Информационный  бюллетень  «Препринты» № 21                       28.05.12




229.    Victor K.K. Singularity Structure Analysis of the Higher-Dimensional Time-Gated  Manakov System: Periodic Excitations and Elastic Scattering. - Trieste. 2010. -  29p. : il. - (IC ; 2010/101) Bibliogr.:p.22-25 / K.K. Victor  [a.o.] - [803539 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010101P.pdf




230.    Aaron F.D. Inclusive Measurement of Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at  HERA. - Hamburg. 2012. - 35 p. - (DESY ; 12-041) Bibliogr.:74 / F.D. Aaron, M.  Kapichine,  A. Morozov, D. Nikitin, V. Palichik, V. Spaskov  [et al.] - [803529 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.4495v1


231.    Alekhin S. PDF Fit in the Fixed-Flavor-Number Scheme. - Hamburg. 2012. - 12p. -   (DESY ; 12-030) (DO-TH ; 12/08) (SFB/CPP ; 12-14) Bibliogr.:p.9-12 / S.  Alekhin  [a.o.] -  [803533 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1202.4642v1.pdf


232.    Athenodorou A. Cutoff Effects of Heavy Quark Vacuum Polarization at One-Loop  Order. - Hamburg. 2012. - 7p. - (DESY ; 11-181) (SFB/CPP ; 11-58) Bibliogr.:p. 7/ A. Athenodorou -  [803532 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.2197v1.pdf


233.    DESY: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron. Accelerators 2011. Highlights and Annual  Report. - Hamburg. 2012. - 87p. : il. - (DESY) / DESY: Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron. - [803538 - ЗИЛ]


234.    Gahramanov I. Anisotropic Hydrodynamics, Holography and the Chiral Magnetic  Field. - Hamburg. 2012. - 13p. - (DESY ; 12-042) (ZMP-HH ; 12-4) Bibliogr.:p. 12-13 / I. Gahramanov  [a.o.] - [803534 - ЗИЛ] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.4259v1.pdf


235.    Geloni G. Pulse-Front Tilt Caused by the Use of a Grating Monochromator and Self-Seeding of Soft X-Ray FELs. - Hamburg. 2012. - 19p. : il. - (DESY ; 12-051) Bibliogr.:p.18-19 / G. Geloni  [a.o.] - [803536 - ЗИЛ]


236.    IHEP CAS: Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. Annual  Report 2010. - Beijing. 2011. - 255p. : il. - (IHEP CAS) / IHEP CAS: Institute  of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. - [803541 - ЗИЛ]


237.    Schroer B. The Holistic Structure of Causal Quantum Theory, its Implementation  in the Einstein-Jordan Conundrum and its Violation in Some Recent Particle  Theories. -  


238.    Rio de Janeiro. 2012. - 36p. - (CBPF-NF ; 001/12) Bibliogr.:p.33-36 / B. Schroer  - [803540 - ЗИЛ]


239.    Sellami K. Electron and Hole States in Stained InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots: Size and  Magnetic Field Effects. - Trieste. 2010. - 16p. : il. - (IC ; 2010/100) Bibliogr.:p.15-16 / K. Sellami  [a.o.] - [803535 - ЗИЛ] http://users.ictp.it/~pub_off/preprints-sources/2010/IC2010100P.pdf


240.    YITP: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Annual Report 2010. - Sakyo-ku. 2011. - 64p. : il. - (YITP) / YITP: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics -  [803537 - ЗИЛ]


241.    Битюков С.И. Об одном методе идентификации электромагнитных ливней. - Протвино. 2011. - 12 с. - (ИФВЭ ; 2011-24) Библиогр.: с.11-12 / С.И. Битюков и [др.] - [803531 - ЗИЛ] http://web.ihep.su/library/pubs/prep2011/11-24-w.htm




242.    Ажиненко И.В. Программное обеспечение статистической обработки информационных потоков в задачах физики высоких энергий. - Протвино. 2011. - 25 с. - (ИФВЭ ;  2011-23) Библиогр.:с.22-25 / И.В. Ажиненко и [др.] - [803530 - ЗИЛ] http://web.ihep.su/library/pubs/prep2011/11-23-w.htm