No.33 19.08.2013 |
1.Икрамов, Х.Д. Линейные матричные уравнения типа
Сильвестра в самосопряженном случае/ Х.Д.Икрамов // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.147-149 .- Библиогр.:1. |
С 132
2.Гольдман, М.Л. Оценки равномерного модуля
непрерывности для потенциала Бесселя/ М.Л.Гольдман, [др.] // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.143-146 .- Библиогр.:10. |
С 135
3.Гладунова, О.П. О спектре оператора кривизны
конформно плоских римановых многообразий/ О.П.Гладунова, [др.] // Доклады
Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.140-142 .- Библиогр.:8. |
4.Chen, L. Spontaneous Symmetry
Breaking and Dynamic Phase Transition in Monolayer Silicene/ L.Chen, [et al.]
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.085504 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
5.Ribeiro, H. Coherent Adiabatic Spin
Control in the Presence of Charge Noise Using Tailored Pulses/ H.Ribeiro, [et
al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086804 .- Bibliogr.:33.
6.Алиев, А.Ф. Задача о непрерывной разладке
винеровского процесса/ А.Ф.Алиев // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450,
No.2.-с.135-139 .- Библиогр.:9. |
7.Евстигнеев, Н.М. Математическое моделирование
эффекта высвобождения энергии в плазменном вихревом реакторе/ Н.М.Евстигнеев,
[др.] // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.154-157 .- Библиогр.:15. |
8.Alexakis, A. Large-Scale Magnetic
Fields in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence/ A.Alexakis // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.084502 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
9.Baro, J. Statistical Similarity
Between the Compression of a Porous Material and Earthquakes/ J.Baro, [et
al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.088702 .-
Bibliogr.:33. |
10.Bina, M. Backscattering Differential Ghost
Imaging in Turbid Media/ M.Bina, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.083901 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
11.Krasnov, D. Patterned Turbulence in Liquid
Metal Flow: Computational Reconstruction of the Hartmann Experiment/ D.Krasnov,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.084501 .-
Bibliogr.:35. |
12.Martinez-Suarez, L. Tuning the Reactivity of a Cu/ZnO Nanocatalyst via
Gas Phase Pressure/ L.Martinez-Suarez, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086108 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
13.Moorcroft, R.L. Criteria for Shear Banding in
Time-Dependent Flows of Complex Fluids/ R.L.Moorcroft, S.M.Fielding //
Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086001 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
14.Wapenaar, K. Three-Dimensional Single-Sided Marchenko Inverse Scattering,
Data-Driven Focusing, Green's Function Retrieval, and Their Mutual Relations/
K.Wapenaar, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.084301 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
15.Александров, С.Е. О подобии эволюции размера
зерна вблизи поверхностей трения и в процессе равноканальной экструзии/ С.Е.Александров,
Р.В.Гольдштейн // Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.162-165 .-
Библиогр.:11. |
16.Бабешко, В.А. К теории прогноза сейсмичности на
основе механической концепции, топологический подход/ В.А.Бабешко, [др.] //
Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.166-170 .- Библиогр.:15. |
17.Зырянов, В.Н. Вихревые торы над возмущениями дна
во вращающейся жидкости/ В.Н.Зырянов, [др.] // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.171-175 .- Библиогр.:15. |
18.Barnett, S.M. Comment on "Trouble with
the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and
Momentum Conservation"/ S.M.Barnett // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.089402 .- Bibliogr.:4. |
19.Bennett, D.L. Gravity and Mirror Gravity in
Plebanski Formulation/ D.L.Bennett, [et al.] // International Journal of
Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350035 .- Bibliogr.:96. |
20.Brustein, R. Wave Function of the Quantum
Black Hole/ R.Brustein, M.Hadad // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.653-656 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
21.Cai, Y.-F. Emergent Universe Scenario via
Quintom Matter/ Y.-F.Cai, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.248-254 .- Bibliogr.:79. |
22.Calmet, X. Frame Transformations of
Gravitational Theories/ X.Calmet, T.-C.Yang // International Journal of
Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350042 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
23.Chakraborty, S. Is Thermodynamics of the
Universe Bounded by Event Horizon a Bekenstein System?/
S.Chakraborty // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.276-278 .-
Bibliogr.:9. |
24.Cid, A. Observational Constraints on a
Cosmological Model with Lagrange Multipliers/ A.Cid, P.Labrana // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.10-16 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
25.Garcia-Bellido, J. Higgs-Dilaton Cosmology:
Are There Extra Relativistic Species?/ J.Garcia-Bellido, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.507-511 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
26.Griffin, T. Lifshitz Gravity for Lifshitz
Holography/ T.Griffin, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.081602 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
27.Khorrami, M. Comment on "Trouble with
the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and
Momentum Conservation"/ M.Khorrami // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.089404 .- Bibliogr.:4. |
28.Kirillov, A.A. Emergence of Symmetries/ A.A.Kirillov,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.237-240 .- Bibliogr.:32.
29.Kowalski-Glikman, J. Living in Curved
Momentum Space/ J.Kowalski-Glikman // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1330014 .- Bibliogr.:71. |
30.Lattanzi, M. Gravitational Instability of the
Primordial Plasma: Anisotropic Evolution of Structures Seeds/ M.Lattanzi, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.255-264 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
31.Mansuripur, M. Mansuripur Replies/ M.Mansuripur
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.089405 .- Bibliogr.:6. |
32.Pedram, P. A Higher Order GUP with Minimal
Length Uncertainty and Maximal Momentum II: Applications/ P.Pedram // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.638-645 .-
Bibliogr.:44. |
33.Qiu, T. Reconstruction of f(R) Models with
Scale-Invariant Power Spectrum/ T.Qiu // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.475-481 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
34.Rahaman, F. The (2+1)-Dimensional Charged
Gravastars/ F.Rahaman, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.1-5 .- Bibliogr.:61. |
35.Reyes, L.M. Gravitational Waves During
Inflation from a 5D Large-Scale Repulsive Gravity Model/ L.M.Reyes, [et al.]
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.17-24 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
36.Sadjadi, H.M. Generalized Noether Symmetry in
f(T) Gravity/ H.M.Sadjadi // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.270-275 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
37.Saldanha, P.L. Comment on "Trouble with
the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and
Momentum Conservation"/ P.L.Saldanha // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.089403 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
38.Sheikh-Jabbari, M.M. Gauge-Flation vs
Chromo-Natural Inflation/ M.M.Sheikh-Jabbari // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.6-9 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
39.Vanzella, D.A.T. Comment on "Trouble
with the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and
Momentum Conservation"/ D.A.T.Vanzella // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.089401 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
40.Wang, P. Quantum Gravity Effects on Compact
Star Cores/ P.Wang, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.265-269 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
41.Arrigoni, E. Nonequilibrium Dynamical
Mean-Field Theory: An Auxiliary Quantum Master Equation Approach/ E.Arrigoni,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086403 .-
Bibliogr.:73. |
42.Balachandran, A.P. Entanglement and Particle
Identity: A Unifying Approach/ A.P.Balachandran, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.080503 .- Bibliogr.:16. |
43.Buniy, R.V. Everything is Entangled/ R.V.Buniy,
S.D.H.Hsu // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.233-236 .-
Bibliogr.:11. |
44.Hassanabadi, H. Scattering States of Hulthen Interaction in Minimal
Length Quantum Mechanics/ H.Hassanabadi, [et al.] // International Journal of
Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350041 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
45.Hassanabadi, H. Scattering States of Woods-Saxon Interaction in
Minimal Length Quantum Mechanics/ H.Hassanabadi, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.678-682 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
46.Rudner, M.S. Self-Sustaining Dynamical
Nuclear Polarization Oscillations in Quantum Dots/ M.S.Rudner, L.S.Levitov //
Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086601 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
47.Sharma, N. Fundamental Bound on the
Reliability of Quantum Information Transmission/ N.Sharma, N.A.Warsi //
Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.080501 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
48.Slodicka, L. Atom-Atom Entanglement by
Single-Photon Detection/ L.Slodicka, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.083603 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
49.Ратью, Т.С. Гамильтоновы и фейнмановские аспекты
вторичного квантования/ Т.С.Ратью, О.Г.Смолянов // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2.-с.150-153 .- Библиогр.:11. |
С 323.1
50.Banfi, A. Implications of QCD Radiative
Corrections on High-p&sub(T) Higgs Searches/ A.Banfi, J.Cancino //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.499-506 .- Bibliogr.:46.
С 323.4
51.Van Heck, B. Topological Blockade and
Measurement of Topological Charge/ B.Van Heck, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086803 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
С 323.5
52.Barger, V. Dipole Moment Dark Matter at the
LHC/ V.Barger, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.219-223 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
53.Ji, X. Transverse Polarization of the Nucleon
in Parton Picture/ X.Ji, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.214-218 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
54.Mueller, A.H. Sudakov Resummation in the
Small-x Saturation Formalism/ A.H.Mueller, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.082301 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
55.Bonnet, J.A. Critical Scaling of Finite
Temperature QED&sub(3) in Anisotropic Space-Time/ J.A.Bonnet, C.S.Fischer
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.532-537 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
56.Da Silva, W. An Analytical Expression of the
Asymptotic QED Cross-Section of Four Lepton Two Pair Production in *g*g
Collisions/ W.Da Silva, F.Kapusta // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-P.577-578 .- Bibliogr.:7. |
С 324.1б
57.Armesto, N. Interference Between Initial and
Final State Radiation in a QCD Medium/ N.Armesto, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.280-286 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
58.Dejonghe, R. Bott Periodicity and
Realizations of Chiral Symmetry in Arbitrary Dimensions/ R.Dejonghe, [et al.]
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.603-609 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
59.Imai, T. Supersymmetry-Breaking Nonlinear
Sigma Models/ T.Imai, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.257-260 .- Bibliogr.:9. |
60.Kim, H.-C. Energy-Momentum Tensor Form
Factors of the Nucleon in Nuclear Matter/ H.-C.Kim, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.625-631 .-
Bibliogr.:60. |
61.Reinhardt, H. The Effective Potential of the
Confinement Order Parameter in the Hamiltonian Approach/ H.Reinhardt, J.Heffner
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.672-677 .-
Bibliogr.:27. |
62.Scheid, W. Discussion of a Known Spherical
Basis for Dirac Wave Functions/ W.Scheid // International Journal of Modern
Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8.-p.1350022 .- Bibliogr.:8. |
63.Semke, A. Strangeness in the Baryon Ground
States/ A.Semke, M.F.M.Lutz // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.242-247 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
С 324.1в
64.Bernardini, A.E. Dynamical Dispersion
Relation for ELKO Dark Spinor Fields/ A.E.Bernardini, R.Da Rocha // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.238-241 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
65.Casana, R. Magnetic Flux Inversion in Charged BPS Vortices in a
Lorentz-Violating Maxwell-Higgs Framework/ R.Casana, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.620-624 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
66.Chen, M.-C. On Predictions from Spontaneously
Broken Flavor Symmetries/ M.-C.Chen, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.516-521 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
67.Coriano, C. Higher Order Dilaton Interactions
in the Nearly Conformal Limit of the Standard Model/ C.Coriano, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.182-187 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
68.Jora, R. Naturalness in a Simple Two Higgs
Doublet Model/ R.Jora, [et al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350036 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
С 324.1г
69.Escalante, A. Hamiltonian Analysis for
Abelian and Non-Abelian Massive Theories in Three Dimensions/ A.Escalante,
J.L.Osio // International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.8.-p.1350019 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
70.Khorrami, M. Gauge Theory on a Space with
Linear Lie Type Fuzziness/ M.Khorrami, [et al.] // International Journal of
Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8.-p.1350021 .- Bibliogr.:43.
71.De Divitiis, G.M. On the Extraction of Zero
Momentum Form Factors on the Lattice/ G.M.De Divitiis, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.589-596 .- Bibliogr.:18.
72.Perez-Garcia, M.A. Constraints of the
Variation of Fundamental Couplings and Sensitivity of the Equation of State
of Dense Matter/ M.A.Perez-Garcia, C.J.A.P.Martins // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.241-247 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
С 324.1д
73.D'Elia, M. Susceptibility of the QCD Vacuum
to CP-Odd Electromagnetic Background Fields/ M.D'Elia, [et al.] // Physical
Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.082002 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
74.Heupel, W. Tetraquark Bound States in a
Bethe-Salpeter Approach/ W.Heupel, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.545-549 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
С 324.1е
75.Akula, S. Implications of the Higgs Boson
Discovery for mSUGRA/ S.Akula, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.188-1912 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
76.Buchbinder, I.L. "Induced" N=4
Conformal Supergravity/ I.L.Buchbinder, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.274-279 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
77.Cardinali, V. New Supersymmetric Wilson Loops
in ABJ(M) Theories/ V.Cardinali, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.615-619 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
78.Chang, S. Probing Axino LSP from Diphoton
Events with Large Missing Transverse Energy/ S.Chang, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.193-196 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
79.Eguchi, T. N=2 Moonshine/ T.Eguchi, K.Hikami
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.266-273 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
80.Gutowski, J.B. Euclidean N=2 Supergravity/
J.B.Gutowski, W.A.Sabra // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.610-614
.- Bibliogr.:15. |
81.Hagedorn, C. SUSY S&sub(4) x SU(5)
Revisited/ C.Hagedorn, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.207-213 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
82.Ibe, M. A 125 GeV Higgs Boson Mass and
Gravitino Dark Matter in R-Invariant Direct Gauge Mediation/ M.Ibe, R.Sato //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.197-201 .-
Bibliogr.:37. |
83.Kawasaki, M. Remarks on Hubble Induced Mass
from Fermion Kinetic Term/ M.Kawasaki, T.Takesako // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.522-525 .- Bibliogr.:9. |
84.Ko, P. A Resolution of the Flavor Problem of
Two Higgs Doublet Models with an Extra U(1)&sub(H) Symmetry for Higgs
Flavor/ P.Ko, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.202-206
.- Bibliogr.:25. |
85.Lopez, J.L. Toward a Supergravity Spectral
Action/ J.L.Lopez, [et al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350038 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
86.Maiani, L. Heavier Higgs Particles:
Indications from Minimal Supersymmetry/ L.Maiani, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.465-468 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
87.Mohammed, B.A.E. Nonplanar Integrability and
Parity in ABJ Theory/ B.A.E.Mohammed // International Journal of Modern
Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350043 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
88.Nakayama, K. Eluding the Gravitino
Overproduction in Inflaton Decay/ K.Nakayama, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.526-531 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
89.Braguta, V.V. Electromagnetic
Superconductivity of Vacuum Induced by Strong Magnetic Field: Numerical
Evidence in Lattice Gauge Theory/ V.V.Braguta, P.V.Buividovich, [et al.] //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.667-671 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
90.Fedoruk, S. New Particle Model in Extended
Space-Time and Covariantization of Planar Landau Dynamics/ S.Fedoruk, J.Lukierski
// Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.646-652 .-
Bibliogr.:34. |
91.Fodor, Z. Can the Nearly Conformal Sextet
Gauge Model Hide the Higgs Impostor?/ Z.Fodor, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.657-666 .- Bibliogr.:101. |
92.Shalaby, A.M. Vacuum Stability of the
PT-Symmetric (-*f*4) Scalar Field Theory/ A.M.Shalaby // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8.-p.1350023 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
93.Sousa, L.J.S. Brane Bounce-Type
Configurations in a String-Like Scenario/ L.J.S.Sousa, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.579-583 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
94.Takahashi, D.A. Fermionic Solutions of Chiral
Gross-Neveu and Bogoliubov-de Gennes Systems in Nonlinear Schrodinger
Hierarchy/ D.A.Takahashi, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.632-637 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
95.Yoda, H. Classical Dimensional Transmutation
and Renormalization in Massive *l*f*4 Model/ H.Yoda, S.Nojiri // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.683-686 .- Bibliogr.:3. |
96.Zhukovsky, V.Ch. Effective (2+1)-Dimensional
Field Theory of Fermions: Fermion Mass Generation with Kaluza-Klein Fermions
and Gauge Field/ V.Ch.Zhukovsky, E.A.Stepanov // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.597-602 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
С 325
97.Bonnet, N. First-Principles Prediction of the
Equilibrium Shape of Nanoparticles Under Realistic Electrochemical
Conditions/ N.Bonnet, N.Marzari // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.086104 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
98.Braun, O.M. Size Scaling of Static Friction/
O.M.Braun, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.085503
.- Bibliogr.:24. |
99.Crisanti, A. Fluctuation Relation for Weakly
Ergodic Aging Systems/ A.Crisanti, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.080601 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
100.Guerdane, M. Local Atomic Order in the Melt and Solid-Liquid
Interface Effect on the Growth Kinetics in a Metallic Alloy Model/ M.Guerdane,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086105 .-
Bibliogr.:26. |
101.Huang, B. Overcoming the Phase Inhomogeneity
in Chemically Functionalized Graphene: The Case of Graphene Oxides/ B.Huang,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.085501 .-
Bibliogr.:33. |
102.Kashinath, A. Stable Storage of Helium in
Nanoscale Platelets at Semicoherent Interfaces/ A.Kashinath, [et al.] //
Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086101 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
103.Kristinsdottir, L.H. Total Current Blockade
in an Ultracold Dipolar Quantum Wire/ L.H.Kristinsdottir, [et al.] //
Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.085303 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
104.Mkhitaryan, V.V. Localized States Due to Expulsion of Resonant
Impurity Levels from the Continuum in Bilayer Graphene/ V.V.Mkhitaryan, E.G.Mishchenko
// Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086805 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
105.Ortmann, F. Splitting of the Zero-Energy Landau Level and Universal
Dissipative Conductivity at Critical Points in Disordered Graphene/ F.Ortmann,
S.Roche // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.086602 .-
Bibliogr.:36. |
106.Perfetto, E. Dynamical Formation and
Manipulation of Majorana Fermions in Driven Quantum Wires in Contact with a
Superconductor/ E.Perfetto // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.087001 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
107.Schumacher, S. Strain in Epitaxial Graphene
Visualized by Intercalation/ S.Schumacher, [et al.] // Physical Review
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199.Abelev, B. Neutral Pion and *h Meson
Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at *%s=0.9 TeV and *%s=7 TeV/ B.Abelev,
B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Jancurova, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov,
G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.162-172 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
200.Ahmadov, A.I. Two-Pion Production in Electron-Polarized Proton
Scattering/ A.I.Ahmadov, E.A.Kuraev, Yu.M.Bystritskiy // International
Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12.-p.1350037 .- Bibliogr.:21.
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201.Matsinos, E. Analysis of the Low-Energy
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202.Aad, G. Measurement W*g and
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Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov,
D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov,
M.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin,
N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze,
D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn,
V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov,
E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova,
A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, [et al.] //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.49-69 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
203.Aad, G. Search for Diphoton
Events with Large Missing Transverse Momentum in 7 TeV Proton-Proton
Collision Data with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin,
V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov,
D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov,
L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko,
E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin,
I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov,
L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin,
V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.411-430 .- Bibliogr.:64. |
204.Abazov, V.M. Limits on Anomalous Trilinear Gauge
Boson Couplings from WW, WZ and W*g Production in pp^- Collisions at *%s=1.96 TeV/ V.M.Abazov,
G.D.Alexeev, G.Golovanov, Y.N.Kharzheev, V.L.Malyshev, V.V.Tokmenin, A.Y.Verkheev,
L.S.Vertogradov, Y.A.Yatsunenko, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.451-459 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
205.Abelev, B. K*0&sub(S)K*0&sub(S) Correlations in pp Collisions
at *%s=7 TeV from the LHC ALICE Experiment/ B.Abelev, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov,
S.Grigoryan, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala,
A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.151-161 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
206.Aad, G. Measurement of the Top
Quark Pair Cross Section with ATLAS in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV Using Final
States with an Electron or a Muon and a Hadronically Decaying *t Lepton/ G.Aad,
I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov,
A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev,
G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov,
G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak,
Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski,
V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov,
M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.89-108 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
207.Aaij, R. Measurement of the Ratio of Prompt
*c&sub(c) to J/*q Production in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ R.Aaij, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.431-440 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
208.Aamodt, K. Erratum to "Rapidity and
Transverse Momentum Dependence of Inclusive J/*q Production in pp Collisions
at *%s=7 TeV" [Phys.Lett.B 704(5) (2011) 442]/ K.Aamodt, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov,
S.Grigoryan, L.Jancurova, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets,
[a.o.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.692-698 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
209.Abelev, B. D*+&sub(s) Meson Production
at Central Rapidity in Proton-Proton Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ B.Abelev, B.Batyunya,
A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova,
M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.279-294 .- Bibliogr.:78. |
210.Abelev, B. Inclusive J/*q Production in pp
Collisions at *%s=2.76 TeV/ B.Abelev, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Jancurova,
L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.295-306 .- Bibliogr.:28.
211.Albuquerque, R.M. Exotic B&sub(c)-Like
Molecules in QCD Sum Rules/ R.M.Albuquerque, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.492-498 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
212.Alekhin, S. Determination of the Charm-Quark
Mass in the M^- S^- Scheme Using
Charm Production Data from Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA/ S.Alekhin, [et
al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.550-557 .- Bibliogr.:55. |
213.Aliev, T.M. Lepton Polarization Effects in
*L&sub(b)*>*Ll*+l*- Decay in Family Non-Universal Z' Model/ T.M.Aliev,
M.Savci // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.566-572 .- Bibliogr.:32.
214.Borissov, G. B-Physics Results from
Tevatron/ G.Borissov // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8.-p.1330007 .- Bibliogr.:128. |
215.Chatrchyan, S. Inclusive and Differential Measurements of the tt^- Charge Asymmetry in Proton-Proton Collisions
at *%s=7 TeV/ S.Chatrchyan, I.Belotelov, P.Bunin, M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov,
A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik,
V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physics
Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.129-150 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
216.Chatrchyan, S. Measurement of the *U(1S), *U(2S), and *U(3S)
Polarizations in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ S.Chatrchyan, I.Belotelov, P.Bunin,
M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev,
A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze,
A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.081802 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
217.Deliot, F. Top Quark Physics at the
Tevatron/ F.Deliot, [et al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8.-p.1330013 .- Bibliogr.:159. |
218.Zhu, H.X. Transverse-Momentum Resummation
for Top-Quark Pairs at Hadron Colliders/ H.X.Zhu, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.082001 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
219.Aad, G. Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson in the
H*>ZZ*>l*+l*-*n*n^- Decay
Channel Using 4.7fb&sup(-1) of *%s=7 TeV Data with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad,
I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov,
A.Cheplakov, M.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili,
N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov,
V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin,
I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov,
L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin,
V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.29-48 .- Bibliogr.:71. |
220.Aad, G. Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Mass Range
200-600 GeV in the H*>ZZ*>l*+l*-qq^-
Decay Channel with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin,
V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov,
D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov,
L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov,
V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili,
M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev,
N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3.-p.70-88 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
221.Aad, G. Search for the Higgs Boson in the H*>WW*>l*njj Decay
Channel at *%s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin,
V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov,
D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov,
L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov,
V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili,
M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev,
N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov,
A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2.-p.391-410 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
222.Aad, G. Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in
Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying to a b-Quark Pair with the ATLAS
Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov,
G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti,
M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov,
G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak,
Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, A.G.Olchevski,
V.D.Peshekhonov, E.Plotnikova, V.Pozdnyakov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov,
M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, N.I.Zimin,
[et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.369-390 .- Bibliogr.:55.
223.Aaltonen, T. Search for a Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Final State
Using the Full CDF Data Set from pp^-
Collisions at *%s=1.96 TeV/ T.Aaltonen, A.Artikov, J.Budagov, D.Chokheli,
V.Glagolev, F.Prokoshin, A.Semenov, A.Simonenko, I.Suslov, [et al.] //
Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.173-181 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
224.Aranda, A. Three Generations of Higgses and
the Cyclic Groups/ A.Aranda, [et al.] // Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717, No.1/3.-p.248-251 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
225.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Heavy Lepton Partners of Neutrinos in
Proton-Proton Collisions in the Context of the Type III Seesaw Mechanism/ S.Chatrchyan,
I.Belotelov, P.Bunin, M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin,
G.Kozlov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov,
V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.348-368 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
226.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Pair Produced Fourth-Generation Up-Type
Quarks in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV with a Lepton in the Final State/ S.Chatrchyan,
I.Belotelov, P.Bunin, M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin,
G.Kozlov, A.Lanev, A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov,
V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.718, No.2.-p.307-328 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
227.Chatrchyan, S. Search for Pair Production of Third-Generation
Leptoquarks and Top Squarks in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ S.Chatrchyan, I.Belotelov,
P.Bunin, M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev,
A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, M.Savina, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov,
Z.Tsamalaidze, A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8.-p.081801 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
228.Chatrchyan, S. Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson
Candidate via its Decays to Z Boson Pairs/ S.Chatrchyan, I.Belotelov, P.Bunin,
M.Gavrilenko, I.Golutvin, I.Gorbunov, A.Kamenev, V.Karjavin, G.Kozlov, A.Lanev,
A.Malakhov, P.Moisenz, V.Palichik, V.Perelygin, S.Shmatov, V.Smirnov, Z.Tsamalaidze,
A.Volodko, A.Zarubin, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2013.-Vol.110,
No.8.-p.081803 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
229.Englert, C. Partially (in)Visible Higgs
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No.2.-p.538-544 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
230.Giardino, P.P. Is the Resonance at 125 GeV
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231.Bhat, C.K. Cosmic-Ray Composition with
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232.Karapetyan, G.G. Theoretical Investigation
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233.Komori, Y. Atmospheric Electron Spectrum
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234.Okumura, A. Optimization of the Collection Efficiency of a Hexagonal
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235.Ulrich, R. The Non-Linearity Between <
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237.Daftari, I.K. Scintillator-CCD Camera System
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238.Jones, J.A. Опасность космической радиации и
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239.Singh, S.G. Fabrication, Properties and
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240.Yalcin, Z. A Different Perspective to the
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241.Власова, Н.Г. Методический
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242.Xu, G. Biological Effects of Low Energy
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243.Беляев, И.К. Радиоактивный цезий. Сообщение 2:
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244.Цыб, А.Ф. Настоящее и будущее
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245.Barak, J. SEU Due to Electrons in Silicon Devices with Nanometric
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246.Gow, J.P.D. Comparison of Proton Irradiated
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247.Ikeda, T. Resistive Switching Induced on a
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248.Kumar, R.A. Effect of 120 MeV Ag*9*+ Ion
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250.Kumar, V. High Eleсtronic Excitation Induced Modifications by 100 MeV O*7*+ and 150 MeV
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251.Li, Y.H. The Irradiation Effects of
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1.Astroparticle Physics.-2012.-Vol.38. |
2.International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.12. |
3.International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.8. |
4.Modern Physics Letters
B.-2013.-Vol.27, No.12. |
5.Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research A.-2012.-Vol.686. |
6.Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research B.-2012.-Vol.287. |
7.Physical Review
Letters.-2013.-Vol.110, No.8. |
8.Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.717,
No.1/3. |
9.Physics Letters B.-2012.-Vol.718,
No.2. |
10.Доклады Академии Наук.-2013.-Т.450, No.2. |
11.Журнал физической химии.-2013.-Т.87, No.5. |
12.Журнал физической химии.-2013.-Т.87, No.6. |
13.Медицинская радиология и радиационная
безопасность.-2013.-T.58, No.3. |