Информационный  бюллетень  «Препринты»   32                                         15.08.11




371. Mesterhasy D. Anomalous Scaling in the Random-Force-Driven Burgers Equation: a  Monte Carlo Study. - Hamburg. 2011. - 9p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-057) Bibliogr.:p.8-9 / D. Mesterhasy и K. Jansen  - [802924 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1104/1104.1435v1.pdf




372. Alexandrou C. Moments of Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions from Lattice  QCD. - Hamburg. 2011. - 23p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-056) Bibliogr.:p.16 / C. Alexandrou  [a.o.] - [802923 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1104/1104.1600v1.pdf


373. Bobrovskyi S. Quasi-Stable Neutralinos at the LHC. - Hamburg. 2011. - 30p. : il.  - (DESY ; 11-077) Bibliogr.:p.29-30 / S. Bobrovskyi  [a.o.] - [802920  - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.0926v1.pdf


374. Buchmuller W. Entropy, Baryon Asymmerty and Dark Matter from Heavy Neutrino  Decays. - Hamburg. 2011. - 67p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-002) Bibliogr.:p.64-67 / W.  Buchmuller  [a.o.] -  [802922 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1104/1104.2750v1.pdf


375. CNS: Center for Nuclear Study Graduate School of Science the University of Tokyo. Annual Report 2009. - Tokyo. 2011. - 96p. : il. - (CNS-REP ; 86) / CNS:  Center for Nuclear Study Graduate School of Science the University of Tokyo. - [802917 - ЗИЛ]


376. Hartin A. High Intensity Compton Scattering in a Strong Plane Wave Field of  General Form. - Hamburg. 2011. - 7p. - (DESY ; 11-092) Bibliogr.:p.6-7 / A.  Hartin и G. Moortgat-Pick  -   [802925 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1106/1106.1671v2.pdf


377. Herrmann B. Impact of Squark Flavour Violation on Neutralino Dark Matter. -  Hamburg. 2011. - 16p. : il. - (DESY ; 11-099) (MS-TP ; 11-12) Bibliogr.:p.15-16 / B. Herrmann  [a.o.] - [802927 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1106/1106.6229v1.pdf


378. HZB: Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Highlights 2009/2010: Annual Report. - Berlin. 2011. - 67p. : il. - (HZB) / HZB: Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin - [802912 - ЗИЛ]


379. IPMU:Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe Annual Report  2010 April 2010-March 2011. - Chiba. 2011. - 121p. : il. / IPMU:Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe - [802926 - ЗИЛ]


380. LNGS: Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso INFN. Annual Report 2010. - Assergi. 2011.- 246p. : il. - (LNGS/exp ; 01/11) / LNGS: Laboratori Nazionali del Gran  Sasso INFN.- [802918 - ЗИЛ]


381. MLF: Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Annual Report 2009. -  Tokai. 2011. - 157p. : il.CD - (J-PARC ; 10-05) / MLF: Materials and Life  Science Experimental Facility -  [802913 - ЗИЛ ;  802914 - ЛВЭ]


382. Vicedo B. Splitting Strings on Integrable Backgrounds. - Hamburg. 2011. - 24p. :  il. - (DESY ;  11-078) Bibliogr.:p.21-24 / B. Vicedo  - [802921 - ЗИЛ] http://ru.arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1105/1105.3868v1.pdf


383. Yamaguchi H. Alpha Resonance Structure in 11B Studied via Resonant Scattering of 7Li+a. - Tokyo. 2011. - 22p. : il. - (CNS-REP ; 87) Bibliogr.:p.20-22 / H. Yamaguchi  [a.o.] - [802919 - ЗИЛ]


384. Борисов А.А. Установка "мюонный томограф" с площадью перекрытия 3х3 м2. -  Протвино. 2011. - 18 с. : ил. - (ИФВЭ ; 2011-7) Библиогр.: с.17-18 / А.А.  Борисов и [др.] -  [802916 - ЗИЛ]


385. Леднев А.А. Реконструкция ливней в неидеальных электромагнитных калориметрах. -  Протвино. 2011. - 7 с. : ил. - (ИФВЭ ; 2011-8) Библиогр.: с.7 / А.А. Леднев  -  [802915 - ЗИЛ]

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