С 133
1.Bazeia, D. New Results on Compact
Structures/ D.Bazeia, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.293-297 .- Bibliogr.:16.
С 133.2
2.Li, D.-J. Quantum Solitons in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam
Model/ D.-J.Li, B.Tang //
International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28, No.11.-p.1450075 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
3.Довгий, А.А. Уединенные волны в бинарной цепочке
нелинейных волноводов/ А.А.Довгий, А.И.Маймистов // Оптика и
спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.673-677 .- Библиогр.:25. |
4.Stenlund, M. A Vector-Valued Almost
Sure Invariance Principle for Sinai Billiards with Random Scatterers/
M.Stenlund // Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2014.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.879-916 .- Bibliogr.:31.
5.Башаров, А.М. Теория открытых систем на основе
стохастических дифференциальных уравнений/ А.М.Башаров // Оптика и
спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.532-540 .- Библиогр.:19. |
6.Зюрюкина, О.В. Влияние рассеивающих параметров
среды на величину сигнала при акустооптической томографии/ О.В.Зюрюкина,
[др.] // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.688-691 .- Библиогр.:4.
7.Bamba, K. Effective F(T) Gravity
from the Higher-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein and
Randall-Sundrum Theories/ K.Bamba,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.368-371 .-
Bibliogr.:29. |
8.Bonora, L. Symmetries and
Gravitational Chern-Simons Lagrangian
Terms/ L.Bonora, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.468-472 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
9.Cai, Y.-F. Cosmology of the Spinor Emergent Universe and Scale-Invariant
Perturbations/ Y.-F.Cai, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.217-226 .- Bibliogr.:57.
10.Concha, P.K. Even-Dimensional General
Relativity from Born-Infeld Gravity/ P.K.Concha, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725,
No.4/5.-p.419-424 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
11.D'Amico, G. Inflation from Flux Cascades/ G.D'Amico, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725,
No.4/5.-p.218-222 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
12.Das, C.R. Determining the Dark Matter Mass
with DeepCore/ C.R.Das,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.297-301 .-
Bibliogr.:42. |
13.Feng, C.-J. Bifurcation and Global Dynamical
Behavior of the f(T) Theory/ C.-J.Feng,
[et al.] // Modern Physics Letters A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.7.-p.1450033 .-
Bibliogr.:36. |
14.Fonseca-Neto, J.B. Godel-Type
Universes and Chronology Protection in Horava-Lifshitz
Gravity/ J.B.Fonseca-Neto, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.412-418 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
15.Gong, Y. The General Property of Dynamical
Quintessence Field/ Y.Gong // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.342-349 .- Bibliogr.:57. |
16.Henttunen, K. Consistency of f(R) Gravity
Models Around Solar Polytropes/ K.Henttunen,
I.Vilja // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.110-117
.- Bibliogr.:45. |
17.Hossenfelder, S. A Possibility to Solve the
Problems with Quantizing Gravity/ S.Hossenfelder //
Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.473-476 .-
Bibliogr.:8. |
18.Jimenez, J.B. Screening Vector Field
Modifications of General Relativity/ J.B.Jimenez,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.212-217 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
19.Kim, K.K. Charge-Mass Ratio Bound and
Optimization in the Parikh-Wilczek Tunneling Model
of Hawking Radiation/ K.K.Kim, W.-Y.Wen // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.307-310 .-
Bibliogr.:12. |
20.Kitamoto, H. Time Dependent Couplings as
Observables in de Sitter Space/ H.Kitamoto, Y.Kitazawa // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1430016 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
21.Lobo, F.S.N. Planck Scale Physics and
Topology Change Through an Exactly Solvable Model/ F.S.N.Lobo,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.163-167 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
22.Majhi, B.R. Modified Dispersion Relation,
Photon's Velocity, and Unruh Effect/ B.R.Majhi, E.C.Vagenas // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725,
No.4/5.-p.477-480 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
23.Odintsov, S.D. f(R, T, R&sub(*m*n)T&sup(*m*n)) Gravity Phenomenology and *LCDM
Universe/ S.D.Odintsov, D.Saez-Gomez
// Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.437-444 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
24.Silva, J.E.G. Kinematics and Dynamics in a
Bipartite-Finsler Spacetime/
J.E.G.Silva, C.A.S.Almeida
// Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.74-79 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
25.Wong, W.W.-Y. Non-Existence of
Multiple-Black-Hole Solutions Close to Kerr-Newman/ W.W.-Y.Wong,
P.Yu // Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2014.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.965-996 .- Bibliogr.:p.994-996.
26.Yang, S. On the Geodesic Hypothesis in
General Relativity/ S.Yang // Communications in
Mathematical Physics.-2014.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.997-1062 .-
Bibliogr.:33. |
27.Aleixo, A.N.F. An Algebraic Approach to Shape
Invariance with Reflections/ A.N.F.Aleixo, A.B.Balantekin // Journal of Physics A.-2014.-Vol.47,
No.13.-p.135304 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
28.Blanchfield, K. Orbits of Mutually Unbiased
Bases/ K.Blanchfield // Journal of Physics
A.-2014.-Vol.47, No.13.-p.135303 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
29.Holweck, F. Singularity of Type D&sub(4) Arising from Four-Qubit
Systems/ F.Holweck, [et al.] // Journal of Physics
A.-2014.-Vol.47, No.13.-p.135301 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
30.Lim, H. Sudden Decoherence
Transitions for Quantum Discord/ H.Lim, R.Joynt // Journal of Physics A.-2014.-Vol.47,
No.13.-p.135305 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
31.Rodriguez-Lara, B.M. Searching for Structure Beyond Parity in the Two-Qubit Dicke Model/ B.M.Rodriguez-Lara, [et al.] // Journal of Physics
A.-2014.-Vol.47, No.13.-p.135306 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
32.Zhang, L. Polar Optical Phonon States and
Their Degenerative Behaviors of Wurtzite ZnO/MgZnO Coupling Quantum
Dots/ L.Zhang, J.J.Shi //
International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28, No.11.-p.1430005 .- Bibliogr.:82.
33.Быков, А.Д. Вычисление уровней энергии
возбужденных колебательных состояний молекулы HD*1*6O суммированием
расходящихся рядов теории возмущений Релея-Шредингера. Сдвиг уровней нулевого
приближения/ А.Д.Быков, [др.] // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116,
No.4.-с.598-605 .- Библиогр.:18. |
34.Пупышев, В.В. Рассеяние медленной квантовой
частицы аксиально-симметричным короткодействующим потенциалом/ В.В.Пупышев //
Ядерная физика.-2014.-Т.77, No.5.-с.699-710 .- Библиогр.:20. |
35.Пупышев, В.В. Рассеяние медленной квантовой
частицы центральным короткодействующим потенциалом/ В.В.Пупышев // Ядерная
физика.-2014.-Т.77, No.5.-с.686-698 .- Библиогр.:18. |
С 323.1
36.Georgoudis, P.E. Bohr Space in Six
Dimensions/ P.E.Georgoudis // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.122-125 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
С 323.4
37.Bhattacharyya, G. A Natural Scenario for
Heavy Colored and Light Uncolored Superpartners/ G.Bhattacharyya, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.339-343 .- Bibliogr.:33.
38.Braun, V.M. Conformal Symmetry of the Lange-Neubert Evolution Equation/ V.M.Braun,
A.N.Manashov // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.316-319 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
39.Ellis, J. Environmental CPT Violation in an
Expanding Universe in String Theory/ J.Ellis, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.407-411 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
40.Ma, E. Updated S&sub(3)
Model of Quarks/ E.Ma, B.Melic
// Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.402-406 .- Bibliogr.:19.
41.Михасенко, М.О. Смешивание протона с пентакварком
и модель внутреннего чарма/ М.О.Михасенко // Ядерная физика.-2014.-Т.77,
No.5.-с.658-660 .- Библиогр.:13. |
С 323.5
42.Courtoy, A. On the Observability
of the Quark Orbital Angular Momentum Distribution/ A.Courtoy,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.141-147 .-
Bibliogr.:36. |
43.Forte, S. Do We Need N*3LO Parton
Distributions?/ S.Forte,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.136-140 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
44.Harland-Lang, L.A. Probing the Perturbative Dynamics of Exclusive Meson Pair Production/
L.A.Harland-Lang, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.316-321 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
45.Matevosyan, H.H. Studies of Azimuthal Modulations in Two Hadron
Fragmentation of a Transversely Polarised Quark/ H.H.Matevosyan, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.208-216 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
46.Sa, B.-H. Systematic Study of Elliptic Flow
Parameter in the Relativistic Nuclear Collisions at RHIC and LHC Energies/
B.-H.Sa, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.87-91 .- Bibliogr.:29.
С 324.1
47.Deguchi, S. Canonical Formalism and
Quantization of a Massless Spinning Bosonic
Particle in Four Dimensions/ S.Deguchi, [et al.] //
International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1450044 .-
Bibliogr.:43. |
48.Lin, R.-H. Thermal Casimir
Effect for Rectangular Cavities Inside (D+1)-Dimensional Minkowski
Space-Time Revisited/ R.-H.Lin, X.-H.Zhai // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1450043 .- Bibliogr.:38.
С 324.1а
49.Iqbal, S. Comment on '"Stringy"
Coherent States Inspired by Generalized Uncertainty Principle' [Phys.Lett.B 711(5) (2012) 423-427]/ S.Iqbal
// Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.481-486 .- Bibliogr.:2. |
С 324.1б
50.Buchalla, G. On the Power Counting in Effective Field Theories/ G.Buchalla, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.80-86
.- Bibliogr.:26. |
51.Hohler, P.M. Is *r-Meson Melting Compatible
with Chiral Restoration?/ P.M.Hohler,
R.Rapp // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.103-109 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
С 324.1в
52.Hellerman, S. Charge Quantization and the
Standard Model from the CP*2 and CP*3 Nonlinear *s-Models/ S.Hellerman, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.148-153 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
53.Lalak, Z. Dynamical Mass Scale and
Approximate Scaling Symmetry in the Higgs Sector/ Z.Lalak
// Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.389-393 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
54.Lavoura, L. Residual Z&sub(2)xZ&sub(2) Symmetries and Lepton Mixing/ L.Lavoura, P.O.Ludl // Physics
Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.331-336 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
55.Moyotl, A. Gauge Invariant Electromagnetic
Properties of Fermions Induced by CPT-Violation in the Standard Model
Extension/ A.Moyotl, [et al.] // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1450039 .- Bibliogr.:54.
С 324.1г
56.Blumlen, J. New Exclusion Limits on Dark
Gauge Forces from Proton Bremsstrahlung in Beam-Dump Data/ J.Blumlen, J.Brunner // Physics
Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.320-326 .- Bibliogr.:74.
57.Lavrov, P.M. Field-Dependent BRST Transformations
in Yang-Mills Theory/ P.M.Lavrov, O.Lechtenfeld // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725,
No.4/5.-p.382-385 .- Bibliogr.:10. |
58.Lavrov, P.M. Gribov
Horizon Beyond the Landau Gauge/ P.M.Lavrov, O.Lechtenfeld // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725,
No.4/5.-p.386-388 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
59.Manton, N.S. Platonic Hyperbolic Monopoles/ N.S.Manton, P.M.Sutcliffe //
Communications in Mathematical Physics.-2014.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.821-846 .-
Bibliogr.:38. |
60.Tripathi, V.B. Gravitating Dyons in Vaidya Geometry/ V.B.Tripathi, [et al.] // International Journal of Modern
Physics A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1450042 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
С 324.1г1
61.Abdallah, W. TeV
Scale Leptogenesis in B-L Model with Alternative
Cosmologies/ W.Abdallah, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.361-367 .- Bibliogr.:62. |
С 324.1д
62.Herbst, T.K. Thermodynamics of QCD at
Vanishing Density/ T.K.Herbst, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.248-256 .- Bibliogr.:72. |
63.Liu, N. Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections
to HZW*( Production at 14 TeV LHC/ N.Liu, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.70-73 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
64.Segovia, J. Distribution Amplitudes of
Light-Quark Mesons from Lattice QCD/ J.Segovia, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.13-18 .- Bibliogr.:69. |
65.Strodthoff, N. Polyakov-Quark-Meson-Diquark Model for Two-Color QCD/ N.Strodthoff,
L.Von Smekal // Physics
Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.350-357 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
С 324.1е
66.Asghari, M. Harmonic Oscillator with Minimal
Length, Minimal Momentum, and Maximal Momentum Uncertainties in SUSYQM
Framework/ M.Asghari, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.451-455 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
67.Banks, T. Supersymmetry
Breaking and the Cosmological Constant/ T.Banks //
International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1430010 .-
Bibliogr.:145. |
68.Bianchi, L. On DIS Wilson Coefficients in N=4
Super Yang-Mills Theory/ L.Bianchi, V.Forini, A.V.Kotikov //
Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.394-401 .-
Bibliogr.:61. |
69.Cianfrani, F. Wheeler-DeWitt Equation and AdS/CFT Correspondence/ F.Cianfrani,
J.Kowalski-Glikman // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.463-467 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
70.D'Hondt, J. Multilepton
Signals of Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking at
the LHC/ J.D'Hondt, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.7-12 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
71.Grimm, T.W. On *a' Corrections in N=1
F-Theory Compactifications/ T.W.Grimm,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.431-436
.- Bibliogr.:36. |
72.Pallis, C. Update on Minimal Supersymmetric Hybrid Inflation in Light of PLANCK/ C.Pallis, Q.Shafi // Physics
Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.327-333 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
С 324.2
73.Dantas, D.M. Fermions in a Warped Resolved Conifold/ D.M.Dantas, [et al.]
// Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.425-430 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
74.Disconzi, M.M. On the Boundedness
of Effective Potentials Arising from String Compactifications/
M.M.Disconzi, [et al.] // Communications in
Mathematical Physics.-2014.-Vol.325, No.3.-p.847-878 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
75.Gogberashvili, M. Anisotropic Inflation in a
5D Standing Wave Braneworld and Effective
Dimensional Reduction/ M.Gogberashvili, [et al.] //
Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.725, No.4/5.-p.208-211 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
76.Ivanov, E.A. Unifying the PST and the Auxiliary Tensor Field
Formulations of 4D Self-Duality/ E.A.Ivanov, A.J.Nurmagambetov, B.M.Zupnik
// Physics Letters B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.298-301 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
77.Jockers, H. Two-Sphere Partition Functions
and Gromow-Witten Invariants/ H.Jockers,
[et al.] // Communications in Mathematical Physics.-2014.-Vol.325,
No.3.-p.1139-1170 .- Bibliogr.:92. |
78.Landim, R.R. New Analytical Solutions for Bosonic Field Trapping in Thick Branes/
R.R.Landim, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.131-135 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
79.Sousa, L.J.S. Vector and Fermion Fields on a Bouncing Brane with a Decreasing Warp Factor in a String-Like
Defect/ L.J.S.Sousa, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.64-69 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
С 324.3
80.Shojaei-Fard, A. Counterterms
in the Context of the Universal Hopf Algebra of
Renormalization/ A.Shojaei-Fard // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2014.-Vol.29, No.8.-p.1450045 .- Bibliogr.:31.
С 325
81.Bai, Z.W. Mean Escape Time of Ballistically Transporting Brownian Particles Due to
Thermal Noise/ Z.W.Bai, P.Wang
// International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28, No.11.-p.1450063
.- Bibliogr.:39. |
82.Scheid, W. Diffusion and Dissipation by
Linear Momentum in Spherical Environment/ W.Scheid,
[et al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28,
No.11.-p.1450077 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
83.Захаров, Ю.А. Влияние зондов на оптический тракт
атомно-абсорбционных спектрометров с графитовым трубчатым атомизатором/ Ю.А.Захаров,
[др.] // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.692-698 .- Библиогр.:9.
С 325.1 ТОЧНО
84.Jacobsen, J.L. High-Precision Percolation
Threshold and Potts-Model Critical Manifolds from Graph Polynomials/ J.L.Jacobsen // Journal of Physics A.-2014.-Vol.47,
No.13.-p.135001 .- Bibliogr.:74. |
С 326
85.Castellanos, E. Modified Bosonic
Gas Trapped in a Generic 3-dim Power Law Potential/ E.Castellanos,
C.Laemmerzahl // Physics Letters
B.-2014.-Vol.731.-p.1-6 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
86.Delfino, G. Order Parameter Profiles in
Presence of Topological Defect Lines/ G.Delfino //
Journal of Physics A.-2014.-Vol.47, No.13.-p.132001 .- Bibliogr.:5. |
87.Li, Y.-X. Effect of pH on the Holographic
Properties of Al&sub(2)O&sub(3) Nanoparticle
Dispersed Acrylate Photopolymer/ Y.-X.Li, [et al.]
// International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28, No.11.-p.1450076
.- Bibliogr.:14. |
88.Nath, J. Phase Separation in the Langmuir-Blodgett Films of p-Quaterphenyl Mixed with Two Different Matrices/ J.Nath, [et al.] // International Journal of Modern
Physics B.-2014.-Vol.28, No.11.-p.1450073 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
89.Bolognesi, S. A Low-Dimensional Analoque of Holographic Baryons/ S.Bolognesi,
P.Sutcliffe // Journal of Physics A.-2014.-Vol.47,
No.13.-p.135401 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
90.Yang, Y. Time-Resolved Thermometry for
Superconducting Deflecting Cavity Development/ Y.Yang,
[et al.] // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research
A.-2014.-Vol.748.-p.7-11 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
91.Башкиров, Е.К. Влияние диполь-дипольного
взаимодействия и атомной когерентности на перепутывание двух атомов с вырожденными
двухфотонными переходами/ Е.К.Башкиров, М.С.Мастюгин // Оптика и
спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.678-683 .- Библиогр.:19. |
92.Буренин, А.В. Классификация энергетических
уровней димера аммиака/ А.В.Буренин // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116,
No.4.-с.568-572 .- Библиогр.:7. |
93.Геворкян, С.Т. Квантовая динамика
взаимодействующих мод в процессе внутрирезонаторной генерации субгармоники/
С.Т.Геворкян, М.С.Геворкян // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116,
No.4.-с.666-672 .- Библиогр.:4. |
94.Горбачев, В.Н. Корреляция одиночного атома и
резонаторной моды и их проявления в некоторых физических явлениях/ В.Н.Горбачев,
А.И.Трубилко // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.541-550 .-
Библиогр.:26. |
95.Загидуллин, М.В. Столкновительно-индуцированное
излучение синглетного кислорода в видимой области спектра в диапазоне
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спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.581-587 .- Библиогр.:42. |
96.Картошкин, В.А. Спиновый обмен при столкновении
двух атомов натрия/ В.А.Картошкин // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116,
No.4.-с.588-592 .- Библиогр.:11. |
97.Корниенко, В.В. Определение спектральной
чувствительности нелинейно-оптических детекторов терагерцового излучения по
спектрам спонтанного параметрического рассеяния света/ В.В.Корниенко, [др.]
// Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.558-567 .- Библиогр.:22. |
98.Митюрева, А.А. Определение сечений трехфотонной
ионизации атома ксенона при сопоставлении с процессом электронной ионизации/
А.А.Митюрева, [др.] // Оптика и спектроскопия.-2014.-Т.116, No.4.-с.573-576
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99.Охрименко, Б.А. Девиация химической О-Н-связи
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100.Трофимов, В.А. Методика измерения поляризации
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101.Isakov, V.I. Intershell
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102.Зуев, С.В. Программа для моделирования
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103.Конобеевский, Е.С. Исследование
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104.Михайлов, К.Р. Экзотика в плотной холодной
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105.Нестеров, А.В. Природа резонансных состояний
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106.Margerin, V. Study of the *4*4Ti(*a,p)*4*7V Reaction and Implications for Core Collapse
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108.Kreim, K. Nuclear Charge Radii of Potassium
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109.Ишханов, Б.С. Оболочечная структура ядер в
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110.Карамян, С.А. Оценка методов получения изомера
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111.Алексеев, А.А. Промежуточная структура в сечении
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112.Chesnokov, Yu.A.
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113.He, J.J. A Drop in the *6Li(p,
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114.Ong, H.J. Probing Effect of Tensor
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115.Ramazani-Moghaddam-Arani, A. Spin Observables in the Three-Body
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116.Sickles, A.M. Possible Evidence for Radial
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117.Uzikov, Yu.N.
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118.Воскобойник, Е.И. Сечения реакций слияния и передачи
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119.Choudhury, R.K. Revisiting the Symmetric Reactions
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120.Paatelainen, R. Fluid Dynamics with
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121.Кутербеков, К.А. Энергетические зависимости параметров оптической модели для взаимодействия *6Li и *7Li с ядром *2*8Si при низких энергиях/ К.А.Кутербеков, Ю.Э.Пенионжкевич, Н.К.Скобелев, Ю.Г.Соболев, С.М.Лукьянов, [др.] // Ядерная физика.-2014.-Т.77, No.5.-с.615-620
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122.Самарин, В.В. Нестационарное квантовое описание
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125.Gorenstein, M.I. Strangeness Production in
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127.Barbarino, G. A Large Surface
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128.Barbarino, G. VSiPMT
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129.Bohm, G. Statistics of Weighted Poisson
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130.Chirkin, D. Photon Tracking with GPUs in IceCube/ D.Chirkin // Nuclear
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131.Classen, L. Status of the PMT Development
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132.Creusot, A. PMT Measurements in Antares/ A.Creusot, [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments & Methods
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133.Doan, T.C. Fabrication and Characterization
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134.Erdmann, J. A Likelihood-Based
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135.Hasankiadeh, Q.D. Performance of
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136.Leonora, E. Terrestrial Magnetic Field
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137.Roberts, O.J. A LaBr&sub(3): Ce Fast-Timing Array for DESPEC at FAIR/ O.J.Roberts, [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments &
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138.Schnabel, J. Muon
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139.Stuber, N. Neutron Guide Geometries for
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140.Tremsin, A.S. Bright Flash Neutron
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141.Tsirigotis, A.G. A Reconstruction Method for
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142.Васильев, О.А. Выделение электронной компоненты
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143.Adrian-Martinez, S. A Compact Acoustic
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144.Avrorin, A.V. Current Status of the BAIKAL-GVD Project/ A.V.Avrorin, I.A.Belolaptikov, V.B.Brudanin, K.V.Golubkov, K.V.Konishchev, E.N.Pliskovsky,
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145.Berbee, E.M. A Mechanical Design for a
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146.Cocimano, R. KM3NeT Deep-Sea Cabled Network:
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147.De Rosa, G. A Kalman
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148.De Wolf, E. A Launching Vehicle for Optical
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149.Destelle, J.-J. The MEUST Infrastructure for
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150.Enzenhofer, A. Acoustic Calibration for the
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151.Gomez-Gonzalez, J.P. Calibration Systems of
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152.Larosa, G. Development of an Acoustic
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153.Leonora, E. Design and Assembly of the
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154.Margiotta, A. Common Simulation Tools for
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155.Mul, G. A Vertical Electro-Optical Data
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156.Neff, M. Simulation Chain for Acoustic
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157.Sollima, C. Quality Control Considerations
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158.Viola, S. NEMO-SMO Acoustic Array: a
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159.Yepes-Ramirez, H. Characterization of
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160.Cester, D. Pulse Shape Discrimination with
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161.Ferry, S. SCOTT: A Time and Amplitude
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162.Kleczek, R. Low Power Analog Readout
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163.Zwart, A. A TDC for the Characterization of
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164.Pradhan, J. A Generalised
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165.Alexander, J.P. Vertical Beam Size
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166.Casalderrey-Solana, J. New Picture of Jet
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167.Bezerra, T.J.C. A Global Fit Determination
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168.Brunner, J. Measurement of Neutrino
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169.Ahlers, M. The Neutrino Sky at Very High
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170.Anassontzis, E.G. A DAQ Processing System
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171.Bogazzi, C. Time Integrated Search for Point
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172.Chen, J.-W. Atomic Ionization of Germanium
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173.Chiarusi, T. The NEMO Trigger and Data
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174.Coniglione, R. KM3NeT and Fermi Bubbles:
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175.De Jong, M. Summary and Outlook/ M.De Jong // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics
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176.DeYoung, T. Toward Precision Neutrino
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177.Finley, C. Point Source Searches by IceCube: Recent Results and Progress/ C.Finley
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178.Gonzalez, J.G. Search for Ultra-High Energy
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179.Hasankiadeh, Q.D. Neutrino-Induced Showers
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180.Hernandez-Rey, J.J. High Energy Neutrino
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181.Ishida, H. Longevity Problem of Sterile
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182.Kelley, J.L. Data Acquisition, Triggering,
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183.Kooijman, P. KM3NeT Status and Plans/ P.Kooijman // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in
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184.Kopper, C. The Antares Computing Model/ C.Kopper // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics
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185.Lahmann, R. Neutrino Detection, Position
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186.Leisos, A. Evaluation of the Discovery Potential of an Underwater
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187.Losa, A.S. Search for Neutrino Emission in
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188.Resconi, E. Results from IceCube/
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189.Sapienza, P. KM3NeT Sensitivity and
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190.Shanidze, R. Detection of Cosmogenic Neutrinos with the KM3NeT Telescope/ R.Shanidze, [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments & Methods
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191.Tsirigotis, A.G. Reconstruction Efficiency
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192.Бабенко, В.А. Определение низкоэнергетических
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193.Абрамов, В.В. Анализирующая способность в
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215.Agakishiev, G. Searching a Dark Photon with HADES/ G.Agakishiev, A.Belyaev, S.Chernenko, O.Fateev, A.Ierusalimov, V.Ladygin, T.Vasiliev, Y.Zanevsky, [et
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