Список №49 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 04.11.99 1. American Journal of Physics. 1999 67 9 2. Analytical Chemistry 1999 71 16-17 3. Annals of Physics. 1999 276 1 4. Applied Physics Letters. 1999 75 8-9 5. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 1999 72 2 6. Classical and Quantum Gravity 1999 16 9 7. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1999 205 1-3 8. Computer Physics Communications. 1999 120 2/3 9. Computing in Science Engineering 1999 1 5 10. Journal of Computational Physics. 1999 154 1 11. Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 17 12. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1999 241 3 13. Modern Physics Letters,B. 1999 13 14 14. Mutagenesis 1999 14 5 15. Nonlinearity. 1999 12 5 16. Reports on Progress in Physics. 1999 62 8 17. Review of Scientific Instruments. 1999 70 8 18. Reviews of Modern Physics 1999 71 4 19. Science News. 1999 156 7 20. Superconductor Science and Technology. 1999 12 8-9 21. Мир ПК. 1999 10 22. Новости ОИЯИ=Jinr News 1999 3 23. Приборы и системы управления. 1999 9 24. Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. 1999 30 5![]()