ιξζοςναγιοξξωκ βΰμμετεξψ "πςεπςιξτω" N 37     28.09.98

          σ 17 χωώισμιτεμψξαρ νατενατιλα.   
    3161. Chung S.-J. a.o.   Strukturprofilsimulation dicker 
Schichten in der optischen Lithographie mit 
DNQ-Novolak-basierenden Photoresists.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  
94p.: il.  - (FZKA 6111).   
    3162. Hassler M. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum 
Warmeubergang und Stromungswiderstand beim Filmsieden an sehr 
heissen Kugeln: Dissertation.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  104p.: il.  
- (FZKA 6149).   
    3163. Ye Q.-Y. a.o.   Modelling Turbulent Dissipation 
Correlations for Rayleigh-Benard Convection Based on Two-point 
Correlation Technique and Invariant Theory.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.- 
 47p.: il.  - (FZKA 6103).   
          σ 323 λχαξτοχαρ νεθαξιλα   
    3164. Baier R. a.o.   Dynamical Screening Away from 
Equilibrium: Hard Photon Production and Collisional Energy Loss. 
 - Darmstadt, 1998.-  4 p.  - (GSI 98-55,BI-TP 98/24).   
    3165. Bourrely C. a.o.   Polarized Quarks, Gluons and Sea in 
Nucleon Structure Functions.  - Marseille, 1997.-  16 p.;3p.il.  
- (CNRS CPT 97/P.3578,BARI TH 97/292,DSF-T 58/97).   
    3166. Ringwald A., Schrempp F. Instanton-Induced 
Cross-Sections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  
13 p.  - (DESY 98-081).   
    3167. Soffer J. Quarks and Gluons in a Polarized Nucleon at 
RHIC.  - Marseille, 1997.-  2 p.  - (CNRS CPT 97/P.3573).   
          σ 324.1Η λαμιβςοχοώξωε τεοςιι πομρ. σποξταξξο- 
ξαςυϋεξξωε σιννετςιι   
    3168. Ma E., Sarkar U. Gauge B - 3L&sub(*t) and 
Baryogenesis.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  15 p.;1p.il.  - (DESY 
98-082,UCRHEP T230).   
          σ 324.1Η1 λαμιβςοχοώξωε πομρ ξα ςεϋετλε   
    3169. Knechtli F., Sommer R. String Breaking in SU(2) Gauge 
Theory with Scalar Matter Fields.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  10p.: il.  
- (DESY 98-088).   
          σ 324.1Δ λχαξτοχαρ θςονοδιξανιλα   
    3170. Kim H. a.o.   QCD Sum Rule Calculation of the *pNN 
Coupling-Revisited.  - Darmstadt, 1998.-  10 p.  - (GSI 
98-58,TIT/HEP 400/NP).   
          σ 324.1Ε συπεςσιννετςιώξωε τεοςιι. συπεςηςαχιταγιρ. 
    3171. Billo M. a.o.   A Detailed Case Study of the Rigid 
Limit in Special Kahler Geometry Using K3.  - Leuven, 1998.-  6 
p.  - (KUL-TF 98/4,DFTT 1/98,IFUM 604-FT).   
    3172. Billo M. a.o.   Special Geometry of Calabi-Yau 
Compactifications near a Rigid Limit.  - Leuven, 1998.-  6p.  - 
(KUL-TF 98/5,DFTT 2/98,IFUM 605-FT).   
    3173. Claus P. a.o.   Black Holes and Superconformal 
Mechanics.  - Leuven, 1998.-  9p.  - (KUL-TF 98/23,SU-ITP 
    3174. Claus P. a.o.   Conformal Theory of M2, D3, M5 and 
'D1+D5' Branes.  - Leuven, 1998.-  26 p.  - (KUL-TF 06(1998) 
    3175. Kallosh R., Proeyen A.V. Conformal Symmetry of 
Supergravities in AdS Spaces.  - Stanford, 1998.-  14p.  - 
(SU-ITP 98/23,KUL-TF 98/20).   
    3176. Penati S. a.o.   Duality in N=2 Nonlinear 
Sigma-Models.  - Milano, 1998.-  9p.  - (IFUM 603-FT,KUL-TF 
          σ 324.3 αλσιονατιώεσλαρ τεοςιρ πομρ   
    3177. Blumlein J. a.o.   The Unpolarized Gluon Anomalous 
Dimension at Small x.  - Hamburg, 1998.-  6 p.:il.  - (DESY 
98-036,WUE-ITP 98-017).   
          σ 325 στατιστιώεσλαρ ζιϊιλα ι τεςνοδιξανιλα   
    3178. Petrosky T., Prigogine I. Thermodynamic Limit, Hilbert 
Space and Breaking of Time Symmetry.  - Austin, 1998.-  15 
p.;3p.il.  - (UTEXAS ).   
    3179. Wu D.H. a.o.   Probability Amplitude Fluctuations in 
Experimental Wave Chaotic Eigenmodes with and without 
Time-Reversal Symmetry.  - College Park, 1998.-  11 p.;3p.il.  - 
(University of Maryland ).   
          σ 332 όμελτςοναηξιτξωε χϊαινοδεκστχιρ   
    3180. Zanghellini J. a.o.   Das Entwicklungsverhalten 
komplexer LIGA-Mikrostrukturen.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  74 p.:il.  
- (FZKA 6114).   
          σ 341 ατονξωε ρδςα   
    3181. Horibata T. a.o.   Band Crossing Studied by GCM with 
3D-CHFB.  - Wako, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (RIKEN AF-NP-287).   
    3182. Mochizuki Y.S. a.o.   The Half-Life of *4*4Ti and SN 
1987 A.  - Wako, 1998.-  8p.: il.  - (RIKEN AF-NP-289).   
    3183. Oi M. a.o.   Wobbling Motion in Band Crossing.  - 
Wako, 1998.-  8p.;2p.il.  - (RIKEN AF-NP-288).   
          σ 343 ρδεςξωε ςεαλγιι   
    3184. Denisov V.Yu. Subbarrier Heavy Ion Fusion Enhanced by 
Nucleon Transfer and Subbarrier Fusion of Nuclei Far from the 
Line of *b-Stability.  - Darmstadt, 1998.-  22p.;9p.il.  - (GSI 
    3185. Norenberg W. Restoration of Chiral Symmetry in 
Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions around 10 GeV/u.  - Darmstadt, 1998.- 
 9p.: il.  - (GSI 98-57).   
          σ 345 υσλοςιτεμι ϊαςρφεξξωθ ώαστιγ   
    3186. Andreev N. a.o.   Mechanical Behaviour of the Short 
Models of LHC Main Dipole Magnets.  - Geneva, 1998.-  4p.: il.  
- (CERN LHC Project Report 179).   
    3187. Ang Z. a.o.   Measurements of the LHC Corrector 
Magnets at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 
p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 201).   
    3188. Baudrenghien P. a.o.   SPS Beams for LHC: RF Beam 
Control to Minimize Rephasing in the SPS.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 
p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-027 RF).   
    3189. Biino C. a.o.   The Simultaneous Long- and Short-Lived 
Neutral Kaon Beams for Experiment NA48.  - Geneva, 1998.-  26p.: 
il.  - (CERN SL-98-033 (EA)).   
    3190. Biino C. a.o.   The Simultaneous and Nearly-Collinear 
K0 Beams for Experiment NA48.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - 
(CERN SL-98-041 EA).   
    3191. Bohl T. a.o.   Study of Different Operating Modes of 
the 4th RF Harmonic Landau Damping System in the CERN SPS.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-026 RF).   
    3192. Brandt D. a.o.   A Candidate Low Emittance Lattice for 
LEP at Its Highest Energies.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.  - (CERN 
SL-98-030 AP).   
    3193. Brigant E. a.o.   The Quadrupole Resonator, Design 
Considerations and Layout of a New Instrument for the RF 
Characterization of Superconducting Surface Samples.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-023 RF).   
    3194. Chiaveri E. a.o.   The Quadrupole Resonator: 
Construction, RF System Field Calculations and First 
Applications.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-025 
    3195. Collier P., Goddard B. Preparation of the SPS as LHC 
Injector.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-049 OP).   
    3196. Collins I.R. a.o.   Mechanical and Vacuum Stability 
Design Criteria for the LHC Experimental Vacuum Chambers.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 205).   
    3197. Darve Ch., Vandoni G. Thermal Performance of 
Insulating Cryogenic Pin Spacers.  - Geneva, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - 
(CERN LHC Project Report 220).   
    3198. Ducimetiere L. a.o.   Upgrading of the SPS Injection 
Kicker System for LHC Requirements.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  
- (CERN SL-98-050 BT).   
    3199. Elsener K. a.o.   What did We Learn from the 
Extraction Experiments with Bent Crystals at the CERN SPS ?  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-022 AP).   
    3200. Goddard B. a.o.   The Effects of LHC Civil Engineering 
on the SPS and LEP Machines.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.  - (CERN 
SL-98-044 DI).   
    3201. Hubner K. LEP2 Present and Future Performance and 
Limitations.  - Geneva, 1998.-  5 p.  - (CERN SL-98-043 DI).   
    3202. Keil E., Zotter B. The Impedance of Layered Vacuum 
Chambers.  - Geneva, 1998.-  2p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-021 AP).   
    3203. Kowalczyk P. a.o.   Thermal Performance of the LHC 
External Auxiliary Bus-Bar Tube: Mathematical Modelling.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 204).   
    3204. Kuhn W. Experimentelle Untersuchung der 
dreidimensionalen Quenchausbreitung in zwangsgekuhlten 
supraleitenden Spulen: Dissertation.  - Karlsruhe, 1998.-  104 
p.:il.  - (FZKA 6086).   
    3205. Riege H. Charge and Current Compensation of Intense 
Charged Beams in Future Accelerators.  - Geneva, 1998.-  23 p.  
- (CERN LHC 98-3 (DLO)).   
    3206. Skoczen B. Mechanical Stability of the LHC 
Dipole-Dipole 50-75K Thermal Shield Interconnect - "Floating" 
Expansion Joint Concept.  - Geneva, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (CERN 
LHC Project Report 207).   
          σ 345 Ν χστςεώξωε πυώλι. ξαλοπιτεμψξωε λομψγα.   
    3207. Arduini G. a.o.   LEP Performance at 91.5 GeV.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-047 OP).   
    3208. Bailey R. a.o.   Synchrotron Radiation Effects at LEP. 
 - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-046 OP).   
    3209. Berrig O. a.o.   Real-Time Monitoring of Beam-Beam 
Modes at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-040 
    3210. Boge M. a.o.   Recent Results on Energy Calibration at 
LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-034 BI).   
    3211. D'Amico E.T., Guignard G. Experimental Insertions Made 
of Two Symmetric Triplets.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN 
SL-98-020 AP).   
    3212. Ruggiero F. A Review of New Manifestations of 
Collective Effects.  - Geneva, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (CERN 
SL-98-032 AP).   
          σ 345 Ο1 ιϊνεςεξιε παςανετςοχ πυώλα ϊαςρφεξξωθ 
    3213. Baglin V. a.o.   Photoelectron Yield and Photon 
Reflectivity from Candidate LHC Vacuum Chamber Materials with 
Implications to the Vacuum Chamber Design.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 
p.:il.  - (CERN LHC Project Report 206).   
    3214. Berrig O. a.o.   The Q-Loop: A Function Driven 
Feedback System for the Betatron Tunes During the LEP Energy 
Ramp.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-039 BI).   
    3215. Bohl T. a.o.   Measurement of the Effect on Single 
Bunch Stability of Changing Transition Energy in the CERN SPS.  
- Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-024 RF).   
    3216. Bovet C. a.o.   First Results from Betatron Matching 
Monitors Installed in the CERN PSB and SPS.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-037 BI).   
    3217. Bravin E. a.o.   Energy Calibration at LEP Using 
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Probes.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  
- (CERN SL-98-035 BI).   
    3218. Dehning B. a.o.   Dynamic Beam Based Calibration of 
Beam Position Monitors.  - Geneva, 1998.-  2p.: il.  - (CERN 
SL-98-038 BI).   
    3219. Goddard B. a.o.   Vertical Beam Size, Non-Closure and 
LEP Performance.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-031 
    3220. Morpurgo G. The BOM 1000 Turn Display: a Tool to 
Visualize the Transverse Phase-Space Topology at LEP.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  4 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-045 BI).   
    3221. Muller A.S., Wenninger J. Measurements of Coherent 
Damping and Tune Shifts with Amplitude at LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.- 
 3 p.:il.  - (CERN SL-98-048 OP).   
    3222. Vos L. Electro-Magnetic Bunch Length Measurement in 
LEP.  - Geneva, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (CERN SL-98-028 AP).   
          σ 346 όμενεξταςξωε ώαστιγω   
    3223. Apostolakis A. a.o.   Pion Correlations and Resonance 
Effects in p^-p Annihilation at Rest to 2*p*+2*p*-*p*0.  - 
Villigen, 1998.-  34 p.  - (PSI PR-98-17).   
    3224. Biebel J. Anomalous Couplings in W Pair Production.  - 
Hamburg, 1998.-  9p.: il.  - (DESY 98-073).   
    3225. Gershtein S.S. a.o.   Spectroscopy of Doubly Charmed 
Baryons: *Y*+&sub(cc) and *Y*+*+&sub(cc).  - Hamburg, 1998.-  10 
p.:il.  - (DESY 98-080).   
    3226. Kiselev V.V. a.o.   Lifetimes of Doubly Charmed 
Baryons: *Y*+&sub(cc) and *Y*+*+&sub(cc).  - Hamburg, 1998.-  15 
p.;1p.il.  - (DESY 98-079).   
    3227. Ma B.-Q. a.o.   The Quark Spin Distributions of the 
Nucleon.  - Marseille, 1997.-  11 p.  - (CNRS CPT 