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1.Cherniha, R. Lie and Conditional Symmetries of the Three-Component Diffusive
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2.Dyachenko, A.I. On the Nonintegrability of the Free Surface Hydrodynamics/ A.I.Dyachenko,
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Dyadic Model of Turbulence/ R.Borges, F.Ramos // Journal of Physics A.-2013.-Vol.46,
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C.R. Classical Mechanics of Nonconservative Systems/ C.R.Galley // Physical Review
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M. Transition to Turbulence and Mixing in a Viscoelastic Fluid Flowing Inside
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8.Koumakis, N. Stochastic Hydrodynamic Synchronization in Rotating Energy
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10.Erickcek, A.L. Catastrophic Consequences of Kicking the
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11.Figueras, P. Stationary Holographic Plasma Quenches and
Numerical Methods for Non-Killing Horizons/ P.Figueras, T.Wiseman // Physical
Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.17.-p.171602 .- Bibliogr.:49. |
12.Graham, P.W. New Method for Gravitational Wave Detection
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13.Kovetz, E.D. 21-cm Lensing and the Cold Spot in the
Cosmic Microwave Background/ E.D.Kovetz, M.Kamionkowski // Physical Review
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14.Tulin, S. Beyond Collisionless Dark Matter: Particle
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16.Assis, P.E.G. A&sub((2|1))
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17.Bakke, K. Quantum Holonomies Based on the
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18.Ballesteros, A. Quantum Algebras as Quantizations of Dual
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19.Bartkiewicz, K. Experimental Eavesdropping Based on
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20.Bravyi, S. Classification of Topologically Protected
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21.Bruschi, D.E. Time Evolution Techniques for Detectors in
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22.Connolly, C.B. Spin-Orbit Suppression of Cold Inelastic
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23.Entin, M.V. Photogalvanic Current in a Double Quantum
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24.Fernandez, F.M. On the Eigenvalues of Some Non-Hermitian
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25.Fujiwara, Y. Quantum Error Correction Via Less Noisy
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26.Gabrielli, A. Non-Markovian Models of Blocking in
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27.Ghirardi, G. Ontological Models Predictively Inequivalent
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28.Halasz, G.B. Topological Renyi Entropy After a Quantum
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29.Hanson, A.J. Geometry of Discrete Quantum Computing/ A.J.Hanson,
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30.Kiffner, M. Magnetic Monopoles and Synthetic Spin-Orbit
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31.Mera, F.D. WKB Approximation to the Power Wall/ F.D.Mera,
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32.Salih, H. Protocol for Direct Counterfactual Quantum
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33.Traversa, F.L. Generalized Floquet Theory: Application to
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34.Wang, T.T. Deviation from Universality in Collisions of
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35.Yang, H. Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics in a Classical
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36.Yang, L. Quantum Measurements and Maps Preserving Strict
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37.Zilberberg, O. Null Values and Quantum State Discrimination/
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40.Hassan, M.A. Approach for the Three-Body Force Effect in
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41.Aliev, T.M. The Masses and Residues of Doubly Heavy
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43.Escobedo, M.A. Heavy Quarkonium Moving in a Quark-Gluon
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44.Guo, Z.-Q. Gauge Invariant Descriptions of Gluon
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45.Guo, Z.-Q. Gauge Invariant Descriptions of Gluon
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46.Martynov, E. Proton (Antiproton) Elastic Scattering at
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47.Rinaldi, M. Double Parton Correlations in Constituent
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48.Tehrani, S.A. NLO Analytical Solutions to the Polarized
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49.Wong, C.-Y. Tsallis Fits to p&sub(T)
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50.Rochev, V.E. Asymptotic Behavior and Critical Coupling in
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53.Salumbides, E.J. Bounds on Fifth Forces from Precision
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54.Shevchenko, O.Yu. Direct Connection between the Different
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56.Masjuan, P. Reply to "Comment on 'Systematics of
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57.Shanahan, P.E. SU(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory Expansion
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58.Solberg, M.A. On the Terms Violating the Custodial
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59.Catterall, S. Four Fermion Interactions in Non-Abelian
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60.Di Luzio, L. Unification Scale Versus Electroweak-Triplet
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61.Gardner, S. Radiative *b Decay for Studies of CP
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R. Higher-Loop Calculations of the Ultraviolet to Infrared Evolution of a
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64.Alexandrou, C. Determination of the *D(1232) Axial and
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65.Aouane, R. Landau Gauge Gluon and Ghost Propagators from
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66.Bazavov, A. Leptonic-Decay-Constant Ratio
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67.Bicudo, P. Lattice QCD Signal for a Bottom-Bottom
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68.Cossu, G. Finite Temperature Study of the Axial U(1)
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Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.114514 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
69.De Divitiis, G.M. Leading Isospin Breaking Effects on the
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S. End Point of a First-Order Phase Transition in Many-Flavor Lattice QCD at
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72.Junnarkar, P.M. Scalar Strange Content of the Nucleon
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74.Jora, R. Top Condensate Model with a Higgs Doublet and a
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77.AbdusSalam, S.S. LHC-7 Supersymmetry Search
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Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.115012 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
S. Gluino-Driven Radiative Breaking, Higgs Boson Mass, Muon g - 2, and the
Higgs Diphoton Decay in Supergravity Unification/ S.Akula, P.Nath // Physical
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79.Ananthanarayan, B. Invisible Decays of the Lightest Higgs
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D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.115021 .- Bibliogr.:69. |
80.Arbey, A. Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetric Models and
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81.Athron, P. Fine Tuning in the Constrained Exceptional
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82.Baer, H. Radiative Natural Supersymmetry: Reconciling
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83.Berenstein, D. Multiple b-Jets Reveal Top Superpartners
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84.Bhattacherjee, B. Natural Supersymmetry's Last Hope:
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85.Cui, Y. Baryogenesis for Weakly Interacting Massive
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86.De Blas, J. Least Supersymmetric Signals at the LHC/ J.De
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87.Huang, Y.-T. Equivalent D = 3 Supergravity Amplitudes
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H.Johansson // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.17.-p.171601 .-
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88.Hundi, R.S. Implications of Higgs Boson to Diphoton Decay
Rate in the Bilinear R-Parity Violating Supersymmetric Model/ R.S.Hundi //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.115005 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
89.Kowalska, K. Constrained Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric
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90.Pupasov-Maksimov, A.M. Multichannel Generalization of
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Journal of Physics A.-2013.-Vol.46, No.19.-p.195201 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
91.Yamanaka, N. R-Parity Violating Supersymmetric Barr-Zee
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Boson Exchange/ N.Yamanaka, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
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186.Alonso, O. DEPFET Active Pixel Detectors for a Future
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187.Baudis, L. Response of Liquid Xenon to Compton Electrons
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188.Bertuccio, G. X-*g Ray Spectroscopy with Semi-Insulating
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H. Effect of Temperature Variation on the Energy Response of a Photon
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190.Bryant, P.A. Electrical Characteristics and Fast Neutron
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191.Deb, B. Iterative Estimation of Location and Trajectory
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192.Duxbury, D.M. SPRINTER: A New Detector System for the
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193.Kazkaz, K. Comparison of Lithium Gadolinium Borate
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194.Nocente, M. High Resolution Gamma Ray Spectroscopy at MHz
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195.Rafiei, R. High-Purity CdMnTe Radiation Detectors: A
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196.Starzhinskiy, N.G. Improving of LSO(Ce) Scintillator
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197.Torma, P.T. Ultra-Thin Silicon Nitride X-Ray Windows/ P.T.Torma,
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198.Ziock, K.P. 3D Millimeter Event Localization in Bulk
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199.Aspell, P. Super-Altro 16: A Front-End System on Chip for
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200.Gola, A. Analog Circuit for Timing Measurements With
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201.Grace, C.R. Radiation-Tolerant Code-Density Calibration
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202.Tang, F. Design of the Front-End Readout Electronics for
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204.Eguiraun, M. ISHN Ion Source Control System. First Steps
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S. Measurements of Differential Jet Cross Sections in Proton-Proton
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D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112002 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
S. Search for Narrow Resonances Using the Dijet Mass Spectrum in pp
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D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.114015 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
207.Zborovsky, I. A Three-Component Description of
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208.Adamson, P. Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Appearance
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209.Borriello, E. Stringent Constraint on Neutrino Lorentz Invariance
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210.Chen, K. Universal Properties of the Higgs Resonance in
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211.Grimus, W. Two-Parameter Neutrino Mass Matrices with Two
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212.Healey, K.J. Nonstandard Neutrino Interactions and
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213.Hernandez, E. Single *p Production in Neutrino-Nucleus
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214.Kneller, J.P. Stimulated Neutrino Transformation with
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H.W. CP-Violating Phases in Active-Sterile Solar Neutrino Oscillations/ H.W.Long,
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216.Minakata, H. Correlated, Precision Measurements of
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217.Nicolescu, G. A Heuristic Approach to the Detection of
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218.Pakvasa, S. Explanation for the Low Flux of High-Energy
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219.Reynoso, M.M. Effects of Large Extra Dimensions on
Cosmogenic Neutrino Fluxes/ M.M.Reynoso, O.A.Sampayo // Journal of Physics
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220.Ribordy, M. Improving the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy
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// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.113007 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
221.Roy, D.P. Determination of the Third Neutrino-Mixing
angle *y&sub(13) and Its Implications/ D.P.Roy // Journal of Physics
G.-2013.-Vol.40, No.5.-p.053001 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
222.Syska, J. Interference Phenomenon and Geometric Phase for
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D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.117302 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
223.Ternov, A.I. Decay of a Massive Neutrino in Magnetized
Electron Gas/ A.I.Ternov, P.A.Eminov // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.113001 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
224.Volpe, C. Extended Evolution Equations for Neutrino
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// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.113010 .- Bibliogr.:62. |
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225.Fagundes, D.A. On the Rise of Proton-Proton
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G.-2013.-Vol.40, No.6.-p.065005 .- Bibliogr.:82. |
226.Kaneko, K. Variation in Displacement Energies Due to
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227.Kistryn, St. Deuteron-Proton Breakup at Medium Energies/
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228.Mund, D. Determination of the Weak Axial Vector Coupling
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229.Gerasyuta, S.M. Low-Lying Hypernuclei in the Relativistic
Quark-Gluon Model/ S.M.Gerasyuta, E.E.Matskevich // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.116006 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
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230.Aad, G. Measurement of W*+W*-
Production in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector and Limits
on Anomalous WWZ and WW*g Couplings/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov,
I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich,
M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili,
N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov,
V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin,
I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov,
L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin,
V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112001 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
231.Aad, G. Measurements of W*g and Z*g
Production in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC/
G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov,
G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti,
M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya,
M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak,
Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski,
V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov,
M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov,
N.I.Zimin, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112003 .-
Bibliogr.:75. |
232.Aad, G. Search for Resonant Diboson
Production in the WW/WZ *> l*njj Decay Channels with the ATLAS Detector at
*%s=7 TeV/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov,
G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti,
M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya,
M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov,
U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev,
A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich,
R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov,
N.I.Zimin, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112006 .- Bibliogr.:67. |
233.Calderon, G. Axial-Vector Mesons from *t *>
AP*n&sub(*t) Decays/ G.Calderon, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.114011 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
234.Goloviznin, V.V. Towards Azimuthal Anisotropy of Direct
Photons/ V.V.Goloviznin, [a.o.] // ������ ����������������� � ������������� ������. ������.-2013.-�.98, No.1/2.-c.69-71 .-
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235.Lee, H.-J. QCD Sum Rule Study on the f&sub(0)(980) Structure as a Pure KK^- Bound State/ H.-J.Lee,
N.I.Kochelev, Y.Oh // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.117901 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
236.Li, H.-L. Search for Z' Via ZH Associated Production at
the LHC/ H.-L.Li, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.115024 .- Bibliogr.:48. |
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237.Aaij, R. Measurement of CP Violation and the
B&sub(s)*0 Meson Decay Width Difference with B*0&sub(s) *>
J/*qK*+K*- and B*0&sub(s) *> J/*q*p*p*- Decays/ R.Aaij, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112010 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
238.Aaij, R. Measurement of the Branching Fractions of the
Decays B*0&sub(s) *> D^-*0K*-*p*+ and B*0 *> D^-K*+*p*-/ R.Aaij,
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239.Aaij, R. Observation of B*+&sub(c) *>
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Bibliogr.:44. |
T. Measurement of R=B(t *> Wb)/B(t *> Wq) in Top-Quark-Pair Decays
Using Lepton+Jets Events and the Full CDF Run II Dataset/ T.Aaltonen, A.Artikov,
J.Budagov, D.Chokheli, V.Glagolev, F.Prokoshin, A.Semenov, A.Simonenko, I.Suslov,
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Bibliogr.:24. |
241.Ablikim, M. Search for Baryonic Decays of *q(3770) and
*q(4040) / M.Ablikim, E.Boger, I.Boyko, V.Bytev, G.Chelkov, D.Dedovich,
I.Denysenko, O.Fuks, Y.Nefedov, A.Sarantsev, A.Zhemchugov, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112011 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
242.Ablikim, M. Search for the Lepton Flavor Violation
Process J/*q *>e*m at BESIII / M.Ablikim, E.Boger, I.Boyko, V.Bytev,
G.Chelkov, D.Dedovich, I.Denysenko, O.Fuks, Y.Nefedov, A.Sarantsev,
A.Zhemchugov, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112007 .-
Bibliogr.:24. |
243.Ablikim, M. Study of J/*q *> *wpp^- at BESIII /
M.Ablikim, E.Boger, I.Boyko, V.Bytev, G.Chelkov, D.Dedovich, I.Denysenko,
O.Fuks, Y.Nefedov, A.Sarantsev, A.Zhemchugov, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112004 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
244.Bernard, C. Neutral B Mixing in Staggered Chiral
Perturbation Theory/ C.Bernard, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.114503 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
245.Biancofiore, P. Bounds on the Compactification Scale of
Two Universal Extra Dimensions from Exclusive b*>s*g Decays/ P.Biancofiore
// Journal of Physics G.-2013.-Vol.40, No.6.-p.065006 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
246.Burnier, Y. Hard Thermal Loop Benchmark for the
Extraction of the Nonperturbative QQ^- Potential/ Y.Burnier, A.Rothkopf //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.114019 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
247.Campbell, J. Single Top Production in Association with a
Z Boson at the LHC/ J.Campbell, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.114006 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
S. Measurement of Associated Production of Vector Bosons and Top
Quark-Antiquark Pairs in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ S.Chatrchyan,
I.Belotelov, P.Bunin, M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, A.Kamenev,
V.Karjavin, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik,
V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, Z.Tsamalaidze,
[a.o.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.17.-p.172002 .-
Bibliogr.:25. |
249.Cheng, H.-Y. Revisiting Charmless Hadronic B Decays to
Scalar Mesons/ H.-Y.Cheng, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.114001 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
250.Ipek, S. Light Axigluon Contributions to bb^- and cc^-
Asymmetry and Constraints on Flavor Changing Axigluon Currents/ S.Ipek //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.116010 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
251.Lees, J.P. Search for B *> K&sup((* ))*n*n^- and
Invisible Quarkonium Decays/ J.P.Lees, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.112005 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
252.Lutz, O. Search for B *> h&sup((* ))*n*n^- with
the Full Belle *U(4S) Data Sample/ O.Lutz, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.111103(R) .- Bibliogr.:18. |
253.Maiani, L. J&sup(PG) = 1*+*+ Charged Resonance in the
*U(4260) *>*p*+*p*- J/*q Decay?/ L.Maiani, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.111102(R) .- Bibliogr.:17. |
254.Patra, S.K. CPT Violation and Triple-Product Correlations
in B Decays/ S.K.Patra, A.Kundu // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.116005 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
255.Segovia, J. B Decays into Radially Excited Charmed
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256.Sun, Z. Heavy Quarkonium Production Through the
Semi-Exclusive e*+e*- Annihilation Channels Round the Z*0 Peak/ Z.Sun, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.114008 .- Bibliogr.:64. |
257.Xu, Q. Two-Pseudoscalar Exchanges between Heavy Hadrons/
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M. Effect of Energy Loss on Azimuthal Correlation of Charm and Correlated
Charm Decay in Collisions of Lead Nuclei at *%s=2.76A TeV/ M.Younus, D.K.Srivastava
// Journal of Physics G.-2013.-Vol.40, No.6.-p.065004 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
259.Zhang, J.-R. Improved QCD Sum Rule Study of Z&sub(c)(3900) as a D^-D&sup(* ) Molecular State/ J.-R.Zhang
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.11.-p.116004 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
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260.Coutinho, Y.A. Bounds on Z' from 3-3-1 Model at the LHC
Energies/ Y.A.Coutinho, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.11.-p.115014 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
261.Jaiswal, P. Higgs Production Amidst the LHC Detector/ P.Jaiswal,
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264.Rosenkrantz, E. An Innovative Acoustic Sensor for In-Pile
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273.Cao, D. Total-Dose Radiation Response of HfLaO Films
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275.Huang, H. Total Dose Irradiation-Induced Degradation of
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281.Kuzikov, S.V. Parametric Phase Locking in an Electron rf
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288.Levchenko, A. Enhancement of the London Penetration Depth
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295.Henss, T. Pixel Advisor: An Expert System for the ATLAS
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296.Mersi, S. CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Monitoring/ S.Mersi
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299.Koumakis, N. Complex Oscillatory Yielding of Model
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300.Oberstrass, F.C. Torque Spectroscopy of DNA: Base-Pair
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