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1.Adler, V.E. Toward a Theory of Integrable Hyperbolic Equations of Third Order/ V.E.Adler, A.B.Shabat //
Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395207 .- Bibliogr.:24.
2.Леонов, Г.А. Задача Трикоми для динамической системы
Шимицу-Мориока/ Г.А.Леонов // Доклады Академии Наук.-2012.-Т.447,
No.6.-с.603-606 .- Библиогр.:4. |
3.Alfimov, G.L. On Analytic
Properties of Periodic Solutions for Equation Hu&sub(x)
- u + u&sup(p) = 0/ G.L.Alfimov // Journal
of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395205 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
4.An, H. On Multi-Component Ermakov Systems in a Two-Layer Fluid: a Variational Approach/ H.An, [a.o.] // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395206 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
5.Iwao, S. The Two-Dimensional
Periodic Box-Ball System and Its Fundamental Cycle/ S.Iwao
// Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395204 .-
Bibliogr.:10. |
6.Nikitin, A.G. New Exactly Solvable
Systems with Fock Symmetry/ A.G.Nikitin
// Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.48.-p.485204 .-
Bibliogr.:27. |
7.Nucci, M.C. Lie Symmetries and Superintegrability/ M.C.Nucci, S.Post // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.48.-p.482001 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
8.Toikka, L.A. Exact Soliton-Like Solutions of the Radial Gross-Pitaevskii Equation/ L.A.Toikka,
[a.o.] // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
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9.Triki, H. Shock Wave Solution of Benney-Luke Equation/ H.Triki,
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10.Анашин, В.С. Эргодичность динамических систем на
2-адических сферах/ В.С.Анашин, [др.] // Доклады Академии Наук.-2012.-Т.447,
No.6.-с.595-598 .- Библиогр.:15. |
11.Садыгов, М.А. Экстремальные задачи с ограничением
в метрическом пространстве/ М.А.Садыгов // Доклады Академии
Наук.-2012.-Т.447, No.6.-с.615-618 .- Библиогр.:6. |
12.Barato, A.C. On the Symmetry of Current
Probability Distributions in Jump Processes/ A.C.Barato,
R.Chetrite // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.48.-p.485002 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
13.Манита, О.А. Нелинейные параболические уравнения
для мер/ О.А.Манита, С.В.Шапошников // Доклады Академии Наук.-2012.-Т.447,
No.6.-с.610-614 .- Библиогр.:12. |
14.Аксенов, В.Л. Юрий Георгиевич Абов: (к 90-летию
со дня рождения)/ В.Л.Аксенов, А.Д.Гулько, [др.] // Успехи физических
наук.-2012.-Т.182, No.12.-с.1359-1360 .- |
15.Ellingsen, S.A. Static and Dynamic Response
of a Fluid-Fluid Interface to Electric Point and Line Charge/ S.A.Ellingsen, I.Brevik //
Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327, No.12.-p.2899-2913 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
16.Owczarek, A.L. Exact Solution of a Model of a Vesicle Attached to a
Wall Subject to Mechanical Deformation/ A.L.Owczarek,
T.Prellberg // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.39.-p.395001 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
17.Babichev, E. Plane Waves in the Generalized Galileon Theory/ E.Babichev //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084037 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
18.Carmona, J.M. Relativistic Kinematics Beyond
Special Relativity/ J.M.Carmona, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084032 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
19.Coll, B. Positioning Systems in Minkowski Space-Time: Bifurcation Problem and
Observational Data/ B.Coll, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084036 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
20.Lin, S.-Y. Instantaneous Spatially Local
Projective Measurements Are Consistent in a Relativistic Quantum Field/ S.-Y.Lin // Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327, No.12.-p.3102-15 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
21.Алешкевич, В.А. О преподавании специальной теории
относительности на основе современных экспериментальных данных/ В.А.Алешкевич
// Успехи физических наук.-2012.-Т.182, No.12.-с.1301-1318 .- Библиогр.:14. |
22.Иванов, П.Б. О релятивистском движении двух тел с
массами противоположного знака/ П.Б.Иванов // Успехи физических
наук.-2012.-Т.182, No.12.-с.1319-1326 .- Библиогр.:12. |
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23.Baldauf, T. Evidence for Quadratic Tidal
Tensor Bias from the Halo Bispectrum/ T.Baldauf, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083540 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
24.Bousso, R. New Local Duals in Eternal
Inflation/ R.Bousso, D.M.Katz
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083530 .-
Bibliogr.:47. |
25.Cai, R.-G. Incompressible Navier-Stokes
Equations from Einstein Gravity with Chern-Simons
Term/ R.-G.Cai, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.086008 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
26.Dai, D.-C. Green's Function of a Massless
Scalar Field in Curved Space-Time and Superluminal Phase Velocity of the
Retarded Potential/ D.-C.Dai, D.Stojkovic
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084034 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
27.De Haro, J. Fate of
the Phantom Dark Energy Universe in Semiclassical
Gravity. II. Scalar Phantom Fields/ J.De Haro, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083528 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
28.Faraoni, V. Interpreting the Conformal Cousin
of the Husain-Martinez-Nunez Spacetime/ V.Faraoni, A.F.Z.Moreno //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084044 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
29.Giddings, S.B. Fluctuating Geometries,
q-Observables, and Infrared Growth in Inflationary Spacetimes/
S.B.Giddings, M.S.Sloth
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083538 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
30.Gonzalez, H.A. Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes in 3D Bigravity/ H.A.Gonzalez, M.Pino //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084045 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
31.Hohm, O. On the Hamiltonian Form of 3D
Massive Gravity / O.Hohm, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084035 .-
Bibliogr.:35. |
32.Huwyler, C. Testing General Relativity with LISA Including Spin
Precession and Higher Harmonics in the Waveform/ C.Huwyler,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084028 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
33.Jimenez, J.B. Bimetric
Variational Principle for General Relativity/ J.B.Jimenez, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.084024 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
34.Kagramanova, V. Analytic Treatment of
Geodesics in Five-Dimensional Myers-Perry Space-Times/ V.Kagramanova,
S.Reimers // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084029 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
35.Li, N. Relative Information Entropy and Weyl Curvature of the Inhomogeneous Universe/ N.Li, [a.o.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083539 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
36.Schmidt, F. Cosmic Rulers/ F.Schmidt, D.Jeong // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083527 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
37.Slavov, P.I. Hawking Radiation of
Asymptotically Nonflat Dyonic
Black Holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Gravity/ P.I.Slavov, S.S.Yazadjiev //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084042 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
38.Sundrum, R. From Fixed Points to the Fifth
Dimension/ R.Sundrum // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085025 .-
Bibliogr.:59. |
39.Vanzo, L. Campanelli-Lousto
and Veiled Spacetimes/ L.Vanzo,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084031 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
40.Vaudrevange, P.M. Constraints on the Topology
of the Universe: Extension to General Geometries/ P.M.Vaudrevange,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083526 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
41.Zhang, C.-Y. Magnetohydrodynamics
from Gravity/ C.-Y.Zhang, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084043 .-
Bibliogr.:31. |
42.Abazajian, K.N. Detection of a Gamma-Ray Source in the Galactic Center
Consistent with Extended Emission from Dark Matter Annihilation and
Concentrated Astrophysical Emission/ K.N.Abazajian,
M.Kaplinghat // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.A.-p.083511 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
43.Achitouv, I.E. Primordial Bispectrum
and Trispectrum Contributions to the Non-Gaussian
Excursion Set Halo Mass Function with Diffusive Drifting Barrier/ I.E.Achitouv, P.S.Corasaniti //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083011 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
44.Belikov, A.V. Study of the Gamma-Ray Spectrum from the Galactic Center
in View of Multi-TeV Dark Matter Candidates/ A.V.Belikov, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083516 .- Bibliogr.:136. |
45.Bessada, D. Attractor Solutions in Tachyacoustic Cosmology/ D.Bessada,
W.H.Kinney // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.A.-p.083502 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
46.Bhoyar, S.R. The Z=(t/z)-Type
Plane Gravitational Waves of Gauge Invariant Generalized Field Equations with
Asymmetric Fundamental Tensor in Plane Symmetry/ S.R.Bhoyar,
[et al.] // Romanian Journal of Physics.-2012.-Vol.57, No.7/8.-p.1236-51 .-
Bibliogr.:18. |
47.Choi, K. Dark Radiation and Small-Scale
Structure Problems with Decaying Particles/ K.Choi,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083529 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
48.Cholis, I. Searching for the Continuum
Spectrum Photons Correlated to the 130 GeV
Gamma-Ray Line/ I.Cholis, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083525 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
49.Chu, X. What If Dark Matter Gamma-Ray Lines
Come with Gluon Lines?/ X.Chu,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083521 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
50.Cirelli, M. Gamma Ray Constraints on Decaying
Dark Matter/ M.Cirelli, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083506 .- Bibliogr.:66. |
51.Del Campo, S. Presence of Anisotropic
Pressures in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi
Cosmological Models/ S.Del Campo, [et al.] //
Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.37.-p.1250213 .- Bibliogr.:52. |
52.Del Campo, S. Three Thermodynamically Based Parametrizations of the Deceleration Parameter/ S.Del Campo, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083509 .-
Bibliogr.:47. |
53.Dusling, K. Instability Induced Pressure Isotropization in a Longitudinally Expanding System/ K.Dusling, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.085040 .- Bibliogr.:80. |
54.Ferreras, I. Confronting MOND and TeVeS with Strong Gravitational Lensing Over Galactic
Scales: An Extended Survey/ I.Ferreras, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083507 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
55.Field, S.E. Towards Beating the Curse of
Dimensionality for Gravitational Waves Using Reduced Basis/ S.E.Field, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.084046 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
56.Fornal, B. Particle Creation in a Toroidal Universe/ B.Fornal //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083519 .- Bibliogr.:16. |
57.Fukuoka, T. Inflation and Accelerating
Universe in Modified Modular Invariant Supergravity/
T.Fukuoka, [et al.] // International Journal of
Modern Physics A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.31.-p.1250180 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
58.Garcia , B. Are Different Approaches to Constructing
Initial Data for Binary Black Hole Simulations of the Same Astrophysical
Situation Equivalent?/ B.Garcia
, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084054 .-
Bibliogr.:34. |
59.Ghaneh, T. Signature Change in Noncommutative FRW Cosmology/ T.Ghaneh,
[et al.] // Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.37.-p.1250214 .-
Bibliogr.:35. |
60.Gondolo, P. The Effect of Quark Interactions
on Dark Matter Kinetic Decoupling and the Mass of the Smallest Dark Halos/ P.Gondolo, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083523 .-
Bibliogr.:48. |
61.Hooper, D. Are Lines from Unassociated
Gamma-Ray Sources Evidence for Dark Matter Annihilation?/
D.Hooper, T.Linden //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083532 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
62.Ivanov, R.I. Cyclic Universe with an Inflationary Phase from a
Cosmological Model with Real Gas Quintessence/ R.I.Ivanov,
E.M.Prodanov // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.A.-p.083536 .- Bibliogr.:17. |
63.Jeong, D. Large-Scale Structure with
Gravitational Waves. I. Galaxy Clustering/ D.Jeong,
F.Schmidt // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083512 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
64.Kastor, D. Angular Tension of Black Holes/ D.Kastor, J.Traschen //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.081501(R) .- Bibliogr.:31. |
65.Kidani, T. Non-Gaussianities
in Multifield DBI Inflation with a Waterfall Phase
Transition/ T.Kidani, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083503 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
66.Labrana, P. Emergent Universe by Tunneling/ P.Labrana // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083524 .- Bibliogr.:70. |
67.Lackeos, K.A. Self-Force Gravitational
Waveforms for Extreme- and Intermediate-Mass-Ratio Inspirals/
K.A.Lackeos, L.M.Burko //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084055 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
68.Landry, P. McVittie
Solution with a Negative Cosmological Constant/ P.Landry,
[a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084002 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
69.Liang, J. Thermodynamics of Noncommutative Geometry Inspired BTZ Black Hole Based on Lorentzian Smeared Mass Distribution/ J.Liang,
B.Liu // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.30001 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
70.Liu, D. Energy Conditions Bounds on f(T)
Gravity/ D.Liu, M.J.Reboucas
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083515 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
71.Liu, Z.-G. Scalar Perturbations Through
Cycles/ Z.-G.Liu, Y.-S.Piao
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083510 .-
Bibliogr.:51. |
72.Maity, D. Semirealistic
Bouncing Domain Wall Cosmology/ D.Maity // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084056 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
73.Mariano, A. Is There Correlation between Fine
Structure and Dark Energy Cosmic Dipoles?/ A.Mariano, L.Perivolaropoulos
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083517 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
74.Mazharimousavi, S.H. Comment on "Static
and Spherically Symmetric Black Holes in f(R) Theories"/ S.H.Mazharimousavi, M.Halilsoy
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.088501 .- Bibliogr.:4. |
75.Mielczarek, J. Gaussian State for the
Bouncing Quantum Cosmology/ J.Mielczarek, W.Piechocki // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083508 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
76.Minazzoli, O. New Derivation of the Lagrangian of a Perfect Fluid with a Barotropic
Equation of State/ O.Minazzoli, T.Harko
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.087502 .-
Bibliogr.:20. |
77.Mishra, P. Redshift Drift in Axially
Symmetric Quasispherical Szekeres
Models/ P.Mishra, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083520 .- Bibliogr.:60. |
78.Motohashi, H. Reheating After f(R) Inflation/
H.Motohashi, A.Nishizawa
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083514 .- Bibliogr.:48. |
79.Motohashi, H. Self-Accelerating Solutions in
Massive Gravity on an Isotropic Reference Metric/ H.Motohashi,
T.Suyama // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.081502(R) .- Bibliogr.:21. |
80.Namba, R. Curvature Perturbations from a
Massive Vector Curvaton/ R.Namba
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083518 .- Bibliogr.:47. |
81.Nomura, Y. Static Quantum Multiverse/ Y.Nomura // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083505 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
82.Novosyadlyj, B. Do the Cosmological
Observational Data Prefer Phantom Dark Energy?/ B.Novosyadlyj, [a.o.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083008 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
83.Patil, M. Acceleration of Particles and
Shells by Reissner-Nordstrom Naked Singularities/ M.Patil, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.084023 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
84.Pradhan, A. Some Exact Bianchi Type-I
Cosmological Models in Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation with Time Dependent
Deceleration Parameter/ A.Pradhan, [et al.] //
Romanian Journal of Physics.-2012.-Vol.57, No.7/8.-p.1222-35
.- Bibliogr.:32. |
85.Rinaldi, M. Black Holes with Nonminimal Derivative Coupling/ M.Rinaldi
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084048 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
86.Rossmanith, G. Probing Non-Gaussianities in the Cosmic Microwave Background on an
Incomplete Sky Using Surrogates/ G.Rossmanith, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083005 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
87.Schmidt, F. Large-Scale Structure with
Gravitational Waves. II. Shear/ F.Schmidt, D.Jeong // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083513 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
88.Seikel, M. Using H(z) Data as a Probe of the
Concordance Model/ M.Seikel, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083001 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
89.Shah, A.G. Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspiral
Corrections to the Angular Velocity and Redshift Factor of a Mass in Circular
Orbit About a Kerr Black Hole/ A.G.Shah, [et al.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084059 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
90.Sherwin, B.D. The Atacama Cosmology
Telescope: Cross-Correlation of Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing and
Quasars/ B.D.Sherwin, [a.o.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083006 .-
Bibliogr.:38. |
91.Uchikata, N. New Solutions of Charged Regular
Black Holes and Their Stability/ N.Uchikata, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.084025 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
92.Vallisneri, M. Testing General Relativity
with Gravitational Waves: A Reality Check/ M.Vallisneri
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.082001 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
93.Velten, H. Dissipation of Dark Matter/ H.Velten, D.J.Schwarz //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083501 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
94.Wei, H. Quasi-Rip: A New Type of Rip Model
Without Cosmic Doomsday/ H.Wei, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.083003 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
95.Yadav, A.P.S. Revealing Cosmic Rotation/ A.P.S.Yadav, [a.o.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083002 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
96.Yano, R. Kinetic Analysis of Ultrarelativistic Flow with Dissipation/ R.Yano, K.Suzuki // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083522 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
97.Yoo, J. Joint Analysis of Gravitational
Lensing, Clustering, and Abundance: Toward the Unification of Large-Scale
Structure Analysis/ J.Yoo, U.Seljak
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083504 .- Bibliogr.:91. |
98.Zhang, F. Visualizing Spacetime
Curvature via Frame-Drag Vortexes and Tidal Tendexes.
II. Stationary Black Holes/ F.Zhang, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084049 .-
Bibliogr.:38. |
99.Albrecht, D. Deconstructing
Superconductivity/ D.Albrecht, [et al.] // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.086005 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
100.Cailleteau, T. Consistency of Holonomy-Corrected Scalar, Vector, and Tensor
Perturbations in Loop Quantum Cosmology/ T.Cailleteau,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.087301 .-
Bibliogr.:19. |
101.Cariglia, M. Hidden Symmetries of Eisenhart-Duval Lift Metrics and the Dirac Equation with
Flux/ M.Cariglia // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084050 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
102.Edalati, M. Pomeranchuk
Instability in a Non-Fermi Liquid from Holography/ M.Edalati,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.086003 .- Bibliogr.:35.
103.Ettefaghi, M.M. Two-Photon Annihilation of
Singlet Cold Dark Matter Due to Noncommutative
Space-Time/ M.M.Ettefaghi // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085038 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
104.Florkowski, W. Chromoelectric
Oscillations in a Dynamically Evolving Anisotropic Background/ W.Florkowski, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085023 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
105.Giasemidis, G. Dynamical Dimensional Reduction in Toy Models of 4D
Causal Quantum Gravity/ G.Giasemidis, [a.o.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.081503(R) .- Bibliogr.:16. |
106.Moussa, M.M. Comment on "On the
Modification of the Hamiltonians' Spectrum in Gravitation Quantum
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// EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.3.-p.30004 .- Bibliogr.:3. |
107.Nagasaki, K. Expectation Values of Chiral
Primary Operators in the Holographic Interface CFT/ K.Nagasaki,
S.Yamaguchi // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.086004 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
108.Nomura, K. When is Multimetric
Gravity Ghost-Free?/ K.Nomura,
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Pt.B.-p.084052 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
109.Pang, Y. One-Loop Divergences in 6D
Conformal Gravity/ Y.Pang // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084039 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
110.Pedram, P. Reply to the Comment by M.M.Moussa/ P.Pedram // EPL: A
Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.3.-p.30005 .- Bibliogr.:2. |
111.Ching, C.-L. Constraints and Spectra of a
Deformed Quantum Mechanics/ C.-L.Ching, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084053 .-
Bibliogr.:26. |
112.Correa, F. Spectral Singularities in PT-Symmetric
Periodic Finite-Gap Systems/ F.Correa, M.S.Plyushchay // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.B.-p.085028 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
113.Dajka, J. Negativity and Quantum Discord in
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// Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.48.-p.485306 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
114.Das, S. Path Integral for Nonrelativistic
Generalized Uncertainty Principle Corrected Hamiltonian/ S.Das,
S.Pramanik // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.085004 .- Bibliogr.:8. |
115.Duval, C. Schrodinger Manifolds/ C.Duval, S.Lazzarini // Journal
of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395203 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
116.Ghiu, I. Generalized Telebroadcasting
of Entanglement/ I.Ghiu // Romanian Journal of
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117.Janyska, J. On the Characterization of
Infinitesimal Symmetries of the Relativistic Phase Space / J.Janyska, R.Vitolo // Journal
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118.Jiang, X. Thermal Wave Model of Bioheat Transfer with Modified Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivative/ X.Jiang,
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No.48.-p.485101 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
119.Li, H. Revisiting the Quantum Szilard Engine
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// Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327, No.12.-p.2955-71 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
120.Mohamed, A.-B.A. Non-Local Correlation and
Quantum Discord in Two Atoms in the Non-Degenerate Model/ A.-B.A.Mohamed // Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327,
No.12.-p.3130-37 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
121.Obada, A.-S.F. Quantum Logic Gates Generated
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No.48.-p.485305 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
122.Wootton, J.R. A Witness for Topological
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123.Zhao, Z. Ionization of Noble Gas by Impact
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124.Cleymans, J. Relativistic Thermodynamics:
Transverse Momentum Distributions in High-Energy Physics/ J.Cleymans,
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125.Fayazbakhsh, Sh. Properties of Neutral
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126.Mueller, A.H. p&sub(*|)-Broadening
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127.Song, H. Hydrodynamic Modeling and the QGP
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128.Wang, D.J. QGP Flow Fluctuations and the
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129.Wilk, G. Consequences of Temperature
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130.Valtancoli, P. Snyder Geometry and Quantum
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131.Antoine, C. Symplectic
Invariant Method for Time-Dependent Quadratic Hamiltonians/ C.Antoine // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the
Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.30006 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
132.Parashar, P. Electromagnetic Semitransparent
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Bibliogr.:31. |
133.Ranjbar, A. Asymptotically Lifshitz Brane-World Black
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134.Rubtsov, G. Calculation of Cross Sections in
Lorentz-Violating Theories/ G.Rubtsov, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085012 .- Bibliogr.:41.
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135.Narayanan, R. QED at a Finite Chemical
Potential/ R.Narayanan // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.087701 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
136.Ryttov, T.A. Analysis of Scheme
Transformations in the Vicinity of an Infrared Fixed Point/ T.A.Ryttov, R.Shrock //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085005 .- Bibliogr.:43.
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137.Goldstein, P.P. Soliton
Surfaces Associated with Sigma Models: Differential and Algebraic Aspects/ P.P.Goldstein, [a.o.] //
Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395208 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
138.Gubina, N.V. Inhomogeneous Charged Pion Condensation Phenomenon in
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Bibliogr.:39. |
139.Warringa, H.J. Dynamics of the Chiral
Magnetic Effect in a Weak Magnetic Field/ H.J.Warringa
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140.Gupta, M. Flavor Mixings and Textures of the
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// International Journal of Modern Physics A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.31.-p.1230033
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141.Haba, N. Grand Unification of Flavor
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142.Adam, C. Vector BPS Skyrme
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143.Alston, S.D. Complex Factorization and
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144.Baier, R. Production of Prompt Photons:
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145.Casana, R. Generalized BPS Magnetic
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146.Chen, S. Exact Kink Solitons
in a Monopole Confinement Problem/ S.Chen, [et al.]
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147.Cherednikov, I.O. Evolution of Cusped Lightlike Wilson Loops and Geometry of the Loop Space/ I.O.Cherednikov, T.Mertens, F.F.Van der Veken // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085035 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
148.Chu, C.-S. A Theory of Non-Abelian Tensor Gauge Field with Non-Abelian
Gauge Symmetry G x G/ C.-S.Chu // Nuclear Physics
B.-2013.-Vol.866, No.1.-p.43-57 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
149.Ferreira, L.A. Integral Form of Yang-Mills
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G.Luchini // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
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150.Hietanen, A. Numerical Computation of the Beta Function of Large N
SU(N) Gauge Theory Coupled to an Adjoint Dirac
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// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085002 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
151.Ogilvie, M.C. Phases of Gauge Theories/ M.C.Ogilvie // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.48.-p.483001 .- Bibliogr.:227. |
152.Pisarski, R.D. Gross-Witten-Wadia Transition in a Matrix Model of Deconfinement/
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// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.081701(R) .- Bibliogr.:22. |
153.Sogaard, M. Bilocal
Phase Operators in *b-Deformed Super Yang-Mills/ M.Sogaard
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085016 .- Bibliogr.:37. |
154.Sourrouille, L. Self-Dual Soliton Solution in a Generalized Jackiw-Pi
Model/ L.Sourrouille // Physical Review
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155.Vollick, D.N. Lorentz Gauge Quantization in
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D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084057 .- Bibliogr.:5. |
156.Wainwright, C.L. Phase Transitions and Gauge
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// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083537 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
157.Weinberg, S. Six-Dimensional Methods for
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158.Bali, G.S. Nucleon Mass and Sigma Term from Lattice QCD with Two
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159.Bojowald, M. Generalized Uncertainty
Principles and Localization of a Particle in Discrete Space/ M.Bojowald, A.Kempf // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085017 .- Bibliogr.:67. |
160.Monahan, C.J. The Beauty of Lattice Perturbation
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No.37.-p.1230040 .- Bibliogr.:147. |
161.Vinci, W. Spontaneous Magnetization Through
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162.Weichselbaum, A. Non-Abelian
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No.12.-p.2972-3047 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
163.Zaslavskii, O.B. Energetics of Particle
Collisions Near Dirty Rotating Extremal Black
Holes: Banados-Silk-West Effect Versus Penrose
Process/ O.B.Zaslavskii // Physical Review
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164.Botta Cantcheff,
M. String in AdS Black Hole: a Thermo Field Dynamic
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Bibliogr.:69. |
165.Bouhmadi-Lopez, M. Scalar Perturbations from
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Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083531 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
166.Dennison, K.A. Analytical Tendex and Vortex Fields for Perturbative
Black Hole Initial Data/ K.A.Dennison, T.W.Baumgarte // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.B.-p.084051 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
167.Eiroa, E.F. Gravitational Lensing by
Massless Braneworld Black Holes/ E.F.Eiroa, C.M.Sendra //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.083009 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
168.Kunimitsu, T. Higgs Condensation as an
Unwanted Curvaton/ T.Kunimitsu,
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No.8, Pt.A.-p.083541 .- Bibliogr.:25. |
169.Lala, A. Ehrenfest's
Scheme and Thermodynamic Geometry in Born-Infeld AdS Black Holes/ A.Lala, D.Roychowdhury // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084027 .- Bibliogr.:56. |
170.Lunardini, C. Cosmic Strings as Emitters of
Extremely High Energy Neutrinos/ C.Lunardini, E.Sabancilar // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.B.-p.085008 .- Bibliogr.:126. |
171.Mongwane, B. Cosmic Electromagnetic Fields
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Pt.A.-p.083533 .- Bibliogr.:69. |
172.Binosi, D. All-Order Equation of the
Effective Gluon Mass/ D.Binosi, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085033 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
173.Brodsky, S.J. Setting the Renormalization
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Pt.B.-p.085026 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
174.Csanad, M. Exact Solutions of Relativistic
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A.-2012.-Vol.48, No.11.-p.173 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
175.Kivel, N. Factorizing the Hard and Soft Spectator Scattering
Contributions for the Nucleon Form Factor F&sub(1)
at Large Q*2/ N.Kivel // The European Physical
Journal A.-2012.-Vol.48, No.11.-p.156 .- Bibliogr.:60. |
176.Mia, M. Nonextremality,
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177.Bergshoeff, E.A. Supersymmetric
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178.Henningson, M. Boundary Conditions for
Geometric-Langlands Twisted N=4 Supersymmetric
Yang-Mills Theory/ M.Henningson // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085003 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
179.Kawai, T. Twisted Elliptic Genera of N = 2
SCFTs in Two Dimensions / T.Kawai // Journal of
Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.39.-p.395401 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
180.Klimcik, C. On Poisson Geometry and Supersymmetric Sigma Models/ C.Klimcik
// Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.37.-p.1250216
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181.Koehn, M. Higher-Derivative Chiral Superfield Actions Coupled to N=1 Supergravity/
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D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085019 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
182.Larsen, K.J. Global Poles of the Two-Loop
Six-Point N=4 SYM Integrand/ K.J.Larsen // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085032 .- Bibliogr.:121. |
183.Martelli, D. The Gravity Dual of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on a Biaxially
Squashed Three-Sphere/ D.Martelli, J.Sparks // Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.866, No.1.-p.72-85 .- Bibliogr.:9. |
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184.Antipin, O. Perturbative
Realization of Miransky Scaling/ O.Antipin, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.085009 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
185.Berenstein, D. Matrix Embeddings
on Flat R*3 and the Geometry of Membranes/ D.Berenstein,
E.Dzienkowski // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.086001 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
186.Halavanau, A. Resonance Structures in
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187.Jorjadze, G. Bosonic
String Quantization in a Static Gauge/ G.Jorjadze,
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No.48.-p.485401 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
188.Kabat, D. Cosmic String Interactions Induced
by Gauge and Scalar Fields/ D.Kabat, D.Sarkar // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8,
Pt.A.-p.084021 .- Bibliogr.:20. |
189.Karmanov, V.A. Ab
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Observables in Light-Front Dynamics: Application to the Yukawa Model/ V.A.Karmanov, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085006 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
190.Marko, G. Broken Phase Effective Potential
in the Two-Loop *F-Derivable Approximation and Nature of the Phase Transition
in a Scalar Theory/ G.Marko, [et al.] // Physical
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191.Moon, T. Rank-3 Finite Temperature Logarithmic
Conformal Field Theory/ T.Moon, Y.S.Myung
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084058 .- Bibliogr.:27. |
192.Myung, Y.S. Hairy Mass Bound in the Einstein-Born-Infeld
Black Hole/ Y.S.Myung, T.Moon
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.084047 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
193.Vacca, G.P. Functional Renormalization Group
Flow of the Effective Hamiltonian Action/ G.P.Vacca,
L.Zambelli // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
No.8, Pt.B.-p.085041 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
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194.Nagy, S. Critical Exponents of the O(N)
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Pt.B.-p.085020 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
195.Ronia, K.S. Universality in the Point
Discretization Method for Calculating Casimir
Interactions with Classical Gaussian Fields/ K.S.Ronia,
J.-B.Fournier // EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring
the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.30008 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
196.Baimova, J.A. Discrete Breather Clusters in Strained
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Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.36005 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
197.Bakke, K. A Kaluza-Klein
Description of Geometric Phases in Graphene/ K.Bakke, [et al.] // Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327,
No.12.-p.2946-54 .- Bibliogr.:50. |
198.Biro, T.S. Non-Extensive Statistics,
Relativistic Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics/ T.S.Biro,
E.Molnar // The European Physical Journal
A.-2012.-Vol.48, No.11.-p.172 .- Bibliogr.:68. |
199.Castaneda, A. Non-Adiabatic Pumping in
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200.Chu, K. Modeling the Thermal Conductivity of
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201.Eckert, F. Weak Disorder Corrections of the
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202.Gundlach, C. Critical Phenomena at the
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// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A.-p.084022 .- Bibliogr.:16. |
203.Kaloni, T.P. Fluorinated Monovacancies
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Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.37003 .- Bibliogr.:33. |
204.Li, Q. Lattice Boltzmann Method for
Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Issues on Conservation Law of Particle Number and
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D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.-p.085044 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
205.Mounier, A. The Hatano-Sasa
Equality: Transitions Between Steady States in a Granular Gas/ A.Mounier, A.Naert // EPL: A
Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3.-p.30002 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
206.Sollich, P. Spin Glass Polynomial Identities
from Entropic Constraints/ P.Sollich, A.Barra // Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45, No.48.-p.485001
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207.Soylu, A. The Influence of External Fields
on the Energy of Two Interacting Electrons in a Quantum Dot/ A.Soylu // Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327,
No.12.-p.3048-62 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
208.Touchette, H. Exact Power Spectra of Brownian
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209.Wandersman, E. Particle Diffusion in Slow
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A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100,
No.3.-p.38006 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
210.Zavvari, M. Dynamics of Avalanche Quantum
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211.Бокарев, В.П. Оценка температуры поверхностного
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С 325.1 ТОЧНО
212.Kordas, G. Dissipation-Induced Macroscopic
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213.Oliveira, C.L.N. Subcritical Fatigue in Fuse
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214.Rosin, D.P. Excitability in Autonomous
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215.Stepanenko, A.S. Fluctuation-Induced Traffic
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216.Su, G. Condensation Phase Transition in
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217.Кудасов, Ю.Б. Фрустрированные решётки
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218.Schmitt, T.A. Microscopic Understanding of
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219.Altintas, F. Correlation and Nonlocality Measures as Indicators of Quantum Phase
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220.Clark, J.W. Entropy Excess in Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems near
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221.Faribault, A. On the Determinant
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222.Iazzi, M. Anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau
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223.Ma, P.-F. Relations between Intermediate
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224.Фраерман, А.А. Магнитные состояния и
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226.Balakin, A.A. Self-Compression of
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227.Benito, J. Stability of a Granular Layer on
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228.Deza, J.I. Wide-Spectrum Energy Harvesting Out of Colored Levy-Like
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229.Kazakov, K.A. Large-Time Evolution of an
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230.Li, Y.H. Ultra-Deep Stopband
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231.Yuan, Y. On the Omnidirectional Radiation
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232.Budaca, R. Compact Formulas for Rotational
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233.Buganu, P. Can the Coherent State Model
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234.Kirson, M.W. An Empirical Study of the Duflo-Zuker Mass Formula/ M.W.Kirson
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235.Koning, A.J. Modern Nuclear Data Evaluation
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236.Ni, D. Binding Energies, *a-Decay Energies,
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237.Shebeko, A.V. Translationally Invariant
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238.Simenel, C. Nuclear Quantum Many-Body
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240.Bacquias, A. Precision Half-Life
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241.Danevich, F.A. Search for *a Decay of
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243.Engle, J.W. Cross Sections from 800 MeV
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244.Farag, M.Y.H. Microscopic Study on Proton Elastic Scattering of Light
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245.Pritychenko, B. Neutron Thermal Cross Sections, Westcott Factors,
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247.El, A. Dissipative Hydrodynamics for Multi-Component
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248.Huovinen, P. Particlization
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249.Mota, Ph. Coarse-Graining Scale and
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250.Osada, T. Relativistic Dissipative
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251.Tsumura, K. Derivation of Relativistic
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252.Wunderlich, F. Iterative Fluid Dynamics/ F.Wunderlich, B.Kampfer // The
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256.Скорик, Ю.И. Состояние и перспективы разработки
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257.Betz, B. Jet Quenching in Heavy-Ion
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258.Ahlers, M. Minimal Cosmogenic
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259.Bartos, I. Probing the Structure of Jet-Driven Core-Collapse
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260.Borriello, E. Can One Observe Earth Matter
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261.Chesneanu, D. Neutrino Energy Reconstruction
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262.Kisslinger, L.S. Sterile Neutrinos and
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263.Malkus, A. Neutrino Oscillations Above Black
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264.Mirizzi, A. Flavor Stability Analysis of
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265.Nabi, J.-U. Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino
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266.Onofrio, R. Neutrino Mass Variability Due to Nonminimal
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267.Steinberger, J. The History of Neutrinos,
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268.Lorenz, I.T. The Size of the Proton: Closing
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269.Mohammadi, B. Nonresonant
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270.Sahoo, S. Effect of Both Z and Z'-Mediated
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271.Park, C.-G. Axion
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272.Tavecchio, F. Evidence for an Axion-Like Particle from PKS 1222+216?/ F.Tavecchio, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86,
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273.Slatyer, T.R. Sommerfeld-Enhanced
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274.Ли, С.Ч. Идентификация типов ошибок оператора
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278.Стефановский, С.В. Радиационные эффекты в америцийсодержащей
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279.Qing, S.W. Effect of Anisotropic Non-Maxwellian
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280.Worner, L. String Structure in Driven 3D
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281.Weber, C. Scaling of the Transition
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282.Zhu, J.-X. Quasiparticle
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283.Gao, Y. Mixed-State Effect on Quasiparticle Interference in Iron-Based Superconductors/
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284.Sica, G. Pseudogap
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285.Dehelean, A. Determination of Lead and
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286.Bhattacharya, S. Massive Spin-2 and Spin-1/2
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287.Buchman, L.T. Simulations of Unequal-Mass
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288.Etienne, Z.B. General-Relativistic
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289.Lambert, C. Stability Analysis of the Witten Black Hole (Cigar Soliton) Under World-Sheet Renormalization Group Flow/ C.Lambert, V.Suneeta //
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290.Matyjasek, J. Quantized Spinor
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291.Yagi, K. New Constraint on Scalar
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292.Кришталик, Л.И. Белки как специфическая полярная
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28.08 ЭКОЛОГИЯ |
293.Akar, U. Measurements of Radium Levels in Bottled Natural Spring
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294.Grilli, M. Absence of Detailed Balance in
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1.Annals of Physics.-2012.-Vol.327,
No.12. |
2.EPL: A Letters Journal
Exploring the Frontiers of Physics.-2012.-Vol.100, No.3. |
3.International Journal of Modern Physics
A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.31. |
4.Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.39. |
5.Journal of Physics A.-2012.-Vol.45,
No.48. |
6.Modern Physics Letters
A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.37. |
7.Modern Physics Letters
B.-2012.-Vol.26, No.32. |
8.Nuclear Data Sheets.-2012.-Vol.113,
No.12. |
9.Nuclear Physics A.-2012.-Vol.893. |
10.Nuclear Physics B.-2013.-Vol.866, No.1. |
11.Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.A. |
12.Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.86, No.8, Pt.B.
13.Romanian Journal of Physics.-2012.-Vol.57,
No.7/8. |
14.The European Physical Journal
A.-2012.-Vol.48, No.11. |
15.Атомная техника за рубежом.-2012.-No.11. |
16.Доклады Академии Наук.-2012.-Т.447, No.6. |
17.Кристаллография.-2013.-T.58, No.1. |
18.Успехи физических наук.-2012.-Т.182, No.12. |