Список N56 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 27.12.99 1 American Scientist. 1999 87 6 2 Analytical Chemistry 1999 71 20 3 Applied Physics Letters. 1999 75 16-17 4 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 1999 73 1 5 Communications of the ACM. 1999 42 3 6 Contemporary Physics. 1999 40 6 7 Cryogenics. 1999 39 7 8 European Physical Journal B:Condensed Matter Physics 1999 11 4 1999 12 1 9 European Physical Journal C:Experimental Physics 1999 10 4 10 Europhysics Letters. 1999 48 2-3 11 Foundations of Physics. 1999 29 7 12 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1999 13 24/25 13 International Journal of Modern Physics C. 1999 10 4 14 Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1999 117 1/2 15 Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1999 40 10 16 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 32 42 17 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 19 18 Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 20 19 Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 41-42 20 Journal of Statistical Physics. 1999 96 3/4 21 Laser Physics. 1999 9 4 22 Modern Physics Letters,A. 1999 14 28 23 Modern Physics Letters,B. 1999 13 18 24 Nature. 1999 401 6755-675 1999 402 6757 25 Neural Networks 1999 12 9 26 New Scientist. 1999 163 2204-220 1999 164 2206-221 27 Nuclear Data Sheets. 1999 88 1 28 Nuclear Engineering International 1999 44 543 29 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,A:Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1999 436 3 1999 437 1 30 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1999 159 1/2-3 31 Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 657 4 1999 658 1-2 32 Nuovo Cimento,A. 1999 112 7 33 PC Magazine 1999 18 10,11,17 34 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1999 272 3/4 35 Physica C:Superconductivity. 1999 323 3/4 1999 324 1 36 Physica Scripta. 1999 60 5 37 Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 1999 60 4 38 Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology 1999 60 8 39 Physical Review Letters. 1999 83 16,17 40 Physics Letters,A. 1999 261 5/6 1999 262 1 41 Physics Letters,B. 1999 464 1/2-3/4 42 Physics Reports. 1999 321 4/5,6 43 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.Ser.A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1999 455 1990 44 Reports on Progress in Physics. 1999 62 10 45 Review of Scientific Instruments. 1999 70 10 46 Science News. 1999 156 15,16 47 Science. 1999 286 5444-544 48 Waves in Random Media 1999 9 4 49 Журнал аналитической химии. 1999 54 11 50 Компьютер Пресс. 1999 12 51 Новое время. 1999 50 52 Оптика и спектроскопия. 1999 87 5 53 Открытая политика 1999 9/10 54 Радио 1999 12 55 Радиотехника и электроника 1999 44 11 56 Теория вероятностей и ее применения. 1999 44 3 57 Успехи химии. 1999 68 11 58 Химическая физика. 1999 18 11 59 Электросвязь 1999 11 60 Ядерная физика. 1999 62 11![]()