Список N	11	НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ             05.03.99

N п.п   НАЗВАНИЕ ЖУРНАЛА                                          ГОД     ТОМ         НОМЕР       ЧАСТЬ

     1 Applied Physics Letters.                                   1998    73             23
                                                                  1998    73             24
                                                                  1998    73             25
     2 Astroparticle Physics                                      1998    9              4
     3 Chaos,Solitons & Fractals.                                 1998    9              11
     4 Contemporary Physics.                                      1998    39             6
     5 Health Physics.                                            1998    75             6
     6 International Journal of Modern Physics,B.                 1998    12             25
                                                                  1998    12             26
     7 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.Part 2.Letters.        1998    37             10A
                                                                  1998    37             10B
                                                                  1998    37             11A
     8 Journal of Low Temperature Physics.                        1998    113            3/4
     9 Nature.                                                    1998    396            6710
                                                                  1998    396            6711
    10 New Scientist.                                             1998    160            2163
                                                                  1998    160            2164
    11 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics                   1998    419            1
       Research,A:Accelerators,Spectrometers,Detectors and
       Associated Equipment
    12 Nuclear Physics,A.                                         1998    643            4
                                                                  1998    644            1,2
                                                                  1998    644            3
                                                                  1998    A621-640
    13 PC Magazine.                                               1998    17             20
    14 Physica B:Condensed Matter                                 1998    256-258
    15 Physica C:Superconductivity.                               1998    308            3/4
                                                                  1998    309            1/2
                                                                  1998    309            3/4
                                                                  1998    310            1-4
    16 Physica D.                                                 1998    119            3-4
    17 Physica Scripta.                                           1998    58             6
                                                                  1998    T77
    18 Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Material            1998    58             21
    19 Physical Review Letters.                                   1998    81             22
                                                                  1998    81             23
    20 Physics Letters,B.                                         1998    441            1,2,3,4
    21 Progress of Theoretical Physics.                           1998    100            3
    22 Reports on Progress in Physics.                            1998    61             11
    23 Review of Scientific Instruments.                          1998    69             11
    24 Science News.                                              1998    154            21
                                                                  1998    154            22
    25 Scientific American                                        1999    280            1
    26 Алгебра и анализ.                                          1998    10             6
    27 Доклады Российской Академии наук.                          1998    363            4
                                                                  1998    363            5
                                                                  1999    363            6
    28 Зарубежная радиоэлектроника.                               1999                   2
    29 Новое время.                                               1999                   7
    30 Оптика и спектроскопия.                                    1998    85             6
    31 Радиотехника.                                              1999                   2
    32 Радиохимия.                                                1998    40             6
    33 Цитология                                                  1998    40             12