éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðòåðòéîôù" N 46-17      30.11.98

          ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ   
    3820. Zabrodin A. Hidden Quantum R-Matrix in Discrete Time 
Classical Heisenberg Magnet.  - Moscow, 1998.-  30 p.  - (ITEP 
          ó 3 æéúéëá   
    3821. Beschleunigerlaboratorium der Universitat und der 
Technischen Universitat. Jahresbericht 1997.  - Munchen, 1998.-  197 
p.:il.  - (Beschleunigerlaboratorium der Univ. ).   
    3822. Chomaz Ph. Symetrie et brisure de symetrie en mecanique 
quantique.  - Caen, 1998.-  54p.: il.  - (GANIL P 98 30).   
    3823. Osaka University Laboratory of Nuclear Studies. Annual 
Report 1997 (1997, April - 1998, March).  - Osaka, 1998.-  168 
p.:il.  - (OULNS ).   
    3824. Paschos E.A. Byzantine Astronomy from A.D. 1300.  - 
Dortmund, 1998.-  15p.: il.  - (DO-TH 98/18).   
          ó 322 ôåïòéñ ïôîïóéôåìøîïóôé   
íÏÓË×Á, 1998.-  6Ó.: ÉÌ.  - (éôüæ 98).   
          ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá   
    3826. Ackerstaff K. a.o.   Determination of the Deep Inelastic 
Contribution to the Generalised Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral for 
the Proton and Neutron.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  6 p.  - (DESY 98-122).   
    3827. Gani V.A., Weinberg V.M. Hydrogen Atom in Crossed External 
Fields Reexemined by the Moment Method.  - Moscow, 1998.-  15p.: il. 
 - (ITEP 29-98).   
    3828. Kretzer S., Schienbein I. Heavy Quark Initiated 
Contributions to Deep Inelastic Structure Functions.  - Dortmund, 
1998.-  25p.  - (DO-TH 98/05).   
    3829. Rehberg P. a.o.   Expansion and Hadronization of a 
Chirally Symmetric Quark-Meson Plasma.  - Nantes Cedex, 1998.-  
21p.;18p.il.  - (SUBATECH 98-16).   
          ó 323.5 ôåïòéñ ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ þáóôéã ðòé ÷ùóïëéè 
    3830. Erazmus B. a.o.   Particle Correlations as Seen by the 
STAR Detector.  - Nantes Cedex, 1998.-  32 p.  - (SUBATECH 98-19).   
          ó 323.5Ç ðáòôïîîáñ íïäåìø.   
    3831. Gluck M., Reya E. In Search of a Sum-Rule for the Parton 
Distributions of the Photon.  - Dortmund, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (DO-TH 
          ó 324.1× óìáâùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    3832. Hill C. Topcolor.  - Batavia, 1998.-  19 p.;1p.il.  - (NAL 
FERMILAB-Conf 97/032-T).   
          ó 324.1Ç ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ. óðïîôáîîï- îáòõûåîîùå 
    3833. Dobrescu B.A., Simmons E.H. Top-Bottom Splitting in 
Technicolor with Composite Scalars.  - Batavia, 1998.-  21 p.  - 
(NAL FERMILAB-Pub 98/225-T).   
          ó 324.1Ç1 ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ðïìñ îá òåûåôëå   
    3834. Duncan A. a.o.   Matching the High Momentum Modes in a 
Truncated Determinant Algorithm.  - Batavia, 1998.-  3 p.  - (NAL 
FERMILAB-Conf 98/283-T).   
          ó 324.1Ç2 ëïóíïìïçéþåóëéå áóðåëôù ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùè ðïìåê   
    3835. Kasuya S., Kawasaki M. Topological Defect Formation after 
Inflation on Lattice Simulation.  - Tanashi, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - 
(ICRR Report-430-98-26).   
          ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá   
    3836. Jegerlehner F., Tarasov O.V. Exact Mass Dependent Two-Loop 
*a^-&sub(s)(Q*2) in the Background MOM Renormalization Scheme.  - 
Hamburg, 1998.-  17 p.  - (DESY 98-093).   
    3837. Peshier A. Zur Zustandsgleichung heisser stark 
wechselwirkender Materiekonsistente Beschreibungen stark gekoppelter 
Quantensysteme: Dissertation.  - Dresden, 1998.-  154p.: il.  - (FZR 
    3838. Tao Huang  a.o.   The 0*+*+ and 0*-*+ Mass of Light-Quark 
Hybrid in QCD Sum Rules.  - Batavia, 1998.-  10 p.;8p.il.  - (NAL 
FERMILAB-Pub 98/235-T).   
          ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. 
    3839. Hewett J.L., Rizzo T.G. Resonant Slepton Production at 
Hadron Colliders in R-Parity Violating Models.  - Stanford, 1998.-  
5p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7926).   
          ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ   
    3840. Yokoyama J. a.o.   Numerical Analysis of Formation and 
Evolution of Global Strings in 2+1 Dimensions.  - Kyoto, 1998.-  10 
p.;7p.il.  - (YITP 98-48,SU-ITP 98/51,UTAP 290,ICRR 
          ó 325 óôáôéóôéþåóëáñ æéúéëá é ôåòíïäéîáíéëá   
10 Ó.  - (éôüæ 21-98).   
    3842. Chomaz Ph., Gulminelli F. Phase Transition in an Isospin 
Dependent Lattice Gas Model.  - Caen, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (GANIL 
P 98 29).   
    3843. Ichinose I., Kimura M. Nonlocally-Correlated Disorder and 
Delocalization in One Dimension: Density of States.  - Tanashi, 
1998.-  25 p.;2p.il.  - (ICRR Report-432-98-28,UT-Komaba 98-20).   
    3844. Itoh S.-I., Itoh K. Statistical Theory of 
Subcritically-Excited Strong Turbulence in Inhomogeneous Plasmas.  - 
Garching, 1998.-  11 p.  - (IPP III/234 Report).   
          ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    3845. Abreu P. a.o.   Two-Particle Angular Correlations in 
e*+e*- Interactions Compared with QCD Predictions.  - Geneva, 1998.- 
 13 p.  - (CERN-EP 98-138).   
    3846. Adloff C. a.o.   Charged Particle Cross Sections in 
Photoproduction and Extraction of the Gluon Density in the Photon.  
- Hamburg, 1998.-  18 p.  - (DESY 98-148).   
    3847. Nuhn H.-D. FEL Simulations for the LCLS.  - Stanford, 
1998.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7912).   
          ó 341 áôïíîùå ñäòá   
    3848. Atchison F. A Revised Calculational Model for Fission.  - 
Villigen, 1998.-  111 p.:il.  - (PSI Bericht 98-12).   
    3849. Buchmann A.J. d' Dibaryon in a Colored Cluster Model and 
Dibaryon Condensation.  - Tubingen, 1998.-  7 p.  - (ITP/Tubingen/ 
    3850. Grawe H. a.o.   Nuclear Structure Near the Doubly-Magic 
&sup(100)Sn.  - Darmstadt, 1998.-  10 p.  - (GSI 98-62).   
    3851. Horibata T. a.o.   Band Structures of &sup(182)Os Studied 
by GCM Based on 3D-CHFB.  - Wako, 1998.-  18 p.;14p.il.  - (RIKEN 
          ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé   
Ó.  - (éôüæ 18-98).   
    3853. Atchison F. The PSIMECX Medium-Energy Neutron Activation 
Cross-Section Library Part I: Description and Procedures for Use.  - 
Villigen, 1998.-  38 p.:il.  - (PSI Bericht 98-09).   
    3854. Atchison F. The PSIMECX Medium-Energy Neutron Activation 
Cross-Section Library Part II: Calculational Methods for Light to 
Medium Mass Nuclei.  - Villigen, 1998.-  38 p.;14p.il.  - (PSI 
Bericht 98-10).   
    3855. Atchison F. The PSIMECX Medium-Energy Neutron Activation 
Cross-Section Library Part III: Calculational Methods for Heavy 
Nuclei.  - Villigen, 1998.-  26 p.:il.  - (PSI Bericht 98-11).   
    3856. Gallmeister K. a.o.   Can one Discriminate the Thermal 
Dilepton Signal Against the Open Charm and Bottom Decay Background 
in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions?  - Dresden, 1998.-  11p.; 
3p.il.  - (FZR 235).   
    3857. Nebaeur R., Aichelin J. Temperature - an Observable in 
Heavy Ion Reactions?  - Nantes Cedex, 1998.-  9p.: il.  - (SUBATECH 
    3858. Nebauer R. a.o.   Multifragmentation in Xe(50A MeV)+Sn 
Confrontation of Theory and Data.  - Nantes Cedex, 1998.-  30 p.:il. 
 - (SUBATECH 98-17).   
    3859. Ozawa A. a.o.   Measurements of Interaction Cross-Sections 
for Carbon Isotopes at Relativistic Energies and the Halo Structure 
in *1*9C.  - Wako, 1998.-  8p.;5p.il.  - (RIKEN AF-NP-294).   
    3860. Ridikas D. a.o.   Importance of Coulomb Dissociation of 
the Deuteron on Nucleon Production Reactions.  - Caen, 1998.-  
8p.;5p.il.  - (GANIL P 98 28).   
    3861. Sato T. a.o.   Measurements of High-Energy Photonuclear 
Reaction Yields in the 2.5-GeV Electron Beam Stop.  - Tsukuba, 
1997.-  22 p.;15p.il.  - (KEK 97-159).   
          ó 344 üëóðåòéíåîôáìøîáñ ñäåòîáñ æéúéëá   
    3862. Gunn J.E. a.o.   The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometric 
Camera.  - Tanashi, 1998.-  67 p.;42p.il.  - (ICRR 
Report-435-98-31,POPe 774).   
          ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã   
    3863. Anne R. a.o.   Beam Profile and Beam Time Structure 
Monitors for the Extracted Beams from the GANIL Cyclotrons.  - Caen, 
1998.-  4p.: il.  - (GANIL A 98 01).   
    3864. Barth K. a.o.   New Cryogenic Facilities for Testing 
Superconducting Equipments for the CERN Large Hadron Collider.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 228).   
    3865. David L. a.o.   Software Trends for Both the GANIL & 
Spiral Control.  - Caen, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (GANIL A 98 03).   
    3866. Jeanneret J.B. Optics of a Two-Stage Collimation System.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  13 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 243).   
    3867. Jimenez J.M. a.o.   Measurements of Particulate 
Contamination and Migration under Vacuum Using a Large Sensitive 
Area Particle Counter.  - Geneva, 1998.-  7 p.  - (CERN LHC 
    3868. Lecesne N. a.o.   SHyPIE: a New Source for on Line 
Production of Multicharged Radioactive Condensable Ion Beams.  - 
Caen, 1998.-  4p.:il.  - (GANIL S 98 02).   
    3869. Maruyama T. a.o.   Recent Developments on Strained 
Photocathode Research.  - Stanford, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 
    3870. Savalle A. a.o.   Automatic Beam Tuning at GANIL.  - Caen, 
1998.-  4p.: il.  - (GANIL A 98 04).   
    3871. Thompson K.A., Chen P. Electron-Positron Pair Production 
in the Deep Quantum Regime.  - Stanford, 1998.-  11p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7869).   
    3872. Thompson K.A., Chen P. Energy Spectrum of 
Electron-Positron Pairs Produced via the Trident Process, with 
Application to Linear Colliders in the Deep Quantum Regime.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  10p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7776).   
    3873. Vos L. Decoherence from Space-Charge.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
5p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-056 AP).   
          ó 345 Á ïâýéå ó÷åäåîéñ ï ðòïåëôéòõåíùè é äåêóô÷õàýéè 
    3874. Baron E. a.o.   Experience with High Intensity Operation 
of the GANIL Facility.  - Caen, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (GANIL 
A 98 02).   
    3875. Evans L., Lebrun Ph. Progress in Construction of the LHC.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 239).   
    3876. Geschonke G., Keil E. A Recirculating Electron Accelerator 
(ELFE) Using the LEP Super-Conducting RF Cavities.  - Geneva, 1998.- 
 14 p.:il.  - (CERN SL/98-060 (RF)).   
    3877. Hubner K. Future Accelerators.  - Geneva, 1998.-  12p.: 
il.  - (CERN SL-98-065 DI).   
    3878. Poncet A. Overview of Current UHV Activities on CERN 
Accelerators.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN LHC 98-9 
    3879. Rausch R., Tavlet M. Radiation Test Programme on COTS 
Components Needed for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  8 p.:il.  - (CERN TIS-TE/IR/98-11,CERN SL-CO/98-057).   
          ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù   
    3880. Abreu P. a.o.   Measurement of |V&sub(cs)| Using W Decays 
at LEP2.  - Geneva, 1998.-  15 p.  - (CERN-EP 98-115).   
    3881. Abreu P. a.o.   Search for Pair-Produced Neutralinos in 
Events with Photons and Missing Energy from e*+e*- Collisions at 
*%s=130-183 GeV.  - Geneva, 1998.-  20 p.  - (CERN-EP 98-142).   
    3882. Abreu P. a.o.   Search for Scalar Fermions and Long-Lived 
Scalar Leptons at Centre-of-Mass Energies of 130 GeV to 172 GeV.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  25 p.  - (CERN-EP 98-116).   
    3883. Aoki M., Oshimo N. Decay Rate Asymmetry of Top Squark.  - 
Tanashi, 1998.-  9 p.;2p.il.  - (ICRR Report-428-98-24,OCHA-PP 
    3884. Asratyan A. a.o.   Search for Neutrino Oscillations in the 
COSMOS Experiment at Fermilab.  - Moscow, 1998.-  21 p.  - (ITEP 
    3885. Buchmann A.J. Exchange Currents and Nucleon Deformation.  
- Tubingen, 1998.-  6 p.  - (ITP/Tubingen/ ).   
    3886. Daoudi M. Charmless and Double-Charm B Decays at SLD.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7941).   
    3887. Drechsel D. a.o.   A Unitary Isobar Model for Pion Photo- 
and Electroproduction on the Proton up to 1 GeV.  - Mainz, 1998.-  
14 p.  - (MKPH T-98-10).   
    3888. Gluck M. a.o.   Dynamical QCD Predictions for Ultrahigh 
Energy Neutrino Cross Sections.  - Dortmund, 1998.-  13p.;4p.il.  - 
(DO-TH 98/20).   
    3889. Kajita T. Atmospheric Neutrino Results from 
Super-Kamiokande and Kamiokande. Evidence for *n&sub(*m) 
Oscillations.  - Tanashi, 1998.-  10 p.:il.  - (ICRR 
    3890. Willocq S. B*+,B*0&sub(d) and b-Baryon Lifetimes.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7942).   
          ó 348 ñäåòîùå òåáëôïòù. òåáëôïòïóôòïåîéå   
1998.-  21Ó.: ÉÌ.  - (éôüæ 22-98).   
    3892. Hofmann P. a.o.   Results of the QUENCH Commissioning 
Tests.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  33 p.;63p.il.  - (FZKA 6099).   
          ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù   
    3893. Liu J.C. a.o.   Radiation Safety System of the B-Factory 
at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.  - Stanford, 1998.-  19 
p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7786).   
    3894. Monte L., Brittain J.E. Principles for the Development and 
Implementation of the MOIRA Computerised System.  - Roma, 1998.-  96 
p.:il.  - (ENEA RT/AMB 98/4).   
          ó 349.1 äåêóô÷éå éúìõþåîéê îá íáôåòéáìù.   
    3895. Suvorov A.L. a.o.   Study of Surface and Volume Defects in 
Carbon and Silicon by Methods of Field Ion and Scanning Tunneling 
Microscopy.  - Moscow, 1998.-  12p.: il.  - (ITEP 24-98).   
          ó 353 æéúéëá ðìáúíù   
    3896. Production and Physics of High Energy Density Plasma.  - 
Nagoya, 1997.-  166p.: il.  - (NIFS-PROC 36).   
          ó 393 É ÷ùóïëïôåíðåòáôõòîáñ ó÷åòèðòï÷ïäéíïóôø   
    3897. Krainz G. Preliminary Studies on Current Leads for 
WENDELSTEIN 7-X.  - Garching, 1998.-  35 p.  - (IPP 11/2 Report).   
          ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá   
    3898. Fukugita M. 'Deconstructing' the Cosmic Distance Scale.  - 
Tanashi, 1998.-  21p.: il.  - (ICRR Report-433-98-29).