Список N40 НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ 07.09.99 1 Advances in Physics 1999 48 4 1999 48 5 2 Analytical Chemistry 1999 71 13 3 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 1999 72 1 4 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1999 16 7 5 Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1999 199 3 1999 204 1 1999 204 2 6 Few-Body Systems. 1999 26 1 1999 26 2-4 7 Hyperfine Interactions. 1999 118 1-4 1999 119 1-4 8 IAEA Bulletin=Бюллетень МАГАТЭ 1999 41 2 9 Indian Journal of Physics A. 1999 73 3 1999 73 4 10 Indian Journal of Physics,B. 1999 73 3 11 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics. 1998 29 2 1999 29 3 12 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1999 38 5 1999 38 6 13 Journal of Statistical Physics. 1999 95 1/2 14 Mathematics of Computation. 1999 68 227 15 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1999 46 7 16 Nuclear Data Sheets. 1999 87 1 17 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1999 268 3-4 18 Physica B:Condensed Matter 1999 269 3/4 19 Physica C:Superconductivity. 1999 319 3/4 20 Physica D:Nonlinnear Phenomena 1999 132 1-2 21 Physical Review A:Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics 1999 60 1 22 Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and MaterialPhysics 1999 59 24 1999 60 1 1999 60 2 23 Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 1999 60 1 24 Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation, and Cosmology 1999 60 1 25 Physics Letters,A. 1999 257 5,6 1999 258 1 26 Physics Letters,B. 1999 458 2,3 1999 458 4 27 Physics Reports. 1999 315 4-5 1999 315 6 1999 316 1-3 28 PINSA-A Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A 1998 64 1 1998 64 6 29 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.Ser.A,Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1999 455 1987 30 Review of Scientific Instruments. 1999 70 7 31 Science. 1999 285 5430 32 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 1999 351 7 33 Знание-сила 1999 7-8 34 Мир ПК. 1999 8 35 Новое время. 1999 34 36 Проблемы теории и практики управления. 1999 4 37 Техника кино и телевидения 1999 8 38 Украiнський математичний журнал 1999 51 4 1999 51 5 1999 51 6 39 Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. 1999 30 4 40 Электросвязь 1999 7![]()