Èíôîðìàöèîííûé  áþëëåòåíü  «Ïðåïðèíòû» ¹40                        07.10.2013





386.       Dubard P. Multi-rogue Waves Solutions: from NLS to KP-I Equation. - Kyoto. 2013.  - 38p. : il. - (RIMS ; 1777 ) Bibliogr.:P.37-38 / P. Dubard è V.B. Matveev  - [804221 - ÇÈË]




387.       Ali A. Hadroproduction of U(nS) above BB Thresholds and Implications for Y b   (10890). - Hamburg. 2013. - 4p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-107 ) (DO-TH ; 13/15 ) Bibliogr.:p.4 / A. Ali  [a.o.]  -  [804216 - ÇÈË]



388.       Bahr F. IV Ub I Determination in Lattice QCD. - Hamburg. 11/2012. - 6p. : il  . - (DESY ; 12-209 ) (HU-EP ; 12/47 ) (SFB/CPP ; 12-87 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / F. Bahr   [a.o.]  - [ 804211 - ÇÈË]



389.       Berggren M. Non-Aimplified SUSY: t-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC. - Hamburg. 2013. - 27p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-137 ) Bibliogr.:P.24-25. / M. Berggren  [a.o.]   - [804219 - ÇÈË]



390.       Blossier B. On the B *   ® B Transition. - Hamburg. 2013. - 13p. : il. - (   DESY ; 13-069 ) Bibliogr.:p.12-13 / B. Blossier  [a.o.]  - [804215 – ÇÈË]



391.       Bonvini M. Signal-Background Interference Effects for gg ® H ® W+ W- beyond Leading Order. - Hamburg. 2013. - P.6 - (DESY ; 13-059 ) Bibliogr.:p.6 / M. Bonvini  [a.o.]  - [804214 - ÇÈË]



392.       Butenschoen M. Next-to-Leading-Order Tests of NRQCD Factorization with J/y Yield and Polarization. - Hamburg. 2012. - 13p. : il. - (DESY ; 12-235 ) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / M. Butenschoen è B.A. Kniehl- [804212 - ÇÈË]



393.       Butenschoen M. NLO NRQCD Disfavors the Interpretation of Õ(3872) as X cl (2P ). - Hamburg. 2013. - 10p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-057 ) (UWThPh ; 2013-6 ) Bibliogr. :p.8-10 /  Ì.Butenschoen  [a.o.]  - [804220 - ÇÈË]



394.       Nilles H.P. A Note on Discrete R Symmetries in Z 6 -II Orbifolds with Wilson   Lines. - Hamburg. 2013. - 12p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-143 ) (TUM-HEP ; 901-13 ) Bibliogr.:p.11-12 /  Í.P.Nilles  [a.o.]  - [804218 - ÇÈË]



395.       Stewart I.W. Jet p Ò  Resummation in Higgs Production at NNLL'+ NNLO. - Hamburg. 2013. - 24p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-122 ) Bibliogr.:p.22-24 / I.W. Stewart è [a.o.]  - [804217 - ÇÈË]



396.       Teschner J. Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Quantization of M flat,  and Conformal Field Theory. - Hamburg. 2013. - 114p. - (DESY ; 13-027 ) Bibliogr.:p. 110-114. / J. Teschner è  G.S.Vartanov- [804213 - ÇÈË]



397.       Îðëîâ Å.Ï. Ýôôåêò êîìïòîíà:àíàëèç ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ êîíöåïöèè ïðîñòðàíñòâà ñ äîïîëíèòåëüíûì èçìåðåíèåì. - Ì.. 2013. - 15 ñ. : èë. - (ÔÈÀÍ ; 10 ) Áèáëèîãð.: ñ .14-15 /  Å.Ï.Îðëîâ  - [ 804222 - ÇÈË]