Список N43 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 28.09.99 1 CERN Courier. 1999 39 6 2 Journal of Physics G:Nuclear and Particle Physics 1999 25 7 3 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 32 27-29 4 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 13 5 Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 14 6 Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 27-29 7 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1999 241 1 8 Journal of Statistical Physics. 1999 95 3/4 9 Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1999 27 6 1999 28 1/2 10 Modern Physics Letters,A. 1999 14 17-18 11 Modern Physics Letters,B. 1999 13 9/10-11 12 Nature. 1999 400 6742-43 13 New Scientist. 1999 163 2196-98 14 Nonlinearity. 1999 12 4 15 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, A:Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1999 431 3 1999 432 1 16 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1998 Master Index vol.121-130 1999 156 1/4 17 Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 1999 552 3 18 Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 653 3-4 19 Nuovo Cimento,A. 1999 112 4 20 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1999 269 1 21 Physica C:Superconductivity. 1999 320 1/2 22 Physica D:Nonlinnear Phenomena 1999 132 3-4 23 Physica Scripta. 1999 60 2 1999 Т80А 24 Physica Status Solidi (b):Basic Research 1999 214 1 25 Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 1999 60 3 26 Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation, and Cosmology 1999 60 2 27 Physical Review Letters. 1999 83 3-4 28 Physical Review.E:Statistical Physics,Plasmas, Fluids,and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 1999 60 1 29 Physics Letters,A. 1999 258 2/3 30 Physics Letters,B. 1999 459 1/3 31 Physics Reports. 1999 316 4/5 32 Progress of Theoretical Physics. 1999 102 1 33 Radiation Measurements 1999 31 1/6 34 Reports on Progress in Physics. 1999 62 7 35 Science News. 1999 156 3-4 36 Semiconductor Science & Technology 1999 14 7 37 Waves in Random Media 1999 9 3 38 Вопросы философии. 1999 8 39 Известия РАН.Теория и системы управления. 1999 4 40 Компьютер Пресс. 1999 9 41 Краткие сообщения ОИЯИ. Сборник. 1999 3 42 Новое время. 1999 37 43 Оптика и спектроскопия. 1999 87 1 44 Приборы и системы управления. 1999 8 45 Природа. 1999 8 46 Радио 1999 9 47 Успехи физических наук 1999 169 8 48 Химия и жизнь. 1999 8-9 49 Электричество 1999 8-9 50 Электротехника 1999 9![]()