БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ «СТАТЬИ» No.34 27.08.2012 |
С 133.2
1.Юшков, Е.В. О разрушении решения уравнения,
родственного уравнению Кортевега-де Фриза/ Е.В.Юшков
// Теоретическая и математическая физика.-2012.-Т.172, No.1.-с.64-72 .- Библиогр.:10. |
2.Matsuoka, L. Numerical Study on
Quantum Walks Implemented on Cascade Rotational Transitions in a Diatomic
Molecule/ L.Matsuoka, [a.o.]
// Journal of the Korean Physical Society.-2011.-Vol.59, No.4,
Pt.1.-p.2897-2900 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
3.Pirner, H.J. Vagueness in
Philosophy: "Unbestimmtheit" in Physics/ H.J.Pirner // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53,
No.1/2.-p.3-9 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
4.К 100-летию со дня рождения. Лайош
Яноши (2.03.1912-2.03.1978) // Новости ОИЯИ = JINR News.-2012.-No.2.-с.15 .- |
5.Краткие биографии. Вице-директор Объединенного
института ядерных исследований М.Г.Иткис // Новости ОИЯИ = JINR
News.-2012.-No.2.-с.37 .- |
6.Краткие биографии. Вице-директор Объединенного
института ядерных исследований Р.Ледницки //
Новости ОИЯИ = JINR News.-2012.-No.2.-с.38 .- |
7.Краткие биографии. Главный инженер Объединенного
института ядерных исследований Г.Д.Ширков //
Новости ОИЯИ = JINR News.-2012.-No.2.-с.40-41 .- |
8.Краткие биографии. Главный ученый секретарь
Объединенного института ядерных исследований Н.А.Русакович
// Новости ОИЯИ = JINR News.-2012.-No.2.-с.39 .- |
9.Краткие биографии. Директор Лаборатории
теоретической физики им. Н.Н.Боголюбова В.В.Воронов // Новости ОИЯИ = JINR
News.-2012.-No.2.-с.41-42 .- |
10.Краткие биографии. Директор Лаборатории ядерных
реакций им. Г.Н.Флерова С.Н.Дмитриев // Новости ОИЯИ = JINR
News.-2012.-No.2.-с.43 .- |
11.Талалай, П.Г. Вскрытие озера Восток: шаг вперед -
два шага назад?/ П.Г.Талалай //
Природа.-2012.-No.7.-с.3-13 .- Библиогр.:16. |
12.Фридкин, В.М. К юбилею учителя: 125 лет со дня
рождения А.В.Шубникова/ В.М.Фридкин //
Природа.-2012.-No.7.-с.80-85 .- Библиогр.:9. |
С 321
13.Никитин, А.Н. Особенности прохождения квазипродольных упругих волн через границу раздела
изотропной и анизотропной сред: теоретическое и экспериментальное
исследование/ А.Н.Никитин, Р.Н.Васин, Т.И.Иванкина, А.А.Круглов, [др.] //
Кристаллография.-2012.-T.57, No.4.-с.628-637 .- Библиогр.:18. |
14.Amin, M.A. Oscillons
After Inflation/ M.A.Amin, [et al.] // Physical
Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.241302 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
15.Atazadeh, K. f(T) Cosmology via Noether Symmetry/ K.Atazadeh, F.Darabi // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2016 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
16.Dong, H. Extended Birkhoff's
Theorem in f(T) Gravity/ H.Dong, [et al.] // The
European Physical Journal C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2002 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
17.Feeney, S.M. Robust Constraint on Cosmic
Textures from the Cosmic Microwave Background/ S.M.Feeney,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.241301 .-
Bibliogr.:30. |
18.Ibe, M. Pure Gravity Mediation with m&sub(3/2)=10-100 TeV/ M.Ibe, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.095011 .- Bibliogr.:62. |
19.Liu, C.-Z. Black Hole Spectroscopy via
Adiabatic Invariant in a Quantum Corrected Spacetime/
C.-Z.Liu // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2009 .- Bibliogr.:52. |
20.Murayama, H. Randall-Sundrum
Graviton Spin Determination Using Azimuthal Angular
Dependence/ H.Murayama, V.Rentala
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095005 .- Bibliogr.:30. |
21.Nashed, G.G.L. Total Conserved Charges of
Kerr-NUT Spacetimes Using Poincare Version of Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity/ G.G.L.Nashed // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2010 .- Bibliogr.:57. |
22.Quill, E. Einstein Passes Acceleration Test/ E.Quill // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.9.-p.17 .- |
23.Zhang, Z. Generalized Holographic Dark Energy
and its Observational Constraints/ Z.Zhang, [et
al.] // Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.20.-p.1250115 .- Bibliogr.:140.
24.Горелик, Г. Гравитация - первая фундаментальная
сила/ Г.Горелик // Знание-сила.-2012.-No.7.-с.109-117. |
25.Долгов, А.Д. Космология и элементарные частицы,
или небесные тайны/ А.Д.Долгов // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного
ядра.-2012.-Т.43, No.3.-с.529-572 .- Библиогр.:75. |
26.Нестеренко, В.В. Коническая сингулярность
пространства-времени и гипотеза о космической цензуре/ В.В.Нестеренко, И.Г.Пироженко // Новости ОИЯИ = JINR
News.-2012.-No.2.-с.9-10 .- Библиогр.:6. |
27.Baik, M.-G. Behavior of Branch Points of
Quasi-Energies Near Resonance/ M.-G.Baik // Journal
of the Korean Physical Society.-2011.-Vol.59, No.4, Pt.1.-p.2921-2925 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
28.Bruno, P. Quantum Geometric Phase in Majorana's Stellar Representation: Mapping onto a
Many-Body Aharonov-Bohm Phase/ P.Bruno
// Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.240402 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
29.Cheung, R. Elusive Type Fermion
Reported/ R.Cheung // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181,
No.10.-p.11 .- |
30.Hussain, M.I. Manipulating the Sudden Death of Entanglement in Two-Qubit Atomic Systems/ M.I.Hussain,
[a.o.] // Journal of the Korean Physical
Society.-2011.-Vol.59, No.4, Pt.1.-p.2901-2904 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
31.Laskowski, W. Experimental Schmidt
Decomposition and State Independent Entanglement Detection/ W.Laskowski, [et al.] // Physical Review
Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.240501 .- Bibliogr.:29. |
32.Maclaurin, D. Measurable Quantum Geometric
Phase from a Rotating Single Spin/ D.Maclaurin, [et
al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.240403 .-
Bibliogr.:32. |
33.Suzko, A.A. Intertwining Relations and Darboux Transformations for the Wave Equations/ A.A.Suzko, E.P.Velicheva // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра.-2012.-Т.43, No.3.-p.676-710 .- Bibliogr.:73. |
34.Witze, A. Physicists Go Totally Random/ A.Witze // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.12.-p.11 .- |
35.Ковальчук, В.И. Уравнения Фаддеева и метод гиперсферических гармоник в задаче трехнуклонного
континуума/ В.И.Ковальчук, И.В.Козловский // Физика элементарных частиц и
атомного ядра.-2012.-Т.43, No.3.-с.573-609 .- Библиогр.:110. |
С 323.1
36.Agboola, D. Exact Solutions of the
Schrodinger Equation with Spherically Symmetric Octic
Potential/ D.Agboola, Y.-Z.Zhang
// Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.20.-p.1250112 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
37.Pang, H. Relation Between Heat Kernel Method
and Scattering Spectral Method/ H.Pang, [et al.] //
The European Physical Journal C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2021 .- Bibliogr.:48.
С 323.2
38.Huang, K.-H. Relativistic Quantum Collision
Theory for Many-Particle Systems/ K.-H.Huang, [a.o.] // Journal of the Korean Physical
Society.-2011.-Vol.59, No.4, Pt.1.-p.2941-2946 .- Bibliogr.:28.
С 323.4
39.Kosmachev, O.S. The Simplest and Universal
Constituents for Description of Leptons and Hadrons/ O.S.Kosmachev
// Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.940-942 .- Bibliogr.:8. |
С 323.5
40.Aybat, S.M. Calculation of
Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Evolution for Sivers
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements/ S.M.Aybat,
[et al.] // Physical Review Letters.-2012.-Vol.108, No.24.-p.242003 .-
Bibliogr.:34. |
41.Begun, V.V. Non-Perturbative
Effects for the Quark-Gluon Plasma Equation of State/ V.V.Begun,
[et al.] // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.928-933 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
42.Ceccopieri, F.A. One Particle and Drell-Yan Pair Associated Production/ F.A.Ceccopieri
// Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.81-85 .-
Bibliogr.:22. |
43.Christensen, N.D. Introducing an Interface
Between FeynRules and WHIZARD/ N.D.Christensen,
[et al.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.1990 .-
Bibliogr.:54. |
44.Eliseev, S.M. Finite Formation Time of
Hadrons: The QGP Signatures/ S.M.Eliseev // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.934-936 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
45.Godbole, R.M. Sivers
Effect and Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry in e+p&sup(*!)
*> e+J/*q+X/ R.M.Godbole, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094013 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
46.Gotsman, E. Soft Interaction Model and the
LHC Data/ E.Gotsman, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094007 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
47.Ivanov, I.P. High-Energy Physics with
Particles Carrying Non-Zero Orbital Angular Momentum/ I.P.Ivanov
// Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.161-172 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
48.Jankowski, J. Debye Mass and Heavy Quark Potential
in a PNJL Quark Plasma/ J.Jankowski, D.Blaschke // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.937-939 .- Bibliogr.:14. |
49.Kusina, A. Strange Quark Parton Distribution
Functions and Implications for Drell-Yan Boson
Production at the LHC/ A.Kusina, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094028 .- Bibliogr.:75. |
50.Lacroix, G. Comments on a Minimal Quasiparticle Approach for the QGP and Its Large-N&sub(c) Limits/ G.Lacroix,
F.Buisseret // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.53-58
.- Bibliogr.:19. |
51.Lorce, C. Transverse-Momentum Distributions
and Spherical Symmetry/ C.Lorce, B.Pasquini // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53,
No.1/2.-p.117-124 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
52.Luszczak, M. Production of Two cc^- Pairs in Double-Parton Scattering/ M.Luszczak, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094034 .- Bibliogr.:51. |
53.Nam, S. Fragmentation and Quark Distribution Functions for the Pion and Kaon with Explicit
Flavor-SU(3)-Symmetry Breaking/ S.Nam, C.-W.Kao // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094023 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
54.Ozvenchuk, V. Strongly-Interacting Parton
Matter Equilibration/ V.Ozvenchuk, [et al.] // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.957-959 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
55.Schegelsky, V.A. Diffraction Cone Shrinkage
Speed up with the Collision Energy/ V.A.Schegelsky,
M.G.Ryskin // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094024 .- Bibliogr.:12. |
56.Troshin, S.M. On the Large-t Elastic
Scattering at *%s=7 TeV/ S.M.Troshin,
N.E.Tyurin // Modern Physics Letters
A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.20.-p.1250111 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
57.Wallon, S. A Short Review of the Theory of
Hard Exclusive Processes/ S.Wallon // Few-Body
Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.59-80 .- Bibliogr.:166.
С 324.1
58.Antonov, D. Triviality of the Aharonov-Bohm Interaction in a Spatially Confining
Vacuum/ D.Antonov // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2015 .- Bibliogr.:22. |
59.Cugnon, J. The Casimir
Effect and the Vacuum Energy: Duality in the Physical Interpretation/ J.Cugnon // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.181-188 .- Bibliogr.:23. |
60.Aoyama, T. Tenth-Order QED Contribution to
the Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment: Sixth-Order Vertices Containing an
Internal Light-by-Light-Scattering Subdiagram/ T.Aoyama, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.093013 .- Bibliogr.:36. |
61.Cea, P. Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Planar
QED in External Magnetic Fields/ P.Cea, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094505 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
62.Kotikov, A.V. On the Critical Behavior of
(2+1)-Dimensional QED/ A.V.Kotikov // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.945-947 .- Bibliogr.:18.
С 324.1б
63.Alkin, A. Dispersion Relations for Meson-Proton and Proton-Proton Forward Elastic Scattering/ A.Alkin, [a.o.] // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.87-98 .- Bibliogr.:19. |
64.Bailey, J.A. Taste Non-Goldstone, Flavor-Charged Pseudo-Goldstone
Boson Masses in Staggered Chiral Perturbation
Theory/ J.A.Bailey, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094503 .- Bibliogr.:61. |
65.Blaschke, D. Chiral
Condensate and Mott-Anderson Freeze-Out/ D.Blaschke,
J.Berdermann, J.Cleymans,
K.Redlich // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53,
No.1/2.-p.99-110 .- Bibliogr.:58. |
66.Bourrely, C. High-Energy Asymptotic Behavior
of the Bourrely-Soffer-Wu
Model for Elastic Scattering/ C.Bourrely, [et al.]
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.096009 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
67.Braun, J. Phase Structure of Strongly
Interacting Theories and Finite-Size Effects/ J.Braun
// Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.37-43 .- Bibliogr.:43. |
68.Chandrasekharan, S. Fermion Bag Solutions to
Some Sign Problems in Four-Fermion Field Theories/ S.Chandrasekharan, A.Li //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.091502(R) .- Bibliogr.:31. |
69.Cugnon, J. A Short Introduction to Spallation Reactions. Theoretical Tools: Foundations and
Domain of Validity/ J.Cugnon // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53,
No.1/2.-p.143-149 .- Bibliogr.:31. |
70.Czyz, H. Two-Photon Form Factors of the *p*0,
*h, and *h' Mesons in the Chiral Theory with
Resonances/ H.Czyz, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094010 .- Bibliogr.:62. |
71.d'Enterria, D. The Strong Interaction at the
Collider and Cosmic-Rays Frontiers/ D.d'Enterria, [a.o.] // Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.173-179 .- Bibliogr.:39. |
72.Dunn, P. Scaling Properties of Wilson Loops
Pierced by P-Vortices/ P.Dunn, J.Greensite
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.097501 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
73.Engels, J. Scaling Functions of the Free Energy Density and its
Derivatives for the 3d O(4) Model/ J.Engels, F.Karsch // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094506 .- Bibliogr.:34. |
74.Glozman, L.Ya. How Chiral Symmetry Breaking Affects the Spectrum of the
Light-Heavy Mesons in the 't Hooft Model/ L.Ya.Glozman, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094030 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
75.Hall, J.M.M. Chiral
Extrapolations for Nucleon Magnetic Moments/ J.M.M.Hall,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094502 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
76.Kahara, T. Deconfinement
Versus Chiral Symmetry and Higher Representation
Matter/ T.Kahara, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094020 .- Bibliogr.:59. |
77.Kostenko, B.F. On Possibility to Observe Chiral Phase Transition in Separate Fragments of Dense
Baryon Matter/ B.F.Kostenko, J.Pribis
// Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-p.943-944 .- Bibliogr.:6. |
78.Li, B. Chiral
Expansion of the *p*0*>*g*g Decay Width/ B.Li //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094031 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
79.Lourenco, O. Vector Interaction Strength in Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio
Models from Hadron-Quark Phase Diagrams/ O.Lourenco, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.097504 .- Bibliogr.:40. |
80.Masjuan, P. Systematics
of Radial and Angular-Momentum Regge Trajectories
of Light Nonstrange qq^- -States/
P.Masjuan, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094006 .- Bibliogr.:41. |
81.Sano, T. Random Matrix Model for Chiral and Color-Flavor Locking Condensates/ T.Sano, K.Yamazaki // Physical
Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094032 .- Bibliogr.:32. |
82.Sazdjian, H. Structure of the Gauge Invariant
Quark Green's Function in QCD2/ H.Sazdjian //
Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53, No.1/2.-p.111-116 .- Bibliogr.:26. |
83.Schafer, W. Production of Two cc^- Pairs in Gluon-Gluon Scattering in High
Energy Proton-Proton Collisions/ W.Schafer, A.Szczurek // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094029 .- Bibliogr.:13. |
84.Selyugin, O.V. The Effects of the Small-t
Properties of Hadronic Scattering Amplitude on the
Determination of its Real Part/ O.V.Selyugin //
Modern Physics Letters A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.20.-p.1250113 .-
85.Козлов, М.Г. Импакт-фактор
для рождения глюона в мультиреджевской
кинематике в следующем за борновским приближении/
М.Г.Козлов, [др.] // Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7.-с.905-920 .-
Библиогр.:17. |
С 324.1в
86.Albertus, C. Exclusive c*>s,d Semileptonic Decays of Ground-State Spin-1/2 and Spin-3/2
Doubly Heavy cb Baryons/ C.Albertus,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094035 .- Bibliogr.:35. |
87.Baak, M. Updated Status of the Global
Electroweak Fit and Constraints on New Physics/ M.Baak,
[et al.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2003 .-
Bibliogr.:204. |
88.Barry, J. Linear Collider Test of a Neutrinoless
Double Beta Decay Mechanism in Left-Right Symmetric Theories/ J.Barry, [et al.] // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2023 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
89.Buchoff, M.I. S-Wave Scattering of
Strangeness -3 Baryons/ M.I.Buchoff, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.094511 .- Bibliogr.:44. |
90.Burdman, G. Is the LHC Observing the Pseudoscalar State of a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model?/ G.Burdman, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095016 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
91.Cogollo, D. Novel Sources of Flavor Changed
Neutral Currents in the 331&sub(RHN) Model/ D.Cogollo,
[et al.] // The European Physical Journal C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.2029 .-
Bibliogr.:44. |
92.Cottin, G. Nondiagonal
Charged Lepton Yukawa Matrix: Effects on Neutrino Mixing in Supersymmetry/ G.Cottin, [et
al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095019 .- Bibliogr.:28. |
93.Dedes, A. Heavy Fermion
Nondecoupling Effects in Triple Gauge Boson
Vertices/ A.Dedes, K.Suxho
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095024 .- Bibliogr.:79. |
94.Denner, A. Higgs Production and Decay with a
Fourth Standard-Model-Like Fermion Generation/ A.Denner, [et al.] // The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5.-p.1992 .- Bibliogr.:53. |
95.Endo, M. Higgs Mass and Muon
Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the U(1)-extended MSSM/ M.Endo,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095006 .- Bibliogr.:38. |
96.Endo, M. Higgs Mass, Muon
g-2, and LHC Prospects in Gauge Mediation Models with Vectorlike
Matters/ M.Endo, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095012 .- Bibliogr.:42. |
97.Englert, C. Unconstraining
the unHiggs Models/ C.Englert,
[et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095003 .- Bibliogr.:52. |
98.Fukano, H.S. Hybrid Fourth Generation:
Technicolor with Top-Seesaw Mechanism/ H.S.Fukano, K.Tuominen // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.095025 .- Bibliogr.:104. |
99.Hally, K. Constraints on Large Scalar Multiplets from Perturbative Unitarity/ K.Hally, [et al.] //
Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095017 .- Bibliogr.:11. |
100.Kumar, M.C. Neutral Triple Electroweak Gauge
Boson Production in the Large Extra-Dimension Model at the LHC/ M.C.Kumar, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.094507 .- Bibliogr.:24. |
101.Ma, E. Dark-Matter Fermion
from Left-Right Symmetry/ E.Ma // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.091701(R) .- Bibliogr.:12. |
102.Mannel, T. Loop-Less Electric Dipole Moment
of the Nucleon in the Standard Model/ T.Mannel, N.Uraltsev // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
No.9.-p.096002 .- Bibliogr.:15. |
103.Martin, A. Nonperturbative
Proton Stability/ A.Martin, G.C.Stavenga
// Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.095010 .- Bibliogr.:46. |
104.Zhang, X. Quark-Lepton Complementarity
Revisited/ X.Zhang, [et al.] // Physical Review
D.-2012.-Vol.85, No.9.-p.097301 .- Bibliogr.:18. |
С 324.1г
105.Bertolini, S. Seesaw Scale in the Minimal Renormalizable SO(10) Grand Unification/ S.Bertolini, [et al.] // Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
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175.Aaltonen, T. Study of Substructure of High
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180.Bolshakova, A. Revisiting the LSND Anomaly.
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Momentum in pp collisions at *%s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, A.Barashkou, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, V.F.Chepurnov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili,
Y.Gusakov, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov,
G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko,
N.Khovanskiy, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, I.D.Manjavidze, I.A.Minashvili, M.Mineev, K.Nikolaev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov, V.Pozdnyakov,
V.M.Romanov, L.Rumyantsev,
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197.Aad, G. Study of Jets Produced in Association
with a W Boson in pp
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ATLAS Detector/ G.Aad, I.N.Aleksandrov, A.Barashkou, D.Y.Bardin, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, I.A.Budagov, G.A.Chelkov, A.Cheplakov, V.F.Chepurnov, M.V.Chizhov, D.V.Dedovich, M.Demichev, G.L.Glonti, M.I.Gostkin, N.Grigalashvili, Y.Gusakov, N.Huseynov, L.V.Kalinovskaya, M.Y.Kazarinov, G.D.Kekelidze, D.Kharchenko, N.Khovanskiy, E.Khramov, V.Kolesnikov, V.M.Kotov, U.Kruchonak, Z.V.Krumshteyn, V.Kukhtin, E.Ladygin, A.B.Lazarev, I.D.Manjavidze, I.A.Minashvili,
M.Mineev, K.Nikolaev, A.G.Olchevski, V.D.Peshekhonov,
V.M.Romanov, L.Rumyantsev, N.A.Rusakovich, R.Sadykov, M.Shiyakova, A.N.Sisakyan, N.D.Topilin, V.B.Vinogradov, A.Zhemchugov, [et al.] // Physical
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198.Aaltonen, T. Search for Anomalous Production of Multiple Leptons in
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199.Adamczyk, L. Measurement of the W*>e*n and Z/*g&sup(*
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200.Bernaciak, C. Combining Next-to-Leading Order QCD and Electroweak Radiative Corrections to W-Boson Production at Hadron Colliders in the POWHEG Framework/ C.Bernaciak, D.Wackeroth //
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201.Boito, D. Updated Determination of *a&sub(s) from *t Decays/ D.Boito,
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202.Chizhov, M.V. Anomalously Interacting New Extra Vector Bosons and
Their First LHC Constraints/ M.V.Chizhov, V.A.Bednyakov, I.R.Boyko, J.A.Budagov, M.A.Demichev, I.V.Yeletskikh // Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра.-2012.-Т.43, No.3.-p.610-635 .-
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203.Drake, N. Dark Matter, Where Art Thou?/ N.Drake // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.10.-p.5-6 .- |
204.Draper, P. Implications of a 125 GeV Higgs Boson for the MSSM and Low-Scale Supersymmetry Breaking/ P.Draper,
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205.Duffty, D. Top Quark Forward-Backward
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206.Ramalho, G. Valence Quark and Meson Cloud
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207.Aaij, R. Determination of the Sign of the
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208.Aaij, R. Measurements of the Branching
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209.Aaij, R. Observation of X(3872) Production
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210.Aaij, R. Search for the X(4140) State in
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211.Aaltonen, T. Measurement of the Masses and
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No.9.-p.092011 .- Bibliogr.:48. |
212.Aaron, F.D. Measurement of Inclusive and
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213.Abazov, V.M. Improved Determination of the Width of the Top Quark/ V.M.Abazov, G.D.Alexeev, G.Golovanov, Y.N.Kharzheev, V.L.Malyshev, V.V.Tokmenin, L.S.Vertogradov, Y.A.Yatsunenko,
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214.Ablikim, M. Search for a Light Exotic
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215.Adare, A. Ground and Excited State Charmonium Production in p+p
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216.Alvarez, E. Improving Top Quark Induced
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217.Bernlochner, F.U. A Proposal to Solve Some
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218.Biancofiore, P. B*>K*h&sup(('))*g
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219.Borghini, N. Heavy Quarkonia
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220.Brambilla, N. Model-Independent Study of
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221.Carames, T.F. ND^- System: a Challenge for P^- ANDA/ T.F.Carames, A.Valcarce //
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222.Chang, M.-C. Measurement of B*0*>J/*q*h&sup(('))
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223.Chao, K.-T. J/*q Polarization at Hadron Colliders in Nonrelativistic
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224.Chen, D.-Y. Two Charged Strangeonium-Like
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225.Del Amo Sanchez,
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226.Fajfer, S. B*>D* *t*n^- &sub(*t)
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227.Ferreiro, E.G. Centrality, Rapidity, and
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228.Geng, C.Q. Rare B*-*>*Lp^-
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229.Hooper, D. Implications of a Large B&sub(s)*>*m*+*m*- Branching Fraction for the
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230.Hou, W.-S. Hints for a Low B&sub(s)*>*m*+*m*- Rate and the Fourth Generation/
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231.Insler, J. Studies of the Decays
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232.Lansberg, J.P. Quarkonium
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233.Lees, J.P. Search for the Decay D*0*>*g*g
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234.Metreveli, Z. Phase Difference Between the
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235.Pena, C. A Formula for Charmonium
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236.Rohrken, M. Measurements of Branching
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237.Sun, Z.-F. Hadronic
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238.Wang, R.-M. Revisiting B&sub(s)*>*m*+*m*-
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239.Xiao, Z.-J. Revisiting the Pure Annihilation
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240.Yang, Z. B&sub(c)
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241.Zhou, N. Limits on Four-Top-Quark Production from the ATLAS Same-Sign
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242.Aad, G. Search for Gluinos in Events with Two
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243.Adachi, Y. B*0-B^- *0 Mixing in Gauge-Higgs
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244.Bellini, G. Search for Solar Axions Produced in the p(d, *3He)A Reaction with Borexino Detector/ G.Bellini, K.Fomenko, D.Korablev, O.Smirnov, A.Sotnikov, O.Zaimidoroga, [et al.] // Physical Review
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245.Biondini, S. Phenomenology of Excited Doubly
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246.Catani, S. Higgs Boson Production at Hadron Colliders: Hard-Collinear Coefficients at the
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248.Hashemi, M. Observability
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249.Kamenik, J.F. Could a Light Higgs Boson
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250.Kanemura, S. Multi-*t Signatures at the LHC
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251.Bartoli, B. Light-Component Spectrum of the Primary Cosmic Rays in
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252.Drake, N. Neutrino Search Comes Up Empty/ N.Drake // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.10.-p.18 .- |
253.Meli, A. Diffusive and Shock-Drift Acceleration
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254.Tsuchiya, H. Observation of
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255.Яковлев, В.И. О возможной общей природе двойных
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257.Boldin, P.A. Isolated Neutron Stars in the
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259.Witze, A. At Home in the Universe/ A.Witze // Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.12.-p.22-25 .- |
260.Milius, S. Magnetic Effects Seen in Bird
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1.Few-Body Systems.-2012.-Vol.53,
No.1/2. |
2.Journal of the Korean Physical Society.-2011.-Vol.59, No.4, Pt.1. |
3.Modern Physics Letters
A.-2012.-Vol.27, No.20. |
4.Physical Review D.-2012.-Vol.85,
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5.Physical Review
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6.Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.10.
7.Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.12.
8.Science News.-2012.-Vol.181, No.9. |
9.The European Physical Journal
C.-2012.-Vol.72, No.5. |
10.Знание-сила.-2012.-No.7. |
11.Кристаллография.-2012.-T.57, No.4. |
12.Новости ОИЯИ = JINR News.-2012.-No.2. |
13.Поверхность.-2012.-No.7. |
14.Природа.-2012.-No.7. |
15.Теоретическая и математическая
физика.-2012.-Т.172, No.1. |
16.Физика элементарных частиц и атомного
ядра.-2012.-Т.43, No.3. |
17.Ядерная физика.-2012.-Т.75, No.7. |