02.09.2013 |
Ñ 131 ÂÛÑØÀß
1.Ëÿõîâñêèé, Â.Ä. Ìíîãî÷ëåíû ×åáûøåâà îò ìíîãèõ
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ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-c.419-428 .- Áèáëèîãð.:11. |
2.Soroka, D.V. Gauge Semi-Simple Extension of the Poincare Group/ D.V.Soroka,
V.A.Soroka // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.160-162 .-
Bibliogr.:21. |
3.Abdalla, E. On the Motion of Particles in Covariant Horava-Lifshitz
Gravity and the Meaning of the A-Field/ E.Abdalla, A.M.Da Silva // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.2.-p.311-314 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
4.Abdalla, E. Three Dimensional Lifshitz Black Hole and the Korteweg-de
Vries Equation/ E.Abdalla, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.276-279 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
5.Alesci, E. Anomalous Dimension in Three-Dimensional Semiclassical
Gravity/ E.Alesci, M.Arzano // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707,
No.2.-p.272-277 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
6.Biswas, R. Constraining Redshift Parametrization Parameters of Dark
Energy: Loop Quantum Gravity as Back Ground/ R.Biswas, U.Debnath // The
European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2424 .- Bibliogr.:64. |
7.Majumder, B. Effects of the Modified Uncertainty Principle on the
Inflation Parameters / B.Majumder // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.133-136 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
8.Spallucci, E. Black Holes Production in Self-Complete Quantum Gravity/
E.Spallucci, A.Smailagic // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.266-269
.- Bibliogr.:40. |
9.Tian, Z. How the Unruh Effect Affects Transition Between Classical and
Quantum Decoherences/ Z.Tian, J.Jing // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707,
No.2.-p.264-277 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
10.Velten, H. Power Spectrum for the Bose-Einstein Condensate Dark
Matter/ H.Velten, E.Wamba // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.1/2.-p.1-5
.- Bibliogr.:27. |
11.Wei, H. Noether Symmetry in f(T) Theory/ H.Wei // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.2.-p.298-304 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
12.Ïàñòîí, Ñ.À. Âëîæåíèÿ äëÿ ðåøåíèé óðàâíåíèé
Ýéíøòåéíà/ Ñ.À.Ïàñòîí, À.À.Øåéêèí // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ
ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-ñ.429-441 .- Áèáëèîãð.:30. |
13.Aktas, C. Behaviors of Dark Energy and Mesonic Scalar Field for
Anisotropic Universe in f(R) Gravity/ C.Aktas, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.2.-p.237-242 .- Bibliogr.:55. |
14.Alfaro, J. Delta-Gravity and Dark Energy/ J.Alfaro // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.1/2.-p.101-105 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
15.Artymowski, M. Classical Bouncing Universes from Vector Fields/ M.Artymowski,
Z.Lalak // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.203-208 .- Bibliogr.:17.
16.Batista, C.E.M. Observational Constraints on Rastall's Cosmology/
C.E.M.Batista, [a.o.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73,
No.5.-p.2425 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
17.Brihaye, Y. Charged Squashed Black Holes with Negative Cosmological
Constant in Odd Dimensions/ Y.Brihaye, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.293-300 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
18.Del Campo, S. The Generalized Second Law in the Emergent Universe/ S.Del
Campo, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.8-10 .-
Bibliogr.:13. |
19.Dietl, C. Properties of Gravitationally Bound Dark Compact Ultra Dense
Objects/ C.Dietl, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.123-127 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
20.Kim, Y.-W. Quasinormal Modes and Hidden Conformal Symmetry in the
Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole/ Y.-W.Kim, [a.o.] // The European Physical
Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2440 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
21.Nayak, B. Effect of Vacuum Energy on Evolution of Primordial Black
Holes in Einstein Gravity / B.Nayak, M.Jamil // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.118-122 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
22.Shao, G.Y. Isoscalar-Vector Interaction and Hybrid Quark Core in Massive
Neutron Stars/ G.Y.Shao, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.9.-p.096012 .- Bibliogr.:63. |
23.Sinha, A. Implications of a Viscosity Bound on Black Hole Accretion/ A.Sinha,
B.Mukhopadhyay // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.289-292 .-
Bibliogr.:21. |
24.Wu, D.-J. Dynamical Analysis of the Cosmology of Mass-Varying Massive
Gravity/ D.-J.Wu, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.721,
No.1/3.-p.7-12 .- Bibliogr.:79. |
Ñ 323.1
25.Sanchis-Alepuz, H. Delta and Omega Electromagnetic Form Factors in a
Three-Body Covariant Bethe-Salpeter Approach/ H.Sanchis-Alepuz, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.096015 .- Bibliogr.:61.
Ñ 323.2
26.Henley, E.M. Time Reversal Symmetry/ E.M.Henley // International
Journal of Modern Physics E.-2013.-Vol.22, No.4.-p.1330010 .- Bibliogr.:27.
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27.Ali-Akbari, M. *a'-Corrected Chiral Magnetic Effect/ M.Ali-Akbari, S.F.Taghavi
// Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.872, No.1.-p.127-140 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
28.Boroun, G.R. Decoupling of the DGLAP Evolution Equations at Next-to-Next-to-Leading
Order (NNLO) at Low-x/ G.R.Boroun, B.Rezaei // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2412 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
29.Braun, M.A. On the Collision of Two Projectiles on Two Targets in the
BFKL Approach/ M.A.Braun // The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73,
No.5.-p.2418 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
30.Ceccopieri, F.A. QCD Analysis of Lambda Hyperon Production in DIS
Target-Fragmentation Region/ F.A.Ceccopieri, D.Mancusi // The European
Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2435 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
31.Ivanov, Yu.B. Baryon Stopping as a Probe of Deconfinement Onset in
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions/ Yu.B.Ivanov // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.721, No.1/3.-p.123-130 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
32.Owens, J.F. Global Parton Distributions with Nuclear and Finite-Q*2
Corrections/ J.F.Owens, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.9.-p.094012 .- Bibliogr.:93. |
33.Radyushkin, A.V. Modeling Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions/
A.V.Radyushkin // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.096017 .-
Bibliogr.:29. |
34.Watanabe, N. The Polarized Photon Structure Function
g&sup(*g)&sub(1)(x,Q*2) in Massive Parton Model in NLO/ N.Watanabe,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.146-150 .- Bibliogr.:22.
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35.Õîíêîíåí, Þ. Êîíòóðíî óïîðÿäî÷åííûå ôóíêöèè Ãðèíà
â ñòîõàñòè÷åñêîé òåîðèè ïîëÿ/ Þ.Õîíêîíåí // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ
ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-ñ.455-464 .- Áèáëèîãð.:9. |
Ñ 324.1
36.Antusch, S. Spontaneous CP Violation in A&sub(4) x SU(5) with
Constrained Sequential Dominance 2/ S.Antusch, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.096018 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
37.Clark, T.E. Holographic Walking Technicolor and Stability of
Techni-Branes/ T.E.Clark, [et al.] // Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.872,
No.1.-p.1-20 .- Bibliogr.:16. |
38.Ishihara, M. Description of a Domain Using a Squeezed State in a
Scalar Field Theory/ M.Ishihara // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2423 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
39.Koksma, J.F. Decoherence and Dynamical Entropy Generation in Quantum
Field Theory/ J.F.Koksma, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707,
No.2.-p.315-318 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
40.Passante, R. Vacuum Local and Global Electromagnetic Self-Energies for
a Point-Like and an Extended Field Source/ R.Passante, [a.o.] // The European
Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2419 .- Bibliogr.:42.
41.Àäæåìÿí, Ë.Ö. Ïðåäñòàâëåíèå *b-ôóíêöèè è
àíîìàëüíûõ ðàçìåðíîñòåé íåñèíãóëÿðíûìè èíòåãðàëàìè: äîêàçàòåëüñòâî îñíîâíîãî
ñîîòíîøåíèÿ/ Ë.Ö.Àäæåìÿí, [äð.] // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175,
No.3.-ñ.325-336 .- Áèáëèîãð.:5. |
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42.Feng, H.-T. Critical Behavior of QED&sub(3) at Finite Temperature
and Density/ H.-T.Feng, [a.o.] // The European Physical Journal
C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2444 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
43.Àíäðèàíîâ, À.À. Ïðîõîæäåíèå âåêòîðíûìè ÷àñòèöàìè
ãðàíèöû ìåæäó ñðåäîé ñ íàðóøåíèåì ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîé ÷åòíîñòè è âàêóóìîì/ À.À.Àíäðèàíîâ,
Ñ.Ñ.Êîëåâàòîâ // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175,
No.3.-ñ.357-369 .- Áèáëèîãð.:14. |
44.Ïèñüìàê, Ä.Þ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå âçàèìîäåéñòâèÿ
ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíîãî ïîëÿ ñ äâóìåðíîé ïîâåðõíîñòüþ â ðàìêàõ ïîäõîäà Ñèìàíçèêà/
Ä.Þ.Ïèñüìàê, Þ.Ì.Ïèñüìàê // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ
ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-ñ.442-454 .- Áèáëèîãð.:19. |
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45.Abuki, H. Fate of Chiral Critical Point Under the Strong Isospin Asymmetry/
H.Abuki // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094006 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
46.Hilger, T. The Impact of Chirally Odd Condensates on the rho Meson/ T.Hilger,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.200-206 .- Bibliogr.:77.
47.Nitta, M. Matryoshka Skyrmions/ M.Nitta // Nuclear Physics
B.-2013.-Vol.872, No.1.-p.62-71 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
48.Áîðçîâ, Â.Â. Îñöèëëÿòîð ×åáûøåâà-Êîîðíâèíäåðà/
Â.Â.Áîðçîâ, Å.Â.Äàìàñêèíñêèé // Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ
ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-ñ.379-387
.- Áèáëèîãð.:7. |
Ñ 324.1â
49.Bar-Shalom, S. Muon g-2 and Lepton Flavor Violation in a Two Higgs
Doublets Model for the Fourth Generation/ S.Bar-Shalom, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.207-217 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
50.Elias-Miro, J. Higgs Mass Implications on the Stability of the
Electroweak Vacuum/ J.Elias-Miro, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.222-228 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
51.Malinsky, M. Fun with the Abelian Higgs Model/ M.Malinsky // The
European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2415 .- Bibliogr.:15.
52.Àíäðèàíîâ, À.À. ÑÐ-íàðóøåíèå â ìîäåëÿõ
ëîêàëèçàöèè ôåðìèîíîâ íà äîìåííîé ñòåíêå (áðàíå)/ À.À.Àíäðèàíîâ, [äð.] //
Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà.-2013.-Ò.175, No.3.-ñ.347-356 .-
Áèáëèîãð.:15. |
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53.Bali, G.S. Perturbative Expansion of the Energy of Static Sources at Large
Orders in Four-Dimensional SU(3) Gauge Theory/ G.S.Bali, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094517 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
54.Bennett, E. Topology of Minimal Walking Technicolor/ E.Bennett, B.Lucini
// The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2426 .-
Bibliogr.:63. |
55.Chakdar, S. Top SU(5) Models: Baryon and Lepton Number Violating
Resonances at the LHC/ S.Chakdar, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.096002 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
56.Doff, A. 125 GeV Scalar Boson and SU(N&sub(TC)) *@
SU(3)&sub(L) *@ U(1)&sub(X) Models/ A.Doff, A.A.Natale // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.095004 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
57.Folkerts, S. Asymptotic Freedom of Yang-Mills Theory with Gravity/ S.Folkerts,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.234-241 .- Bibliogr.:51.
58.Habara, Y. CMB Fluctuations and String Compactification Scales/ Y.Habara,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.198-202 .- Bibliogr.:10.
59.Mei, L. On Preference of Yoshida Construction Over Forest-Ruth
Fourth-Order Symplectic Algorithm/ L.Mei, [a.o.] // The European Physical
Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2413 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
60.Naculich, S.G. All-Loop Group-Theory Constraints for Color-Ordered
SU(N) Gauge-Theory Amplitudes/ S.G.Naculich // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.191-197 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
61.Àíäðèàíîâ, À.À. Ñïîíòàííîå íàðóøåíèå
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Áèáëèîãð.:12. |
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62.Aoki, Y. Walking Signals in N&sub(f)=8 QCD on the Lattice/ Y.Aoki,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094511 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
63.Bruckmann, F. Topology of Dynamical Lattice Configurations Including
Results from Dynamical Overlap Fermions/ F.Bruckmann, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.2.-p.278-285 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
64.Chowdhury, A. Topological Susceptibility in Lattice QCD with
Unimproved Wilson Fermions/ A.Chowdhury, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.228-232 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
65.Makeenko, Y. The QCD Scattering Amplitude from Area Behaved Wilson
Loops/ Y.Makeenko, P.Olesen // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.285-288 .- Bibliogr.:10. |
66.Mukhopadhyay, B. Can the Viscosity in Astrophysical Black Hole
Accretion Disks be Close to Its String Theory Bound?/ B.Mukhopadhyay //
Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.721, No.1/3.-p.151-158 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
67.Namekawa, Y. Charmed Baryons at the Physical Point in 2+1 Flavor
Lattice QCD/ Y.Namekawa, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87,
No.9.-p.094512 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
68.Áîãîëþáîâ, Í.Ì. Âû÷èñëåíèå êîððåëÿöèîííûõ ôóíêöèé
â ïîëíîñòüþ àñèììåòðè÷íûõ òî÷íî ðåøàåìûõ ìîäåëÿõ íà êîëüöå/ Í.Ì.Áîãîëþáîâ //
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Áèáëèîãð.:30. |
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69.Asano, M. Indirect Dark Matter Searches as a Probe of Degenerate
Particle Spectra/ M.Asano, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.128-132 .- Bibliogr.:61. |
70.Barbieri, J. Signature for the Absence of an Event Horizon/ J.Barbieri,
G.Chapline // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.114-117 .-
Bibliogr.:21. |
71.Barger, V. Randall-Sundrum Reality at the LHC/ V.Barger, M.Ishida //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.185-191 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
72.Ferrara, S. Generalized Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Black Hole
Entropy/ S.Ferrara, A.Marrani // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707,
No.1.-p.713-177 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
73.Khriplovich, I.B. Gravitational Four-Fermion Interaction on the Planck
Scale/ I.B.Khriplovich // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.111-113
.- Bibliogr.:7. |
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74.Aliev, T.M. Analysis of *g**L*>*S*0 Transition in QCD/ T.M.Aliev,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.096013 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
75.Arthur, R. Domain Wall QCD with Near-Physical Pions/ R.Arthur, [et
al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094514 .- Bibliogr.:55. |
76.Bazarov, A. Polyakov Loop in 2+1 Flavor QCD/ A.Bazarov, P.Petreczky //
Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094505 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
77.Bohr, H. Spin Polarization in High Density Quark Matter/ H.Bohr, [et
al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics E.-2013.-Vol.22,
No.4.-p.1350019 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
78.Campagnari, D.R. The Ghost-Gluon Vertex in Hamiltonian Yang-Mills
Theory in Coulomb Gauge/ D.R.Campagnari, H.Reinhardt // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.216-220 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
79.Detmold, W. Quarkonium at Nonzero Isospin Density/ W.Detmold, [et al.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094504 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
80.Djordjevic, M. Generalization of Radiative Jet Energy Loss to Non-Zero
Magnetic Mass/ M.Djordjevic, M.Djordjevic // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.229-233 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
81.Haba, N. QCD Parity Violation at LHC in Warped Extra Dimension/ N.Haba,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.095002 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
82.Hidaka, Y. Charged Vector Mesons in a Strong Magnetic Field/ Y.Hidaka,
A.Yamamoto // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094502 .- Bibliogr.:36.
83.Mahbub, M.S. Structure and Flow of the Nucleon Eigenstates in Lattice
QCD/ M.S.Mahbub, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094506
.- Bibliogr.:51. |
84.Maierhofer, P. Complete Three-Loop QCD Corrections to the Decay
H*>*g*g/ P.Maierhofer, P.Marquard // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.721,
No.1/3.-p.131-135 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
85.Stefanis, N.G. Can We Understand an Auxetic Pion-Photon Transition
Form Factor within QCD?/ N.G.Stefanis, A.P.Bakulev, S.V.Mikhailov, A.V.Pimikov
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094025 .- Bibliogr.:71. |
86.Van Deurzen, H. NLO QCD Corrections to the Production of Higgs Plus
Two Jets at the LHC/ H.Van Deurzen, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.721, No.1/3.-p.74-81 .- Bibliogr.:72. |
87.Wu, L.-K. Nature of the Roberge-Weiss Transition End Points in
Two-Flavor Lattice QCD with Wilson Quarks/ L.-K.Wu, X.-F.Meng // Physical
Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094508 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
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88.Akula, S. Naturalness, Supersymmetry and Implications for LHC and Dark
Matter/ S.Akula, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709,
No.3.-p.192-199 .- Bibliogr.:48. |
89.Belitsky, A.V. OPE for Null Wilson Loops and Open Spin Chains/ A.V.Belitsky
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.280-284 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
90.Bergner, G. Blocking-Inspired Supersymmetric Actions: a Status Report/
G.Bergner, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.094516 .-
Bibliogr.:18. |
91.Bilic, N. Vacuum Fluctuations of the Supersymmetric Field in Curved
Background/ N.Bilic, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.221-227
.- Bibliogr.:34. |
92.Brax, P. Supersymmetron/ P.Brax, A.-C.Davis // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1.-p.1-7 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
93.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Supersymmetry in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV
in Events with a Single Lepton, Jets, and Missing Transverse Momentum/ S.Chatrchyan,
I.Belotelov, P.Bunin, I.Golutvin, V.Karjavin, V.Konoplyanikov, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev,
A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, M.Savina, S.Shmatov, S.Shulha,
V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // The European
Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5.-p.2404-09 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
94.Chkareuli, J.L. Emergent Gauge Theories and Supersymmetry: A QED
Primer/ J.L.Chkareuli // Physics Letters B.-2013.-Vol.721, No.1/3.-p.146-150
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95.Chowdhury, D. Revisiting Lepton Flavor Violation in a Supersymmetric
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199.Oliveira, R.L.N. Dissipation and *y&sub(13) in Neutrino
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205.Stollenwerk, F. Model-Independent Approach to *h*>*p*+*p*-*g and
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207.Xiao, L.-Y. *X Baryon Strong Decays in a Chiral Quark Model/ L.-Y.Xiao,
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209.Abazov, V.M. Measurement of the Ratio of Differential Cross Sections
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210.Ablikim, M. Measurement of *h'*>*p*+*p*-e*+e*- and *h'*>*p*+*p*-*m*+*m*-/
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211.Adlarson, P. Exñlusive Measurement of the
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213.Cheung, K. Using the Higgs Boson to Probe the Littlest Higgs Model
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214.Englert, C. Triplet Higgs Boson Collider Phenomenology After the LHC/
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215.Groote, S. Fully Analytical O(*a&sub(s)) Results for on-Shell and
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216.Ingelman, G. Diffractive W&sup(*() Production at Hadron Colliders
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217.Keller, D. U-Spin Predictions of the Transition Magnetic Moments of
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219.Maru, N. Diphoton Decay Excess and 125 GeV Higgs Boson in Gauge-Higgs
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220.Mchedlishvili, D. The Neutron-Proton Charge-Exchange Amplitudes
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221.Pheron, F. Coherent Photoproduction of *h-Mesons off *3He-Search for
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224.Aaij, R. First Observations of B^- *0&sub(s)*>D*+D*-,
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225.Aaij, R. Measurement of the B*0&sub(s)-B^- *0&sub(s)
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226.Aaij, R. Measurement of the Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in
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228.Aaij, R. Study of B*0*>D*&sup(-)*p*+*p*-*p*+ and
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229.Aaltonen, T. Measurement of the Top Quark Forward-Backward Production
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230.Abelev, B. Measurement of Electrons from Beauty Hadron Decays in pp
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231.Ablikim, M. Partial Wave Analysis of J/*q*>*g*h*h/ M.Ablikim, E.Boger,
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232.Ablikim, M. Study of *q(3686)*>*wKK^- *p Decays/ M.Ablikim, E.Boger,
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234.Alioli, S. A New Observable to Measure the Top-Quark Mass at Hadron
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235.Becirevic, D. Theoretical Estimate of the D* *>D*p Decay Rate/ D.Becirevic,
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236.Bianconi, A. Effects of Azimuth-Symmetric Acceptance Cutoffs on the
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237.Blossier, B. B&sup(*') *>B Transition/ B.Blossier, [et al.] //
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238.Brucherseifer, M. On the O(*a*2&sub(s)) Corrections to
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239.Chatrchyan, S. Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in Top-Quark Pair Production
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240.Chen, D.-Y. Anomalous Radiative Transitions Between h&sub(b)(nP)
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241.Cui, C.-Y. B&sup(* )&sub(s1)B&sup(* )K Form Factor from
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242.Du, M.-K. Baryonic Isgur-Wise Functions in Large-N&sub(c) Heavy
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243.Dutta, R. Top Quark Physics in the Vector Color-Octet Model/ R.Dutta,
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244.Fan, Y.-Y. Anatomy of B*>K*h&sup((')) Decays in Different
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245.Faustov, R.N. Charmless Weak B&sub(s) Decays in the Relativistic
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246.Ferreiro, E.G. *U Production in p(d)A Collisions at RHIC and the LHC/
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247.Hou, W.-S. Implication of Possible Observation of Enhanced
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248.Hyodo, T. Production of Doubly Charmed Tetraquarks with Exotic Color
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249.Lees, J.P. Study of the Decay B^- *0*>*L*+&sub(c)p^- *p*+*p*-
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250.Li, X. Mixing of Partial Waves near B&sup(* )B^- * Threshold in
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251.Liu, N. QCD Corrections to the Production of tt^- *g at the ILC/ N.Liu
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252.Maciula, R. Open Charm Production at the LHC: k&sub(t)-Factorization
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253.Narison, S. Gluon Condensates and m^- &sub(b)(m^- &sub(b))
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254.Shen, Y.-L. Radiative D(D&sub(s)) Decays in the Covariant Light
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255.Stodolsky, L. Observability of "cascade mixing" in
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256.Sun, J. Study of B&sub(s) *> *h&sub(c)(J/*q)D Decay with
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257.Wang, W.-F. Semileptonic Decays B/B&sub(s)*>(*h, *h', G)(l*+,
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258.Wu, J.-J. Prediction of Super-Heavy N* and *L* Resonances with Hidden
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259.Xiao, C.W. Three Methods to Detect the Predicted DD^- Scalar Meson X(3700)/ C.W.Xiao, E.Oset //
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260.Xu, J. Exclusive Decay of *U into J/*q+*c&sub(c0,1,2)/ J.Xu, [et
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261.Aad, G. Search for a Heavy Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Channel H*>ZZ*>l*+l*-qq^- Using the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov,
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D.Kharchenko, N.Khovanskiy, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn,
V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, I.D.Manjavidze, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, K.Nikolaev,
A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, V.M.Romanov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov,
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262.Aad, G. Search for Displaced Muonic Lepton Jets from Light Higgs Boson
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N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov,
V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili,
M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev,
N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
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263.Aad, G. Search for First Generation Scalar Leptoquarks in pp Collisions
at *%s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, A.Barashkou, D.Y.Bardin,
V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, V.F.Chepurnov,
M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili,
Y.Gusakov, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko,
N.Khovanskiy, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn,
V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, I.D.Manjavidze, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, K.Nikolaev,
A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, V.M.Romanov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov,
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// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.158-176 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
264.Aad, G. Searches for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS Detector Using Final
States with Two Leptons and Missing Transverse Momentum in *%s=7 TeV Proton-Proton
Collisions/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, A.Barashkou, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko,
I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, V.F.Chepurnov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich,
M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, Y.Gusakov, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya,
M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, N.Khovanskiy, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov,
V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, I.D.Manjavidze,
I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, K.Nikolaev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, V.M.Romanov,
L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
A.Zhemchugov, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3.-p.137-157
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265.Akimov, D.Yu. WIMP-Nucleon Cross-Section Results from the Second
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B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.1/2.-p.14-20 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
266.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Fractionally Charged Particles in pp Collisions
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V.Konoplyanikov, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin,
M.Savina, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.]
// Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9.-p.092008 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
267.Coimbra, R. SCANNERS: Constraining the Phase Diagram of a Complex
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268.Djouadi, A. Implications of LHC Searches for Higgs-Portal Dark
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269.Gangal, S. Next-to-Leading-Order Uncertainties in Higgs+2 Jets from
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7.Physical Review D.-2013.-Vol.87, No.9. |
8.Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.707, No.1. |
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11.Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.709, No.3. |
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13.The European Physical Journal A.-2013.-Vol.49, No.4. |
14.The European Physical Journal A.-2013.-Vol.49, No.5. |
15.The European Physical Journal C.-2013.-Vol.73, No.5. |
16.Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêàÿ
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