Список No.20НОВЫЕ ЖУРНАЛЫ22.05.2012
  1. American Journal of Physics. - 3/2012. - Vol.80, No.3. ISSN 0002-9505 [134088] http://ojps.aip.org/journal_cgi/dbt?KEY=AJPIAS
  2. Communications in Mathematical Physics. - 4/2012. - Vol.311, No.2. ISSN 0010- 3616 [134065]
  3. Computer Physics Communications. - 6/2012. - Vol.183, No.6. ISSN 0010-4655 [134077]
  4. Cryogenics. - 1/2012. - Vol.52, No.1. ISSN 0011-2275 [134089]
  5. EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics. - 2/2012. - Vol.97, No.4. ISSN 0295-5075 [134072] http://www.epljournal.org
  6. EPL: A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics. - 3/2012. - Vol.97, No.5. ISSN 0295-5075 [134090] http://www.epljournal.org
  7. Foundations of Physics. - 3/2012. - Vol.42, No.3. ISSN 0015-9018 [134083]
  8. International Journal of Modern Physics A. - 20/ 3/2012. - Vol.27, No.7. ISSN 0217-751X [134068] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijmpa/ijmpa.html
  9. International Journal of Modern Physics B. - 20/ 3/2012. - Vol.26, No.7. ISSN 0217-9792 [134069] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijmpb/ijmpb.html
  10. International Journal of Modern Physics B. - 30/ 3/2012. - Vol.26, No.8. ISSN 0217-9792 [134081] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijmpb/ijmpb.html
  11. International Journal of Modern Physics E. - 3/2012. - Vol.21, No.3. ISSN 0218- 3013 [134091] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/ijmpe/ijmpe.html
  12. Laser Physics. - 2/2012. - Vol.22, No.2. ISSN 1054-660X [134087] http://www.maik.ru/journals/lasphys/default.htm
  13. Modern Physics Letters A. - 28/ 3/2012. - Vol.27, No.10. ISSN 0217-7323 [134066] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/mpla/mpla.html
  14. Modern Physics Letters B. - 10/ 4/2012. - Vol.26, No.9. ISSN 0217-9849 [134082] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/mplb/mplb.html
  15. Modern Physics Letters B. - 20/ 4/2012. - Vol.26, No.10. ISSN 0217-9849 [134067] http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/mplb/mplb.html
  16. Nature. - 22/ 3/2012. - Vol.483, No.7390. ISSN 0028-0836 [134070]
  17. Nature. - 29/ 3/2012. - Vol.483, No.7391. ISSN 0028-0836 [134096]
  18. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A. - 1/ 5/2012. - Vol.673. ISSN 0168-9002 [134075]
  19. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B. - 1/ 4/2012. - Vol.276. ISSN 0168-583X [134076]
  20. Nuclear Physics B. - 1/ 7/2012. - Vol.860, No.1. ISSN 0550-3213 [134064]
  21. Physical Review B. - 2/2012. - Vol.85, No.7. ISSN 0163-1829 [134073] http://prb.aps.org/
  22. Physical Review Letters. - 2/ 3/2012. - Vol.108, No.9. ISSN 0031-9007 [134074]
  23. Physics Letters A. - 19/ 3/2012. - Vol.376, No.16. ISSN 0375-9601 [134061]
  24. Physics Letters B. - 29/ 3/2012. - Vol.710, No.1. ISSN 0370-2693 [134062]
  25. Physics Reports. - 3/2012. - Vol.513, No.1/3. ISSN 0370-1573 [134063]
  26. Review of Scientific Instruments. - 2/2012. - Vol.83, No.2, Pt.1. ISSN 0034-6748 [134059] http://ojps.aip.org/rsio/
  27. Review of Scientific Instruments. - 2/2012. - Vol.83, No.2, Pt.2. ISSN 0034-6748 [134060] http://ojps.aip.org/rsio/
  28. Science. - 9/ 3/2012. - Vol.335, No.6073. ISSN 0036-8075 [134071]
  29. Science. - 16/ 3/2012. - Vol.335, No.6074. ISSN 0036-8075 [134078]
  30. Библиография. - 4/2012. - No.2. ISSN 0869-6020 (*) [134086]
  31. Вестник РФФИ. - 12/2010. - No.3/4. ISSN 1605-8070 (*) [134079]
  32. Вокруг света. - 5/2012. - No.5. [134097] http://www.vokrugsveta.ru
  33. Доклады Академии Наук. - 4/2012. - Т.443, No.4. ISSN 0869-5652 [134085]
  34. Доклады Академии Наук. - 4/2012. - Т.443, No.5. ISSN 0869-5652 [134093]
  35. Квант. - 2/2012. - No.1. ISSN 0130-2221 [134054] http://kvant.mccme.ru/
  36. Компьютерная оптика = Computer Optics. - 3/2012. - Т.36, No.1. ISSN 0134-2452 [134080] http://www.computeroptics.smr.ru/
  37. Математический сборник. - 4/2012. - Т.203, No.4. ISSN 0368-8666 [134084]
  38. Оптика и спектроскопия. - 4/2012. - Т.112, No.4. ISSN 0030-4034 [134094]
  39. Поверхность. - 4/2012. - No.4. ISSN 0207-3528 [134095] http://issp.ac.ru/journal/surface/
  40. Успехи математических наук. - 4/2012. - Т.67 , No.2. ISSN 0042-1316 [134092]
  41. Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра = Physics of Particles and Nuclei . - 4/2012. - Т.43, No.2. ISSN 0367-2026 [134055 ; 134056 ; 134057 ; 134058]