ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N.13 05.04.99 28.0 βιομοηιρ 952. Taylor J.G. Analysing Non-Invasive Brain Images: Towards a Global Brain Model. - London, 1998.- 17 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-34). 953. Taylor J.G., Taylor N.R. Analysis of Recurrent Cortico-Basal Ganglia-Thalamic Loops for Working Memory. - London, 1999.- 22p.; 11p.il. - (KCL-MTH 98-68). 954. Taylor J.G. Cortical Activity and the Explanatory Gap. - London, 1998.- 33 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-19). σ 131 χωσϋαρ αμηεβςα 955. Dukes W.M.B., Walsh C. Note on the Tail of the Overflow-Time Distribution. - Dublin, 1998.- 4 p.:il. - (DIAS-STP 98-18). 956. Hodgkin L. K-Theory of Mapping Class Groups III: Odd Torsion. - London, 1998.- 39p. - (KCL-MTH 98-04). 957. Hu S., Solomon D. Higher-Dimensional Shintani Cocycles. - London, 1998.- 27p. - (KCL-MTH 98-47). σ 133 διζζεςεξγιαμψξωε ι ιξτεηςαμψξωε υςαχξεξιρ 958. Bricmont J. a.o. KAM Theorem and Quantum Field Theory. - Louvain-La-Neuve, 1998.- 32 p. - (UCL FYMA ). σ 135 ζυξλγιοξαμψξωκ αξαμιϊ 959. Broussous P. The Building of GL(m,D) as a Space of Lattice Functions. - London, 1998.- 30p. - (KCL-MTH 98-31). 960. Bushnell C.J., Henniart G. Calculs de facteurs epsilon de paires pour GLn sur un corps local, I. - London, 1998.- 12 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-07). 961. Davies E.B. Sharp Boundary Estimates for Elliptic Operators. - London, 1998.- 16 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-53). 962. Duduchava R. a.o. An Algebra of Integral Operators with Fixed Singularities in Kernels. - London, 1998.- 26p. - (KCL-MTH 98-26). σ 136 τεοςιρ ζυξλγικ ι τεοςιρ νξοφεστχ 963. Dukes W.M.B. Connectivity in Random Matroids. - Dublin, 1998.- 7 p. - (DIAS APG-98-12). σ 138 ηεονετςιρ. ςιναξοχα ηεονετςιρ. ηεονετςιρ μοβαώεχσλοηο 964. Bushnell C.J., Henniart G. Calculs de facteurs epsilon de paires pour GL(n) sur un corps local, II. - London, 1998.- 28 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-50). 965. Bushnell C.J., Henniart G. Davenport-Hasse Relations and an Explicit Langlands Correspondence. - London, 1998.- 30p. - (KCL-MTH 98-49). 966. Nurowski P. a.o. Extensions of Bundles of Null Directions. - London, 1998.- 38 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-17). σ 139 τοπομοηιρ 967. Gonzalez-Diez G., Harvey W.J. Subvarieties of Moduli Space for Riemann Surfaces. - London, 1998.- 15p. - (KCL-MTH 98-61). 968. Novitskii M., Safarov Y. Quasianalytic Hamiltonian Billiards. - London, 1998.- 14 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-60). 969. Scott S., Wojciechowski K. Grassmannians, Determinants, and Manifolds with Boundary. - London, 1998.- 10p. - (KCL-MTH 98-46). σ 15 τεοςιρ χεςορτξοστεκ ι νατενατιώεσλαρ στατιστιλα 970. Dukes W.M.B. The Absent Minded Scouts Dilemma. - Dublin, 1998.- 7 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-19). 971. Sullivan W.G. a.o. How to Encode a Stationary Source. - Dublin, 1998.- 2p. - (DIAS-STP 98-20). σ 3 ζιϊιλα 972. Annual Reports by Research Institute for Science and Technology Kinki University N.11. - Higashi-osaka, 1999.- 70 p.:il. - (RIST 11). 973. Bricmont J. Postmodernism and Its Problems with Science. - Louvain-La-Neuve, 1996.- 29p. - (UCL-IPT ). 974. O'Raifeartaigh L., Rasche G. Walter Heitler. - Dublin, 1998.- 6 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-14). 975. Taylor J.G. Beyond the Chinese Room: Where Does it Lead the Brain? - London, 1999.- 7p. - (KCL-MTH 98-70). σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι 976. Jetzer P. Gravitational Microlensing. - Villigen, 1999.- 18p.;5p.il. - (PSI PR-99-10,ZU-TH 14/98). σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα 977. Bartels J. a.o. Quark-Antiquark-Gluon Jets in DIS Diffractive Dissociation. - Hamburg, 1999.- 28p.: il. - (DESY 99-027,DTP 99/10,LUNFD6 (NFFL-7166) 1999). 978. Beck J. a.o. An Algebraic Characterization of the Affine Canonical Basis. - London, 1998.- 23p. - (KCL-MTH 98-18). 979. Brody D.C., Hughston L.P. Geometric Quantum Mechanics. - London, 1999.- 13 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-66). 980. Brody D.C., Hughston L.P. Geometry of Thermodynamic States. - London, 1998.- 8 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-29). 981. Cooper-Sarkar A.M. a.o. High-Q*2 Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA. - London, 1999.- 26p.: il. - (IC/HEP 99-1). 982. Drescher H.J. a.o. A Unified Treatment of High Energy Interactions. - Nantes Cedex, 1999.- 4 p. - (SUBATECH 99-03). σ 323.5Η παςτοξξαρ νοδεμψ. 983. Diehl M. a.o. Skewed Parton Distributions in Real and Virtual Compton Scattering. - Hamburg, 1999.- 11p.: il. - (DESY 99-025,WUB 99-5,FNT/T 99/04). σ 323.6 οπεςατοςω ϋςεδιξηεςα.σπελτς.μολαμιϊαγιρ. 984. Aslanyan A., Davies E.B. Spectral Instability for Some Schrodinger Operators. - London, 1998.- 23p.;4p.il. - (KCL-MTH 98-51). 985. Davies E.B. A Review of Hardy Inequalities. - London, 1998.- 12 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-52). 986. Davies E.B. Pseudospectra, the Harmonic Oscillator and Complex Resonances. - London, 1998.- 14 p.;5p.il. - (KCL-MTH 98-03). 987. Davies E.B. Semi-Classical States for Non-Self-Adjoint Schrodinger Operators. - London, 1998.- 8 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-48). 988. Davies E.B. The Computation of Thresholds for Schrodinger Operators. - London, 1998.- 18p. - (KCL-MTH 98-33). 989. Kapitanski L., Safarov Y. A Parametrix for the Non-Stationary Schrodinger Equation. - London, 1998.- 10p. - (KCL-MTH 98-05). 990. Scott S.G., Wojciechowski K.P. The *z-Determinant and Quillen Determinant for a Dirac Operator on a Manifold with Boundary. - London, 1998.- 31p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 98-54). 991. Scott S. Splitting the Curvature of the Determinant Line Bundle. - London, 1998.- 13 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-45). σ 324.1Α λχαξτοχαρ όμελτςοδιξανιλα 992. Taylor J.G. Analysing Non-Invasive Brain Images: Towards a Global Brain Model. - London, 1999.- 17 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-65). σ 324.1Β σιμψξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 993. Manayenkov S.I. Regge Description of Spin-Spin Asymmetry in Photon Diffractive Dissociation. - Hamburg, 1999.- 43 p.:il. - (DESY 99-016). σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 994. Soffer A. Discrete Ambiguities in the Measurement of the Weak Phase *g. - Stanford, 1999.- 12 p.;2p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8047,CSUHEP 99/01). 995. Yang S. Test of CPT Invariance in B Factories. - Stanford, 1999.- 7p. - (SLAC-PUB 8056). σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα 996. Caprini I., Neubert M. Borel Summation and Momentum-Plane Analyticity in Perturbative QCD. - Stanford, 1999.- 22 p. - (SLAC-PUB 8059). 997. Rizzo T.G. Top Quark Production at the Tevatron: Probing Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moments and Theories of Low Scale Gravity. - Stanford, 1999.- 10p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 7986). σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. συπεςστςυξω 998. Ananthanarayan A., Pandita P.N. Infra-Red Stable Fixed Points of R-Parity Violating Yukawa Couplings in Supersymmetric Models. - Hamburg, 1999.- 16p. - (DESY 99-019,IISc-CTS 3/99). 999. Barenboim G., Raidal M. Supersymmetry and CP Violating Asymmetries in B&sub(d,s) Decays. - Hamburg, 1999.- 11 p. - (DESY 99-022,MZ-TH 99-03). 1000. Flohr M.A.I. Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory and Seiberg-Witten Models. - London, 1998.- 13p. - (KCL-MTH 98-36). 1001. Gauntlett J.P. a.o. Supersymmetric Fivebrane Solitons. - London, 1998.- 29p. - (KCL-MTH 98-43,QMW PH-98-40). 1002. Howe P.S. a.o. L-Branes. - London, 1998.- 22 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-39,CTP-TAMU 34/98). 1003. Lambert N.D., West P.C. Brane Dynamics and Four-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory. - London, 1998.- 10 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-57). 1004. Lambert N.D., West P.C. Monopole Dynamics from the M-Fivebrane. - London, 1998.- 29p. - (KCL-MTH 98-44). 1005. Lambert N.D., West P.C. N=2 Superfields and the M-Fivebrane. - London, 1998.- 14p. - (KCL-MTH 98-1). 1006. Watts P. Ward Identities and Anomalies in Pure W&sub(4) Gravity. - Dublin, 1998.- 18p. - (DIAS-STP 98-11). σ 324.2 ξεμολαμψξωε ι ξεμιξεκξωε τεοςιι πομρ 1007. Ford C. a.o. Monopoles, Polyakov-Loops and Gauge Fixing on the Torus. - Jena, 1998.- 24p.: il. - (FSUJ-TPI 98/03,DIAS-STP 98/02). 1008. O'Raifeartaigh L., Straumann N. Early History of Gauge Theories and Kaluza-Klein Theories. - Dublin, 1998.- 62 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-15). 1009. O'Raifeartaigh L., Sreedhar V.V. Path Integral Formulation of the Conformal Wess-Zumino-Witten *> Toda Reductions. - Dublin, 1998.- 27p. - (DIAS-STP 98-05). 1010. O'Raifeartaigh L., Sreedhar V.V. Path Integral Formulation of the Conformal Wess-Zumino-Witten *> Liouville Reduction. - Dublin, 1998.- 15 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-04). 1011. Ruelle P., Verhoeven O. Discrete Symmetries of Unitary Minimal Conformal Theories. - Louvain-La-Neuve, 1998.- 30p. - (UCL-IPT 98-03). σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ 1012. Litim D.F., Pawlowski J.M. On Gauge Invariance and Ward Identities for the Wilsonian Renormalisation Group. - Dublin, 1998.- 4 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-08,ECM-UB PF-98-20). 1013. Pillin M. Exact Two-Particle Matrix Elements in S-Matrix Preserving Deformation of Integrable QFTs. - London, 1999.- 9 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-64). σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα 1014. Brody D.C., Hughston L.P. Thermalisation of Quantum States. - London, 1998.- 7p. - (KCL-MTH 98-28). 1015. Delius G.W. Restricting Affine Toda Theory to the Half-Line. - London, 1998.- 39 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-42). 1016. Delius G.W. Soliton-Preserving Boundary Condition in Affine Toda Field Theories. - London, 1998.- 10 p. - (KCL-MTH 98-41). 1017. Dorey P. a.o. Generalisations of the Coleman-Thun Mechanism and Boundary Reflection Factors. - London, 1998.- 11p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 98-40,DTP 98/71). 1018. Figua H. a.o. Instability of the Filtering Method for Vlasov's Equation. - Nantes Cedex, 1999.- 7p. - (SUBATECH 99-02). 1019. O'Raifeartaigh L. a.o. Duality in Quantum Liouville Theory. - Dublin, 1998.- 36p. - (DIAS-STP 98-17). 1020. Puy D. a.o. Thermal Equilibrium of Molecular Clouds in Cooling Flow Clusters. - Villigen, 1999.- 23 p. - (PSI PR-99-09,ZU-TH 10/99). 1021. Skrypnik W.I. On Quantum Systems of Particles with Pair Long-Range Magnetic Interaction in One Dimension. Equilibrium. - Dublin, 1998.- 8p. - (DIAS-STP 98-16). 1022. Takacs G., Watts G. Non-Unitarity in Quantum Affine Toda Theory and Perturbed Conformal Field Theory. - London, 1998.- 28 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-38,DFUB 98-18). σ 325.1Α ξεκςοξξωε σετι ι λμετοώξωε αχτονατω 1023. Bapi R.S. a.o. Analysing the Executive Function of the Prefrontal System: Towards a Network Theory. - London, 1998.- 53p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 98-25). 1024. Castellanos A. a.o. Finite Size Effects in Separable Recurrent Neural Networks. - London, 1998.- 24 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-09). 1025. Coolen A.C.C., Saad D. Dynamics of Supervised Learning with Restricted Training Sets. - London, 1998.- 36p. - (KCL-MTH 98-08). 1026. Taylor J.G. a.o. A Three Stage Model of Awareness: Formulation and Initial Experimental Support. - London, 1998.- 15 p.:il. - (KCL-MTH 98-23). 1027. Taylor J.G. a.o. On the Relation between Brain Images and Brain Neural Networks. - London, 1999.- 33p. - (KCL-MTH 98-69). 1028. Taylor J.G. a.o. The Network of Brain Areas Involved in the Motion-After-Effect. - London, 1999.- 27p.;16p.il. - (KCL-MTH 98-67). 1029. Taylor N.R., Taylor J.G. Experimenting with Models of the Frontal Lobes. - London, 1998.- 10p.: il. - (KCL-MTH 98-37). σ 326 λχαξτοχαρ τεοςιρ σιστεν ιϊ νξοηιθ ώαστιγ.λχαξτοχαρ στατιστιλα 1030. De-Toro-Arias S. Dynamique de la Localisation d'Anderson: These. - Nice, 1998.- 170 p.:il. - (LPMC ). 1031. Dolan B.P. Duality and the Modular Group in the Quantum Hall Effect. - Dublin, 1998.- 4 p. - (DIAS-STP 98-07). 1032. Dolan B.P. Modular Invariance, Universality and Crossover in the Quantum Hall Effect. - Dublin, 1998.- 23p.;4p.il. - (DIAS-STP 98-10). σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ 1033. Christova P.C. a.o. Hard-Photon Emission in e*+e*-*>f^-f with Realistic Cuts. - Hamburg, 1999.- 7 p. - (DESY 99-015). 1034. Thumm M. State-of-the-Art of High Power Gyro-Devices and Free Electron Masers Update 1998. - Karlsruhe, 1999.- 64p.: il. - (FZKA 6224). σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ 1035. Alley R. a.o. The Design for the LCLS rf Photo-Injector. - Stanford, 1999.- 7 p.;5p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8054). 1036. Cornacchia M. The LCLS X-Ray FEL at SLAC. - Stanford, 1999.- 11 p.:il. - (SLAC-PUB 8053). 1037. Spencer J.E. A High Brightness, Electron-Based Source of Polarized Photons and Neutrons. - Stanford, 1999.- 4p.: il. - (SLAC-PUB 7957). 1038. Tenenbaum P., Shintake T. Measurement of Small Electron Beam Spots. - Stanford, 1999.- 30p.;27p.il. - (SLAC-PUB 8057). σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω 1039. Campos I. a.o. Monte-Carlo Simulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory with Light Gluinos. - Hamburg, 1999.- 38p.;10p.il. - (DESY 99-029,MS-TPI 99-02). 1040. Grinstein B., Lebed R.F. B*+*>D* *+&sub(s)*g and B*+*>D* *+*g as Probes of V&sub(ub). - San Diego, 1999.- 10 p. - (UCSD PTH 99-02,JLAB-THY 99-05). 1041. Jung H. a.o. The Role of Resolved Virtual Photons in the Production of Forward Jets at HERA. - Hamburg, 1999.- 11 p.:il. - (DESY 99-028,LUNFD6 (NFFL-7167) 1999). γ 84 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ τεθξιλα ι πςοηςαννιςοχαξιε 1042. Projekt GLOBUS Multimediales Recherchieren und Verarbeiten von Globalen Umweltsachdaten im Umweltinformationssystem Baden-Wurttemberg Phase V 1998. - Karlsruhe, 1998.- 166 p.:il. - (FZKA 6250).