Ñïèñîê N24 ÍÎÂÛÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÛ 07.06.99 N ÍÀÇÂÀÍÈÅ ÆÓÐÍÀËÀ ÃÎÄ ÒÎÌ ÍÎÌÅÐ ×ÀÑÒÜ ÈÍÄÅÊÑ 1 Advances in Physics 1999 48 1 2 Applied Physics Letters. 1999 74 1-8,10 3 Canadian Journal of Physics. 1998 76 10-11 4 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1999 16 1-2 5 Europhysics Letters. 1999 45 1-6 6 Journal of Physics,A: Mathematical and General 1999 32 1-4 7 Journal of Physics,B: Atomic,Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999 32 1,3,4 8 Journal of Physics,D: Applied Physics 1999 32 1-2 9 Journal of Superconductivity. 1999 12 1 10 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1999 68 1 11 Nonlinearity. 1999 12 1-2 12 Nuclear Data Sheets. 1999 86 2 13 Nuclear Physics B:Field Theory and Statistical Systems 1999 540 1/2-3 1999 541 1/2-3 14 Nuclear Physics,A. 1999 646 3-4 1999 647 1/2-3/4 15 Physica D:Nonlinnear Phenomena 1999 124 1/3-4 16 Physica Scripta. 1999 59 1-2 1999 Ò79 17 Physica Status Solidi (b):Basic 1999 211 2 1999 212 1 18 Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material Physics 1999 59 8 19 Physical Review C:Nuclear Physics 1999 59 3 20 Physics Letters,A. 1999 251 6 1999 252 1/2-6 21 Physics Reports. 1999 308 1-5/6 22 Reports on Progress in Physics. 1999 62 1-2 23 Review of Scientific Instruments. 1999 70 1 Pt.1,2![]()