Список N47 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 26.10.99 1 Applied Physics Letters. 1999 75 7 2 Astroparticle Physics 1999 11 4 3 Beam Line. 1999 29 1 4 General Relativity and Gravitation. 1999 31 8 5 Health Physics. 1999 77 3 6 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1999 38 7 7 Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1999 116 3/4 8 Journal of Neutron Research 1999 7 3/4 9 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 32 32-33 10 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 15 11 Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 16 12 Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 32-33 13 Letters in Mathematical Physics. 1999 48 3-4 14 Modern Physics Letters,A. 1999 14 10/11 1999 14 20-21 15 Modern Physics Letters,B. 1999 13 12/13 16 Molecular and General Genetics. 1999 262 1 17 Nature. 1999 400 6746-674 1999 401 6748 18 New Scientist. 1999 163 2200-02 19 Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 1999 555 3 1999 556 1/'2-3 20 Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 656 1-2 21 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1999 1999 270 1/2-3/4 22 Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 1999 60 2 23 Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation, and Cosmology 1999 60 4 24 Physical Review Letters. 1999 83 7-9 25 Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas, Fluids,and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 1999 60 2А,В 26 Physics Letters,A. 1999 259 3/4-5 27 Physics Letters,B. 1999 460 3/4 1999 461 1/2-3 28 Physics Reports. 1999 317 1/2-5/6 1999 318 1/2 29 Science. 1999 286 5437 30 The European Physical Journal A:Hadrons and Nuclei 1999 5 4 31 The European Physical Journal B:Condensed Matter Physics 1999 10 3-4 32 The European Physical Journal D:Atomic,molecular and optical physics 1999 7 1 33 Журнал неорганической химии. 1999 44 8-9 34 Зарубежная радиоэлектроника. 1999 9 35 Известия высших учебных заведений: Физика. 1999 42 5 36 Краткие сообщения по физике. 1999 5-6 37 Латвийский физико-технический журнал=Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 1999 4 38 Наука и жизнь. 1999 10 39 Новое время. 1999 40-41 40 Радио 1999 10 41 Соросовский образовательный журнал/Soros Educational Journal 1999 4![]()