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1.Керимов, М.К. К столетию со дня рождения академика
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2.Керимов, М.К. Памяти академика Горимира
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3.Вильданова, В.Ф. Анизотропные классы
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4.Haixia, M. The Existence and
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Equation in Unbounded Cylinder/ M.Haixia // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53, No.11.-p.1822 .- |
5.Гарифуллина, С.Р. Асимптотика решения уравнения
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6.Назаров, С.А. Упругие волны, захваченные
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7.Бичегкуев, М.С. К спектральному анализу разностных
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8.Борисенко, А.А. О сферичности гиперповерхностей с
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9.Ефремова, Л.С. Теорема о разложении пространства
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// Математический сборник.-2013.-Т.204, No.11.-с.55-82 .- Библиогр.:46. |
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10.Даутов, Р.З. Разрывный смешанный метод Галеркина
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11.Кудрявцев, А.Н. Формализм двух потенциалов для
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вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53,
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12.Баскин, Л.М. Асимптотика и численное исследование
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математической физики.-2013.-T.53, No.11.-с.1835-1855 .- Библиогр.:8. |
13.Костромин, И.А. Численное исследование течения
Куэтта для двухатомного разреженного газа / И.А.Костромин, В.А.Рыков //
Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53,
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14.Lorenzo Resegotti 1928-2013 // CERN Courier.-2013.-Vol.53,
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15.Li, W. The Relationships between Regular
Polygon Central Configurations and Masses for Newtonian N-Body Problems/ W.Li,
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16.Randruut, M. Cnoidal Waves Governed by the
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17.Rech, P.C. Changes in the Dynamics of Two-Dimensional
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18.Zhu, X.-F. Effective Zero Index in Locally
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19.Разгулин, А.В. Вращающиеся волны в параболическом
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20.Barroso, A.C. Mutual Inductance between
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21.Diosi, L. Note on Possible Emergence Time of
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22.Hehl, F.W. On Poincare Gauge Theory of
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23.Asselmeyer-Maluga, T. Decoherence in Quantum
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24.Child, H.L. Preheating with Nonminimal
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25.Choi, K.-Y. Dark Matter Asymmetry in
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26.De Oliveira, H.P. Kolmogorov-Zakharov
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27.Farooq, O. Constraints on Dark Energy from
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28.Gangopadhyay, S. Trace of Phase-Space Noncommutativity in Response of
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Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.35.-p.1350161 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
29.Jimenez, J.B. Cosmology with a Continuous
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30.Kile, J. Flavored Dark Matter: a Review/ J.Kile
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31.Kleihaus, B. d *} 5 Magnetized Static,
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32.Maliborski, M. Time-Periodic Solutions in an Einstein
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33.Naoz, S. Generation of Primordial Magnetic
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34.Valle, D.C. Solitonic Axion Condensates Modeling
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35.Van Holten, J.W. Single Scalar Cosmology/ J.W.Van
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36.Zhang, Y. The "Coincidence" Problem
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37.Ahmadov, H.I. Analytical Solutions of the Schrodinger Equation with
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38.Blank, A. Induction-Detection Electron Spin
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39.Campos Venuti, L. Probability Density of
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40.Ferreyra, J.M. Exact Solution of the
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41.Maccone, L. A Simple Proof of Bell's
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42.Rodriguez-Mendez, D. Minimum Uncertainty States in Angular Momentum
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43.Sassoli de Bianchi, M. Quantum Dice/ M.Sassoli
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44.Severn, G.D. A Note on the Gyromagnetic
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45.Singleton, D. The Covariant, Time-Dependent Aharonov-Bohm
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46.Zhang, L. Comment on "Convergence of
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48.Diaconu, C. Quarks, Gluons and Sea in
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49.Бугаев, Э.В. Фотоядерные взаимодействия при
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50.Menezes, G. Riemann Zeta Zeros and Prime
Number Spectra in Quantum Field Theory/ G.Menezes, [et al.] // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.26.-p.1350128 .- Bibliogr.:75.
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51.Gonzalez Lopez, J. A Quenched Study of the
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52.Gonzalez Lopez, J. A Quenched Study of the
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53.Asano, M. Gauge Invariant and Gauge Fixed
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Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.868, No.1.-p.75-101 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
54.Bernard, L. String Derived Exophobic SU(6) x
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55.Maleknejad, A. Gauge-Flation: Inflation from
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56.Sathiapalan, B. Loop Variables and Gauge
Invariant Exact Renormalization Group Equations for (Open) String Theory II/
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57.Bulava, J. Constraining a Fourth Generation
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58.Aliev, T.M. Electromagnetic Form Factors of
Octet Baryons in QCD/ T.M.Aliev, [et al.] // Physics Letters
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59.Arbuzov, B.A. On a Possibility to Eliminate
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60.Braun, M.A. Anisotropic Flows from Colour
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61.Goncalves, V.P. Probing the Color Glass Condensate in pp Collisions at
Forward Rapidities and Very Low Transverse Momenta/ V.P.Goncalves, M.L.L.Da
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62.Henley, E.M. Strangeness in the Nucleon/ E.M.Henley
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63.Seiler, E. Gauge Cooling in Complex Langevin
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64.Sotani, H. Shear Oscillations in the
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65.Stevenson, P.M. Optimization of QCD
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66.Xu, R. New Effective Interactions in Improved
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67.Allahverdi, R. Supersymmetric Model for Dark
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68.Dhuria, M. (N)LSP Decays and Gravitino Dark
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69.Dighe, A. Testing Times for Supersymmetry:
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70.Ghilencea, D.M. The Fine-Tuning Cost of the
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71.Jeon, I. Stringy Unification of Type IIA and
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72.Ke, J. Revisit to Non-Decoupling MSSM/ J.Ke,
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73.Moroi, T. Probing Supersymmetric Model with
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74.Algin, A. Low-Temperature Thermostatistics of
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75.Brazzle, B. A Random Walk to Stochastic
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76.Cao, C. Rectifying Performance in Zigzag
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77.Da Costa, D.R. Dynamical Properties for an Ensemble of Classical
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78.Katsnelson, M.I. Unruh Effect in Vacua with
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79.Medford, J. Quantum-Dot-Based Resonant
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80.Mendonca, J.T. Second Sound in a Laser Cooled
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81.Nicholson, S.B. Deciphering Interactions of
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82.Postnikov, S. Thermal and Transport
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83.Tateishi, A.A. The Transformation Groupoid
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85.Yang, K.-H. Enhancement of the Shot Noise of
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86.Денисов, А.М. Обратная задача для уравнения
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87.Caudrelier, V. Quantum Wire Network with
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88.Taniker, S. Phononic Gaps Induced by Inertial
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89.Tokuda, I.T. Detecting Connectivity of Small, Dense Oscillator
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90.Mannarelli, M. Phonon Contribution to the
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91.Price, T. Numerical Computation for Teaching
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92.Wu, Y.-Y. Calculating Potential of Mean Force
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93.Akhmetshin, R.R. Study of the Process
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95.Barberie, S.R. UC Davis XIPline
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96.Bisson, J.-F. On the Connection between Image
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129.Bartolome, P.A. First Measurement of the
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153.Kobayashi, M. An Estimation of the Effective
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178.Kajimoto, R. Contamination from the Next Higher Incident Energy in
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181.Lawrence, C.C. Comparison of Spectrum-Unfolding Performance of
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189.Toops, T.J. Neutron Tomography of
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199.Krmar, M. A Method to Estimate a
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200.Maidana, N.L. Efficiency Calibration of x-Ray HPGe Detectors for
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201.Myers, L.S. Monte Carlo Simulation of the
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202.Nakhostin, M. Application of Pulse-Shape
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203.Nishikido, F. Four-Layer DOI PET Detectors Using a Multi-Pixed Photon
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204.Oberta, P. Two Strategies of Lowering
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205.Omer, M. Analysis of Nuclear Resonance
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206.Paschalis, S. The Performance of the
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207.Peng, S. Adjustment of Confocal
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208.Quarati, F.G.A. Scintillation and Detection
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209.Scarlett, C. Proton Spectrum at the Jupiter
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210.Seferis, I.E. On the Response of a Europium
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211.Tsuchiya, H. A Monte Carlo Simulation to
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212.Veale, M.C. Synchrotron Characterisation of
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213.Wen, X. Simulation and Measurement of
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214.Xie, F. Single Channel Beta-Gamma
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215.Yang, Q. Time-Resolved K-Shell Line Spectra Measurement of z-Pinch
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216.Гальпер, А.М. Характеристики гамма-телескопа
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219.Карелин, А.В. Поиск анизотропии космических
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220.Wang, L. High Deuteron Polarization in
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221.Flaska, M. Influence of Sampling Properties of Fast-Waveform
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222.Impiombato, D. Characterization of EASIROC as Front-End for the
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232.Li, C. Conceptual Design of LEBT and RFQ for
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236.Mane, S.R. Fits to Data for a Stored
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237.Orel, P. Analog Cavity Simulator/ P.Orel, U.Mavric
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238.Poggi, T. Algorithms for the Implementation
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241.Shoji, Y. Landau Damping of Collective
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242.Szpunar, B. Estimate of Production of Medical Isotopes by
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243.Teng, J. Beam Collimation and Energy
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244.Wang, F. Normal Conducting Linac Designs for
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248.Polozov, S.M. A Possible Scheme of Electron
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249.Zhao, Q. Nanosecond Pulse-Width Electron
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251.Koyama, R. Online Monitoring of Beam Phase
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253.Marinov, H. Design, Simulation and Performance of a Slow Positron
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254.Otto, K.A. Application and Calibration of a
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256.Abe, Y. First Measurement of *y&sub(13) from Delayed Neutron Capture on Hydrogen in the
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259.Kisslinger, L.S. Neutrino Energies in a
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261.Stratakis, D. Studies of the
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262.Ашихмин, В.В. Поиск нейтринного излучения от
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266.Adamczyk, L. Measurement of J/*q Azimuthal Anisotropy in Au+Au
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267.Babusci, D. A New Limit on the CP Violating
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268.Bazzi, M. Preliminary Study of Kaonic
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269.Campanario, F. WZ Production in Association
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270.Jabeen, S. Top and Higgs Physics at the
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271.Martynenko, A.P. Relativistic Corrections to
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272.New High-Precision Constraints on Charm CP
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274.Weil, J. Investigating In-Medium Properties
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275.Aad, G. Search for a Heavy Narrow Resonance
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276.Bernal, N. Observing Higgs Boson Production
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279.Sutton, C. Conference Time in Stockholm/ C.Sutton
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280.Aguilar, M. AMS-02 Provides a Precise
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281.Kilonova Solves the Short GRB Puzzle // CERN
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282.Агафонова, Н.Ю. Нейтроны, генерированные мюонами
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283.Антонов, Р.А. Реконструкция спектра всех ядер и
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284.Архангельская, И.В. События с дополнительным
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285.Богданов, А.Г. Мюоны космических лучей сверх- и
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286.Волкова, Л.В. Температурный эффект интегрального
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287.Деденко, Л.Г. Единицы измерения сигналов в
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288.Кнуренко, С.П. Исследование радиоизлучения на
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289.Лагутин, А.А. Доля позитронов космических лучей
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291.Манагадзе, А.К. Характеристики фрагментационной
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292.Михайлов, А.А. Направления прихода космических
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293.Михайлов, В.В. Спектр позитронов и электронов
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298.Kaltenbacher, T. Low-Temperature DC-Contact
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299.Wang, T.-S. Simplified Two-Fluid
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300.Rothova, V. A Simple Measurement of the
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301.Rovni, I. Flux Variation Related Uncertainty
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302.Amato, E. Monte Carlo Study of Voxel S Factor Dependence on Tissue
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303.Hu, J. Performance Assessment of
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304.Naqvi, N. 350 keV Accelerator Based PGNAA
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305.Wang, H. Hybrid Monte-Carlo Method for
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306.Dowling, D.R. Scaling of Impact Craters in
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309.Гапоненко, А.Н. Поиск ультракоротких всплесков
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1.American Journal of
Physics.-2013.-Vol.81, No.11. |
2.Annals of Physics.-2013.-Vol.336. |
3.CERN Courier.-2013.-Vol.53,
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4.International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.26. |
5.International Journal of Modern Physics
E.-2013.-Vol.22, No.10. |
6.Modern Physics Letters
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.34. |
7.Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.35. |
8.Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research A.-2013.-Vol.709. |
9.Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research A.-2013.-Vol.729. |
10.Nuclear Physics A.-2013.-Vol.906. |
11.Nuclear Physics A.-2013.-Vol.907. |
12.Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.867, No.3. |
13.Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.868, No.1. |
14.Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.111, No.5.
15.Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.31/33. |
16.Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.723, No.1/3. |
17.Журнал вычислительной математики и математической
физики.-2013.-T.53, No.11. |
18.Известия Российской Академии наук. Серия
физическая.-2013.-Т.77, No.11. |
19.Математический сборник.-2013.-Т.204, No.11. |