σΠΙΣΟΛ N27 ξοχωε φυςξαμω 22.06.99 N Π.Π ξαϊχαξιε φυςξαμα ηοδ τον ξονες ώαστψ 1 American Scientist 1999 87 3 2 Analytical Chemistry 1999 71 7 3 Applied Radiation and Isotopes 1999 50 5 4 Astroparticle Physics 1999 10 2/3 5 Astrophysical Journal 1999 510,511 1-2 1 1999 512 1 1 1999 513 1 1 6 Astrophysical Journal.Letters 1999 510-511 1-2 2 1999 512 1 2 1999 513 1 2 7 Bulletin (New Series) of the 1999 36 2 American Mathematical Society. 8 Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fyziku. 1998 48 5-6 9 Chinese Journal of Physics. 1999 37 2 10 Computer Design. 1999 38 1-3 11 Computing in Science Engineering 1999 1 1-2 12 Contemporary Physics. 1999 40 2 13 Cryogenics. 1999 39 1 14 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 1998 48 12 15 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 1999 49 1-4,4a 16 Europhysics News. 1999 30 3 17 Fizika A:Atomic and Molecular 1998 7 4 Physics,Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma 18 Fizika B:General Physics,Nuclear 1998 7 4 Physics,Particles and Fields 19 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt Nachrichten 1999 31 1 20 Foundations of Physics. 1999 29 2 21 General Relativity and Gravitation 1999 31 4 22 Hadronic Journal. 1998 21 6 23 Health Physics. 1999 76 5 24 IAEA Bulletin=βΐΜΜΕΤΕΞΨ ναηατό 1999 41 1 25 Indian Journal of Physics A. 1999 73 2 26 Indian Journal of Physics,B. 1998 72 5 1999 73 2 27 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1999 38 2 28 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General. 1999 32 5-7 29 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic, 1999 32 2,5,6 Molecular and Optical Physics. 30 Journal of Physics,G: Nuclear and Particle 1999 25 1-2 31 Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 1999 11 5-8 32 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1999 46 5 33 Nuclear Physics News. 1999 9 1 34 PINSA-A Proceedings of the Indian 1999 64 4-5 National Science Academy Part A 35 Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences 1999 53 1 36 Publications of the Research Institute 1999 35 1 for Mathematical Sciences 37 Radiochimica Acta. 1998 83 4 38 Romanian Journal of Physics. 1996 41 5-10 1997 42 1-2 39 Romanian Reports in Physiccs 1995 47 1-10 1996 48 1-10 1997 49 1-7 40 Science. 1999 284 5417-541 41 The European Physical Journal A: 1999 4 3 Hadrons and Nuclei 42 The European Physical Journal B: 1999 8 2-3 Condensed Matter Physics 43 The European Physical Journal C: 1999 7 4 Particles and Fields 1999 8 1 44 The European Physical Journal 1999 6 1 D:Atomic,molecular 45 Transactions of the American 1999 351 5 Mathematical Society.![]()