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2.Startsev, S.Ya. Darboux Integrable
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3.Barato, A.C. Unifying Three
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4.Nemoto, T. Computation of Large
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5.Makwana, K.D. Subdominant Modes in
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6.Muller, A. A Geometric Application
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7.Berezhiani, L. Restricted Galileons/ L.Berezhiani,
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9.Castillo-Felisola, O. Fermion Masses
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10.Hartle, J. Anthropic Bounds on *L from the
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11.Ilhan, I.B. Curious Case of an Effective
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12.Kamada, K. Graceful Exit from Higgs G
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13.Krug, S. Yang-Mills Vacuum Wave Functional in
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14.Lima, W.C.C. Quantization of Unstable Linear
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15.Nagy, S. Critical Exponents in Quantum
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16.Singh, S. Evolution of Quantum Field,
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18.Banados, M. The Boulware-Deser Mode in 3D
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19.Bekenstein, J.D. If Vacuum Energy Can Be
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20.Cembranos, J.A.R. Complete Density
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21.Dadhich, N. Bound Orbits and Gravitational
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22.De Felice, A. Generalized Quasidilaton
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23.Dzhunushaliev, V. Rotating Wormholes in Five
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24.Ferreira, P.G. A Few Cosmological
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25.Glaser, L. Towards a Definition of Locality
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26.Godazgar, H. Nonlinear Kaluza-Klein Theory
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27.Guo, J.-Q. Cosmological Dynamics in f(R)
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28.Hod, S. Algebraically Special Resonances of
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29.Hossenfelder, S. Phenomenology of Space-Time
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30.Hossenfelder, S. Phenomenology of Space-Time
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31.Huguet, E. Two-Point Function for the Maxwell Field in Flat
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32.Jiang, P.-X. Inflation Coupled to a
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33.Kim, K.Y. Late-Time Acceleration in the
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34.Molina, C. Deformations of the Vacuum
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35.Nesseris, S. Can the Degeneracies in the
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36.Pani, P. Gravity with Auxiliary Fields/ P.Pani,
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37.Sharif, M. Wormhole Solutions in f(T) Gravity
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38.Stabile, A. Conformal Transformations and
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39.Wang, R.-P. Finite-Boost Transformations in
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40.Yang, K. Linear Perturbations in
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41.Aasi, J. Search for Long-Lived
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42.Abramowicz, M.A. Mass of a Black Hole
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43.Amani, A.R. Interacting Closed String Tachyon
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44.Amirabi, Z. Effect of the Gauss-Bonnet
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45.Avelino, A. Interacting Viscous Dark Fluids/
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46.Basilakos, S. Resembling Dark Energy and
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47.Bonzom, V. Bubble Divergences and Gauge
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48.Calcagni, G. Spectral Dimension and Diffusion
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49.Chen, P. Constraining Primordial Magnetic
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50.Chen, P. Natural Emergence of Cosmological
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51.De Celis, E.R. Probing Global Aspects of a
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52.Dvali, G. Scrambling in the Black Hole
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53.Fujita, T. Large Scale Cosmic Perturbation
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54.Harms, J. Low-Frequency Terrestrial
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55.Hebecker, A. Evading the Lyth Bound in Hybrid
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56.Hu, B. Parametrized Modified Gravity
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57.Jackson, M.G. Study of the Consistency Relation for Single-Field
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58.Koivisto, T.S. Coupled Three-Form Dark
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59.Moon, T. Gregory-Laflamme Instability of the
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60.Nagar, A. Gravitational Recoil in Nonspinning
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61.Nedkova, P.G. Shadow of a Rotating
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62.Nishikawa, R. Two-Point Correlation Function
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63.Pavlov, A. Nonflat Time-Variable Dark Energy
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64.Petri, A. Cosmology with Minkowski
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65.Saha, B. Isotropic and Anisotropic Dark
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66.Schutzhold, R. Hawking Radiation with
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67.Talukder, D. Improved Coincident and Coherent
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68.Tashiro, H. Constraints on Primordial
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69.Thrane, E. Sensitivity Curves for Searches
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70.Wang, M.-Y. Lyman-*a Forest Constraints on
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71.Wette, K. Flat Parameter-Space Metric for
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72.Zhang, B. Statistical Entropy of a BTZ Black
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73.Berry, D.W. High-Order Quantum Algorithm for
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74.Ebrahimi, H. Anisotropic Blistering
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75.Ozorio de Almeida, A.M. Metaplectic Sheets
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76.Pakuliak, S. Bethe Vectors of Quantum
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77.Suto, A. Galilean Invariance in Confined
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78.Volovik, G.E. Emergent Weyl Fermions and the
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79.Zhu, W. Identifying Non-Abelian Topological
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80.Ìèñåðåâ, Ä.Ñ. Ñáîé ôàçû â áåñùåëåâûõ óãëåðîäíûõ
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81.Giannini, A.V. Nonlinear Effects and the
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82.Liang, W. Study of *hKK^- and *h'KK^-
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83.Aschenauer, E.C. Prospects for Charged Current Deep-Inelastic
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84.Burkardt, M. Transverse Force on Quarks in
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85.Buffing, M.G.A. Color Entanglement for
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86.Mamo, K.A. Spin Polarized Photons and
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87.Shevchenko, O.Yu. Connection Formulas between
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88.Sun, P. Transverse Momentum Dependent Evolution: Matching
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89.Typel, S. Effects of the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition and Cluster
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90.Akerlund, O. Dynamical Mean Field
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91.Arai, M. Thermal Field Theory with Nonuniform
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92.Cahill, K. Some Nonrenormalizable Theories
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93.Forgacs, P. Plane Waves as Tractor Beams/ P.Forgacs,
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94.Horowitz, G.T. Simple Holographic Model of
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95.Nakamura, S. Out of Equilibrium Temperature
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96.Feng, H.-T. Staggered Spin Susceptibility and
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97.Korzinin, E.Yu. *a*2(Z*a)*4m Contributions to
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98.Ayala, A. Dimuon Production from in-Medium rho Decays from QCD Sum Rules/ A.Ayala, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.114028 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
99.Battye, R.A. Isospinning Baby Skyrmion
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No.12.-p.125016 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
100.Bruns, P.C. Chiral Behavior of Vector Meson
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No.11.-p.114503 .- Bibliogr.:63. |
101.Dreiner, H.K. Froggatt-Nielsen Models with a
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102.Du, Y.-I. Discussions on the Crossover
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103.Dutra, M. Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Phase
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104.Fiore, R. Color Screening, Absorption, and
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105.Koide, Y. Yukawaon Model with Anomaly Free
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106.Mollgaard, A. Complex Langevin Dynamics for
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107.Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A. Flavored Searches for
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108.Cebola, L.M. Anomaly-Free U(1) Gauge Symmetries in Neutrino Seesaw
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109.Dutta, R. Effective Theory Approach to New
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111.Jadach, S. KK MC 4.22: Coherent Exclusive
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112.Kaloper, N. Sequestering the Standard Model
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113.Ma, E. Radiative Origin of All Quark and
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114.Machado, A.C.B. Flavor-Changing Neutral
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116.Di Luzio, L. Framework for Baryonic R-Parity Violation in Grand
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117.Maldonado, R. Geometry of Periodic
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118.Pelaez, M. Three-Point Correlation Functions
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120.Catterall, S. Dynamical Gauge Symmetry
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121.Chen, L.-Q. Orientability of Loop Processes
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122.Hartmann, B. Compact (A)dS Boson Stars and
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123.Hollwieser, R. Center Vortices and Chiral
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124.Kim, W. Quasilocal Conserved Charges in the
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125.Linde, A. Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity
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126.Takahashi, J. Color Screening Potential at Finite Density in
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127.Tursunov, A. Acceleration of Particles in
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128.Anikin, I.V. Nucleon Form Factors and
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129.Boughezal, R. tt^- + Large Missing Energy from Top-Quark Partners:
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130.Colangelo, P. Temperature and Chemical
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132.Mondal, M. Multidimensional Void
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133.Pak, M. Quark Sector of the QCD Groundstate
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134.Seo, Y. Symmetry Energy from Holographic
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136.Ghosh, D. Boosted Dibosons from Mixed Heavy
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137.Goldberger, W.D. Superembedding Methods for
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138.Henecker, A. AdS/CFT for Accelerator
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139.Kirpichnikov, D.V. Infrared Properties of
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141.Czinner, V.G. Axisymmetric Dirac-Nambu-Goto
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142.Davody, A. Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo
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143.Kar, S. Radion Stability and Induced, On-Brane
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144.Pang, D.-W. Entanglement Thermodynamics for
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145.Castro, M. Pattern-Wavelength Coarsening
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146.Settnes, M. Theoretical Analysis of a
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147.Zhang, D.-B. Strain-Induced Pseudomagnetic
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148.Zhang, J. Proximity Effect in
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152.Muller, P. Wrinkling of Random and Regular
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153.Zhang, H. Topological States in
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155.Souza-Filho, C.A. A Hypergeometric
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157.Pinheiro, F.L. Origin of Peer Influence in
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158.Yura, Y. Financial Brownian Particle in the
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160.Flenner, E. Universal Features of Dynamic
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161.Gainaru, C. Discontinuous Shear Thickening
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162.Hunter, L.R. Using Geoelectrons to Search for Velocity-Dependent
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163.Kang, S.H. Complex Ordered Patterns in
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164.Matsushima, T. Universal Structural
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165.Radic, J. Interaction-Tuned Dynamical Transitions in a Rashba
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166.Shen, K. Microscopic Theory of the Inverse
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167.Windows-Yule, C.R.K. Effects of Packing
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169.Farnesi, D. Optical Frequency Conversion in
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170.Fischer, J. Anomalies of a Nonequilibrium
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171.Ionita, F. Physical Aging of Classical
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172.Parker, S.R. Cryogenic Resonant Microwave
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173.Sathyamoorthy, S.S. Quantum Nondemolition
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174.Tomita, M. Direct Observation of a Pulse Peak Using a Peak-Removed
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175.Walter, S. Quantum Synchronization of a
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176.Chen, L.-W. Probing Isospin- and
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178.Hagel, K. The Equation of State and Symmetry
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179.Lee, H.K. Topology Change and Tensor Forces
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180.Sammarruca, F. Microscopic Approach to the Nucleon-Nucleon Effective
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181.Xu, C. Relationship between the Symmetry Energy and the
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182.Zuo, W. Three-Body Force Effect on Nuclear Symmetry Energy and
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184.Carbone, A. Tensor Force Effects and
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186.Colo, G. Symmetry Energy from the Nuclear
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187.Colonna, M. Theoretical Predictions of
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193.Piekarewicz, J. Symmetry Energy Constraints
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202.Providencia, C. Imprint of the Symmetry Energy on the Inner Crust and
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206.Lotstedt, E. Nuclear Reaction Induced by Carrier-Envelope-Phase
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207.Tamii, A. Electric Dipole Response of
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209.Khoa, D.T. Folding Model Study of the Charge-Exchange Scattering to
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210.Kohley, Z. Heavy-Ion Collisions: Direct and
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211.Russotto, P. Flow Probe of Symmetry Energy
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212.Xiao, Z.-G. Probing Nuclear Symmetry Energy
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215.De Filippo, E. Experimental Effects of Dynamics and Thermodynamics in
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216.Hong, B. Plan for Nuclear Symmetry Energy Experiments Using the LAMPS
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221.Shibata, T. Production Cross Sections of
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222.Aartsen, M.G. IceCube Search for Dark Matter
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.12.-p.122001 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
223.Aharmim, B. A Search for Astrophysical Burst
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224.Das, A. Inverse Seesaw Neutrino Signatures
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225.Duan, H. Flavor Oscillation Modes in Dense
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226.Gran, R. Neutrino-Nucleus Quasi-Elastic and
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227.Khan, A.N. Sensitivity of Medium-Baseline
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228.Merle, A. Influence of a keV Sterile
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229.Murase, K. Testing the Hadronuclear Origin
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230.Renshaw, A. First Indication of Terrestrial
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231.Verma, R. Lower Bound on Neutrino Mass and
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233.Aad, G. Search for Quantum Black Hole Production
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I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich,
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M.Y.Kazarinov, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn,
V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov,
E.Plotnikova, I.N.Potrap, V.Pozdnyakov, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, A.Sapronov,
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234.Briceno, R.A. Two-Nucleon Systems in a
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235.Lappi, T. Single Inclusive Particle
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236.Chatrchyan, S. Rapidity Distributions in Exclusive Z + Jet and *g + Jet
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237.Cotta, R.C. Bounds on Dark Matter
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238.Golterman, M. Tests of Hadronic Vacuum
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239.Gounaris, G.J. Supersimple Analysis of
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240.Wang, Y. Transverse-Momentum Resummation for
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243.Abazov, V.M. Measurement of the Asymmetry in
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244.Ablikim, M. Observation of e*+e*- *> *gX(3872)
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245.Ablikim, M. Observation of the Decay *q(3686)
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Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.112007 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
246.Ablikim, M. Search for
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247.Chen, Y.-D. Revisiting the Spectrum of
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248.Cheng, H.-Y. Branching Fractions and Direct
CP Violation in Charmless Three-Body Decays of B Mesons/ H.-Y.Cheng, C.-K.Chua
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249.Dreiner, H.K. B*0&sub(s,d) *> *m*m^- and B *> X&sub(s)*g in the R-Parity
Violating MSSM/ H.K.Dreiner, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
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250.Gutsche, T. Polarization Effects in the
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.114018 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
251.Kopeliovich, B.Z. J/*q in High-Multiplicity
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.116002 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
252.Lee, J.-P. Constraints on Unparticles from
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253.Li, N. Coupled-Channel Analysis of the Possible D&sup((*
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254.Lin, Q.-Y. Charged Charmoniumlike State
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255.Thorne, F. Measurement of the Decays B*0&sub(s) *>
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256.Wang, Z.-G. Analysis of Strong Decays of the
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257.Aad, G. Search for Charginos Nearly Mass Degenerate with the Lightest
Neutralino Based on a Disappearing-Track Signature in pp Collisions at *%(s)
=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector / G.Aad, F.Ahmadov, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin,
V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov,
D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov,
S.N.Karpov, M.Y.Kazarinov, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak,
Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski,
V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, I.N.Potrap, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich,
R.Sadykov, A.Sapronov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.11.-p.112006 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
258.Aad, G. Search for Long-Lived Stopped R-Hadrons Decaying Out of Time
with pp Collisions Using the ATLAS Detector / G.Aad, F.Ahmadov, I.N.Aleksandrov,
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M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili,
N.Huseynov, S.N.Karpov, M.Y.Kazarinov, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak,
Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski,
V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, I.N.Potrap, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich,
R.Sadykov, A.Sapronov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.11.-p.112003 .- Bibliogr.:67. |
259.Achasov, N.N. Comparative Study of the
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260.Akerib, D.S. First Results from the LUX Dark
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261.Arik, M. Search for Solar Axions by the CERN
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262.Baglio, J. Massive Gauge Boson Pair
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.113005 .- Bibliogr.:81. |
263.Banik, N. Axions and the Galactic Angular
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264.Baudis, L. Signatures of Dark Matter
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265.Berger, E.L. LHC and Tevatron Constraints on
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266.Cai, Y. Singlet Dark Matter in a Type II Two
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267.Cooper, B. Boosted hh *> bb^-bb^-: A New
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268.Dolgov, A.D. Constraints on Millicharged
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269.Grange, P. Aspects of Fine-Tuning of the
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270.Han, T. Electroweakinos in the Light of the
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271.Izaguirre, E. New Electron Beam-Dump
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272.Jaeckel, J. Resonant to Broadband Searches for Cold Dark Matter
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.115002 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
273.Kobach, A.C. Measuring the Mass of Dark
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274.Liu, G.-L. Charged Higgs Production in
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275.Ma, E. Unified Framework for Matter, Dark
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276.Motta, M. Probing Dark Energy Through Scale
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277.Pruna, G.M. Higgs Singlet Extension
Parameter Space in the Light of the LHC Discovery/ G.M.Pruna, T.Robens //
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278.Riedel, C.J. Direct Detection of Classically
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279.Silva, H.H.B. General Treatment for Dark
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280.Velten, H. Phantom Dark Energy as an Effect
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281.Xu, L. Equation of State of Dark Matter
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282.Aartsen, M.G. Probing the Origin of Cosmic Rays with Extremely High
Energy Neutrinos Using the IceCube Observatory/ M.G.Aartsen, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.11.-p.112008 .- Bibliogr.:63. |
283.Abu-Zayyad, T. Upper Limit on the Flux of
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284.Gotsman, E. Proton-Air Collisions in a Model
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285.Kissmann, R. PICARD: a Novel Code for the
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286.Rosado, J. On the Absolute Value of the
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288.Ganeev, R.A. High-Order Harmonic Enhancement
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289.Sattin, F. Alfvenic Propagation: A Key to
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292.Bertoni, B. Dark Matter Thermalization in
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293.Klein, A. Gravitational Waveforms for
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294.Le Tiec, A. Periastron Advance in Spinning
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295.Li, R. Stability of Charged Black Holes in
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296.Lin, L.-M. Torsional Oscillations of
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297.Michel, F. Saturation of Black Hole Lasers
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298.Nitz, A.H. Accuracy of Gravitational Waveform Models for Observing
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299.Sakstein, J. Stellar Oscillations in
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300.Taylor, N.W. Comparing Gravitational
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28.0 ÁÈÎËÎÃÈß |
301.Cohen, S.I.A. Spatial Propagation of Protein
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