ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ "КНИГИ" N 3-4      25.01.99, 1.02.99


    9. Васильев Н.Б. Избранные статьи.  - М.:Бюро "Квантум",1998.-  
128с.:ил.  -  (Приложение к журналу "Квант",1998, No.6.).     
    10. Физическая энциклопедия. Т.5. Стробоскопические приборы - 
Яркость.  - М.:Большая Рос.энциклопедия,1998.-  760с.:ил.     
    11. Шапиро Ф.Л. Человек и ученый: Книга воспоминаний.  - 
Дубна,1998.-  220с.  -  (ОИЯИ 97-377.).     
    12. Film Step Tablet Standards of Diffuse Visual Transmission 
Density - SRM 1001 and SRM 1008.  - Gaithersburg,1998.-  40p.:il.  - 
 (NIST Special Publication 260-135.).     
    13. Interim Storage of Radioactive Waste Packages.  - 
Vienna:IAEA,1998.-  9Op.:il.  -  (Technical Reports Series, 
    14. International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and 
Their Applications.(ICAMDATA 97), Gaithersburg,USA, 29 Sept.-2 
Oct.1997. Poster Papers.  - Gaithersburg,1998.-  275p.:il.  -  (NIST 
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    15. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics: 
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    16. Nonlinear and Stochastic Beam Dynamics in Accelerators. A 
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97-161, DESY-Proc.-1998-03.).     
    17. The Radiological Accident in the Reprocessing Plant at 
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    18. Workshop on the Utilization of Research Reactors 1997, 
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    19. Wright J.D., Mattingly G.E. NIST Measurement Services: NIST 
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Prover Gas Flow Facilities.  - Gaithersburg,1998.-  41p.  -  (NIST 
Special Publication 250-49.).     
    20. Entwicklung von Software-Systemen mit Ada. Ada-Deutschland 
Workshop, Bremen,1998.  - Karlsruhe,1998.-  213p.  -  (FZKA 
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    21. Наука,философия,религия. Наука,технология,человек: Восьмая 
международная конференция, Дубна,2 окт.1997.  - М.:Паломник,1998.- 