Ñïèñîê N34 ÍÎÂÛÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÛ 03.08.99 N ÍÀÇÂÀÍÈÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÀ ÃÎÄ ÒÎÌ ÍÎÌÅÐ ×ÀÑÒÜ ÈÍÄÅÊÑ 1 American Journal of Physics. 1999 67 5,6 2 Annals of Physics. 1999 274 1 3 Applied Physics Letters. 1998 73 Indexes 1999 74 21-23 4 Canadian Journal of Physics. 1999 76 12 5 Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1999 202 1-3 1999 203 1-2 6 Computer Physics Communications. 1999 118 1-2/3 1999 119 1 7 Europhysics Letters. 1999 46 3-5 8 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1999 13 5/6 9 Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1999 115 3/4-5/6 10 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999 195 1,3 1999 196/197 11 Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1999 40 4-5 12 Journal of Physics G:Nuclear and Particle Physics 1999 25 6 13 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 32 21-23 14 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 10-11 15 Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 10,10À,1 16 Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 21-23 17 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 1999 240 3 18 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1999 68 3-4 19 Modern Physics Letters,B. 1999 13 3/4 20 New Scientist. 1999 162 2189-91 21 Nonlinearity. 1999 12 3 22 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,A:Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment 1999 426 1-2/3 1999 427 1/2-3 23 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research,B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1999 152 1,2/3,4 24 Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 1999 547 1/2-3 25 Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 651 1-3 1999 652 1 26 Nuovo Cimento,A. 1999 112 1/2-3 27 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1999 265 1/2-3/4 1999 266 1/4 1999 267 1/2-3/4 1999 268 1/2 28 Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 1999 59 16-19 29 Physical Review D:Particles,Fields,Gravitation, and Cosmology 1999 59 10-11 30 Physical Review Letters. 1999 82 19-23 31 Physics Letters,A. 1999 254 5,6 1999 255 1/2,3,4/6 32 Physics Letters,B. 1999 452-453 1/2-3/4 33 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Ser.A,Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1999 455 1983-85 34 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 1999 132 35 Progress of Theoretical Physics. 1999 Gen.Ind 1999 101 1,3,5![]()