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1.Керимов, М.К. К девяностолетию со дня рождения
академика Николая Николаевича Яненко/ М.К.Керимов
// Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53,
No.2.-с.171-180 .- Библиогр.:163. |
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2.Ammari, H. Enhancement of
Near-Cloaking. Part II: The Helmholtz Equation/ H.Ammari,
[a.o.] // Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2013.-Vol.317, No.2.-p.485-502 .- Bibliogr.:32.
3.Афанасьев, А.П. Приближенное аналитическое решение
систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений с полиномиальной правой
частью/ А.П.Афанасьев, [др.] // Журнал
вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53,
No.2.-с.321-328 .- Библиогр.:13. |
4.Khrapak, S.A. fcc-bcc-Fluid
Triple Point for Model Pair Interactions with Variable Softness/ S.A.Khrapak, G.E.Morfill //
EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.6.-p.66004 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
5.Rosu, H.C. Nonsingular
Parametric Oscillators Darboux-Related to the
Classical Harmonic Oscillator/ H.C.Rosu, [a.o.] // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers
of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60006 .- Bibliogr.:5. |
6.Cartes, C. Model of a
Two-Dimensional Extended Chaotic System: Evidence of Diffusing Dissipative Solitons/ C.Cartes, [et al.] //
Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.178303 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
7.Cressoni, J.C. Robustness of the
Non-Markovian Alzheimer Walk Under Stochastic
Perturbation/ J.C.Cressoni, [a.o.]
// EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.6.-p.60003 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
8.Kawai, R. A Hard Disc Analysis of
Momentum Deficit Due to Dissipation/ R.Kawai, [a.o.] // Physica
Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5.-p.058508 .-
Bibliogr.:16. |
9.Metzler, R. The Role of Ergodicity in Anomalous Stochastic Processes: Analysis of
Single-Particle Trajectories/ R.Metzler, J.-H.Jeon // Physica
Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5.-p.058510 .-
Bibliogr.:54. |
10.Zhang, W.-M. General Non-Markovian
Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems/ W.-M.Zhang, [et
al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.170402
.- Bibliogr.:38. |
11.Dutykh, D. Geometric Numerical Schemes for
the KDV Equation/ D.Dutykh, [a.o.]
// Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53, No.2.-c.281 .- |
12.Войтишек, А.В. Аналитический подход к изучению
граничного эффекта в одномерном рандомизированном
численном алгоритме построения адаптивных сеток/ А.В.Войтишек,
Д.С.Хмель // Журнал вычислительной математики и
математической физики.-2013.-T.53, No.2.-с.195-208 .- Библиогр.:15. |
13.Евтушенко, Ю.Г. Метод неравномерных покрытий для
решения задач многокритериальной оптимизации с гарантированной точностью/ Ю.Г.Евтушенко, М.А.Посыпкин //
Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики.-2013.-T.53,
No.2.-с.209-224 .- Библиогр.:25. |
14.Каменев, Г.К. Итеративный метод построения
покрытий многомерной единичной сферы/ Г.К.Каменев,
[др.] // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической
физики.-2013.-T.53, No.2.-с.181-194 .- Библиогр.:17. |
15.Предисловие к материалам семинара "Избранные
вопросы теоретической физики и ядерной физики", посв.
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16.Beresnyak, A. Universal Magnetohydrodynamic
Turbulence and Small-Scale Dynamo/ A.Beresnyak // Physica Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5.-p.058201 .-
Bibliogr.:30. |
17.Dascaliuc, R. Coherent Vortex Structures and
3D Enstrophy Cascade/ R.Dascaliuc,
Z.Grujic // Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2013.-Vol.317, No.2.-p.547-561 .- Bibliogr.:p.560-561. |
18.Dierckx, H. Buckling of Scroll Waves/ H.Dierckx, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.174102 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
19.Grinstein, F.F. On Coarse-Grained Simulations
of Turbulent Material Mixing/ F.F.Grinstein, [a.o.] // Physica
Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5.-p.058203 .- Bibliogr.:89.
20.Шамаев, А.С. О спектре одномерных колебаний в
среде из слоев упругого материала и вязкоупругого материала Кельвина-Фойгта/ А.С.Шамаев, В.В.Шумилова // Журнал вычислительной математики и
математической физики.-2013.-T.53, No.2.-с.282-290 .- Библиогр.:18. |
21.Carr, B.J. Black Holes, the Generalized
Uncertainty Principle and Higher Dimensions/ B.J.Carr
// Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340011 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
22.Chen, P. Quantum Corrections to Entropic
Gravity/ P.Chen, C.-H.Wang
// Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340010 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
23.De Felice, A.
Massive Gravity: Nonlinear Instability of a Homogeneous and Isotropic
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Bibliogr.:14. |
24.De Lorenci, V.A.
Light-Cone Fluctuations and the Renormalized Stress Tensor of a Massless
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25.Gumrukcuoglu, A.E. Self-Accelerating Universe
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Bibliogr.:18. |
26.Lindesay, J. Self-Consistent Solutions of
Canonical Proper Self-Gravitating Quantum Systems/ J.Lindesay
// Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42, No.12.-p.1573-85 .- Bibliogr.:6. |
27.Mandic, V. Parameter Estimation in Searches
for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background/ V.Mandic,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.171102 .-
Bibliogr.:54. |
28.Ni, W.-T. Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics,
Equivalence Principle and Cosmic Interactions: a Short Exposition and an
Update/ W.-T.Ni, [et al.] // Modern Physics Letters
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340013 .- Bibliogr.:52. |
29.Rafelski, J. Critical Acceleration and
Quantum Vacuum/ J.Rafelski, L.Labun
// Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340014 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
30.Rosu, H.C. Inhomogeneous Barotropic
FRW Cosmologies in Conformal Time/ H.C.Rosu, K.V.Khmelnytskaya // Modern Physics Letters
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340017 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
31.Yu, P. Energy Estimates and Gravitational
Collapse/ P.Yu // Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2013.-Vol.317, No.2.-p.273-316 .- Bibliogr.:7. |
32.Zhao, G.-B. Examining the Evidence for
Dynamical Dark Energy/ G.-B.Zhao, [et al.] //
Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.171301 .-
Bibliogr.:25. |
33.Aggarwal, K.M. Energy Levels, Radiative Rates and Electron Impact Excitation Rates for
Transitions in Be-Like Ti XIX/ K.M.Aggarwal, F.P.Keenan // Physica
Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5.-p.055301 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
34.Ma, B.-Q. New Perspective on Space and Time
from Lorenz Violation/ B.-Q.Ma // Modern Physics
Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.3.-p.1340012 .- Bibliogr.:33.
35.Melezhik, V.S. Quantum Scattering Problem
without Partial-Wave Analysis/ V.S.Melezhik // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76, No.2.-p.167-175 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
36.Moroz, A. On the Spectrum of a Class of
Quantum Models/ A.Moroz // EPL: A Letters Journal
Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60010
.- Bibliogr.:23. |
37.Xu, G.F. Nonadiabatic
Holonomic Quantum Computation in Decoherence-Free Subspaces/ G.F.Xu,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.170501 .- Bibliogr.:31.
38.Абрамов, Д.И. Гиперсферический
кулоновский сфероидальный базис в кулоновской задаче трех тел/ Д.И.Абрамов // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76,
No.2.-с.224-235 .- Библиогр.:44. |
39.Белов, П.А. Асимптотический метод нахождения
амплитуды трехчастичного развала. nd-рассеяние/ П.А.Белов, С.Л.Яковлев // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76,
No.2.-с.153-166 .- Библиогр.:10. |
В.С. Численное построение собственных функций непрерывного спектра трехчастичного оператора Шредингера: три частицы на
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41.Волков, М.В. Изучение процессов рассеяния в малочастичных квантовых системах с дальнодействующими
взаимодействиями с помощью метода комплексного вращения/ М.В.Волков,
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42.Пупышев, В.В. Протон-водородная
реакция в эффективно-двухчастичной модели/ В.В.Пупышев // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76,
No.2.-с.199-215 .- Библиогр.:16. |
43.Пупышев, В.В. Рассеяние протона атомом водорода в
эффективно-двухчастичной модели/ В.В.Пупышев // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76,
No.2.-с.184-198 .- Библиогр.:27. |
44.Chiuri, A. Experimental Quantum Networking Protocols via Four-Qubit Hyperentangled Dicke States/ A.Chiuri, [et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.173604
.- Bibliogr.:36. |
45.Frowis, F. Are Cloned Quantum States
Macroscopic?/ F.Frowis, W.Dur // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109,
No.17.-p.170401 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
46.Hamerly, R. Advantages of Coherent Feedback
for Cooling Quantum Oscillators/ R.Hamerly, H.Mabuchi // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109,
No.17.-p.173602 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
47.Healey, R. Quantum Decoherence
in a Pragmatist View: Dispelling Feynman's Mystery/ R.Healey
// Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42, No.12.-p.1534-55 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
48.Ma, Y.-Q. Momentum Space Z&sub(2) Number, Quantized
Berry Phase and the Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Chain Systems/ Y.-Q.Ma, [a.o.] // EPL: A Letters
Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60001 .-
Bibliogr.:42. |
49.Nezhadhaghighi, M.G. Entanglement Entropy in
Long-Range Harmonic Oscillators/ M.G.Nezhadhaghighi,
M.A.Rajabpour // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring
the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60011 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
50.Norris, L.M. Enhanced Squeezing of a
Collective Spin via Control of Its Qudit
Subsystems/ L.M.Norris, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.173603 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
51.Peil, S. Proposed Test of Relative Phase as
Hidden Variable in Quantum Mechanics/ S.Peil //
Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42, No.12.-p.1523-33 .- Bibliogr.:14.
52.Корняк, В.В. Конечные группы и квантовая физика/ В.В.Корняк // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76, No.2.-с.269-287
.- Библиогр.:22. |
53.Малыкин, Г.Б. Метод Э. Бореля для вычисления
прецессии Томаса. Геометрическая фаза в релятивистском кинематическом
пространстве скоростей и ее приложения в оптике/ Г.Б.Малыкин
// Оптика и спектроскопия.-2013.-Т.114, No.2.-с.293-301 .- Библиогр.:98. |
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54.Carbonaro, P. Relativistic Flow and
Non-Linear Klein-Gordon Equation/ P.Carbonaro //
EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.6.-p.65001 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
55.De Oliveira, T.R. Nonviolation
of Bell's Inequality in Translation Invariant Systems/ T.R.De
Oliveira, [a.o.] // EPL: A Letters Journal
Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60004 .- Bibliogr.:30.
56.Esposito, S. Majorana
Solutions to the Two-Electron Problem/ S.Esposito, A.Naddeo // Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42,
No.12.-p.1586-1608 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
57.Koehn, M. Solutions of the Klein-Gordon
Equation in an Infinite Square-Well Potential with a Moving Wall/ M.Koehn // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers
of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60008 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
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58.Dremin, I.M. Scaling Laws for the
Elastic-Scattering Amplitude/ I.M.Dremin, A.A.Radovskaya // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.61001 .- Bibliogr.:11.
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59.Chandra, V. Transport Properties of Anisotropically Expanding Quark-Gluon Plasma within a Quasiparticle Model/ V.Chandra
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114008 .- Bibliogr.:76. |
60.Kopeliovich, B.Z. Flavor Structure of
Generalized Parton Distributions from Neutrino Experiments/ B.Z.Kopeliovich, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.113018 .- Bibliogr.:71. |
61.Mandal, M. Wake in Anisotropic Quark-Gluon
Plasma/ M.Mandal, P.Roy
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114002 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
62.Metz, A. Analysis of the Double-Spin Asymmetry A&sub(LT)
in Inelastic Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions/ A.Metz,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114020 .- Bibliogr.:68.
63.Motyka, L. Evidence of Strong Higher Twist
Effects in Diffractive DIS at HERA at Moderate Q*2/ L.Motyka,
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64.Flood, S.P. Testing Vacuum Electrodynamics
Using "Slow Light" Experiments/ S.P.Flood,
D.A.Burton // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60005 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
65.Susstrunk, R. Free Fermions on a Line: Asymptotics of the Entanglement Entropy and Entanglement
Spectrum from Full Counting Statistics/ R.Susstrunk,
D.A.Ivanov // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6.-p.60009 .- Bibliogr.:18.
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66.Aoki, S. Chiral Symmetry Restoration, the Eigenvalue Density of the Dirac Operator, and the Axial U(1) Anomaly at Finite Temperature/ S.Aoki, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114512 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
67.Hoferichter, M. Extracting the Chiral Anomaly
from *g*p*>*p*p/ M.Hoferichter, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.116009 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
68.Inagaki, T. Phase Diagram of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model with Dimensional Regularization/
T.Inagaki, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.116013 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
69.Ruivo, M.C. Effects of Entanglement and Instanton
Suppression at Finite Temperature in a SU(2) Entangled Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio
Model with Anomaly/ M.C.Ruivo, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.116007 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
70.Shekhovtsova, O. Resonance Chiral Lagrangian Currents and *t Decay Monte Carlo/ O.Shekhovtsova, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.113008 .- Bibliogr.:126. |
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71.Barr, S.M. Observable Proton Decay from
Planck Scale Physics/ S.M.Barr, X.Calmet
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.116010 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
72.Ilgenfritz, E.-M. Topological Aspects of G&sub(2)
Yang-Mills Theory/ E.-M.Ilgenfritz, A.Maas // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114508
.- Bibliogr.:28. |
73.Bornyakov, V.G. Lattice Gluon Propagators in
3D SU(2) Theory and Effects of Gribov Copies/ V.G.Bornyakov, V.K.Mitrjushkin,
R.N.Rogalyov // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.114503 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
74.Oliveira, O. Lattice Landau Gauge Gluon
Propagator: Lattice Spacing and Volume Dependence/ O.Oliveira,
P.J.Silva // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.114513 .- Bibliogr.:21. |
75.Ayala, A. Rho-Meson Resonance Broadening in
QCD at Finite Temperature/ A.Ayala, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114036 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
76.Casey, A. Dihadron
Fragmentation Functions from the NJL-jet Model and Their QCD Evolution/ A.Casey, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.114018 .- Bibliogr.:91. |
77.Cvetic, G. Operator Product Expansion with
Analytic QCD in *t Decay Physics/ G.Cvetic, C.Villavicencio // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.116001
.- Bibliogr.:59. |
78.Deng, C. QCD Quark Cyclobutadiene
and Light Tetraquark Spectra/ C.Deng,
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79.Engelhardt, M. Strange Quark Contributions to
Nucleon Mass and Spin from Lattice QCD/ M.Engelhardt
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114510 .- Bibliogr.:45. |
80.Gelis, F. Color Glass Condensate and Glasma/ F.Gelis //
International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.1.-p.1330001 .-
Bibliogr.:181. |
81.Green, J.R. Nucleon Scalar and Tensor Charges
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[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114509 .- Bibliogr.:33.
82.Kovacs, T.G. Poisson-Random Matrix Transition
in the QCD Dirac Spectrum/ T.G.Kovacs, F.Pittler // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.114515 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
83.Pasechnik, R.S. Diffractive Gauge Bosons
Production Beyond QCD Factorization/ R.S.Pasechnik,
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84.Sasaki, S. Hyperon Vector Form Factor from
2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD/ S.Sasaki // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.114502 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
85.Wang, J. Updated Predictions for Graviton and
Photon Associated Production at the LHC/ J.Wang, C.S.Li // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.116008 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
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86.Boudjema, F. Supersymmetric
Higgs Bosons Beyond the MSSM: An Update with Flavor and Dark Matter
Constraints/ F.Boudjema, G.D.La
Rochelle // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.115007 .- Bibliogr.:67.
87.Cohen, T. An Attractor for Natural Supersymmetry/ T.Cohen, [et
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Bibliogr.:32. |
88.Delgado, A. Large Diphoton
Higgs Rates from Supersymmetric Triplets/ A.Delgado, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.115010 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
89.Drees, M. Supersymmetric
Explanation of the Excess of Higgs-Like Events at the LHC and at LEP/ M.Drees // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.11.-p.115018 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
90.Meroni, A. A Supersymmetric
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91.Murayama, H. Compact Supersymmetry/
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92.Tamarit, C. Large, Negative Threshold
Contributions to Light Soft Masses in Models with Effective Supersymmetry/ C.Tamarit //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11.-p.115003 .- Bibliogr.:17.
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93.Chatterjee, C. Line Discontinuities, Local
Action with Both the Field and its Dual and Spin from No Spin in
Two-Dimensional Scalar Theory/ C.Chatterjee, [et
al.] // International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.1.-p.1350003 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
94.Kane, G. Review and Update of the Compactified M/String Theory Prediction of the Higgs
Boson Mass and Properties/ G.Kane, [et al.] //
International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.1.-p.1330002 .- Bibliogr.:56.
95.Рыбаков, Ю.П. 8-спиноры и структура солитонов в обобщенной электродинамике Ми/ Ю.П.Рыбаков // Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76,
No.2.-с.247-251 .- Библиогр.:12. |
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96.Schroer, B. Causality and Dispersion
Relations and the Role of the S-Matrix in the Ongoing Research/ B.Schroer // Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42,
No.12.-p.1481-1522 .- Bibliogr.:74. |
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97.Artemenko, S.N. Photogalvanic
Effects in Topological Insulators/ S.N.Artemenko, V.O.Kaladzhyan
// Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. Письма.-2013.-Т.97, No.1/2.-p.88-92 .-
Bibliogr.:14. |
98.Bobylev, S.V. Grain Boundary Rotations in
Solids/ S.V.Bobylev, I.A.Ovid'ko
// Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109, No.17.-p.175501 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
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193.Kozub, R.L. Neutron Single Particle
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194.Boggild, H. Pion Hanbury
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195.Buyukcizmeci, N. Isotopic Yields and
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203.Grebenyuk, A. Jet Production and the
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204.Abe, Y. First Test of Lorentz Violation with
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205.Barranco, J. Neutrino Spin Flavor Precession
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207.Bhupal Dev, P.S.
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208.Chen, C.-C. Distinguishability of Neutrino
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209.Coelho, J.A.B. Constraints for Nonstandard
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210.Eby, D.A. Nonzero *y&sub(13)
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211.Espinoza, C. Search for New Physics with
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213.He, H.-J. Octahedral Symmetry with
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214.Hu, C.-Y. Cherenkov Radiation Induced by Cosmogenic Neutrinos in Near-Field/ C.-Y.Hu, [et al.] //
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215.Karle, A. Neutrino Astronomy at the South
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216.Liu, T.C. Neutrino Flavor Ratios on the
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217.Liu, W. MCMC Sampling in the Global Analysis
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218.Qian, X. Statistical Evaluation of
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219.Reynoso, M.M. Excited Neutrino Production by
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220.Goldstein, G.R. Easy as *p*0: on the
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221.Surovtsev, Yu.S.
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223.Aaltonen, T. Search for a Heavy Boson
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224.Accomando, E. Charged Diboson Production at
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225.Aceti, F. Isospin Breaking and f&sub(0)(980)-a&sub(0)(980)
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226.Altmannshofer, W. Minimal Flavor Violating
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227.Denner, A. Next-to-Leading Order QCD
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228.Geller, M. 125 GeV
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229.Hashemi, M. Charged Higgs Boson Detection in
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230.Zdrahal, M. Comment on "Determination
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231.Aaij, R. First Observation of the Decays B^-
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232.Aaij, R. Observation of Excited
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233.Aaltonen, T. Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in
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234.Abelev, B. Measurement of Electrons from Semileptonic Heavy-Flavor Hadron Decays in pp Collisions at *%s=7 TeV/ B.Abelev, B.Batyunya, A.Fedunov, S.Grigoryan, L.Malinina, P.Nomokonov, T.Pocheptsov, G.Shabratova, M.Vala, A.Vodopyanov, S.Zaporozhets, [et al.] // Physical Review
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235.Ablikim, M. Evidence for the Direct
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236.Aceti, F. X(3872)*>J/*q*g Decay in the
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237.Achasov, N.N. Light Scalars in Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Quarkonia/
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238.Achasov, N.N. Line Shape of *q(3770) in
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239.Alok, A.K. b*>s Decays in a Model with
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240.Ananthanarayan, B. Generalized Top-Spin
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241.Aoki, Y. Nonperturbative
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242.Asner, D.M. Updated Measurement of the Strong
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243.Bach, F. Anomalous Top Couplings at Hadron
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244.Chang, S. Direct Bound on the Minimal
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245.Choudhury, D. B Decay Anomalies in an
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246.Dias, J.M. Y(4260) as a Mixed Charmonium-Tetraquark State/ J.M.Dias,
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248.Gronau, M. Revising D*0-D^- *0 Mixing Using
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249.Isidori, G. Shedding Light on CP Violation
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250.Kalashnikova, Yu.S.
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251.Ke, H.-W. *S&sub(b)*>*S&sub(c) and *W&sub(b)
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252.Lees, J.P. Measurement of B(B*>X&sub(s)*g), the B*>X&sub(s)*g
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253.Lees, J.P. Measurement of the Time-Dependent
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254.Li, B.H. Signature of Same-Sign Top Pair
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255.Ohkoda, S. Decays and Productions via Bottomonium for Z&sub(b)
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256.Ricciardi, G. Semileptonic
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257.Sang, W.-L. Order-*u*4 Relativistic
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258.Sayahi, M. B*0*>D^- *0f&sub(2)(1270)
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259.Wang, W.-F. Semileptonic
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260.Xu, Q. Possible Bound State of the Double
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261.Zhang, J.-R. New Molecular Candidates: X(1910),X(2200), and X(2350)/ J.-R.Zhang,
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262.Alves, A. Is the New Resonance Spin 0 or 2?
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263.Chatrchyan, S. Combined Search for the Quarks of a Sequential Fourth
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264.Das, P.K. 126 GeV
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265.Davidson, S. LHC Sensitivity to h*>*p&sup(*()*m*)/ S.Davidson, P.Verdier // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
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267.Yue, Q. Dark Matter Search with Sub-keV Germanium Detectors at the China Jinping
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268.Fedynitch, A. Influence of Hadronic Interaction Models and the Cosmic Ray Spectrum
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269.Kamae, T. Fermi - Large Area Telescope:
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270.Kusenko, A. Cosmic Connections: from Cosmic
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271.Nam , J. The UFFO Slewing Mirror Telescope for
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273.Gusain, G.S. Estimation of Past Radon
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274.Khandaker, M.U. Radiometric Analysis of
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276.Mayya, Y.S. Deposition-Based Passive Monitors for Assigning Radon, Thoron Inhalation Doses for Epidemiological Studies/ Y.S.Mayya, [et al.] // Radiation Protection
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279.Wu, J. Dose Point Kernel Simulation for Monoenergetic Electrons and Radionuclides Using Monte
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280.Zhang, H. A New Technique for Measuring the
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291.Blackman, E.G. Accretion Disks and Dynamos:
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292.Choudhuri, A.R. Origin of Grand Minima in
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293.Henderson, J.R. Echo Enabled Harmonic
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294.Лысенко, С.А. Метод оперативной количественной
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1.BARC Newsletter.-2012.-No.328. |
2.Communications in Mathematical
Physics.-2013.-Vol.317, No.2. |
3.EPL: A Letters Journal
Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.6. |
4.Foundations of Physics.-2012.-Vol.42,
No.12. |
5.International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.1. |
6.Journal of Physics G.-2012.-Vol.39,
No.11. |
7.Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter.-2012.-Vol.24, No.44. |
8.Modern Physics Letters
A.-2013.-Vol.28, No.2. |
9.Modern Physics Letters A.-2013.-Vol.28,
No.3. |
10.Physica Scripta.-2012.-Vol.86, No.5. |
11.Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.11. |
12.Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.109,
No.17. |
13.Radiation Protection
Dosimetry.-2012.-Vol.152, No.1/3. |
14.Журнал вычислительной математики и математической
физики.-2013.-T.53, No.2. |
15.Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики.
Письма.-2013.-Т.97, No.1/2. |
16.Оптика и спектроскопия.-2013.-Т.114, No.2. |
17.Ядерная физика.-2013.-Т.76, No.2. |