éîæïòíáãéïîîùê âàììåôåîø "ðÒÅÐÒÉÎÔÙ" N 24.          29.06.98

          ó 133 äéææåòåîãéáìøîùå é éîôåçòáìøîùå õòá÷îåîéñ   
    2186. Bobenko A.I. a.o.   Integrable Discretizations of the 
Euler Top.  - Berlin, 1998.-  22p.: il.  - (Sfb 288 312).   
    2187. Bobenko A., Kitaev A. On Asymptotic Cones of Surfaces with 
Constant Curvature and the Third Painleve Equation.  - Berlin, 
1998.-  23p.  - (Sfb 288 315).   
          ó 3 æéúéëá   
134 Ó.: ÉÌ.  - (ïéñé 98-35).   
          ó 323 ë÷áîôï÷áñ íåèáîéëá   
    2189. Catani S. a.o.   Factorization and Soft-Gluon Divergences 
in Isolated-Photon Cross Sections.  - Geneva, 1998.-  17p.: il.  - 
(CERN-TH 98-82,LPTHE Orsay 98/10,LAPTH 675/98).   
    2190. Di Salvo E. Can the Nonrelativistic Quark Model be 
Reconciled with Deep Inelastic Scattering Results?  - Frascati, 
1998.-  18p.: il.  - (INFN/AE 98/01).   
    2191. Ragoucy E., Sorba P. Yangian Realisations from Finite 
W-Algebras.  - Geneva, 1998.-  25p.  - (CERN-TH 98-104).   
    2192. de-Florian D., Sassot R. QCD Analysis of Diffractive and 
Leading-Proton DIS Structure Functions in the Framework of Fracture 
Functions.  - Geneva, 1998.-  15p.;9p.il.  - (CERN-TH 98-109).   
          ó 323.5 ôåïòéñ ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ þáóôéã ðòé ÷ùóïëéè 
    2193. Balitsky I. Factorization for High-Energy Scattering.  - 
Newport News, 1998.-  4p.  - (JLAB-THY 98-19).   
          ó 324.1× óìáâùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    2194. Andrianov A.A. a.o.   On the Phenomenology of a Z' 
Coupling Only to Third-Family Fermions.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
24p.;12p.il.  - (CERN-TH 98-134).   
    2195. Csikor F. a.o.   Endpoint of the 4-D Finite Temperature 
Electroweak Phase Transition.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - 
(KEK-TH 557,KEK 98-7,ITP (Budapest) 539,MS-TPI 98-3).   
    2196. Grinstein B., Lebed R.F. Quark-Hadron Duality in the 't 
Hooft Model for Meson Weak Decays: Different Quark Diagram 
Topologies.  - San Diego, 1998.-  29p.: il.  - (UCSD PTH 
98-14,JLAB-THY 98-18).   
          ó 324.1Ç ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ. óðïîôáîîï- îáòõûåîîùå 
    2197. Chou C.-L. Fermion Mass Hierarchy without Flavour 
Symmetry.  - Stanford, 1998.-  18p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7761).   
    2198. Okubo S. Gauge Theory Based upon Solvable Lie Algebras.  - 
Rochester, 1998.-  11p.  - (UR 1527).   
          ó 324.1Ç1 ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùå ðïìñ îá òåûåôëå   
    2199. Csikor F. a.o.   Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Studies 
of the SU(2)-Higgs Model on Lattices with Asymmetric Lattice 
Spacings.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  26p.: il.  - (KEK-TH 563,KEK 98-27,ITP 
(Budapest) 528,MS-TPI 97-3).   
    2200. Lagae J.-F., Sinclair D.K. Improving the Staggered Quark 
Action to Reduce Flavour Symmetry Violations.  - Argonne, 1998.-  
3p.: il.  - (ANL-HEP-CP 98-13).   
          ó 324.1Ç2 ëïóíïìïçéþåóëéå áóðåëôù ëáìéâòï÷ïþîùè ðïìåê   
    2201. Brustein R. a.o.   Duality in Cosmological Perturbation 
Theory.  - Torino, 1998.-  14p.  - (DFTT 12/98,BGU PH-98/02,CERN-TH 
          ó 324.1Ä ë÷áîôï÷áñ èòïíïäéîáíéëá   
    2202. Radyushkin A.V. Double Distributions and Evolution 
Equations.  - Newport News, 1998.-  21p.: il.  - (JLAB-THY 98-16).   
          ó 324.1Å óõðåòóéííåôòéþîùå ôåïòéé. óõðåòçòá÷éôáãéñ. 
    2203. Abdurrahman A., Bordes J. The Relationship Between the 
Comma Theory and Witten's String Field Theory (I).  - Chilton, 
1998.-  31p.  - (RAL-TR 1998-002).   
    2204. Abel S.A., King S.F. Flavour Democracy in Strong 
Unification.  - Geneva, 1998.-  18p.;3p.il.  - (CERN-TH 98-144).   
    2205. Dobrescu B.A., Mrenna S. Signals of Dynamical 
Supersymmetry Breaking in a Hidden Sector.  - Argonne, 1998.-  2p.: 
il.  - (ANL-HEP-CP 98-22).   
    2206. Ferrara S. a.o.   AdS&sub(6) Interpretation of 5D 
Superconformal Field Theories.  - Geneva, 1998.-  12p.  - (CERN-TH 
    2207. Ferrara S. a.o.   On N=8 Supergravity in AdS&sub(5) and 
N=4 Superconformal Yang-Mills Theory.  - Geneva, 1998.-  12p.  - 
(CERN-TH 98-62,UCLA 98/TEP/6).   
    2208. Hanany A., Zaffaroni A. On the Realization of Chiral 
Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories Using Branes.  - Geneva, 1997.-  
27p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 97-377,IASSNS-HEP 98/6).   
          ó 324.2 îåìïëáìøîùå é îåìéîåêîùå ôåïòéé ðïìñ   
    2209. Artru X., Czyzewski J. Transverse Polarization of Quark 
Pairs Created in String Fragmentation.  - Villeurbanne, 1998.-  
13p.: il.  - (LYCEN 9834,TPJU 9/98).   
          ó 332 üìåëôòïíáçîéôîùå ÷úáéíïäåêóô÷éñ   
    2210. Barate R. a.o.   Single- and Multi-Photon Production in 
e*+e*- Collisions at a Centre-of-Mass Energy of 183 GeV.  - Geneva, 
1998.-  17p.: il.  - (CERN-EP 98-053).   
          ó 341 áôïíîùå ñäòá   
    2211. Forest J.L. a.o.   Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of 
Relativistic Effects in Light Nuclei.  - Newport News, 1998.-  
31p.;13p.il.  - (JLAB-THY 98-17).   
    2212. Marcucci L.E. a.o.   Electromagnetic Structure of the 
Trinucleons.  - Newport News, 1998.-  21p.;22p.il.  - (JLAB-THY 
    2213. Perries S. a.o.   Decay-out of the Yrast Highly-Deformed 
Band in *1*3*6Nd: Towards an Experimental Extraction of the Neutron 
Pairing Gap in the Second Well.  - Villeurbanne, 1998.-  10p.: il.  
- (LYCEN 9817).   
          ó 343 ñäåòîùå òåáëãéé   
    2214. Galichet  E. a.o.   Comparison Between Data Measured by 
INDRA and the Prediction of the BNV Transport Model for *3*6Ar * 
*5*8Ni Reaction at 95 A.MeV.  - Villeurbanne, 1998.-  15p.: il.  - 
(LYCEN 98-14,GANIL P98-14,LPCC 98-10,IPNO-DRE 98-06).   
    2215. Melissinos A.C. Alternatives to Axion Production and 
Detection.  - Rochester, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - (UR 1529,ER 40685/917). 
          ó 344 üëóðåòéíåîôáìøîáñ ñäåòîáñ æéúéëá   
    2216. Blankenbecler R. Track Fitting and Antennas.  - Stanford, 
1998.-  20p.;6p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7790).   
    2217. Hara K. a.o.   La-doped PbWO&sub(4) Scintillating Crystals 
Grown in Large Ingots.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  13p.;11p.il.  - (KEK 
    2218. Hassard J. a.o.   CVD Diamond Film for Neutron Counting.  
- London, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (IC/HEP 98-2).   
    2219. John M.J.J. First Use of HPDs for the Detection of 
Cherenkov Rings.  - London, 1998.-  12p.: il.  - (IC/HEP 98-1).   
    2220. Ohama T. a.o.   Electrical Tension-Measurement in a 
Multi-Wire Drift Chamber for Double Beta Decay Experiments.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  5p.;6p.il.  - (KEK 98-10).   
    2221. Tsukamoto T. a.o.   Beam Tests of a CCD Tracker for Vertex 
Detector Application.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (KEK 
98-19,SAGA HE-133,NGTHEP 98-1).   
          ó 345 õóëïòéôåìé úáòñöåîîùè þáóôéã   
    2222. Amiranoff F. a.o.   Observation of Laser Wakefield 
Acceleration of Electrons.  - Palaiseau, 1998.-  7p.;4p.il.  - 
(X-LPNHE 98/02).   
    2223. Enomoto A. Construction Status of the KEKB 8-GeV Injector 
Linac.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-29).   
    2224. Fu S., Kato T. Design of Beam-Transport Line Between the 
RFQ and the DTL for the JHF 200-MeV Proton Linac.  - Tsukuba, 1998.- 
 3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-9).   
    2225. Heifets S., Yan Y.T. Quantum Effects in Tracking.  - 
Stanford, 1998.-  11p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7773).   
    2226. Higo T. a.o.   High Field Experiment of 1.3 m-long X-Band 
Structure.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-11).   
    2227. Kikutani E., Minagawa Y. Simulation Study of Feedback 
Systems Based on a Two-Tap FIR Fileter. Under Beam-Beam Collisions.  
- Tsukuba, 1998.-  22p.: il.  - (KEK Report 98-1).   
    2228. Kim E.-S. Simulation of the Longitudinal Instability in 
ATF Damping Ring.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-22).   
    2229. Ohmi K., Matsumoto S. Beam-Ion Instability in a Magnetic 
Field.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-36).   
    2230. Omori T. a.o.   A Polarized Positron Source for Linear 
Colliders.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-13,TMU 
    2231. Saito K. a.o.   Development of 1.3 GHz Medium-*B Structure 
with High Gradient.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  5p.: il.  - (KEK 98-2).   
    2232. Shobuda Y., Hirata K  The Existence of a Static Solution 
for the Haissinski Equation with Purely Inductive Wake Force.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  10p.: il.  - (KEK 98-28).   
    2233. Suwada T. a.o.   New Data-Acquisition System of 
Beam-Position and Wall-Current Monitors for the KEKB Injector Linac. 
 - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-14).   
    2234. Takeda S. a.o.   Ground Motion Issue on the Large 
Accelerator Alignment.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 
    2235. Yamane I. A New Scheme of H*- Charge-Exchange Injection 
without Hazardous Stripping Foils.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  13p.: il.  - 
(KEK 98-42).   
          ó 345 Í ÷óôòåþîùå ðõþëé. îáëïðéôåìøîùå ëïìøãá.   
    2236. Guo Z.Y. a.o.   Study of the Beam-Photoelectron 
Instability in BEPC.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-23).   
    2237. Higo T. a.o.   Detuned Accelerating Structure for Linear 
Collider.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-12).   
    2238. Katoh M. a.o.   Commissioning of the Photon Factory with a 
High Brilliance Optics.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 
    2239. Kikutani E. a.o.   Bucket Selection System of the KEKB 
Rings.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-6).   
    2240. Kim E.-S. Bunchlengthening in the ATF Damping Ring.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-21).   
    2241. Ohmi K. Beam-Photoelectron Instability at KEKB.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  8p.: il.  - (KEK 98-17).   
    2242. Ohmi K., Matsumoto S. Beam-Photoelectron Instability at 
KEKB: Applying A Magnetic Field.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - 
(KEK 98-37).   
    2243. Shintake T. a.o.   C-band RF-System Development for e*+e*- 
Linear Collider.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-30).   
    2244. Yoshioka M. a.o.   Development of a Temperature Control 
System for Large Scale Electron-Positron Colliders.  - Tsukuba, 
1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-35).   
          ó 345 Õ òáäéïôåèîéþåóëéå é üìåëôòïîîùå 
õóôòïêóô÷á.üìåëôòïôåèîéþåóëéå õóôòïêóô÷á   
    2245. Baba H. a.o.   Pulsed Modulator for C-Band Klystron.  - 
Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-33).   
    2246. Isagawa S. a.o.   High Power CW Klystrons and Maintenance 
of Water Quality.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-16).   
    2247. Kageyama T. a.o.   The ARES Cavity for KEKB.  - Tsukuba, 
1998.-  2p.;1p.il.  - (KEK 98-45).   
    2248. Matsumoto H. a.o.   Operation of the C-Band 50 MW Klystron 
with Smart Modulator.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-31).   
    2249. Naito F. a.o.   The Input Coupler for the KEKB ARES 
Cavity.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-44).   
    2250. Oh J.S. a.o.   Efficiency Analysis of the First 111-MW 
C-Band Klystron-Modulator for Linear Collider.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  
3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-32).   
    2251. Saito K. a.o.   Superiority of Electropolishing over 
Chemical Polishing on High Gradients.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  19p.: il.  
- (KEK 98-4).   
    2252. Takahashi T. a.o.   Design of rf Components for the 
Advanced Ring at KEK.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-18).   
    2253. Tobiyama M., Kikutani E. Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems 
for KEKB Rings.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-8).   
    2254. Yamaguchi S. a.o.   High-Power Test of the S-Band 
Accelerator Guide for the KEKB Injector Linac.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  
3p.: il.  - (KEK 98-26).   
          ó 346 üìåíåîôáòîùå þáóôéãù   
    2255. Abe K. a.o.   A Direct Measurement of Parity Violation in 
the Coupling of Z*0 Bosons to b Quarks Using a Mass Tag and 
Momentum-Weighted Track Charge.  - Stanford, 1998.-  7p.;2p.il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7794).   
    2256. Abe K. a.o.   Production of *p*+, K*+, K*0, K*0, *F, p and 
*L*0 in Hadronic Z*0 Decays.  - Stanford, 1998.-  61p.: il.  - 
(SLAC-PUB 7766).   
    2257. Ackerstaff K. a.o.   An Upper Limit for the *t-Neutrino 
Mass from *t *> 5*p&sup(*()*n&sub(*t) Decays.  - Geneva, 1998.-  13p 
;4p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-055).   
    2258. Ackerstaff K. a.o.   Photon and Light Meson Production in 
Hadronic Z*0 Decays.  - Geneva, 1998.-  29p.;23p.il.  - (CERN-EP 
    2259. Ackerstaff K. a.o.   Production of K&sup(0)&sub(s) and *L 
in Quark and Gluon Jets from Z*0 Decay.  - Geneva, 1998.-  
22p.;10p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-058).   
    2260. Ahn J.K. a.o.   Enhanced *L*L Production near Threshold in 
the *1*2C(K*-,K*+) Reaction.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  9p.;2p.il.  - (KEK 
    2261. Assamagan K. a.o.   Search for a Heavy Neutrino State in 
the Decay *p*+ *> *m*+ + *n&sub(*m).  - Villigen, 1998.-  
11p.;4p.il.  - (PSI PR-98-11).   
    2262. Capstick S., Roberts W. Strange Decays of Nonstrange 
Baryons.  - University Park, 1998.-  9p.;15p.il.  - (PSU 
SCRI-98-42,JLAB-THY 98-15).   
    2263. Cortina-Gil M.D. a.o.   Charge-Exchange Reaction Induced 
by *6He and Nuclear Densities.  - Caen, 1998.-  8p.;4p.il.  - (GANIL 
P 98 19).   
    2264. Donnachie A., Page Ph.R. Interpretation of Experimental 
J&sup(PC) Exotic Signals.  - Newport News, 1998.-  17p.;1p.il.  - 
(JLAB-THY 98-20).   
    2265. Goto T. a.o.   Flavor Changing Neutral Current Processes 
in B and K Decays in the Supergravity Model.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  
24p.;20p.il.  - (KEK-TH 567,KEK 98-20,TU 527,RCNS 97-03).   
    2266. Lower Bound for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Mass from 
Combining the Results of the Four LEP Experiments.  - Geneva, 1998.- 
 8p.;8p.il.  - (CERN-EP 98-046).   
    2267. Ramsey G.P. Physics Results from Polarized DIS.  - 
Argonne, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (ANL-HEP-CP 98-19).   
    2268. Wislicki W. Internal Spin Structure of the Nucleon in 
Polarized Deep Inelastic Muon-Nucleon Scattering.  - Otwock-Swierk, 
1998.-  97p.: il.  - (SINS 23/VI Raport).   
          ó 346.6Ä1 ïþáòï÷áîîùå þáóôéãù.þáòíïîéê, âïôôïíïîéê é 
äòõçéå òåúïîáîóù éú ôñöåìùè ë÷áòëï÷.   
    2269. Barate R. a.o.   A Measurement of the Inclusive b *> s*g 
Branching Ratio.  - Geneva, 1998.-  16p.: il.  - (CERN-EP 98-044).   
    2270. Choudhury D., Ellis J. Estimates of Long-Distance 
Contributions to the B&sub(s) *> *g*g Decay.  - Allahabad, 1998.-  
8p.: il.  - (MRI-PHY P980443,CERN-TH 98-76).   
    2271. Fleischer R. Controlling Rescattering Effects in 
Constraints on the CKM Angle *g Arising from B *> *pK Decays.  - 
Geneva, 1998.-  13p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-128).   
    2272. Lingel K. a.o.   Penguin Decays of B Mesons.  - Stanford, 
1998.-  49p.: il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7796,COLO-HEP 395,HEPSY 98-1).   
    2273. Prinias A. Gluon and Charm Measurements in DIS at HERA.  - 
London, 1998.-  4p.: il.  - (IC/HEP 98-3).   
    2274. Schuler G.A. Testing Factorization of Charmonium 
Production.  - Geneva, 1998.-  19p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 98-132).   
          ó 349 äïúéíåôòéñ é æéúéëá úáýéôù   
    2275. Kroutil W. a.o.   Comparison of Experimental Data Versus 
Computer Modeling of a Radiation Detecting Personnel Safety System 
Ion Chamber.  - Stanford, 1998.-  4p.;3p.il.  - (SLAC-PUB 7730).   
          ó 349.1 äåêóô÷éå éúìõþåîéê îá íáôåòéáìù.   
    2276. Azarov S.I. a.o.   Radiolysis of Water in "Sarcophagus".  
- Kiev, 1998.-  23p.: il.  - (KINR 98-5).   
          ó 353 æéúéëá ðìáúíù   
    2277. Mantsinen M.J., Salomaa R.R.E. Simulations of Burn 
Dynamics in Tokamak Fusion Reactors.  - Otaniemi, 1998.-  59p.: il.  
- (TKK-F-A 773).   
          ó 393 æéúéëá îéúëéè ôåíðåòáôõò   
    2278. Saito K. a.o.   Degassing Effect in Water. Sterilizing 
Effect.  - Tsukuba, 1998.-  7p.: il.  - (KEK 98-3).   
          ó 63 áóôòïæéúéëá   
    2279. Jetzer Ph. a.o.   Gravitational Microlensing by Globular 
Clusters.  - Villigen, 1998.-  15p.: il.  - (PSI PR-98-12).   
    2280. Kusenko A. Resonant Production of Gamma Rays in Jolted 
Cold Neutron Stars.  - Geneva, 1998.-  9p.: il.  - (CERN-TH 
    2281. Olkhovsky V.S., Grantsev V.I. Is it Essential for Nuclear 
Chronometry of Astrophysical Processes to Consider the Decay 
Peculiarities of Radioactive Nuclei from the Excited States?  - 
Kiev, 1998.-  8p.  - (KINR 98-1).   
          ã 840 ðòïçòáííéòï÷áîéå. ïâýéå ÷ïðòïóù   
    2282. Berlizov A.N., Zhmudsky A.A. The Recursive One-Dimensional 
Adaptive Quadrature Code.  - Kiev, 1998.-  12p.: il.  - (KINR 