БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ «СТАТЬИ» No.45 11.11.2013 |
1.Икрамов, Х.Д. Условия самосопряженности матричных
уравнений типа Стейна/ Х.Д.Икрамов // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.451,
No.5.-с.498-500 .- Библиогр.:3. |
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2.Дубинин, В.Н. Неравенство марковского типа и
нижняя оценка модулей критических значений полиномов/ В.Н.Дубинин // Доклады
Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.451, No.5.-с.495-497 .- Библиогр.:12. |
3.Ibrahim, T.F. Boundedness and
Stability of a Rational Difference Equation with Delay/ T.F.Ibrahim // Revue
Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees = Romanian Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics.-2012.-Vol.57, No.3.-p.215-224 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
4.Алиев, З.С. Базисные свойства корневых функций
задачи Штурма-Лиувилля со спектральным параметром в граничных условиях/ З.С.Алиев,
А.А.Дуньямалиева // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.451, No.5.-с.487-491 .-
Библиогр.:13. |
5.Mushahid, N. On the Dressing Method
for the Generalized Coupled Dispersionless Integrable System/ N.Mushahid, M.Ul
Hassan // Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350088
.- Bibliogr.:27. |
6.Садовников, Б.И. Обобщенное фазовое пространство и
консервативные системы/ Б.И.Садовников, [др.] // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2013.-Т.451, No.5.-с.505-507 .- Библиогр.:8. |
7.Murugusundaramoorthy, G. Differential Sandwich
Theorems for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Associated with
Srivastava-Attiya Operator/ G.Murugusundaramoorthy, [a.o.] // Revue Roumaine
de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees = Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics.-2012.-Vol.57, No.3.-p.257-273 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
8.Letellier, C. Dynamical Analysis of
Fractional-Order Rossler and Modified Lorenz Systems/ C.Letellier, L.A.Aguirre
// Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30.-p.1707-1719 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
9.Yang, X.-J. Cantor-Type
Cylindrical-Coordinate Method for Differential Equations with Local Fractional
Derivatives/ X.-J.Yang, [a.o.] // Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30.-p.1696-1700 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
10.Gannoun, A. On a Wavelet-Based Method for
Estimating the Copula Function/ A.Gannoun, N.Hosseinioun // Revue Roumaine de
Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees = Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics.-2012.-Vol.57, No.3.-p.205-213 .-
Bibliogr.:20. |
11.Tao, J. Long-Range Van Der Waals Interaction/
J.Tao, [a.o.] // International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2013.-Vol.27,
No.18.-p.1330011 .- Bibliogr.:107. |
12.Berman, P. Richard George Brewer/ P.Berman, E.Hahn
// Physics Today.-2013.-Vol.66, No.1.-p.53. |
13.Butler, D. Russia Pins Hopes on Science City/
D.Butler // Nature.-2013.-Vol.500, No.7462.-p.262-264 .- |
14.Finkbeiner, A. Indispensable Outsider/ A.Finkbeiner
// Science.-2013.-Vol.341, No.6144.-p.334-337 .- |
15.Harache, S. Atomic Clocks for Controlling
Light Fields/ S.Harache, [a.o.] // Physics Today.-2013.-Vol.66, No.1.-p.27-32
.- Bibliogr.:17. |
16.Kleppner, D. Norman Ramsey and His Method/ D.Kleppner
// Physics Today.-2013.-Vol.66, No.1.-p.25-26 .- Bibliogr.:4. |
17.Ramsey, N.F. The Method of Successive
Oscillatory Fields/ N.F.Ramsey // Physics Today.-2013.-Vol.66, No.1.-p.36-41 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
18.Wang, X.-W. Modeling Citation Networks Based
on Vigorousness and Dormancy/ X.-W.Wang, [a.o.] // Modern Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.27, No.22.-p.1350155 .- Bibliogr.:32.
19.Wu, J. Generic Mechanism of Optimal Energy
Transfer Efficiency: A Scaling Theory of the Mean First-Passage Time in
Exciton Systems/ J.Wu, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.20.-p.200402 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
20.Gonera, J. Conformal Mechanics/ J.Gonera //
Annals of Physics.-2013.-Vol.335.-p.61-77 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
21.Shavlov, A.V. Dropwise Chains as the Elements
of Water Fog Spatial Structure/ A.V.Shavlov, [a.o.] // Physics Letters
A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30.-p.1740-1744 .- Bibliogr.:7. |
22.Зеленина, А.А. Нелинейные эффекты при растяжении,
изгибе и кручении упругих тел с распределенными дислокациями/ А.А.Зеленина,
Л.М.Зубов // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.451, No.5.-с.516-519 .- Библиогр.:11. |
23.Good, M.R.R. Time Dependence of Particle
Creation from Accelerating Mirrors/ M.R.R.Good, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025023 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
24.Jizba, P. Special Relativity Induced by
Granular Space/ P.Jizba, F.Scardigli // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.7.-p.2491 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
25.Kostelecky, V.A. Constraints on Relativity
Violations from Gamma-Ray Bursts/ V.A.Kostelecky, M.Mewes // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.20.-p.201601 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
26.Lousto, C.O. Exploring the Outer Limits of
Numerical Relativity/ C.O.Lousto, Y.Zlochower // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024001 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
27.Michimura, Y. New Limit on Lorentz Violation
Using a Double-Pass Optical Ring Cavity/ Y.Michimura, [et al.] // Physical
Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.20.-p.200401 .-
Bibliogr.:20. |
28.Paschalidis, V. General-Relativistic
Simulations of Binary Black Hole-Neutron Stars: Precursor Electromagnetic
Signals/ V.Paschalidis, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.021504(R) .- Bibliogr.:50. |
29.Suzuki, A.T. Zero Mode Effect Generalization
for the Electromagnetic Current in the Light Front/ A.T.Suzuki, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025036 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
30.Xu, G. Imbert-Fedorov Shifts of a Gaussian
Beam Reflected from Uniaxially Anisotropic Chiral Media/ G.Xu, [a.o.] //
Annals of Physics.-2013.-Vol.335.-p.33-46 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
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31.Adak, D. Late-Time Acceleration in a
Slow-Moving Galileon Field/ D.Adak, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024007 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
32.Almeida, C.A.G. Scalar Fields and Defect
Structures: Perturbative Procedure for Generalized Models/ C.A.G.Almeida,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025007 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
33.Arbuzova, E.V. Particle Production in f(R)
Gravity During Structure Formation/ E.V.Arbuzova, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024035 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
34.Bracho, A. First Order Actions for New
Massive Dual Gravities/ A.Bracho, A.Khoudeir // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.025045 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
35.Calcagni, G. Multifractional Spacetimes,
Asymptotic Safety and Horava-Lifshitz Gravity/ G.Calcagni // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.19.-p.1350092 .- Bibliogr.:57. |
36.Chadwick, E.A. Gravitational Theoretical
Development Supporting MOND/ E.A.Chadwick, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024036 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
37.Cognola, G. Einstein Gravity with
Gauss-Bonnet Entropic Corrections/ G.Cognola, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024006 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
38.De Rham, C. Evidence for and Obstructions to
Nonlinear Partially Massless Gravity/ C.De Rham, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024003 .- Bibliogr.:57. |
39.Galajinsky, A. Particle Collisions on Near
Horizon Extremal Kerr Background/ A.Galajinsky // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027505 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
40.Gomes, H. Poincare Invariance and Asymptotic
Flatness in Shape Dynamics/ H.Gomes // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.024047 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
41.Greene, B. Tumbling Through a Landscape:
Evidence of Instabilities in High-Dimensional Moduli Spaces/ B.Greene, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026005 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
42.Greenwald, J. Gravitational Collapse in
Horava-Lifshitz Theory/ J.Greenwald, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024044 .- Bibliogr.:55. |
43.Hakimov, A. Magnetic Fields of Spherical
Compact Stars in Modified Theories of Gravity: f(R) Type Gravity and
Horava-Lifshitz Gravity/ A.Hakimov, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024008 .- Bibliogr.:70. |
44.Hossenfelder, S. Comment on "Relative
Locality and the Soccer Ball Problem"/ S.Hossenfelder // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.028701 .- Bibliogr.:1. |
45.Hu, B. Future CMB Integrated-Sachs-Wolfe-Lensing Bispectrum
Constraints on Modified Gravity in the Parametrized Post-Friedmann Formalism/
B.Hu, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024012 .-
Bibliogr.:80. |
46.Jana, S. Three Dimensional Eddington-Inspired
Born-Infeld Gravity: Solutions/ S.Jana, S.Kar // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024013 .-
Bibliogr.:15. |
47.Konoplya, R.A. Massive Charged Scalar Field
in the Kerr-Newman Background: Quasinormal Modes, Late-Time Tails and
Stability/ R.A.Konoplya, A.Zhidenko // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.024054 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
48.Lewis, R.A. Comparison of Metrics from
Retarded Integrals and Transverse Traceless Subgauge/ R.A.Lewis, G.Modanese
// International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.19.-p.1350093
.- Bibliogr.:10. |
49.Li, Z. Probing Modified Gravity Theories with
the Sandage-Loeb Test/ Z.Li, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.023003 .- Bibliogr.:64. |
50.Maluf, R.V. Matter-Gravity Scattering in the
Presence of Spontaneous Lorentz Violation/ R.V.Maluf, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025005 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
51.Moyassari, P. Degravitation Features in the
Cascading Gravity Model/ P.Moyassari, M.Minamitsuji // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024043 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
52.Neiman, Y. Imaginary Part of the
Gravitational Action at Asymptotic Boundaries and Horizons/ Y.Neiman //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024037 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
53.Nozaki, M. Dynamics of Entanglement Entropy
from Einstein Equation/ M.Nozaki, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.026012 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
54.Perez-Payan, S. Effects of Deformed Phase
Space on Scalar Field Cosmology/ S.Perez-Payan, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027503 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
55.Pugliese, D. Equatorial Circular Orbits of
Neutral Test Particles in the Kerr-Newman Spacetime/ D.Pugliese, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024042 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
56.Talshir, I. Energy and Momentum in Multiple
Metric Theories/ I.Talshir // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024050
.- Bibliogr.:16. |
57.Varma, V. Comparison of Post-Newtonian
Templates for Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals/ V.Varma, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024038 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
58.Yoon, Y. Problems with Mannheim's Conformal
Gravity Program/ Y.Yoon // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.027504 .- Bibliogr.:5. |
59.Adshead, P. Bispectrum in Single-Field
Inflation Beyond Slow-Roll/ P.Adshead, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023507 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
60.Adshead, P. Gauge Fields and Inflation:
Chiral Gravitational Waves, Fluctuations, and the Lyth Bound/ P.Adshead,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.021302(R) .-
Bibliogr.:16. |
61.Bagchi, A. Holography of 3D Flat Cosmological
Horizons/ A.Bagchi, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.14.-p.141302 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
62.Balachandran, A.P. Quantum Entropic
Ambiguities: Ethylene/ A.P.Balachandran, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025001 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
63.Barausse, E. Post-Newtonian Approach to Black
Hole-Fluid Systems/ E.Barausse, L.Lehner // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.024029 .- Bibliogr.:103. |
64.Barrow, J.D. Bouncing Anisotropic Universes
with Varying Constants/ J.D.Barrow, D.Sloan // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023518 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
65.Bessada, D. DBI Analog of a Decaying Vacuum
Cosmology/ D.Bessada // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023005
.- Bibliogr.:25. |
66.Biswas, T. Cosmological Perturbations from Statistical
Thermal Fluctuations/ T.Biswas, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.023517 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
67.Budd, T.G. Exploring Torus Universes in
Causal Dynamical Triangulations/ T.G.Budd, R.Loll // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024015 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
68.Bugaev, E. Cosmological Constraints on the
Curvaton Web Parameters/ E.Bugaev, P.Klimai // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023521 .- Bibliogr.:67. |
69.Burko, L.M. Self-Force Gravitational
Waveforms for Extreme and Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals. II. Importance
of the Second-Order Dissipative Effect/ L.M.Burko, G.Khanna // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024002 .-
Bibliogr.:20. |
70.Cannon, K. Method to Estimate the
Significance of Coincident Gravitational-Wave Observations from Compact
Binary Coalescence/ K.Cannon, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.024025 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
71.Capolupo, A. Probing Hawking and Unruh Effects and Quantum Field
Theory in Curved Space by Geometric Invariants/ A.Capolupo, G.Vitiello //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024027 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
72.Cardall, C.Y. Conservative 3 + 1 General
Relativistic Boltzmann Equation/ C.Y.Cardall, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023011 .- Bibliogr.:54. |
73.Castello-Branco, K.H.C. Gravitational Energy, Gravitational Pressure,
and the Thermodynamics of a Charged Black Hole in Teleparallel Gravity/ K.H.C.Castello-Branco,
J.F.Da Rocha-Neto // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024045 .-
Bibliogr.:38. |
74.Cruz, N. Geodesic Structure of Lifshitz Black
Holes in 2+1 Dimensions/ N.Cruz, [et al.] // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.7.-p.2485 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
75.Dain, S. Lower Bounds for the Area of Black Holes in Terms of Mass,
Charge, and Angular Momentum/ S.Dain, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024048 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
76.Del Campo, S. Thawing Models in the Presence
of a Generalized Chaplygin Gas/ S.Del Campo, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023532 .- Bibliogr.:78. |
77.Doolin, C. Cosmology of a
Friedmann-Lamaitre-Robertson-Walker 3-Brane, Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration,
and the Cosmic Coincidence/ C.Doolin, I.P.Neupane // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.14.-p.141301 .- Bibliogr.:16. |
78.Evans, M. Realistic Filter Cavities for
Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors/ M.Evans, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.022002 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
79.Ferte, A. Efficiency of Pseudospectrum
Methods for Estimation of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-Mode Power
Spectrum/ A.Ferte, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.023524 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
80.Finn, L.S. Romer Time-Delay Determination of
the Gravitational-Wave Propagation Speed/ L.S.Finn, J.D.Romano // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.022001 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
81.Foot, R. Galactic Structure Explained with
Dissipative Mirror Dark Matter/ R.Foot // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.023520 .- Bibliogr.:63. |
82.Frolov, V.P. Self-Energy Anomaly of an
Electric Pointlike Dipole in Three-Dimensional Static Spacetimes/ V.P.Frolov,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024032 .-
Bibliogr.:20. |
83.Geng, C.-Q. Singularity Problem in
Teleparallel Dark Energy Models/ C.-Q.Geng, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024030 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
84.Giddings, S.B. Nonviolent Information
Transfer from Black Holes: A Field Theory Parametrization/ S.B.Giddings //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024018 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
85.Goswami, G. Maximum Entropy Deconvolution of
Primordial Power Spectrum/ G.Goswami, J.Prasad // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023522 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
86.Gumrukcuoglu, A.E. Cosmological Perturbations
in Extended Massive Gravity/ A.E.Gumrukcuoglu, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024023 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
87.Hristov, K. Phase Transitions of Magnetic
AdS&sub(4) Black Holes with Scalar Hair/ K.Hristov, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026019 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
88.Huang, Y. Primordial Non-Gaussianity of
Gravitational Waves in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity/ Y.Huang, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023523 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
89.Husain, V. High Energy Modifications of
Blackbody Radiation and Dimensional Reduction/ V.Husain, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024014 .- Biblilgr.:63. |
90.Izumi, K. Gravitational Lensing Shear by an
Exotic Lens Object with Negative Convergence or Negative Mass/ K.Izumi,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024049 .-
Bibliogr.:37. |
91.Jardim, I.C. Cosmologies of Multiple
Spherical Brane-Universe Model/ I.C.Jardim, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024004 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
92.Kastaun, W. Black Hole from Merging Binary
Neutron Stars: How Fast Can it Spin?/ W.Kastaun, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.021501(R) .- Bibliogr.:34. |
93.Keresztes, Z. Soft Singularity Crossing and
Transformation of Matter Properties/ Z.Keresztes, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023535 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
94.Kim, H.-C. Inflation as an Attractor in
Scalar Cosmology/ H.-C.Kim // Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350089 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
95.Le Delliou, M. Separating Expansion and
Collapse in General Fluid Models with Heat Flux/ M.Le Delliou, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027301 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
96.Leichenauer, S. AdS Black Holes, the
Bulk-Boundary Dictionary, and Smearing Functions/ S.Leichenauer, V.Rosenhaus
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026003 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
97.Li, N. Reexamination of Inflation in
Noncommutative Space-Time After Planck Results/ N.Li, X.Zhang // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023508 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
98.Lidz, A. Primordial Non-Gaussianity and
Reionization/ A.Lidz, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023534
.- Bibliogr.:53. |
99.Marchini, A. Updated Constraints from the
Planck Experiment on Modified Gravity/ A.Marchini, V.Salvatelli // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027502 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
100.Marozzi, G. Gauge Invariant Backreaction in
General Single Field Models of Inflation/ G.Marozzi, G.P.Vacca // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027302 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
101.Minkevich, A.V. On Theory of Regular
Accelerating Universe in Riemann-Cartan Spacetime/ A.V.Minkevich // Modern
Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.21.-p.1350090 .-
Bibliogr.:17. |
102.Mohd, A. Thermodynamics of Local Causal
Horizons/ A.Mohd, S.Sarkar // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.024026 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
103.Mukhanov, V. Quantum Cosmological
Perturbations: Predictions and Observations/ V.Mukhanov // The European
Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.7.-p.2486 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
104.Myung, Y.S. Stability of Schwarzschild Black
Holes in Fourth-Order Gravity Revisited/ Y.S.Myung // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024039 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
105.Nozari, K. Some Aspects of Tachyon Field
Cosmology/ K.Nozari, N.Rashidi // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.023519 .- Bibliogr.:80. |
106.Pasechnik, R. Possible Compensation of the
QCD Vacuum Contribution to the Dark Energy/ R.Pasechnik, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023509 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
107.Pekowsky, L. Comparing Gravitational Waves
from Nonprecessing and Precessing Black Hole Binaries in the Corotating
Frame/ L.Pekowsky, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.024040 .- Bibliogr.:62. |
108.Poshteh, M.B.J. Phase Transition, Critical
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109.Pugliese, D. Charged Boson Stars/ D.Pugliese,
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110.Richarte, M.G. Cylindrical Wormholes with
Positive Cosmological Constant/ M.G.Richarte // Physical Review
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111.Rogatko, M. Uniqueness of Charged Static
Asymptotically Flat Black Holes in Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity/ M.Rogatko
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024051 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
112.Salvatelli, V. New Constraints on Coupled
Dark Energy from the Planck Satellite Experiment/ V.Salvatelli, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023531 .-
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113.Schmidt, F. Peak-Background Split, Renormalization,
and Galaxy Clustering/ F.Schmidt, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.023515 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
114.Sengor, G. A Five-Dimensional Model with a
Fifth Dimension as Fundamental as Time in Terms of a Cosmological Approach/ G.Sengor,
M.Arik // Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.21.-p.1350095
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115.SenGupta, S. Gravity Asymptotics with
Topological Parameters/ S.SenGupta // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.A.-p.024031 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
116.Shaymatov, S.R. Particle Acceleration Near a Rotating Black Hole in a
Randall-Sundrum Brane with a Cosmological Constant/ S.R.Shaymatov, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024016 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
117.Sousa, L. Stochastic Gravitational Wave
Background Generated by Cosmic String Networks: Velocity-Dependent One-Scale
Model Versus Scale-Invariant Evolution/ L.Sousa, P.P.Avelino // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023516 .- Bibliogr.:82. |
118.Stoffers, A. Holographic Pomeron and
Entropy/ A.Stoffers, I.Zahed // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.025038 .- Bibliogr.:52. |
119.Takeuchi, S. Hydrodynamics and Transport
Coefficients in an Infrared-Deformed Soft-Wall AdS/QCD Model at Finite
Temperature/ S.Takeuchi, Y.-L.Wu // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.026004 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
120.Tsallis, C. Black Hole Thermodynamical
Entropy/ C.Tsallis, L.J.L.Cirto // The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73,
No.7.-p.2487 .- Bibliogr.:97. |
121.Tsujikawa, S. Planck Constraints on
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122.Vignolo, S. Reconstructing Exact
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023006 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
123.Yagi, K. I-Love-Q Relations in Neutron Stars and Their Applications
to Astrophysics, Gravitational Waves, and Fundamental Physics/ K.Yagi, N.Yunes
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023009 .- Bibliogr.:125. |
124.Zhong, Y. Linearization of Thick K-Branes/ Y.Zhong,
Y.-X.Liu // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024017 .- Bibliogr.:39.
125.Жерихина, Л.Н. О возможности использования
криоволоконного интерферометра в качестве детектора гравитационных волн/ Л.Н.Жерихина,
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126.Ласуков, В.В. Регулярные и сингулярные решения в
релятивистской теории гравитации со связями/ В.В.Ласуков
// Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика.-2013.-Т.56, No.7.-с.19-26 .-
Библиогр.:58. |
127.Чаадаев, А.А. Новый класс космологических
решений для самодействующего скалярного поля/ А.А.Чаадаев, С.В.Червон //
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128.Altaisky, M.V. Continuous Wavelet Transform in
Quantum Field Theory/ M.V.Altaisky, N.E.Kaputkina // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.025015 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
129.Bandos, I. Duality-Symmetric Actions for
Non-Abelian Tensor Fields/ I.Bandos, [a.o.] // Physical Review
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130.Bellucci, S. Scalar and Fermionic Vacuum
Currents in de Sitter Spacetime with Compact Dimensions/ S.Bellucci, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024028 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
131.Chen, L.-Q. Causal Loops in the Theory of
Relative Locality/ L.-Q.Chen // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.024052 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
132.Drummond, I.T. Quantum Field Theory in a
Multimetric Background/ I.T.Drummond // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.025009 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
133.Fan, Z. Holographic Fermions in
Asymptotically Scaling Geometries with Hyperscaling Violation/ Z.Fan //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026018 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
134.Fukuma, M. Propagators in de Sitter Space/ M.Fukuma,
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Bibliogr.:34. |
135.Gossel, G.H. Dense Spectrum of Resonances
and Spin-1/2 Particle Capture in a Near-Black-Hole Metric/ G.H.Gossel, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027501 .- Bibliogr.:9. |
136.Lambert, N. Deconstructing (2,0) Proposals/
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Bibliogr.:42. |
137.Majhi, A. Thermodynamics of Quantum Isolated
Horizons with Model Hamiltonians/ A.Majhi // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.024010 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
138.Milton, K.A. Investigations of the Torque
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139.Noto, A. Van Der Waals Interaction Energy
between Two Atoms Moving with Uniform Acceleration/ A.Noto, R.Passante //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025041 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
140.Riello, A. Self-Energy of the Lorentzian
Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine and Freidel-Krasnov Model of Quantum Gravity/ A.Riello
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024011 .- Biblilgr.:46. |
141.Wu, C. Sakai-Sugimoto Model in D0-D4
Background/ C.Wu, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.026016 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
142.Yano, R. Autocorrelation of Density
Fluctuations for Thermally Relativistic Fluids/ R.Yano, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025014 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
143.Babuty, A. Blackbody Spectrum Revisited in
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No.14.-p.146103 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
144.Canova, F.F. Energy Loss Triggered by
Atomic-Scale Lateral Force / F.F.Canova, [et al.] // Physical Review
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145.Grant, A. How Molecules Hook up in Space/ A.Grant
// Science News.-2013.-Vol.184, No.3.-p.9. |
146.Ionescu, V. A Note on Amalgamated Monotone,
Anti-Monotone, and Ordered-Free Products of Operator-Valued Quantum
Probability Spaces/ V.Ionescu // Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et
Appliquees = Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.-2012.-Vol.57,
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147.Ishikawa, K.-I. A Numerical Evaluation of
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[a.o.] // International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350100 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
148.Sala, S. Coherent Molecule Formation in
Anharmonic Potentials Near Confinement-Induced Resonances/ S.Sala, [et al.]
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.20.-p.203202 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
149.Torabi, R. The Effect of Dirac Phase on
Acoustic Vortex in Media with Screw Dislocation/ R.Torabi, Z.Rezaei //
Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30.-p.1668-1671 .-
150.Bose, S. Duality in Entanglement Enabling a
Test of Quantum Indistinguishability Unaffected by Interactions/ S.Bose, D.Home
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.14.-p.140404 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
151.Dial, O.E. Charge Noise Spectroscopy Using
Coherent Exchange Oscillations in a Singlet-Triplet Qubit/ O.E.Dial, [a.o.]
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.14.-p.146804 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
152.Glassl, M. Proposed Robust and High-Fidelity Preparation of Excitons
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[a.o.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.14.-p.147401 .-
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153.Kestner, J.P. Noise-Resistant Control for a
Spin Qubit Array/ J.P.Kestner, [a.o.] // Physical Review
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154.Kurzynski, P. Quantum Walk as a Generalized
Measuring Device/ P.Kurzynski, A.Wojcik // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.20.-p.200404 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
155.Metwally, N. Coherent and Incoherent
Behaviors of Qubits Interacting with a Spin-Path Particle/ N.Metwally, [a.o.]
// International Journal of Modern Physics B.-2013.-Vol.27, No.17.-p.1350076
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156.Nolleke, C. Efficient Teleportation Between
Remote Single-Atom Quantum Memories/ C.Nolleke, [a.o.] // Physical Review
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157.Pakter, R. Topology of Collisionless
Relaxation/ R.Pakter, Y.Levin // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.14.-p.140601 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
158.Ralph, T.C. Reliable Teleportation/ T.C.Ralph
// Nature.-2013.-Vol.500, No.7462.-p.282-283 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
159.Silva, I.A. Measuring Bipartite Quantum
Correlations of an Unknown State/ I.A.Silva, [a.o.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.14.-p.140501 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
160.Steffen, L. Deterministic Quantum
Teleportation with Feed-Forward in a Solid State System/ L.Steffen, [a.o.] //
Nature.-2013.-Vol.500, No.7462.-p.319-322 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
161.Sugimura, K. In-in Formalism on Tunneling
Background: Multidimensional Quantum Mechanics/ K.Sugimura // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025037 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
162.Takeda, S. Deterministic Quantum
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163.Бреев, А.И. Уравнение Клейна-Гордона с
нелокальной нелинейностью специального вида на коммутативных однородных
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учебных заведений. Физика.-2013.-Т.56, No.7.-с.8-14 .- Библиогр.:11. |
С 323.5 ТЕОРИЯ
164.Braun, M.A. Inclusive Cross Sections for Gluon Production in
Collision of Two Projectiles on Two Targets in the BFKL Approach/ M.A.Braun
// The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.7.-p.2511 .- Bibliogr.:6.
165.Haba, Z. Relativistic Diffusion of Quarks in
Random Gluon Fields/ Z.Haba // Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.20.-p.1350091 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
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166.Celeghini, E. Coherent Orthogonal
Polynomials/ E.Celeghini, M.A.Del Olmo // Annals of
Physics.-2013.-Vol.335.-p.78-85 .- Bibliogr.:9. |
167.Shojaei-Fard, A. Motivic Dyson-Schwinger
Equations/ A.Shojaei-Fard // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350102 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
168.Gorbar, E.V. Radiative Corrections to Chiral
Separation Effect in QED/ E.V.Gorbar, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025025 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
169.Ilderton, A. Radiation Reaction from QED:
Lightfront Perturbation Theory in a Plane Wave Background/ A.Ilderton, G.Torgrimsson
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025021 .- Bibliogr.:104. |
170.Kleinert, H. Fractional Effective Action at
Strong Electromagnetic Fields/ H.Kleinert, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025049 .- Bibliogr.:54. |
171.Nissen, F. Collective Suppression of
Linewidths in Current QED/ F.Nissen, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.20.-p.203602 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
172.Tomazelli, J.L. Vacuum Fluctuation
Corrections to Maxwell Electrodynamics Revisited/ J.L.Tomazelli, D.E.Zanellato
// International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.19.-p.1350095
.- Bibliogr.:32. |
173.Yee, H.-U. Flows and Polarization of Early
Photons with Magnetic Field at Strong Coupling/ H.-U.Yee // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026001 .- Bibliogr.:45.
174.Ефимов, С.П. Формула для постоянной тонкой
структуры/ С.П.Ефимов // Известия высших учебных заведений.
Физика.-2013.-Т.56, No.7.-с.15-18 .- Библиогр.:3. |
С 324.1б
175.Cubero, A.C. Correlation Functions of the SU(*$) Principal Chiral Model/ A.C.Cubero, P.Orland // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.025044 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
176.Gomes, P.R.S. Competing Interactions and the
Lifshitz-Type Nonlinear Sigma Model/ P.R.S.Gomes, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025050 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
177.Gorbar, E.V. Chiral Asymmetry in QED Matter
in a Magnetic Field/ E.V.Gorbar, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.025043 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
178.Jones, P. Field Localization and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Mass
Generation Mechanism in an Alternative Five-Dimensional Brane Model/ P.Jones,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025048 .-
Bibliogr.:57. |
179.Lin, S. Out-of-Equilibrium Chiral Magnetic
Effect at Strong Coupling/ S.Lin, H.-U.Yee // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025030 .- Bibliogr.:66. |
180.Siringo, F. Comparison of Leading and
Next-to-Leading Logarithmic Electroweak Corrections to Higgs Production/ F.Siringo
// International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350098
.- Bibliogr.:33. |
С 324.1в
181.Das, M. Generation of Scale Invariant
Density Perturbations in a Conformally Invariant Inert Higgs Doublet Model/ M.Das,
S.Mohanty // International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.19.-p.1350094 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
182.Degrande, C. Effective Field Theory: A
Modern Approach to Anomalous Couplings/ C.Degrande, [a.o.] // Annals of
Physics.-2013.-Vol.335.-p.21-32 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
183.Gao, X. Gluon-Fusion-Induced Z&sub(g)
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// International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.20.-p.1350101
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184.Anselmi, D. Renormalization of Gauge
Theories without Cohomology/ D.Anselmi // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.7.-p.2508 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
185.Behan, C. Density of States in a Free CFT
and Finite Volume Corrections/ C.Behan // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.026015 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
186.Blazquez-Salcedo, J.L. Non-Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs
Vortices with a Quartic Potential/ J.L.Blazquez-Salcedo, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025026 .- Bibliogr.:10. |
187.Gazit, S. Fate of the Higgs Mode Near
Quantum Criticality/ S.Gazit, [a.o.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.14.-p.140401 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
188.Hanada, M. Large-N&sub(c) Gauge Theory
and Chiral Random Matrix Theory/ M.Hanada, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025046 .- Bibliogr.:57. |
189.Hughes, T.L. Torsional Anomalies, Hall Viscosity, and Bulk-Boundary
Correspondence in Topological States/ T.L.Hughes, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025040 .- Bibliogr.:48. |
190.Moreno, E.F. Dualities and Bosonization of
Massless Fermions in Three-Dimensional Space-Time/ E.F.Moreno, F.A.Schaposnik
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025033 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
191.Oh, J.J. Einstein Manifolds as Yang-Mills
Instantons/ J.J.Oh, H.S.Yang // Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.21.-p.1350097 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
192.Wang, W. Bound on Noncommutative Standard
Model with Hybrid Gauge Transformation Via Lepton Flavor Conserving Z Decay/
W.Wang, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025031 .-
Bibliogr.:21. |
193.Zhang, Y. Boundary Behaviors for General
Off-Shell Amplitudes in Yang-Mills Theory/ Y.Zhang, G.Chen // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025027 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
194.Aros, R. Embedding of Two de Sitter Branes
in a Generalized Randall-Sundrum Scenario/ R.Aros, M.Estrada // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.027508 .- Bibliogr.:7. |
195.Bao, N. Vortex Lattices and Crystalline
Geometries/ N.Bao, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
Pt.B.-p.026002 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
196.Du, Y.-Z. Resonances of Kalb-Ramond Field on
Symmetric and Asymmetric Thick Branes/ Y.-Z.Du, [a.o.] // Physical Review
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Bibliogr.:43. |
197.Hong, W.-P. Dynamics of Surface Dipole and
Tripole Solitons in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media with Optical Lattice Field/ W.-P.Hong,
Y.-D.Jung // Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30.-p.1701-1706
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198.Omid, H. D3-D7 Holographic Dual of a
Perturbed 3D CFT/ H.Omid, G.W.Semenoff // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.B.-p.026006 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
199.Ong, Y.C. Problems with Propagation and Time
Evolution in f(T) Gravity/ Y.C.Ong, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024019 .- Bibliogr.:93. |
200.Papathanasiou, G. Open String Self-Energy on
the Lightcone Worldsheet Lattice/ G.Papathanasiou, C.B.Thorn // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026014 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
201.Sharif, M. Dynamical Instability of the
Charged Expansion-Free Spherical Collapse in f(R) Gravity/ M.Sharif, Z.Yousaf
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.024020 .- Bibliogr.:52.
202.Allahverdi, R. Natural GeV Dark Matter and
the Baryon-Dark Matter Coincidence Puzzle/ R.Allahverdi, B.Dutta // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023525 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
203.Babaei-Aghbolagh, H. S-Duality of Tree-Level S-Matrix Elements in
D&sub(3)-Brane Effective Action/ H.Babaei-Aghbolagh, M.R.Garousi //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026008 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
204.Bianchi, M.C. 1/2 BPS Wilson Loop in N = 6
Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory at Two Loops/ M.C.Bianchi, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.026009 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
205.De, S. CDM and Baryons as Distinct Fluids in
a Linear Approximation for the Growth of Structure/ S.De, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023510 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
206.Di Valentino, E. Tickling the CMB Damping
Tail: Scrutinizing the Tension between the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and
South Pole Telescope Experiments/ E.Di Valentino, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023501 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
207.Egorov, A.E. Constraints on Dark Matter
Annihilation by Radio Observations of M31/ A.E.Egorov, E.Pierpaoli // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023504 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
208.Ibarra, A. Determination of the Cosmic
Antideuteron Flux in a Monte Carlo Approach/ A.Ibarra, S.Wild // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023014 .- Bibliogr.:60. |
209.Kelso, C. Nonthermal WIMPs as "Dark Radiation" in Light of
ATACAMA, SPT, WMAP9, and Planck/ C.Kelso, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023511 .- Bibliogr.:54. |
210.Li, M. Cosmological Constraints on the New
Holographic Dark Energy Model with Action Principle/ M.Li, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A.-p.023503 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
211.Monin, S. Calculating Extra (Quasi)Moduli on
the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen String with Spin-Orbit Interaction/ S.Monin,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B.-p.025011 .-
Bibliogr.:10. |
212.Scopel, S. Embedding the 125 GeV Higgs Boson
Measured at the LHC in an Effective MSSM: Possible Implications for
Neutralino Dark Matter/ S.Scopel, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88,
No.2, Pt.A.-p.023506 .- Bibliogr.:71. |
213.Sinha, M. Strange Quark Matter in Strong
Magnetic Fields Within a Confining Model/ M.Sinha, [a.o.] // Physical Review
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214.Van Doorsselaere, J. Properties of Symmetry Restoration in the
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215.Wang, L. Small Non-Gaussianity and Dipole
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216.Yang, W. Unified Dark Fluid with Fast
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217.Yoo, J. All-Sky Analysis of the General
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218.Amador, A. Two-Color QCD in a Strong
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219.Sazdjian, H. Gauge Invariant Bound State
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220.Simonov, Yu.A. Relativistic Path Integral
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221.Xiong, C. QCD Flux Tubes and Anomaly Inflow/
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222.Alekseev, G.A. Monodromy Transform and the Integral Equation Method
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223.Berg, M. Higgs Diphoton Rate Enhancement
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224.Bose, M. Presence or Absence of Light
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225.Bozhilov, P. Leading Finite-Size Effects on Some Three-Point
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226.Castellani, L. OSp(1|4) Supergravity and Its
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227.Fuks, B. Precision Predictions for
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228.Garousi, M.R. Generalized Riemann Curvature
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229.Ghosh, K. Top Quark Jets as a Probe of the Constrained Minimal
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230.Itoyama, H. D-Term Triggered Dynamical
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231.Koehn, M. Supersymmetric Cubic Galileons
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232.Malaeb, O. Supersymmetrizing Massive
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233.Momeni, D. Holographic Superconductors with
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234.Nishino, H. Supergravity as a Special Case
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235.Oikonomou, V.K. One-Dimensional
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236.Prausa, M. Two-Loop Static Potential in N =
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237.Routh, A. Hamiltonian Form of Topologically
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238.Seo, J.S. Singularity Structure of N = 2
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239.Akhmedov, E.T. Infrared Dynamics of the
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240.Cooper, P. Stuckelberg Fields on the
Effective p-Brane/ P.Cooper // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2,
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241.Dabrowski, R. Fractionalized Non-Self-Dual
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242.Faraggi, A.E. Proton Stability, Gauge
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243.Gogberashvili, M. Numerical Solutions in 5D
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244.Kaufman, B.L. Mirage Models Confront the
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245.Matsuo, Y. Linear Responses of D0-Branes Via
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246.Naghdi, M. New Instantons in AdS&sub(4)/CFT&sub(3) from D4-Branes Wrapping Some of
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247.Rozali, M. Holographic Stripes/ M.Rozali,
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248.Shifman, M. Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen String
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249.Xu, C. Nonperturbative Effects of a Topological Theta on Principal
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251.Buchner, A. Clustering and Optimal
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252.Chen, G. Ferromagnetism in Itinerant
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253.Chern, G.-W. Electronic Transport in the
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254.Firouz-Abadi, R.D. A Numerical Investigation
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255.Ghesquiere, A. Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium
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256.Iwashita, T. Elementary Excitations and
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257.Jiao, N. Surface Work Function of Chemically
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258.Kim, J.M. Gel Transition in Adhesive
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259.Kokalj, J. Thermodynamics of a Bad
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260.Levis, D. Thermal Phase Transitions in
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261.Lischner, J. Physical Origin of Satellites
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262.Lomholt, M.A. Microscopic Origin of the
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263.Peng, J.-Y. Remote Information Concentration
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264.Perali, A. High-Temperature Superfluidity in
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265.Roongthumskul, Y. Phase Slips in Oscillatory
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266.Siegel, D.A. Charge-Carrier Screening in
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267.Weber, C.A. Long-Range Ordering of Vibrated
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268.Wheatley, R.J. Calculation of High-Order
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269.Yamamoto, D. Flow-Induced Charge Modulation
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270.Zhang, X. Density Functional Calculations on
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271.Мурзашев, А.И. Энергетический спектр и
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272.Bodensiek, O. Unconventional
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273.Clark, L. Gapless Spin Liquid Ground State in the S=1/2 Vanadium
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274.Gomez-Leon, A. Floquet-Bloch Theory and
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275.Jang, H.-K. Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing
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276.Mierzejewski, M. Eigenvalue Statistics of
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277.Mikkelsen, K. Emergence of Slow Collective Oscillations in Neural
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278.Peixoto, T.P. Parsimonious Module Inference
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279.Ronzheimer, J.P. Expansion Dynamics of
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280.Sun, J. Controllability Transition and
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281.Van Beijnum, F. Surface Plasmon Lasing
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282.Wierschem, K. Columnar Antiferromagnetic
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283.Wu, S. Enhanced Rotation of the Polarization
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285.Cheianov, V. Mesoscopic Fluctuations of
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286.Prosandeev, S. Field-Induced Percolation of
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288.Beni, Y.T. Use of Strain Gradient Theory for Modeling the
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289.Bertotti, G. Probabilistic Aspects of
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290.Gao, P. Quantum Monte Carlo Study of
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291.Kang, E.S. Energy Quantization on the
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293.Liang, G.Q. Optical Resonator Analog of a
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294.Perez, D. Entropic Stabilization of
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295.Takenaka, H. Anisotropic Local Correlations
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296.Tassin, P. Graphene for Terahertz
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297.Toyoda, K. Transfer of Light Helicity to
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298.Vildosola, V. Mechanism to Generate a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at
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300.Войцеховский, А.В. Низкотемпературная активация
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301.Пак, А.В. Динамика распространения оптического
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303.Bartkowiak, M. Nuclear Quadrupole Moments as
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306.Caballero-Benitez, S.F. The Contact in the
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311.Jain, D. Improved Methods for Hypergraphs/ D.Jain,
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313.Lin, S.-Z. Driven Skyrmions and Dynamical
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314.Liu, R.H. Spectral Characteristics of the
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316.Mashayekhi, M.S. Two-Dimensional Bose Gases
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380.Chatrchyan, S. Measurement of Masses in the tt^- System by Kinematic Endpoints in pp
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381.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Events
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394.Aguilar, M. First Result from the Alpha
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396.Lu, Q.-B. Cosmic-Ray-Driven Reaction and
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399.Leonardis, E. Identification of Intermittent
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400.Liseykina, T.V. Plasma-Formation Dynamics in
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401.Ross, J.S. Collisionless Coupling of Ion and
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407.Ishida, S. Anisotropy of the In-Plane Resistivity of Underdoped
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410.Cholis, I. Dark Matter and Pulsar Origins of the Rising Cosmic Ray
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411.Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. Twinkling Stars/ J.Christensen-Dalsgaard
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1.Annals of Physics.-2013.-Vol.335. |
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5.International Journal of Modern Physics
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6.International Journal of Modern Physics
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7.Modern Physics Letters
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8.Modern Physics Letters
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9.Modern Physics Letters
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10.Modern Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.27,
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11.Nature.-2013.-Vol.500, No.7462. |
12.Nature.-2013.-Vol.500, No.7463. |
13.Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.A. |
14.Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.88, No.2, Pt.B. |
15.Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
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16.Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
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17.Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.377, No.28/30. |
18.Physics Today.-2013.-Vol.66, No.1. |
19.Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et
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20.Science News.-2013.-Vol.184, No.3. |
21.Science.-2013.-Vol.341, No.6144. |
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23.The European Physical Journal
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24.Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.451, No.5. |
25.Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика.-2013.-Т.56,
No.7. |
26.Краткие сообщения по физике.-2013.-No.6. |