιαξτξοε ςαϊμοφεξιε ανπμιτυδ 1698. Ali A. CP Violation and Prospects at B Factories and Hadron Colliders. - Hamburg, 1999.- 16p.: il. - (DESY 99-049). σ 324.1Α λχαξτοχαρ όμελτςοδιξανιλα 1699. Mavromatos N.E., Papavassiliou J. Non-Linear Dynamics in QED&sub(3) and Non-Trivial Infrared Structure. - Geneva, 1999.- 29p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-94). σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 1700. Hambye T. a.o. New Analysis of the *DI=1/2 Rule in Kaon Decays and the B^^&sub(K) Parameter. - Frascati, 1998.- 49 p. - (LNF 98/044(P),DO-TH 98/23). 1701. Hiller G., Isidori G. The CP-Conserving Contribution to the Transverse Muon Polarization in K*+ *> *m*+*n*g. - Frascati, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (LNF 99/007(P)). 1702. Masip M., Pomarol A. Effects of SM Kaluza-Klein Excitations on Electroweak Observables. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.;1p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-47). σ 324.1Η λαμιβςοχοώξωε τεοςιι πομρ. σποξταξξο- ξαςυϋεξξωε σιννετςιι 1703. Sfetsos K. Duality-Invariant Class of Two-Dimensional Field Theories. - Geneva, 1999.- 24p. - (CERN-TH 99-112). σ 324.1Η1 λαμιβςοχοώξωε πομρ ξα ςεϋετλε 1704. Engelhardt M. a.o. Deconfinement in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory as a Center Vortex Percolation Transition. - Tubingen, 1999.- 31 p. - (ITP/Tubingen/ ). 1705. Langfeld K. a.o. Center Vortices of Yang-Mills Theory at Finite Temperatures. - Tubingen, 1999.- 14 p. - (ITP/Tubingen/ ). 1706. Langfeld K. Confinement and the Vortex Vacuum of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory. - Tubingen, 1998.- 7 p. - (ITP/Tubingen/ ). 1707. Langfeld K. a.o. Improving the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio in Lattice Gauge Theories. - Valencia, 1997.- 11 p. - (UNITU-THEP 8/97). 1708. Langfeld K., Rho M. Quark Condensation, Induced Symmetry Breaking and Color Superconductivity at High Density. - Seoul, 1999.- 37 p. - (KIAS-P 98029). 1709. Langfeld K. Vortex Percolation and Confinement. - Tubingen, 1999.- 6 p. - (ITP/Tubingen/ ). σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα 1710. Antoniou N.G. a.o. Pion Fluctuations near the QCD Critical Point. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p. - (CERN-TH 99-44). 1711. Blaizot J.-P., Iancu E. A Boltzmann Equation for the QCD Plasma. - Geneva, 1999.- 57 p. - (CERN-TH 99-71,Saclay-T 99/026). 1712. Brambilla N. a.o. The Infrared Behaviour of the Static Potential in Perturbative QCD. - Geneva, 1999.- 5 p. - (CERN-TH 99/61,HEPHY-PUB 711/99,UB-ECM-PF 99/06,UWThPh 1999-16). 1713. Ebert D. a.o. Magnetic Oscillations in Dense Cold Quark Matter with Four-Fermion Interactions. - Geneva, 1999.- 20p.;9p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-113). 1714. Karanikas A.I. a.o. Off-Mass-Shell Sudakov-Like Suppression Factor for the Fermionic Four-Point Function in QCD. - Athens, 1998.- 18 p. - (UA/NPPS 16-98,RUB-TPII 18/98). σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. συπεςστςυξω 1715. Anselmi D., Kehagias A. Subleading Corrections and Central Charges in the AdS/CFT Correspondence. - Geneva, 1999.- 14p. - (CERN-TH 98-394). 1716. Berglund P. a.o. Elevating the Free-Fermion Z&sub(2) x Z&sub(2) Orbifold Model to a Compactification of F-Theory. - Woodlands, 1998.- 17 p. - (ACT 12/98,CERN-TH 98/395,CPT-TAMU 49/98,NSF-ITP 98-128). 1717. Campbell-Smith A., Mavromatos N.E. On Dynamical Mass Generation in Three Dimensional Supersymmetric U(1) Gauge Field Theory. - Geneva, 1999.- 32p. - (CERN-TH 99-111,OUTP 99-23P). 1718. Di-Vecchia P. An Introduction to ADS/CFT Equivalence. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 7p. - (NORDITA 99/14 HE). 1719. Kehagias A., Sfetsos K. On Asymptotic Freedom and Confinement from Type-IIB Supergravity. - Geneva, 1999.- 8p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-63). 1720. Ketov S.V. Exact Hypermultiplet Dynamics in Four Dimensions. - Hamburg, 1999.- 21 p. - (DESY 99-050,ITP-UH 10/99). 1721. Sfetsos K. Rotating NS5-Brane Solution and its Exact String Theoretical Description. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p. - (CERN-TH 99-81). σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ 1722. Fring A. a.o. The Ultraviolet Behaviour of Integrable Quantum Field Theories, Affine Toda Field Theory. - Berlin, 1999.- 36 p. - (Sfb 288 372). 1723. Fuchs J., Schweigert C. Symmetry Breaking Boundaries. I. General Theory. - Geneva, 1999.- 60 p. - (CERN-TH 99-35,ETH-TH 99-03). σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ 1724. Anselmi D. Anomalies, Unitarity and Quantum Irreversibility. - Geneva, 1999.- 30p. - (CERN-TH 99-33). σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα 1725. Carmelo J.M.P. a.o. One-Particle Spectral Properties of Mott-Hubbard Insulators. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 10p. - (NORDITA 99/22 CM). 1726. Ellis J. a.o. On the Thermodynamics of a Gas of AdS Black Holes and the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition. - Geneva, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-43,OUTP 99-14P). 1727. Peres N.M.R. a.o. Finite-Temperature Transport in Finite-Size Hubbard Rings in the Strong-Coupling Limit. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 15p.;1p.il. - (NORDITA 99/21 CM). σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 1728. Bourrely C. a.o. Impact-Picture Predictions for the *g*g Total Cross Section at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 3 p.:il. - (CERN-TH 99-76,CNRS CPT 99/P.3793). 1729. Castellano M. a.o. Effects of Diffraction and Target Finite Size on Coherent Transition Radiation Spectra in Bunch Length Measurements. - Frascati, 1999.- 18p.: il. - (LNF 99/005(P)). 1730. Evanson N.G., Forshaw J.R. Diffractive Photon Production in *gp and *g*g Interactions. - Geneva, 1999.- 15 p.;2p.il. - (CERN-TH 99-51,MC-TH 99/02). 1731. Jacholkowska A. a.o. Library of SM and Anomalous WW*g Couplings for the e*+e*-*>ff^-n*g Monte Carlo Programs. - Geneva, 1999.- 5 p. - (CERN-TH 99-120,IFT Warsaw 99-06). 1732. Marcelli A. a.o. Bragg Reflecting Zones from X-Ray Diffractors with Different Surface Profiles. - Frascati, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (LNF 99/008 (P)). 1733. Montagna G. a.o. Light-Pair Corrections to Small-Angle Bhabha Scattering in a Realistic Set-up at LEP. - Geneva, 1999.- 6 p. - (CERN-TH 99-116,FNT/T 99/06). 1734. Mottana A. a.o. The Local Structure of Ca-Na Pyroxenes. II - XANES Studies at the Mg and Al K Edges. - Frascati, 1999.- 24 p. - (LNF 99/002 (P)). 1735. Skrzypek M., Was Z. How to Generate Four-Fermion Phase Space. - Geneva, 1999.- 16p. - (CERN-TH 99-98). σ 341 ατονξωε ρδςα 1736. Itagaki N., Okabe S. Nucleon-Alpha Chain States in *1*0Be. - Wako, 1999.- 25 p.:il. - (RIKEN AF-NP-314). σ 343 ρδεςξωε ςεαλγιι 1737. Ambrosini G. a.o. Measurement of Charged Particle Production from 450 GeV/c Protons on Beryllium. - Geneva, 1999.- 27p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-19). σ 344 όλσπεςινεξταμψξαρ ρδεςξαρ ζιϊιλα 1738. Di Mauro A. a.o. Performance of Large Area CsI-RICH Prototypes for ALICE at LHC. - Geneva, 1999.- 15p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-52). 1739. Junk T. Confidence Level Computation for Combining Searches with Small Statistics. - Geneva, 1999.- 12p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-041). 1740. Piuz F. a.o. Final Tests of the CsI-Based Ring Imaging Detector for the ALICE Experiment. - Geneva, 1999.- 17p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-33). 1741. Piuz F. a.o. The CsI-Based Ring Imaging Detector for the ALICE Experiment: Technical Description of a Large Prototype. - Geneva, 1999.- 17 p.:il. - (CERN-EP 99-55). σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ 1742. Bosser J. a.o. LHC Beam Instrumentation. - Geneva, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-015 BI). 1743. Grafstrom P. a.o. Measurement of Electromagnetic Cross Sections in Heavy Ion Interactions and Its Consequences for Luminosity Lifetimes in Ion Colliders. - Geneva, 1999.- 3 p. - (CERN SL-99-009 EA). 1744. Grafstrom P. a.o. Measurement of Electromagnetic Cross Sections in Heavy Ion Interactions and Its Consequences for Luminosity Lifetimes in Ion Colliders. - Geneva, 1999.- 12 p. - (CERN SL-99-033 EA). σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω 1745. Apostolakis A. a.o. A Determination of the CP Violation Parameter *h&sub(+ -) from the Decay of Strangeness-Tagged Neutral Kaons. - Geneva, 1999.- 9 p. - (CERN-EP 99-65). 1746. Apostolakis A. a.o. Determination of the T- and CPT-Violation Parameters in the Neutral-Kaon System Using the Bell-Steinberger Relation and Data from CPLEAR. - Geneva, 1999.- 7p.: il. - (CERN-EP 99-51). 1747. Buchmuller W., Plumacher M. Matter Antimatter Asymmetry and Neutrino Properties. - Hamburg, 1999.- 14 p. - (DESY 99-044,UPR 0845-T). 1748. Hannah T. Inverse Amplitude Method and Chiral Zeros. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 4 p.;1p.il. - (NORDITA 99/26 HE). 1749. Hannah T. Pion Scalar Form Factor and the Sigma Meson. - Copenhagen, 1999.- 4 p.;2p.il. - (NORDITA 99/27 HE). 1750. Isidori G. Precision Tests and Searches for New Physics with K Decays. - Frascati, 1999.- 14p. - (LNF 99/004(P)). 1751. Likhoded A.A., Onishchenko A.I. Can HERA Data Improve the LEP Constraints on WWV-Vertex? - Hamburg, 1999.- 19p.: il. - (DESY 99-051). σ 346.6Δ1 οώαςοχαξξωε ώαστιγω.ώαςνοξικ, βοττονοξικ ι δςυηιε ςεϊοξαξσω ιϊ τρφεμωθ λχαςλοχ. 1752. Beneke M. a.o. Top Quark Production near Threshold and the Top Quark Mass. - Geneva, 1999.- 14p. - (CERN-TH 99-57,DTP 99/26). 1753. Bobeth C. a.o. Matching Conditions for b*>s*g and b*>s Gluon in Extensions of the Standard Model. - Garching, 1999.- 26 p. - (TUM HEP-321/98,IFT Warsaw 15/98,CERN-TH 99-88). 1754. Fleischer R. Extracting *g from B&sub(s(d))*>J/*q K&sub(S) and B&sub(d(s))*>D*+&sub(d(s))D*-&sub(d(s)). - Geneva, 1999.- 15 p. - (CERN-TH 99-78). 1755. Fleischer R. Extracting CKM Phases from Angular Distributions of B&sub(d,s) Decays into Admixtures of CP Eigenstates. - Geneva, 1999.- 20p.: il. - (CERN-TH 99-92). 1756. Fleischer R. New Strategies to Extract *b and *g from B&sub(d)*>*p*+*p*- and B&sub(s)*>K*+K*-. - Geneva, 1999.- 16 p. - (CERN-TH 99-79). 1757. Gangemi F. a.o. Top-Quark Physics in Six-Quark Final States at the Next Linear Collider. - Geneva, 1999.- 17 p. - (CERN-TH 99-125,FNT/T 99/08). 1758. Kiselev V.V. a.o. Semileptonic B&sub(c)-Meson Decays in Sum Rules of QCD and NRQCD. - Hamburg, 1999.- 37p.: il. - (DESY 99-053). 1759. Pineda A., Yndurain F.J. Comment on "Calculation of Quarkonium Spectrum and m&sub(b), m&sub(c) to Order *a&sub(s)*4". - Madrid, 1998.- 5p. - (FTUAM 98-27,CERN-TH 98-402). σ 348 ρδεςξωε ςεαλτοςω. ςεαλτοςοστςοεξιε 1760. Yang H. a.o. Analysis of Steam Generator Tube Rupture as a Severe Accident Using MELCOR 1.8.4. - Tokyo, 1999.- 35p.:62p.il. - (JAERI-Tech 99-013). σ 349 δοϊινετςιρ ι ζιϊιλα ϊαύιτω 1761. Von-Holtey G., Lamont M. Protection of LEP Experiments against Particle Background at Highest Beam Energies. - Geneva, 1999.- 3p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-022 EA). σ 393 Ι2 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε ι οπτιώεσλιε σχοκστχα. 1762. Di-Gioacchino D. a.o. Non-Universal Temperature Dependencies of the Low Frequency ac Magnetic Susceptibility in High T&sub(c) Superconductors. - Frascati, 1999.- 27p.: il. - (LNF 99/003(P)). γ 840 πςοηςαννιςοχαξιε. οβύιε χοπςοσω 1763. Morpurgo G. The Xdataviewer Programmer's and User's Guide. - Geneva, 1999.- 100p.: il. - (CERN SL-99-016 OP).![]()