Информационный  бюллетень  «Препринты»   No.36                          09.09.13




339.       Alekhin S. Determination of a s  and m c  in Deep-Inelastic Scattering. - Hamburg. 2013. - 10p. - (DESY ; 13-121) (DO-TH ; 13/17) (SFB/CPP ; 13-44) Bibliogr.:p.10 / S. Alekhin  [a.o.] -[804132 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1307.1219v1.pdf


340.       Baer H. Post LHC8 SUSY Benchmark Points for ILC Physics. - Hamburg. 2013. - 29p. - (DESY ; 13-120) Bibliogr.:p.25-29 / H. Baer и J. List  - [804127 - ЗИЛ]



341.       Benayoun M. An Update of the HLS Estimate of the Muon g-2. - Hamburg. 2012. -  45p. : il. - (DESY ; 12-190) (HU-EP ; 12-40) Bibliogr.:p.31-45 / M. Benayoun   [a.o.] - [804130 - ЗИЛ]



342.       Bonvini M. An Approximate N3LO Cross Section for Higgs Production in Gluon  Fusion. -  Hamburg. 2013. - 5p. - (DESY ; 13-116) Bibliogr.:p.5 / M. Bonvini  - [804125 - ЗИЛ]



343.       Diehl M. Correlation Effects in Multiple Hard Scattering. - Hamburg. 2013. - 6p.- (DESY ;13-112) Bibliogr.:p.5-6 / M. Diehl - [804122 - ЗИЛ]



344.       Diehl M. From Form Factors to Generalized Parton Distributions. - Hamburg. 2013. - 7p. -  

(DESY ; 13-113) Bibliogr.: p.7 / M. Diehl  - [804123 - ЗИЛ]



345.       Garny M. Internal Bremsstrahlung Signatures in Light of Direct Dark Matter  Searches. - Hamburg. 2013. - 22p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-115) (TUM-HEP ; 896/13) Bibliogr.:p.19-22 / M. Garny  [a.o.] -  [804124 - ЗИЛ]



346.       He Z.-G. The QED Contribution to J/Y Plus Light Hadrons Production at B- Factories. - Hamburg. 2013.- 19p.: il. - (DESY ; 13-009) Bibliogr.:p.17-19 / Z.-G. He и J.-X. Wang - [804131 - ЗИЛ]



347.       List J. Bilinear R Parity Violation at the ILC-Neutrino Physics at Colliders. -  Hamburg. 2013. - 14p. : il. - (DESY ; 13-128) Bibliogr.:p.12-14 / J. List и B.  Vormwald  - [804128 - ЗИЛ]



348.       NUP-A: Institute of Quantum Science of Nihon University. Annual Report 2012. -  Tokyo. 2013. - 94p. : il. - (NUP-A ; 2013-1) / NUP-A: Institute of Quantum  Science of Nihon University. -  [804129 - ЗИЛ]


349.       Platzer S. Inclusive Cross Sections in ME + PS Merging. - Hamburg. 2013. - 7p. - ( DESY ;  

13-118) Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / S. Platzer  - [804126 - ЗИЛ]
