ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N 45      23.11.98

          28.08 όλομοηιρ   
    3712. Patil P.B. a.o.   Studies on Pollution Measurements of 
Ground Water for Presence of Metallic Impurities at Ultra-Trace 
Level by ICP-AES Technique.  - Bombay, 1997.-  17 p.;4p.il.  - (BARC 
          σ 138 ηεονετςιρ. ςιναξοχα ηεονετςιρ. ηεονετςιρ 
    3713. Aneva B. Symmetry of the Riemann Operator.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  12p.  - (CERN-TH 98-247).   
          σ 3 ζιϊιλα   
    3714. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Progress Report 1996.  - 
Bombay, 1997.-  370 p.  - (BARC 1997/P/003).   
    3715. United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation 
(CRDF) for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. 
Program Report 1995-1997.  - Arlington, 1998.-  58 p.:Il.  - 
(CRDF ).   
          σ 322 τεοςιρ οτξοσιτεμψξοστι   
    3716. Gambini R., Pullin J. Nonstandard Optics from Quantum 
Spacetime.  - University Park, 1998.-  4p.  - (CGPG 98/9-1).   
    3717. Smolin L. A Holographic Formulation of Quantum General 
Relativity.  - University Park, 1998.-  23p.  - (CGPG 98/8-3).   
          σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα   
    3718. Bartels J., Royon C. A Parametrisation of the Inclusive 
Diffractive Cross Section at HERA.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  14 p.:il.  - 
(DESY 98-152,DAPNIA/SPP 98-18).   
    3719. Hawkins E. Geometric Quantization of Vector Bundles.  - 
University Park, 1998.-  17p.  - (CGPG 98/8-2).   
          σ 323.1 ςεμρτιχιστσλιε χομξοχωε υςαχξεξιρ. υς-ξιρ τιπα 
    3720. Alexandrou C. a.o.   Worldline Path Integral for the 
Massive Dirac Propagator: a Four-Dimensional Approach.  - Villigen, 
1998.-  26 p.  - (PSI PR-98-20,ADP 98-55/T323,UCY-PHY 98/10).   
          σ 323.2 ϊαλοξω σοθςαξεξιρ ι οβύιε τεοςιι ςεαλγικ. 
πομρςιϊαγιοξξωε όζζελτω. ιξχαςιαξτξοε ςαϊμοφεξιε ανπμιτυδ   
    3721. Fleischer R. CP Violation in B Decays and Strategies for 
Extracting CKM Phases.  - Geneva, 1998.-  14p.  - (CERN-TH 
    3722. Fleischer R. Towards the Extraction of the CKM Angle *g.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-296).   
    3723. Neubert M., Rosner J.L. Determination of the Weak Phase *g 
from Rate Measurements in B&sup(*()*>*pK, *p*p Decays.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  6 p.:il.  - (CERN-TH 98-293,EFI 98-44).   
    3724. Neubert M. Light Rays of New Physics: CP Violation in B *> 
X&sub(s)*g Decays.  - Geneva, 1998.-  6p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 
    3725. Neubert M., Rosner J.L. New Bound on *g from 
B&sup(*()*>*pK Decays.  - Geneva, 1998.-  9 p.  - (CERN-TH 
98-273,EFI 98-38).   
          σ 323.4 σιστενατιλα ι νοδεμι όμενεξταςξωθ 
ώαστιγ.σιστενατιλα συβώαστιγ   
    3726. Forte S. a.o.   Are Parton Distributions Positive?  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-285,DFTT 55/98).   
          σ 323.5 τεοςιρ χϊαινοδεκστχιρ ώαστιγ πςι χωσολιθ 
    3727. Rehberg P., Aichelin J. Hadronization and Strangeness 
Production in a Chirally Symmetric Nonequilibrium Model.  - Nantes 
Cedex, 1998.-  21 p.;9p.il.  - (SUBATECH 98-20).   
          σ 324.1Α λχαξτοχαρ όμελτςοδιξανιλα   
    3728. Blumlein J., Kurth S. Harmonic Sums and Mellin Transforms 
up to Two-Loop Order.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  43 p.  - (DESY 98-141).   
          σ 324.1Β σιμψξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    3729. Barrett J.W., Williams R.M. The Asymptotics of an 
Amplitude for the 4-Simplex.  - University Park, 1998.-  5p.  - 
(CGPG 98/9-2).   
    3730. Manuel C. Hard Thermal Loops in Chiral Perturbation 
Theory.  - Geneva, 1998.-  7p.  - (CERN-TH 98-291).   
          σ 324.1Χ σμαβωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    3731. Altarelli G. The Standard Model and Beyond.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  9 p.  - (CERN-TH 98-312).   
    3732. Csikor F. a.o.   Endpoint of the Hot Electroweak Phase 
Transition.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  7 p.:il.  - (KEK-TH 580,KEK 
98-160,ITP (Budapest) 541,MS-TPI 98-16).   
    3733. Hewett J.L. The Standard Model and Why we Believe it.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  83p.  - (SLAC-PUB 7930).   
    3734. Jadach S. a.o.   Global Positioning of Spin GPS Scheme for 
Half-Spin Massive Spinors.  - Geneva, 1998.-  12 p.  - (CERN-TH 
98-235,UTHEP 98-0701).   
    3735. Knechtli F. Static Potential in the SU(2) Higgs Model.  - 
Hamburg, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (DESY 98-125).   
    3736. Rizzo T.G. Rare K Decays and New Physics Beyond the 
Standard Model.  - Stanford, 1998.-  10p.  - (SLAC-PUB 7936).   
          σ 324.1Η2 λοσνομοηιώεσλιε ασπελτω λαμιβςοχοώξωθ πομεκ   
    3737. Argyres P.C. a.o.   Black Holes and Sub-Millimeter 
Dimensions.  - Ithaca, 1998.-  13 p.  - (CLNS 98/1577,SU-ITP 
98/53,CERN-TH 98-267).   
    3738. Barbon J.L.F. a.o.   On Stringy Thresholds in SYM/AdS 
Thermodynamics.  - Geneva, 1998.-  48p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-206,OUTP 
    3739. Dienes K.R. a.o.   Cosmological Phase Transitions and 
Radius Stabilization in Higher Dimensions.  - Geneva, 1998.-  38 p.  
- (CERN-TH 98-259,LPTHE ORSAY 98/56).   
    3740. Gherghetta T. a.o.   Nucleosynthesis Bounds in 
Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Theories.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
13p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-271).   
    3741. Gherghetta T. a.o.   The Supersymmetric Flavour and CP 
Problems from a Cosmological Perspective.  - Geneva, 1998.-  16 p.  
- (CERN-TH 98-130,OUTP 98-30-P).   
    3742. Losada M. The Electroweak Phase Transition in the MSSM.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  10p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-269).   
    3743. Riotto A. Theories of Baryogenesis.  - Geneva, 1998.-  89 
p.  - (CERN-TH 98-204).   
          σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα   
    3744. Beane S.R. The Advantages of Being Vectorlike.  - College 
Park, 1998.-  7 p.  - (DOE/ER/40762 161,UMDPP 99-009).   
    3745. Beneke M. a.o.   QCD Analysis of Inclusive B Decay into 
Charmonium.  - Geneva, 1998.-  40 p.  - (CERN-TH 98-240,CMU 9805).   
          σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. 
    3746. Abel S.A., Savoy C.A. Charge and Colour Breaking 
Constraints in the MSSM with Non-Universal SUSY Breaking.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  10p.;1p.il.  - (CERN-TH 98-315).   
    3747. Abel S.A., King S.F. On Fixed Points and Fermion Mass 
Structure from Large Extra Dimensions.  - Geneva, 1998.-  17p.: il.  
- (CERN-TH 98-311).   
    3748. Gimon E.G. On the M-Theory Interpretation of Orientifold 
Planes.  - Pasadena, 1998.-  12p.: il.  - (CALT 68-2174).   
    3749. Sakaguchi M. Type-II Superstrings and New Spacetime 
Superalgebras.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  17 p.  - (KEK-TH 590,KEK 
    3750. Smolin L. Towards a Background Independent Approach to M 
Theory.  - University Park, 1998.-  21p.  - (CGPG 98/8-1).   
    3751. Stieberger S. (0,2) Heterotic Gauge Couplings and Their 
M-Theory Origin.  - Geneva, 1998.-  38 p.  - (CERN-TH 98-228,NEIP 
          σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ   
    3752. Phillips D.R. a.o.   Scheming in Dimensional 
Regularization.  - College Park, 1998.-  12 p.  - (DOE/ER/40762 
162,UMDPP 99-030).   
          σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    3753. Abbiendi G. a.o.   Search for Acoplanar Lepton Pair Events 
in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=161, 172 and 183 GeV.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
18p.;14p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-122).   
    3754. Abbiendi G. a.o.   Search for Anomalous Photonic Events 
with Missing Energy in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=130, 136 and 183 
GeV.  - Geneva, 1998.-  19p.;17p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-143).   
    3755. Acciarri M. a.o.   Single and Multi-Photon Events with 
Missing Energy in e*+e*- Collisions at *%s=183 GeV.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  12 p.;8p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-150).   
          σ 341 ατονξωε ρδςα   
    3756. Das S. A Comparative Study of the Reactivity Effects of 
Uncertainty in Absolute Delayed-Neutron Yield in Neutron Multiplying 
Systems.  - Bombay, 1997.-  14p.;5p.il.  - (BARC 1997/E/028).   
          σ 342 πςοθοφδεξιε ώαστιγ ι ηαννα-λχαξτοχ ώεςεϊ χεύεστχο   
    3757. Hirayama H., Shin K. Application of the EGS4 Monte Carlo 
Code to a Study of Multilayer Gamma-Ray Exposure Buildup Factors of 
up to 40 mfp.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  6p.;15p.il.  - (KEK 98-165).   
    3758. Hirayama H. a.o.   Inter-Comparison of the Medium-Energy 
Neutron Attenuation in Iron and Concrete (2).  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  9 
p.:il.  - (KEK 98-164).   
    3759. Namito Y. a.o.   Improvements of Low-Energy Photon 
Transport in EGS4.  - Tsukuba, 1997.-  16p.;5p.il.  - (KEK 
          σ 343 ρδεςξωε ςεαλγιι   
    3760. Isagawa S. a.o.   Present Status of Cold Fusion Experiment 
at KEK.  - Tsukuba, 1997.-  6p.: il.  - (KEK 97-219).   
          σ 344 όλσπεςινεξταμψξαρ ρδεςξαρ ζιϊιλα   
    3761. Bhat C.L. Ground-Based Gamma-Ray Astronomy: Present Status 
and Future Prospects.  - Bombay, 1997.-  22p.;11p.il.  - (BARC 
    3762. Bhat C.L. TACTIC: India's First Imaging Gamma-Ray 
Telescope.  - Bombay, 1997.-  14 p.;10p.il.  - (BARC 1997/E/031).   
    3763. Pomarede D. a.o.   A New Optical Filter for the ARTEMIS 
Experiment.  - Palaiseau, 1998.-  30 p.;9p.il.  - (X-LPNHE 98-09).   
    3764. Razdan H., Bhat C.L. Gamma-Ray Astronomy Activities in 
BARC: Past Contributions and Present Challenges.  - Bombay, 1998.-  
23p.;19p.il.  - (BARC 1997/E/032).   
    3765. Scheit H. a.o.   A Position Sensitive High-Efficiency 
NaI(Tl) Photon-Detection System for Use with Intermediate Energy 
Radioactive Ion Beams.  - East Lansing, 1998.-  10 p.;4p.il.  - 
(MSUCL 1113).   
          σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ   
    3766. Barber D.P. a.o.   Electron and Proton Spin Polarisation 
in Storage Rings.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  36p.  - (DESY 98-096).   
    3767. Colby E.R. A High Charge, High Duty Factor RF 
Photoinjector for the Next Generation Linear Collider.  - Stanford, 
1998.-  5p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7946).   
    3768. Irwin J. a.o.   Transverse Wakefield Effect Measurement 
via Model-Independent Analysis.  - Stanford, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7917).   
    3769. Jones R.M. a.o.   The Dipole Wakefield for a Rounded 
Damped Detuned Linear Accelerator with Optimised Cell-to-Manifold 
Coupling.  - Stanford, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7934).   
    3770. Kihara T. a.o.   Study of Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling 
Method Based on Resonant Linear Coupling.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  11 p.  
- (KEK 98-158).   
    3771. Korhonen T. a.o.   Control System Applying Reconfigurable 
Computers.  - Tsukuba, 1997.-  8p.: il.  - (KEK 97-212).   
    3772. Minty M.G. a.o.   Emittance Reduction Via Dynamic RF 
Frequency Shift at the SLC Damping Rings.  - Stanford, 1998.-  4 
p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7954).   
    3773. Mulhollan G. a.o.   Reflections on the SLAC Polarized 
Electron Source.  - Stanford, 1998.-  5 p.:il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7947).   
    3774. Obina T. a.o.   Global Feedback System for Photon Factory 
Storage Ring.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-138).   
    3775. Peyrot M. a.o.   Status of the Cold Mass of the Short 
Straight Section for the LHC.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.  - (CERN LHC 
Project Report 182).   
    3776. Riege H. a.o.   Features and Technology of Ferroelectric 
Electron Emission.  - Geneva, 1998.-  27 p.  - (CERN LHC 98-6 
    3777. Ross M.C., McCormick D. A Coaxial Cable Beam Loss Monitor 
Ion Chamber System for High Power Multi-bunch Beams.  - Stanford, 
1998.-  3p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7944).   
    3778. Sekutowicz J. a.o.   Superconducting Superstructure for 
the TESLA Collider.  - Frascati, 1998.-  12 p.:il.  - (LNF 98/013 
    3779. Srinivasan B. a.o.   Superconducting Linac Booster.  - 
Bombay, 1997.-  26 p.:il.  - (BARC 1997/E/027).   
    3780. Suzuki T. Fundamentals of the Theory of Collective Beam 
Instabilities.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  18p.: il.  - (KEK 98-127).   
    3781. Tanaka K.H. a.o.   Development of Radiation-Resistant 
Magnet Coils for High-Intensity Beam Lines.  - Tsukuba, 1997.-  4p.: 
il.  - (KEK 97-215).   
    3782. Telnov V. Gamma-Gamma, Gamma-Electron Colliders.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  6 p.:il.  - (KEK 98-163).   
    3783. Tsuchiya K. a.o.   Superconducting Magnets for the 
Interaction Region of KEKB.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (KEK 
    3784. Urakawa J. a.o.   Recent Results on KEK/ATF Damping Ring.  
- Tsukuba, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (KEK 98-154,SLAC-PUB 7952,PAL-PUB 
98-017,IHEP/BEPC/AP 98-12).   
          σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω   
    3785. Abada A. a.o.   Five-Leg Photon-Neutrino Interactions.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  5 p.  - (CERN-TH 98-305,LPTHE Orsay-98/59).   
    3786. Abbiendi G. a.o.   Measurement of the Longitudinal 
Cross-Section Using the Direction of the Thrust Axis in Hadronic 
Events at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  12p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-124).   
    3787. Acciarri M. a.o.   Measurement of W-Pair Cross Sections in 
e*+e*- Interactions at *%s=183 GeV and W-Decay Branching Fractions.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  17 p.;7p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-121).   
    3788. Acciarri M. a.o.   Measurement of the Effective Weak 
Mixing Angle by Jet-Charge Asymmetry in Hadronic Decays of the Z 
Boson.  - Geneva, 1998.-  14 p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-134).   
    3789. Acciarri M. a.o.   Measurement of the Michel Parameters 
and the Average Tau-Neutrino Helicity from Tau Decays at LEP.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  12 p.;3p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-123).   
    3790. Acciarri M. a.o.   QCD Results from Studies of Hadronic 
Events Produced in e*+e*- Annihilations at *%s=183 GeV.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  16 p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-148).   
    3791. Breitweg J. a.o.   Measurement of Three-Jet Distributions 
in Photoproduction at HERA.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  11p.;5p.il.  - (DESY 
    3792. Maruyama T. Heavy Quark Production in Z*0 Decays.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  5 p.  - (SLAC-PUB 7928).   
    3793. Mehen T., Stewart I.W. A Momentum Subtraction Scheme for 
Two-Nucleon Effective Field Theory.  - Pasadena, 1998.-  12p.: il.  
- (CALT 68-2173).   
    3794. Takeuchi Y. a.o.   Observation of the Decay Mode 
K&sub(L)*>*p*+*p*-e*+e*-.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  8 p.:il.  - (KEK 
98-168,KUNS 1537).   
          σ 346.6Δ1 οώαςοχαξξωε ώαστιγω.ώαςνοξικ, βοττονοξικ ι 
δςυηιε ςεϊοξαξσω ιϊ τρφεμωθ λχαςλοχ.   
    3795. Abbiendi G. a.o.   A Measurement of R&sub(b) Using a 
Double Tagging Method.  - Geneva, 1998.-  40p.: il.  - (CERN-EP 
    3796. Acciarri M. a.o.   Upper Limit on the Lifetime Difference 
of Short- and Long-Lived B*0&sub(s) Mesons.  - Geneva, 1998.-  14 
p.;3p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-127).   
    3797. Ahmady M.R., Kou E. Possible Large Direct CP Asymmetry in 
Hadronic B&sup(*()*>*p&sup(*()*h' Decays.  - Wako, 1998.-  9 
p.;2p.il.  - (RIKEN AF-NP-292).   
    3798. Barate R. a.o.   Study of D*0-D^-*0 Mixing and D*0 Doubly 
Cabibbo-Suppressed Decays.  - Geneva, 1998.-  9p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 
    3799. Madaras R.J. W Boson Physics at the Fermilab Tevatron 
Collider.  - Berkeley, 1998.-  9 p.:il.  - (LBNL 42184).   
    3800. Neubert M. Theoretical Status of B *> X&sub(s)*g Decays.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  6p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-301).   
    3801. Ravindran V., van-Neerven W.L. Heavy Flavour Mass 
Corrections to the Longitudinal and Transverse Cross Sections in 
e*+e*- -Collisions.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  8p.: il.  - (DESY 98-157).   
          σ 346.6Ε ξοχωε ώαστιγω   
    3802. Acciarri M. a.o.   Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in 
e*+e*- Collisions at Centre-of-Mass Energies between 130 and 183 
GeV.  - Geneva, 1998.-  10 p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-149).   
    3803. Acciarri M. a.o.   Searches for Scalar Top and Scalar 
Bottom Quarks in e*+e*- Interactions at 161 GeV*{*%s*{183 GeV.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  11 p.;5p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-135).   
    3804. Dittmaier S. a.o.   Higgs Radiation off Top Quarks in 
e*+e*- Collisions.  - Geneva, 1998.-  7 p.;4p.il.  - (CERN-TH 
98-277,DESY 98-111,RAL-TR 1998-062).   
    3805. Mehen T., Stewart I.W. Renormalization Schemes and the 
Range of Two-Nucleon Effective Field Theory.  - Pasadena, 1998.-  
38p.  - (CALT 68-2194).   
    3806. Plehn T., Spira M. SUSY Particle Production at the 
Tevatron.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  8 p.  - (DESY 98-158).   
    3807. Rainwater D. a.o.   Searching for H*>*t*t in Weak Boson 
Fusion at the LHC.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  31 p.:il.  - (KEK 
98-166,MADPH 98-1057,KEK-TH 589).   
    3808. Spira M. Higgs Boson Production and Decay at the Tevatron. 
 - Hamburg, 1998.-  12 p.  - (DESY 98-159).   
          σ 348 ρδεςξωε ςεαλτοςω. ςεαλτοςοστςοεξιε   
    3809. Ghosh J.K. a.o.   Neutron Radiography of Nuclear Fuel 
Pins: an Album.  - Bombay, 1997.-  11 p.;11p.il.  - (BARC 
    3810. Rastogi R. a.o.   Qualification of PHT Piping of Indian 
500 MWe PHWR for LBB, Using R-6 Method.  - Bombay, 1997.-  69 p.:il. 
 - (BARC 1997/E/026).   
    3811. Singh P.K. a.o.   Tensile and Fracture Properties of 
Primary Heat Transport System Piping Material.  - Bombay, 1997.-  
14p.;89p.il.  - (BARC 1997/E/018).   
          σ 349 δοϊινετςιρ ι ζιϊιλα ϊαύιτω   
    3812. Nair R.N., Krishnamoorthy T.M. SLBM - a Fortran Code for 
Shallow Land Burial of Low Level Radioactive Waste.  - Bombay, 
1997.-  102 p.:il.  - (BARC 1997/E/030).   
    3813. Nakao N. a.o.   Shielding Experiment at 800 MeV Proton 
Accelerator Facility.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  4p.;4p.il.  - (KEK 
    3814. von-Stein O.D. Novel Genes Involved in Tumor Progression: 
Dissertation.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  144p.: il.  - (FZKA 6153).   
          σ 353 ζιϊιλα πμαϊνω   
    3815. Patil D.S. a.o.   An Experimental Facility for Microwave 
Induced Plasma Processing of Materials.  - Bombay, 1997.-  
33p.;11p.il.  - (BARC 1997/E/025).   
          σ 63 αστςοζιϊιλα   
    3816. Allen G. a.o.   Black Hole Spectroscopy: Determining 
Waveforms from 3D Excited Black Holes.  - University Park, 1998.-  
5p.: il.  - (CGPG 98/9-3).   
    3817. Allen G. a.o.   Evolution of Distorted Black Holes: A 
Perturbative Approach.  - University Park, 1998.-  20p.: il.  - 
(CGPG 98/9-5).   
    3818. Camarda K., Seidel E. Three-Dimensional Simulations of 
Distorted Black Holes. I.Comparison with Axisymmetric Results.  - 
University Park, 1998.-  16p.: il.  - (CGPG 98/9-4).   
          γ 840 πςοηςαννιςοχαξιε. οβύιε χοπςοσω   
    3819. Lefhalm C.-H. a.o.   MEMESS V5 Das Modular Erweiterbare 
Messwerte Erfassungs- und Steuerungssystem.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  66 
p.:il.  - (FZKA 6122).