éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N.14      12.04.99

          ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ   
    1043. Geronimi C. a.o.   Third Order Differential Equation 
Possessing Three Symmetries (The Two Homogeneous Ones plus the Time 
Translation).  - Nantes Cedex, 1999.-  13p.  - (SUBATECH 99-05).   
          ó 17 ÷ùþéóìéôåìøîáñ íáôåíáôéëá.   
    1044. Li Z. a.o.   Sputtering Yield Calculations Using an 
Interatomic Potential with the Shell Effect and a New Local Model.  
- Nagoya, 1998.-  3p.;3p.il.  - (NIFS-DATA 48).   
          ó 3 æéúéëá   
    1045. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Applied 
Research Laboratory. Activity Report of Radiation Science Center in 
Fisical 1997.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  77 p.  - (KEK Progress Report 
          ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé   
    1046. Uchiyama T. a.o.   Measurement of Mechanical Q-Factors of 
a Cryogenic Sapphire Test Mass for Laser Interferometric 
Gravitational Wave Detectors.  - Tanashi, 1999.-  11p.: il.  - (ICRR 
          ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá   
    1047. Hauge E.H., van-Leeuwen J.M.J. Bound States and 
Metastability Near a Scatterer in Crossed Electromagnetic Fields.  - 
Trondheim, 1999.-  29 p.  - (NTNU 2 1999).   
          ó 323.5 ôåïòéñ ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ þáóôéã ðòé ÷ùóïëéè 
    1048. Lednicky R. a.o.   Multi-Boson Effects.  - Nantes Cedex, 
1999.-  34 p.  - (SUBATECH 99-04).   
          ó 324.1 óéìøîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    1049. Drechsel D. a.o.   The Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn 
Integral and the Spin Structure of the Nucleon.  - Mainz, 1998.-  22 
p.  - (MKPH T-98-19).   
          ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. 
    1050. Bergman O. a.o.   Brane Transfer Operations and T-Duality 
of Non-BPS States.  - Pasadena, 1999.-  26p.: il.  - (CALT 
    1051. Bergman O., Gaberdiel M.R. Non-BPS States in Heterotic - 
Type IIA Duality.  - Pasadena, 1999.-  17 p.  - (CALT 68-2206,DAMTP 
    1052. Bergman O. Stable Non-BPS Dyons in N=2 SYM.  - Pasadena, 
1999.-  12 p.  - (CALT 68-2196).   
    1053. Sato T. Superalgebras in Many Kinds of Brane Backgrounds 
and Various Supersymmetric Brane Configurations: Doctor Thesis.  - 
Tanashi, 1999.-  71 p.  - (ICRR Report-446-99-4).   
          ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ   
    1054. Altschuler D. a.o.   On Parity Functions in Conformal 
Field Theories.  - Louvain-La-Neuve, 1998.-  18p.  - (UCL-IPT 
          ó 325 óôáôéóôéþåóëáñ æéúéëá é ôåòíïäéîáíéëá   
    1055. Berczi Sz. a.o.   On the Thermodynamics of Meteorites and 
Parent Bodies II: Portales Valley and the Borderland between 
Chondrites and Achondrites.  - Budapest, 1999.-  10 p.:il.  - (KFKI 
1999-01/C Report).   
    1056. Ivashkevich E.V. Correlation Functions of Dense Polymers 
and c=-2 Conformal Field Theory.  - Dublin, 1998.-  4 p.  - 
(DIAS-STP 98-01).   
    1057. Ivashkevich E.V. a.o.   Dynamically Driven Renormalization 
Group Applied to Sandpile Models.  - Dublin, 1998.-  18 p.  - 
(DIAS-STP 98-06).   
    1058. Kimura M. Nonlocally-Correlated Disorder and 
Delocalization in One Dimension: Doctor Thesis.  - Tanashi, 1999.-  
61 p.  - (ICRR Report-445-99-3).   
          ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    1059. Abreu P. a.o.   Measurement and Interpretation of 
Fermion-Pair Production at LEP Energies from 130 to 172 GeV.  - 
Geneva, 1999.-  48 p.  - (CERN-EP 99-05).   
    1060. Acciarri M. a.o.   The Q*2 Evolution of the Hadronic 
Photon Structure Function F&sub(2)&sup(*g) at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.- 
 10p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-168).   
    1061. Anashin V.V. a.o.   A Study of the Photodesorption Process 
for Cryosorbed Layers of H&sub(2),Ch&sub(4),Co or Co&sub(2) at 
Various Temperatures Between 3 K and 68 K.  - Geneva, 1999.-  6p.: 
il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 261).   
    1062. Hensel F. Methodische Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von 
Positronenemittern fur die Dichtebestimmung in leichten Medien: 
Dissertation.  - Dresden, 1999.-  158p.: il.  - (FZR 254).   
    1063. Hezel T. Erzeugung von Synchrotronstrahlung mit einem 
neuartigen, supraleitenden Mikroundulator: Dissertation.  - 
Karlsruhe, 1999.-  83p.: il.  - (FZKA 6229).   
          ó 341 áôïíîùå ñäòá   
    1064. Hu Z. Beta Decay of *9*7Ag: Evidence for the Gamow-Teller 
Resonance Near *1*0*0Sn: Ph.D. Thesis.  - Darmstadt, 1999.-  105 
p.:il.  - (GSI-Rep 99-03).   
    1065. Lopez-Jimenez M.J. a.o.   New Approach to the Nuclear in 
Beam *g Spectroscopy of Neutron Rich Nuclei at N=20 Using Projectile 
Fragmentation.  - Caen, 1999.-  13 p.  - (GANIL P 99 08).   
          ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé   
    1066. Braun-Munzinger P. a.o.   Chemical Equilibration in Pb+Pb 
Collisions at the SPS.  - Darmstadt, 1999.-  10 p.;2p.il.  - (GSI 
    1067. Lacroix D. a.o.   Theoretical Description of the Towing 
Mode Through a Time-Dependent Quantum Calculation.  - Caen, 1999.-  
12 p.:il.  - (GANIL P 99 11).   
    1068. Le Fevre A., Ploszajczak M., Toneev V.D. 
Multifragmentation of Hot Non-Spherical Nuclei.  - Caen, 1999.-  14 
p.  - (GANIL P 99 04).   
    1069. Le Fevre A., Ploszajczak M., Toneev V.D. 
Multifragmentation of Non-Spherical Nuclei: Analysis of Central 
Xe+Sn Collisions at 50 MeV x A.  - Caen, 1999.-  9 p.  - (GANIL 
P 99 09).   
    1070. Sakharuk A. a.o.   Quasielastic Knock-out of Clusters by 
Electrons and Nuclear Restructuring Effects.  - East Lansing, 1999.- 
 28p.;8p.il.  - (MSUCL 1124).   
          ó 344 üëóðåòéíåîôáìøîáñ ñäåòîáñ æéúéëá   
Endcap CMS. òÁÂÏÔÁ × ÍÁÇÎÉÔÎÏÍ ÐÏÌÅ.  - íÏÓË×Á, 1998.-  23 Ó.  - 
(æéáî 47 1998).   
    1072. Balkanov V.A. a.o.   In-Situ Measurements of Optical 
Parameters in Lake Baikal with the Help of a Neutrino Telescope.  - 
Hamburg, 1999.-  17 p.  - (DESY 99-018).   
          ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã   
    1073. Anashim V.V. a.o.   Reflection of Photons and Azimuthal 
Distribution of Photoelectrons in a Cylindrical Beam Pipe.  - 
Geneva, 1999.-  7 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 266).   
    1074. Guignard G., Hagel J. Theory of Single Bunch Stability and 
Dynamics in Linacs with Strong Wakefields and Misalignments.  - 
Geneva, 1999.-  36 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-99-006 AP).   
    1075. Petracca S. Coupling Impedances for Perforated Beam Pipes 
with General Shape from Impedance Boundary Condition.  - Geneva, 
1999.-  31p.: il.  - (CERN SL-99-003 AP).   
    1076. Todesco E. Overview of Single-Particle Nonlinear Dynamics. 
 - Geneva, 1999.-  16 p.  - (CERN LHC 99-1 (MMS)).   
          ó 345 Ó íáçîéôîùå ðïìñ é ó÷åòèðòï÷ïäñýéå íáçîéôù.   
    1077. Ajima Y. a.o.   Development and Test Results of a Low-*b 
Quadrupole Model for the Large Hadron Collider.  - Geneva, 1999.-  
3p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 271).   
    1078. Bajko M. a.o.   Training Tests on Single Superconducting 
Coils of Sextupolar Correctors for LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4 p.:il.  
- (CERN LHC Project Report 264).   
    1079. Dahlerup-Petersen K. a.o.   A 20kA Test Bench for 
High-Precision Current Measurements.  - Geneva, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  - 
(CERN LHC Project Report 270).   
    1080. Denz R., Hagedorn D. Experimental Analysis and Modeling of 
the Electrical and Thermal Transients of the Diode-Bypass for the 
LHC-Magnet Protection at Cryogenic Temperatures.  - Geneva, 1999.-  
4p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 268).   
    1081. Denz R. a.o.   Irradiation Tests at Cryogenic Temperatures 
on Diffusion Type Diodes for the LHC Superconducting Magnet 
Protection.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 
    1082. Karppinen M. a.o.   The Development of the Inner Triplet 
Dipole Corrector (MCBX) for LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - 
(CERN LHC Project Report 265).   
    1083. Nakamoto T. a.o.   Quench and Mechanical Behaviour of an 
LHC Low-*b Quadrupole Model.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN 
LHC Project Report 273).   
    1084. Ramberger S., Russenschuck S. Genetic Algorithms for the 
Optimal Design of Superconducting Accelerator Magnets.  - Geneva, 
1999.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 275).   
    1085. Russenschuck S. ROXIE - a Computer Code for the Integrated 
Design of Accelerator Magnets.  - Geneva, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN 
LHC Project Report 276).   
    1086. Salminen J. a.o.   Experience with the Fabrication and 
Testing of the Sextupole Superconducting Corrector Magnets for the 
LHC.  - Geneva, 1999.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 263).   
          ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù   
    1087. Abreu P. a.o.   Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in e*+e*- 
Collisions at *%s=183 GeV.  - Geneva, 1999.-  63 p.  - (CERN-EP 
    1088. Adloff C. a.o.   Elastic Electroproduction of *r Mesons at 
HERA.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  55 p.  - (DESY 99-010).   
    1089. Asakawa E. a.o.   CP-odd WWZ Couplings Induced by 
Vector-Like Quarks.  - Tanashi, 1999.-  8 p.;4p.il.  - (ICRR 
Report-448-99-6,OCHA-PP 132,KURE-PP 99-01).   
    1090. Balkanov V.A. a.o.   Registration of Atmospheric Neutrinos 
with the BAIKAL Neutrino Telescope NT-96.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  20 p.  
- (DESY 99-017).   
    1091. Kaptari L.P. a.o.   Pion Exchange Effects in Elastic 
Backward Proton-Deuteron Scattering.  - Dresden, 1999.-  18 p.  - 
(FZR 246).   
    1092. Lee F.X. a.o.   Higher Nucleon Resonances in Exclusive 
(*g,*pN) Reactions on Nuclei.  - Mainz, 1998.-  20 p.  - (MKPH 
          ó 346.6Ä1 ïþáòï÷áîîùå þáóôéãù.þáòíïîéê, âïôôïíïîéê é 
äòõçéå òåúïîáîóù éú ôñöåìùè ë÷áòëï÷.   
    1093. Abreu P. a.o.   Measurement of the Forward Backward 
Asymmetry of c and b Quarks at the Z Pole Using Reconstructed D 
Mesons.  - Geneva, 1999.-  28 p.  - (CERN-EP 99-07).   
    1094. Abreu P. a.o.   Measurement of the Lifetime of b-Baryons.  
- Geneva, 1999.-  23 p.  - (CERN-EP 99-16).   
    1095. Acciarri M. a.o.   Inclusive Charm Production in 
Two-Photon Collisions at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  11p.;8p.il.  - 
(CERN-EP 98-185).   
    1096. Acciarri M. a.o.   Measurement of the e*+e*- *> Z *> bb^- 
Forward-Backward Asymmetry and the B*0B^-*0 Mixing Parameter Using 
Prompt Leptons.  - Geneva, 1998.-  10p.;6p.il.  - (CERN-EP 
    1097. Acciarri M. a.o.   X&sub(c2) Formation in Two-Photon 
Collisions at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  10p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 
    1098. Adloff C. a.o.   Charmonium Production in Deep Inelastic 
Scattering at HERA.  - Hamburg, 1999.-  38 p.  - (DESY 99-026).   
          ó 348 ñäåòîùå òåáëôïòù. òåáëôïòïóôòïåîéå   
    1099. Bohmert J. a.o.   Einfluss der Zusammensetzung auf die 
Strahlenversprodungslegierungen.  - Dresden, 1999.-  23p.;33p.il.  - 
(FZR 255).   
          ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù   
    1100. Wittenburg K. a.o.   Radiation Dose for Equipment in the 
LHC Arcs.  - Geneva, 1999.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 
          ó 353 æéúéëá ðìáúíù   
    1101. Herre G. Untersuchung der Plasmarandschicht am Stellarator 
Wendelstein 7-AS: Dissertation.  - Garching, 1999.-  135 p.:il.  - 
(IPP III/239 Report).   
    1102. Junker J., Weller A. Neutrons at W 7-X.  - Garching, 
1998.-  37 p.:il.  - (IPP 2/341 Report).   
    1103. Murakami I. a.o.   Spectral Line Intensities of NeVII for 
Non-equilibrium Ionization Plasma Including Dielectronic 
Recombination Processes.  - Nagoya, 1999.-  12p.;61p.il.  - 
(NIFS-DATA 50).   
    1104. Salat A., Tataronis J.A. Radial Dependence of 
Magnetohydrodynamic Continuum Modes in Axisymmetric Toroidal 
Geometry.  - Garching, 1999.-  19 p.  - (IPP III/238 Report).   
    1105. Sasaki S. a.o.   Line Intensity Ratios of Helium Atom in 
an Ionizing Plasma.  - Nagoya, 1998.-  10 p.;46p.il.  - (NIFS-DATA 
          ó 393 É ÷ùóïëïôåíðåòáôõòîáñ ó÷åòèðòï÷ïäéíïóôø   
    1106. Aidam R. Untersuchung des epitaktischen Wachstums dunner 
Pb(Zr&sub(0,52)Ti&sub(0,48))O&sub(3)-Schichten und ihre Anwendung 
in ferroelektrischen supraleitenden Feldeffekttransistoren: 
Dissertation.  - Karlsruhe, 1999.-  92p.: il.  - (FZKA 6226).   
          ó 44 áîáìéôéþåóëáñ èéíéñ   
    1107. Rummler Z.M., Schomburg W.K. Entwicklung und Optimierung 
eines Mikroentgasers fur die HPLC unter dem Aspekt der industriellen 
Herstellbarkeit.  - Karlsruhe, 1999.-  60 p.:il.  - (FZKA 6184).   
          ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá   
    1108. Side Tracks in Evolution. The Material of the 7&sup(th) 
Symposium of the Evolution of Matter Subcommittee of the Geonomy 
Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 6-7 
Dec.,1996.  - Budapest, 1998.-  47 p.:il.  - (KFKI 1998-07/C 